Issue #2217985 by Berdir, Wim Leers: Replace the custom menu caching strategy in Toolbar with Core's standard caching

Nathaniel Catchpole 2015-07-14 12:34:15 +01:00
parent c9d911e485
commit cbcbfc15e6
5 changed files with 43 additions and 148 deletions

View File

@ -267,8 +267,7 @@
// (3) The orientation of the tray is vertical.
if (!this.model.get('areSubtreesLoaded') && typeof $'drupal-subtrees') !== 'undefined' && orientation === 'vertical') {
var subtreesHash = drupalSettings.toolbar.subtreesHash;
var langcode = drupalSettings.toolbar.langcode;
var endpoint = Drupal.url('toolbar/subtrees/' + subtreesHash + '/' + langcode);
var endpoint = Drupal.url('toolbar/subtrees/' + subtreesHash);
var cachedSubtreesHash = localStorage.getItem('Drupal.toolbar.subtreesHash');
var cachedSubtrees = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('Drupal.toolbar.subtrees'));
var isVertical = this.model.get('orientation') === 'vertical';

View File

@ -46,14 +46,12 @@ class ToolbarController extends ControllerBase {
* @param string $hash
* The hash of the toolbar subtrees.
* @param string $langcode
* The langcode of the requested site, NULL if none given.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResultInterface
* The access result.
public function checkSubTreeAccess($hash, $langcode) {
return AccessResult::allowedIf($this->currentUser()->hasPermission('access toolbar') && $hash == _toolbar_get_subtrees_hash($langcode))->cachePerPermissions();
public function checkSubTreeAccess($hash) {
return AccessResult::allowedIf($this->currentUser()->hasPermission('access toolbar') && $hash == _toolbar_get_subtrees_hash()[0])->cachePerPermissions();

View File

@ -209,98 +209,11 @@ class ToolbarAdminMenuTest extends WebTestBase {
$this->assertEqual($admin_user_2_hash, $new_subtree_hash, 'The user-specific subtree menu hash has not been updated.');
* Tests that all toolbar cache entries for a user are cleared with a cache
* tag for that user, i.e. cache entries for all languages for that user.
function testCacheClearByCacheTag() {
// Test that the toolbar admin menu subtrees cache is invalidated for a user
// across multiple languages.
$toolbarCache = $this->container->get('cache.toolbar');
$admin_user_id = $this->adminUser->id();
$admin_user_2_id = $this->adminUser2->id();
// Assert that a cache tag in the toolbar cache under the key "user" exists
// for adminUser against the language "en".
$cache = $toolbarCache->get('toolbar_' . $admin_user_id . ':' . 'en');
$this->assertEqual(in_array('user:' . $admin_user_id, $cache->tags), 'A cache tag in the toolbar cache under the key "user" exists for admin_user against the language "en".');
// Assert that no toolbar cache exists for adminUser against the
// language "fr".
$cache = $toolbarCache->get('toolbar_' . $admin_user_id . ':' . 'fr');
$this->assertFalse($cache, 'No toolbar cache exists for admin_user against the language "fr".');
// Install a second language.
$edit = array(
'predefined_langcode' => 'fr',
$this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/add', $edit, 'Add language');
// Request a page in 'fr' to update the cache.
// Assert that a cache tag in the toolbar cache under the key "user" exists
// for adminUser against the language "fr".
$cache = $toolbarCache->get('toolbar_' . $admin_user_id . ':' . 'fr');
$this->assertEqual(in_array('user:' . $admin_user_id, $cache->tags), 'A cache tag in the toolbar cache under the key "user" exists for admin_user against the language "fr".');
// Log in the adminUser2 user. We will use this user as a control to
// verify that clearing a cache tag for adminUser does not clear the cache
// for adminUser2.
// Request a page in 'en' to create the cache.
// Assert that a cache tag in the toolbar cache under the key "user" exists
// for adminUser2 against the language "en".
$cache = $toolbarCache->get('toolbar_' . $admin_user_2_id . ':' . 'en');
$this->assertEqual(in_array('user:' . $admin_user_2_id, $cache->tags), 'A cache tag in the toolbar cache under the key "user" exists for admin_user_2 against the language "en".');
// Request a page in 'fr' to create the cache.
// Assert that a cache tag in the toolbar cache under the key "user" exists
// for adminUser against the language "fr".
$cache = $toolbarCache->get('toolbar_' . $admin_user_2_id . ':' . 'fr');
$this->assertEqual(in_array('user:' . $admin_user_2_id, $cache->tags), 'A cache tag in the toolbar cache under the key "user" exists for admin_user_2 against the language "fr".');
// Log in the admin user and clear the caches for this user using a tag.
Cache::invalidateTags(array('user:' . $admin_user_id));
// Assert that no toolbar cache exists for adminUser against the
// language "en".
$cache = $toolbarCache->get($admin_user_id . ':' . 'en');
$this->assertFalse($cache, 'No toolbar cache exists for admin_user against the language "en".');
// Assert that no toolbar cache exists for adminUser against the
// language "fr".
$cache = $toolbarCache->get($admin_user_id . ':' . 'fr');
$this->assertFalse($cache, 'No toolbar cache exists for admin_user against the language "fr".');
// Log in adminUser2 and verify that this user's caches still exist.
// Assert that a cache tag in the toolbar cache under the key "user" exists
// for adminUser2 against the language "en".
$cache = $toolbarCache->get('toolbar_' . $admin_user_2_id . ':' . 'en');
$this->assertEqual(in_array('user:' . $admin_user_2_id, $cache->tags), 'A cache tag in the toolbar cache under the key "user" exists for admin_user_2 against the language "en".');
// Assert that a cache tag in the toolbar cache under the key "user" exists
// for adminUser2 against the language "fr".
$cache = $toolbarCache->get('toolbar_' . $admin_user_2_id . ':' . 'fr');
$this->assertEqual(in_array('user:' . $admin_user_2_id, $cache->tags), 'A cache tag in the toolbar cache under the key "user" exists for admin_user_2 against the language "fr".');
* Tests that changes to a user account by another user clears the changed
* account's toolbar cached, not the user's who took the action.
function testNonCurrentUserAccountUpdates() {
$toolbarCache = $this->container->get('cache.toolbar');
$admin_user_id = $this->adminUser->id();
$admin_user_2_id = $this->adminUser2->id();
$this->hash = $this->getSubtreesHash();
@ -337,9 +250,7 @@ class ToolbarAdminMenuTest extends WebTestBase {
* Tests that toolbar cache is cleared when string translations are made.
function testLocaleTranslationSubtreesHashCacheClear() {
$toolbarCache = $this->container->get('cache.toolbar');
$admin_user = $this->adminUser;
$admin_user_id = $this->adminUser->id();
// User to translate and delete string.
$translate_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('translate interface', 'access administration pages'));
@ -373,11 +284,6 @@ class ToolbarAdminMenuTest extends WebTestBase {
$this->drupalGet($langcode . '/test-page');
// Assert that a cache tag in the toolbar cache under the key "user" exists
// for adminUser against the language "xx".
$cache = $toolbarCache->get('toolbar_' . $admin_user_id . ':' . $langcode);
$this->assertEqual(in_array('user:' . $admin_user_id, $cache->tags), 'A cache tag in the toolbar cache under the key "user" exists for admin_user against the language "xx".');
// Get a baseline hash for the admin menu subtrees before translating one
// of the menu link items.
$original_subtree_hash = $this->getSubtreesHash();
@ -435,28 +341,6 @@ class ToolbarAdminMenuTest extends WebTestBase {
$this->drupalGetJSON('toolbar/subtrees/' . $subtrees_hash);
// Test that the subtrees hash changes with a different language code and
// that JSON is returned when a language code is specified.
// Create a new language with the langcode 'xx'.
$langcode = 'xx';
// The English name for the language. This will be translated.
$name = $this->randomMachineName(16);
$edit = array(
'predefined_langcode' => 'custom',
'langcode' => $langcode,
'label' => $name,
'direction' => LanguageInterface::DIRECTION_LTR,
$this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/add', $edit, t('Add custom language'));
// Get a page with the new language langcode in the URL.
// Request a new page to refresh the drupalSettings object.
$subtrees_hash = $this->getSubtreesHash();
$this->drupalGetJSON('toolbar/subtrees/' . $subtrees_hash . '/' . $langcode);

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata;
use Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuTreeParameters;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
@ -13,7 +14,6 @@ use Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute;
use Drupal\Component\Datetime\DateTimePlus;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Crypt;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\SafeMarkup;
use Drupal\user\Entity\Role;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
@ -158,10 +158,9 @@ function toolbar_toolbar() {
// toolbar_subtrees route. We provide the JavaScript requesting that JSONP
// script here with the hash parameter that is needed for that route.
// @see toolbar_subtrees_jsonp()
$langcode = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId();
list($hash, $hash_cacheability) = _toolbar_get_subtrees_hash();
$subtrees_attached['drupalSettings']['toolbar'] = [
'subtreesHash' => _toolbar_get_subtrees_hash($langcode),
'langcode' => $langcode,
'subtreesHash' => $hash,
// The administration element has a link that is themed to correspond to
@ -198,6 +197,7 @@ function toolbar_toolbar() {
'#weight' => -15,
return $items;
@ -269,8 +269,30 @@ function toolbar_menu_navigation_links(array $tree) {
* Returns the rendered subtree of each top-level toolbar link.
* @return array
* An array with the following key-value pairs:
* - 'subtrees': the rendered subtrees
* - 'cacheability: the associated cacheability.
function toolbar_get_rendered_subtrees() {
$data = [
'#pre_render' => ['_toolbar_do_get_rendered_subtrees'],
'#cache' => [
'keys' => [
'#cache_properties' => ['#subtrees'],
return [$data['#subtrees'], CacheableMetadata::createFromRenderArray($data)];
* #pre_render callback for toolbar_get_rendered_subtrees().
function _toolbar_do_get_rendered_subtrees(array $data) {
$menu_tree = \Drupal::service('toolbar.menu_tree');
$parameters = new MenuTreeParameters();
@ -282,12 +304,15 @@ function toolbar_get_rendered_subtrees() {
$tree = $menu_tree->transform($tree, $manipulators);
$subtrees = array();
// Calculated the combined cacheability of all subtrees.
$cacheability = new CacheableMetadata();
foreach ($tree as $element) {
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkInterface $link */
$link = $element->link;
if ($element->subtree) {
$subtree = $menu_tree->build($element->subtree);
$output = \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderPlain($subtree);
$cacheability = $cacheability->merge(CacheableMetadata::createFromRenderArray($subtree));
else {
$output = '';
@ -298,35 +323,24 @@ function toolbar_get_rendered_subtrees() {
$subtrees[$id] = $output;
return $subtrees;
// Store the subtrees, along with the cacheability metadata.
$data['#subtrees'] = $subtrees;
return $data;
* Returns the hash of the per-user rendered toolbar subtrees.
* @param string $langcode
* The langcode of the current request.
* @return string
* The hash of the admin_menu subtrees.
function _toolbar_get_subtrees_hash($langcode) {
$uid = \Drupal::currentUser()->id();
$cid = _toolbar_get_user_cid($uid, $langcode);
if ($cache = \Drupal::cache('toolbar')->get($cid)) {
$hash = $cache->data;
else {
$subtrees = toolbar_get_rendered_subtrees();
$hash = Crypt::hashBase64(serialize($subtrees));
// Cache using a tag 'user' so that we can invalidate all user-specific
// caches later, based on the user's ID regardless of language.
// Clear the cache when the 'locale' tag is deleted. This ensures a fresh
// subtrees rendering when string translations are made.
$role_list_cache_tags = \Drupal::entityManager()->getDefinition('user_role')->getListCacheTags();
\Drupal::cache('toolbar')->set($cid, $hash, Cache::PERMANENT, Cache::mergeTags(array('user:' . $uid, 'locale', ''), $role_list_cache_tags));
return $hash;
function _toolbar_get_subtrees_hash() {
list($subtrees, $cacheability) = toolbar_get_rendered_subtrees();
$hash = Crypt::hashBase64(serialize($subtrees));
return [$hash, $cacheability];

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
path: '/toolbar/subtrees/{hash}/{langcode}'
path: '/toolbar/subtrees/{hash}'
_controller: '\Drupal\toolbar\Controller\ToolbarController::subtreesJsonp'
langcode: null