Issue #1355526 by cafuego: Added a way to determine the date a module was added so the modules page can use it for sort.
@ -2424,6 +2424,10 @@ function _system_rebuild_module_data() {
// Look for the info file.
$module->info = drupal_parse_info_file(dirname($module->uri) . '/' . $module->name . '.info');
// Add the info file modification time, so the modules page can be sorted
// by the date modules were added or updated.
$module->info['mtime'] = filemtime(dirname($module->uri) . '/' . $module->name . '.info');
// Skip modules that don't provide info.
if (empty($module->info)) {
@ -2568,6 +2572,10 @@ function _system_rebuild_theme_data() {
$themes[$key]->filename = $theme->uri;
$themes[$key]->info = drupal_parse_info_file($theme->uri) + $defaults;
// Add the info file modification time, so the themes page can be sorted
// by the date themes were added or updated.
$themes[$key]->info['mtime'] = filemtime($theme->uri);
// Invoke hook_system_info_alter() to give installed modules a chance to
// modify the data in the .info files if necessary.
$type = 'theme';
@ -236,6 +236,34 @@ class ModuleUnitTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
$poll_before_forum = $poll_position !== FALSE && $forum_position !== FALSE && $poll_position < $forum_position;
$this->assertTrue($php_before_poll && $poll_before_forum, t('Modules were enabled in the correct order by module_enable().'));
* Tests whether the correct module metadata is returned.
function testModuleMetaData() {
// Generate the list of available modules.
$modules = system_rebuild_module_data();
// Check that the mtime field exists for the system module.
$this->assertTrue(!empty($modules['system']->info['mtime']), 'The file modification time field is present.');
// Use 0 if mtime isn't present, to avoid an array index notice.
$test_mtime = !empty($modules['system']->info['mtime']) ? $modules['system']->info['mtime'] : 0;
// Ensure the mtime field contains a number that is greater than zero.
$this->assertTrue(is_numeric($test_mtime) && ($test_mtime > 0), 'The file modification time field contains a timestamp.');
* Tests whether the correct theme metadata is returned.
function testThemeMetaData() {
// Generate the list of available themes.
$themes = system_rebuild_theme_data();
// Check that the mtime field exists for the bartik theme.
$this->assertTrue(!empty($themes['bartik']->info['mtime']), 'The file modification time field is present.');
// Use 0 if mtime isn't present, to avoid an array index notice.
$test_mtime = !empty($themes['bartik']->info['mtime']) ? $themes['bartik']->info['mtime'] : 0;
// Ensure the mtime field contains a number that is greater than zero.
$this->assertTrue(is_numeric($test_mtime) && ($test_mtime > 0), 'The file modification time field contains a timestamp.');
Reference in New Issue