... and the winner is ...
Binary file not shown.
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Binary file not shown.
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Binary file not shown.
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Binary file not shown.
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@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
class Theme {
var $themename = "unconed";
var $cl80 = "#8B8E95";
var $clc0 = "#c8c8d0";
var $cl00 = "#000000";
### color set #1:
var $brcolor1 = "#000000"; // border color
var $bgcolor1 = "#B5BECE";
var $fgcolor1 = "#000000"; // table body color
var $hlcolor1 = "#000000"; // high-light color
var $categorycolor = "#202020";
### color set #2:
var $bgcolor2 = "#EEEEEE";
var $fgcolor2 = "#000000";
var $hlcolor2 = "#000000";
### color set #3:
var $bgcolor3 = "#D7D7D7";
var $fgcolor3 = "#000000";
var $hlcolor3 = "yellow";
var $posted = array("Posted by: ","Added by: ","Typed by: ","Dropped by: ");
# Syntax.......: header($title);
# Description..: a function to draw the page header.
function header($title) {
global $sitename;
<TITLE><? echo $sitename; ?></TITLE>
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="drop.org">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="drop, weblog, portal, community, news, article, announcements, stories, story, computer, science, space, hype, cult, geek, nerd, foo, bar">
<STYLE type="text/css">
TABLE { border-width: 0; }
TD { border-width: 0; font-size: 8pt; font-family: verdana,helvetica,arial; }
P,UL,LI,DIV,FORM,EM,BLOCKQUOTE { font-size: 8pt; font-family: verdana,helvetica,arial; }
BODY { margin: 10px; font-size: 9pt; font-family: verdana,helvetica,arial; }
SMALL { font-size: 8pt; }
BIG { font-size: 10pt; }
<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="<? print $this->clc0; ?>" ALINK="#000000" LINK="#404040" VLINK="#404040" MARGINHEIGHT="10" MARGINWIDTH="10">
<TR><TD BGCOLOR="<? print $this->cl00; ?>"><IMG SRC="themes/<? print $this->themename; ?>/images/null.gif" WIDTH="10"></TD><TD BGCOLOR="<? print $this->clc0; ?>"><IMG SRC="themes/<? print $this->themename; ?>/images/null.gif" WIDTH="4"></TD>
<TD BGCOLOR="<? print $this->clc0; ?>">
<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="9" BGCOLOR="<? print $this->cl80; ?>">
<TD COLSPAN="2"><IMG SRC="themes/<? print $this->themename; ?>/images/logo.gif" ALT="drop.org logo"></TD>
<TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->brcolor1; ?>"><TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER"><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="4"><TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor2; ?>"><BIG><A HREF="index.php">home</A> | <A HREF="faq.php">faq</A> | <A HREF="diary.php">diary</A> | <A HREF="search.php">search</A> | <A HREF="submit.php">submit news</A> | <A HREF="account.php">user account</A></BIG></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>
<TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><?
print "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" BGCOLOR=\"$this->brcolor1;\" WIDTH=\"100%\">";
print "<TR><TD>";
print "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\">";
print "<TR><TD ALIGN=\"center\" BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor2\"><FONT COLOR=\"$this->fgcolor1\"><IMG SRC=\"themes/" . $this->themename . "/images/null.gif\" WIDTH=\"2\" HEIGHT=\"2\"></FONT></TD></TR>";
print "</TABLE>";
print "</TR></TD></TABLE>";
<TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="560">
# Syntax.......: abstract(...);
# Description..: a function to draw an abstract story box, that is the
# boxes displayed on the main page.
function abstract($story) {
$timestamp = format_date($story->timestamp);
print "\n<!-- story: \"$story->subject\" -->\n";
<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->brcolor1; ?>" WIDTH="100%">
<TR><TD BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor1; ?>" COLSPAN="2"><FONT COLOR="<? echo $this->fgcolor1; ?>"><B><? echo $story->subject; ?></B></FONT></TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor2; ?>">
if ($story->category) { print "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor2\">"; }
else { print "<TD COLSPAN=\"2\" BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor2\">"; }
if ($story->userid) { print "<SMALL>Posted by " . format_username($story->userid) . " on $timestamp"; }
else { print "<SMALL>Posted by $anonymous on $timestamp"; }
if ($story->department) { print " - from the $story->department dept."; }
print "</SMALL>";
if ($story->category) { print "</TD><TD BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor2\" ALIGN=\"center\"><B><A HREF=\"search.php?category=$story->category\"><FONT COLOR=\"$this->categorycolor\">$story->category</FONT></A></B>"; }
<TR BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor2; ?>">
<TD BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor2 ?>" COLSPAN="2">
echo "<P>" . $story->abstract . "</P>";
if ($story->updates) {
echo "<P><FONT COLOR=\"$this->fgcolor3\">Editor's note by " . format_username($editor) . ":</FONT> ". $story->updates . "</P>";
<TR BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor3; ?>"><TD BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor3 ?>" ALIGN="right" COLSPAN="2"><? echo display_morelink($this, $story) ?></TD></TR>
# Syntax.......: article(...);
# Description..: a function to dispay a complete article (without user
# comments). It's what you get when you followed for
# instance one of read-more links on the main page.
function article($story, $reply) {
$timestamp = format_date($story->timestamp);
<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->brcolor1; ?>" WIDTH="100%">
<TR><TD COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor1; ?>"><FONT COLOR="<? echo $this->fgcolor1; ?>"><B><? echo $story->subject; ?></B></FONT></TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor3; ?>">
if ($story->category) { print "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor3\">"; }
else { print "<TD COLSPAN=\"2\" BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor3\">"; }
if ($story->userid) { print "<SMALL>Posted by " . format_username($story->userid) . " on $timestamp"; }
else { print "<SMALL>Posted by $anonymous on $timestamp"; }
if ($story->department) { print " - from the $story->department dept."; }
print "</SMALL>";
if ($story->category) { print "</TD><TD BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor3\" ALIGN=\"center\"><B><A HREF=\"search.php?category=$story->category\"><FONT COLOR=\"$this->categorycolor\">$story->category</FONT></A></B>"; }
<TR BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor2; ?>">
<TD COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor2 ?>" >
if ($story->abstract) print "<P>$story->abstract</P>\n";
if ($story->updates) print "<P><FONT COLOR=\"$this->bgcolor2\">Editor's note:</FONT> $story->updates</P>\n";
if ($story->article) print "<P>$story->article</P>\n";
<TR BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor3; ?>"><TD COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor3 ?>" ALIGN="right"><? echo "$reply"; ?></TD></TR>
# Syntax.......: commentControl(...);
# Description..: this function is used to theme the comment control box.
function commentControl($sid, $title, $thold, $mode, $order) {
global $user;
$query = mysql_query("SELECT sid FROM comments WHERE sid = $sid");
if (!$query) $count = 0; else $count = mysql_num_rows($query);
if (!isset($thold)) $thold = 0;
<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->brcolor1; ?>" WIDTH="100%">
print "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"3\" CELLSPACING=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\">";
print " <TR><TD ALIGN=\"center\" BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor1\"><FONT COLOR=\"$this->fgcolor1\"><B>Comment Control</B></FONT></TD></TR>";
print " <TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor2\">";
<FORM METHOD="get" ACTION="discussion.php">
<SELECT NAME="thold">
<OPTION VALUE="-1" <? if ($thold == -1) { echo "SELECTED"; } ?>>Threshold: -1
<OPTION VALUE="0" <? if ($thold == 0) { echo "SELECTED"; } ?>>Threshold: 0
<OPTION VALUE="1" <? if ($thold == 1) { echo "SELECTED"; } ?>>Threshold: 1
<OPTION VALUE="2" <? if ($thold == 2) { echo "SELECTED"; } ?>>Threshold: 2
<OPTION VALUE="3" <? if ($thold == 3) { echo "SELECTED"; } ?>>Threshold: 3
<OPTION VALUE="4" <? if ($thold == 4) { echo "SELECTED"; } ?>>Threshold: 4
<OPTION VALUE="5" <? if ($thold == 5) { echo "SELECTED"; } ?>>Threshold: 5
<SELECT NAME="mode">
<OPTION VALUE="nocomments" <? if ($mode == 'nocomments') { echo "SELECTED"; } ?>>No comments
<OPTION VALUE="nested" <? if ($mode == 'nested') { echo "SELECTED"; } ?>>Nested
<OPTION VALUE="flat" <? if ($mode == 'flat') { echo "SELECTED"; } ?>>Flat
<OPTION VALUE="threaded" <? if (!isset($mode) || $mode=='threaded' || $mode=="") { echo "SELECTED"; } ?>>Threaded
<SELECT NAME="order">
<OPTION VALUE="0" <? if (!$order) { echo "SELECTED"; } ?>>Oldest first
<OPTION VALUE="1" <? if ($order==1) { echo "SELECTED"; } ?>>Newest first
<OPTION VALUE="2" <? if ($order==2) { echo "SELECTED"; } ?>>Highest scoring first
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="sid" VALUE="<? echo "$sid"; ?>"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Refresh">
if (isset($user)) echo "<BR><CENTER><INPUT TYPE=\"checkbox\" NAME=\"save\"> Save preferences</CENTER>";
$result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(tid) FROM comments WHERE sid = $sid AND score < $thold");
if ($result && $number = mysql_result($result, 0)) {
?> <SMALL><FONT COLOR="<? echo "$this->fgcolor2"; ?>">There are at least <? echo $number; ?> comments below your threshold.</FONT></SMALL> <?
print "</TD></TR>";
print "</TABLE>";
# Syntax.......: comment(...);
# Description..: this function is used to theme user comments.
function comment($poster, $subject, $comment, $timestamp, $url, $email, $score, $votes, $cid, $link, $thread = "") {
if (empty($poster)) $poster = $anonymous;
$timestamp = format_date($timestamp);
print "\n<!-- Comment: \"$subject\" by $poster -->\n";
print "<A NAME=\"$cid\">\n";
<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->brcolor1; ?>" WIDTH="100%">
### Create comment header:
echo "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"4\" CELLSPACING=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\">";
echo " <TR BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor1\">";
echo " <TD BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor1\">";
echo " <TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"1\"WIDTH=\"100%\">";
### Subject:
echo " <TR>";
echo " <TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" WIDTH=\"5%\"><FONT COLOR=\"$this->hlcolor1\"><B>Subject:</B></FONT></TD><TD WIDTH=\"80%\">";
echo " <B><FONT COLOR=\"$this->fgcolor1\">$subject</FONT></B>";
echo " </TD>";
### Moderation:
echo " <TD ALIGN=\"right\" ROWSPAN=\"3\" VALIGN=\"middle\" WIDTH=\"15%\">";
display_comment_moderation($cid, $poster, $score, $votes);
echo " </TD>";
echo " </TR>";
### Author:
echo " <TR>";
echo " <TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\">Author:</TD><TD><B>" . format_username($poster) . "</B> ";
if ($poster != $anonymous) {
### Display extra information line:
if ($email) $info .= format_email_address($email);
if (eregi("http://",$url)) $info .= " | " . format_url($url);
echo "<BR>[ $info ]";
echo " </TD>";
echo " </TR>";
### Date
echo " <TR><TD ALIGN=\"right\">Date:</TD><TD>". $timestamp ."</TD></TR>";
echo " </TABLE>";
echo " </TD>";
echo " </TR>";
### Print body of comment:
if ($comment) echo " <TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor2\">" . nl2br($comment) . "</TD></TR>";
### Print thread (if any):
if ($thread) echo " <TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor3\">$thread</TD></TR>";
### Print bottom link(s):
echo " <TR><TD ALIGN=\"right\" BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor3\">[ $link ]</TD></TR>";
echo " </TABLE>";
# Syntax.......: preview(...);
# Description..: this function is used to preview a story and is used at
# different parts of the homepage: when a visitors sumbits
# news, when an editor wants to post news, when people
# check the entries in the sumbission queue, etc.
function preview($author, $subject, $abstract, $updates, $article, $timestamp, $category, $department) {
<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->brcolor1; ?>" WIDTH="100%">
<TR BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor1; ?>"><TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT COLOR="<? echo $this->fgcolor1; ?>"><B><? echo $subject; ?></B></FONT></TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor3; ?>">
if ($category) { print "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor2\">"; }
else { print "<TD COLSPAN=\"2\" BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor2\">"; }
print "<SMALL>Posted by <A HREF=\"account.php?op=info&uname=" . $author . "\">" . $author . "</A> on " . format_date($timestamp);
if ($department) { print " - from the $department dept."; }
print "</SMALL>";
if ($category) { print "</TD><TD BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor2\" ALIGN=\"center\"><B><A HREF=\"search.php?category=$category\"><FONT COLOR=\"$this->categorycolor\">$category</FONT></A></B>"; }
<TR BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor2; ?>">
if ($abstract) echo "<P>$abstract<P>";
if ($comments) echo "<P><FONT COLOR=\"$this->fgcolor1\">Editor's note:</FONT> $comments</P>";
if ($article) echo "<P>$article</P>";
<TR BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor3; ?>"><TD COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor3 ?>" ALIGN="right"><? echo $link; ?></TD></TR>
# Syntax.......: box($title, $body);
# Description..: a function to draw a box/block.
function box($subject, $content) {
<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->brcolor1; ?>" WIDTH="100%">
print "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"3\" CELLSPACING=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\">";
print " <TR><TD ALIGN=\"center\" BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor1\"><FONT COLOR=\"$this->fgcolor1\"><B>$subject</B></FONT></TD></TR>";
print " <TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor2\">$content</TD></TR>";
print "</TABLE>";
# Syntax.......: footer();
# Description..: a function to draw the page footer.
function footer() {
<TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="150">
global $PHP_SELF, $user;
if (strstr($PHP_SELF, "index.php")) {
global $user, $date;
### Display account:
### Display calendar:
display_calendar($this, $date);
### Display calendar:
elseif (strstr($PHP_SELF, "account.php")) {
### Display account:
elseif (strstr($PHP_SELF, "submission.php")) {
### Display account:
elseif (strstr($PHP_SELF, "submit.php")) {
### Display account:
### Display new headlines:
elseif (strstr($PHP_SELF, "discussion.php")) {
global $id;
if ($id && $story = id2story($id)) {
if ($story->status == 2) {
### Display account:
### Display related links:
display_related_links($this, $story);
### Display new headlines:
else {
### Display results of moderation:
display_moderation_results($this, $story);
else {
### Display account:
### Display new headlines:
else {
### Display account:
### Display new headlines:
<TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><?
print "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" BGCOLOR=\"$this->brcolor1;\" WIDTH=\"100%\">";
print "<TR><TD>";
print "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\">";
print "<TR><TD ALIGN=\"center\" BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor2\"><FONT COLOR=\"$this->fgcolor1\"><IMG SRC=\"themes/" . $this->themename . "/images/null.gif\" WIDTH=\"2\" HEIGHT=\"2\"></FONT></TD></TR>";
print "</TABLE>";
print "</TR></TD></TABLE>";
<TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->brcolor1; ?>"><TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER"><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="4"><TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="<? echo $this->bgcolor2; ?>"><BIG><A HREF="index.php">home</A> | <A HREF="faq.php">faq</A> | <A HREF="diary.php">diary</A> | <A HREF="search.php">search</A> | <A HREF="submit.php">submit news</A> | <A HREF="account.php">user account</A></BIG></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>
</TD><TD BGCOLOR="<? print $this->clc0; ?>"><IMG SRC="themes/<? print $this->themename; ?>/images/null.gif" WIDTH="4"></TD><TD BGCOLOR="<? print $this->cl00; ?>"><IMG SRC="themes/<? print $this->themename; ?>/images/null.gif" WIDTH="10"></TD></TR>
Reference in New Issue