Issue #1948564 by sarahdavies, bdgreen, joachim: Move search callback function out of hooks group and into callbacks group in search.api.php

Jennifer Hodgdon 2013-06-06 11:53:24 -07:00
parent 17e40d5599
commit c38e2fe73f
1 changed files with 38 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -46,43 +46,6 @@ function hook_search_info() {
* Provide search query conditions.
* Callback for hook_search_info().
* This callback is invoked by search_view() to get an array of additional
* search conditions to pass to search_data(). For example, a search module
* may get additional keywords, filters, or modifiers for the search from
* the query string.
* This example pulls additional search keywords out of the $_REQUEST variable,
* (i.e. from the query string of the request). The conditions may also be
* generated internally - for example based on a module's settings.
* @param $keys
* The search keywords string.
* @return
* An array of additional conditions, such as filters.
* @ingroup search
function callback_search_conditions($keys) {
$conditions = array();
if (!empty($_REQUEST['keys'])) {
$conditions['keys'] = $_REQUEST['keys'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['sample_search_keys'])) {
$conditions['sample_search_keys'] = $_REQUEST['sample_search_keys'];
if ($force_keys = variable_get('sample_search_force_keywords', '')) {
$conditions['sample_search_force_keywords'] = $force_keys;
return $conditions;
* Define access to a custom search routine.
@ -373,3 +336,41 @@ function hook_update_index() {
* @} End of "addtogroup hooks".
* Provide search query conditions.
* Callback for hook_search_info().
* This callback is invoked by search_view() to get an array of additional
* search conditions to pass to search_data(). For example, a search module
* may get additional keywords, filters, or modifiers for the search from
* the query string.
* This example pulls additional search keywords out of the $_REQUEST variable,
* (i.e. from the query string of the request). The conditions may also be
* generated internally - for example based on a module's settings.
* @param $keys
* The search keywords string.
* @return
* An array of additional conditions, such as filters.
* @ingroup callbacks
* @ingroup search
function callback_search_conditions($keys) {
$conditions = array();
if (!empty($_REQUEST['keys'])) {
$conditions['keys'] = $_REQUEST['keys'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['sample_search_keys'])) {
$conditions['sample_search_keys'] = $_REQUEST['sample_search_keys'];
if ($force_keys = config('sample_search.settings')->get('force_keywords')) {
$conditions['sample_search_force_keywords'] = $force_keys;
return $conditions;