- Patch #105639 by David Strauss, catch, Berdir, drewish: tracker performance improvements.
@ -36,10 +36,12 @@ function tracker_menu() {
$items['tracker/%user_uid_optional'] = array(
'title' => 'My recent posts',
'page callback' => 'tracker_page',
'access callback' => '_tracker_myrecent_access',
'access arguments' => array(1),
'page arguments' => array(1),
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'file' => 'tracker.pages.inc',
$items['user/%user/track'] = array(
@ -55,11 +57,91 @@ function tracker_menu() {
'title' => 'Track posts',
return $items;
* Access callback for tracker/%user_uid_optional
* Implement hook_cron().
function tracker_cron() {
$max_nid = variable_get('tracker_index_nid', 0);
$batch_size = variable_get('tracker_batch_size', 1000);
if ($max_nid > 0) {
$last_nid = FALSE;
$result = db_query_range('SELECT nid, uid, status FROM {node} WHERE nid <= :max_nid ORDER BY nid DESC', array(':max_nid' => $max_nid), 0, $batch_size);
$count = 0;
foreach ($result as $row) {
// Calculate the changed timestamp for this node.
$changed = _tracker_calculate_changed($row->nid);
// Remove existing data for this node.
->condition('nid', $row->nid)
->condition('nid', $row->nid)
// Insert the node-level data.
'nid' => $row->nid,
'published' => $row->status,
'changed' => $changed,
// Insert the user-level data for the node's author.
'nid' => $row->nid,
'published' => $row->status,
'changed' => $changed,
'uid' => $row->uid,
$query = db_select('comment', 'c');
// Force PostgreSQL to do an implicit cast by adding 0.
$query->addExpression('0 + :changed', 'changed', array(':changed' => $changed));
$query->addField('c', 'status', 'published');
->fields('c', array('uid', 'nid'))
->condition('c.nid', $row->nid)
->condition('c.uid', $row->uid, '<>')
->condition('c.status', COMMENT_PUBLISHED);
// Insert the user-level data for the commenters (except if a commenter
// is the node's author).
// Note that we have indexed at least one node.
$last_nid = $row->nid;
if ($last_nid !== FALSE) {
// Prepare a starting point for the next run.
variable_set('tracker_index_nid', $last_nid - 1);
watchdog('tracker', t('Indexed %count nodes for tracking.', array('%count' => $count)));
else {
// If all nodes have been indexed, set to zero to skip future cron runs.
variable_set('tracker_index_nid', 0);
* Access callback for tracker/%user_uid_optional.
function _tracker_myrecent_access($account) {
// This path is only allowed for authenticated users looking at their own posts.
@ -67,9 +149,210 @@ function _tracker_myrecent_access($account) {
* Access callback for user/%user/track
* Access callback for user/%user/track.
function _tracker_user_access($account) {
return user_view_access($account) && user_access('access content');
* Implement hook_nodeapi_insert().
function tracker_node_insert($node, $arg = 0) {
_tracker_add($node->nid, $node->uid, $node->changed);
* Implement hook_nodeapi_update().
function tracker_node_update($node, $arg = 0) {
_tracker_add($node->nid, $node->uid, $node->changed);
* Implement hook_nodeapi_delete().
function tracker_node_delete($node, $arg = 0) {
_tracker_remove($node->nid, $node->uid, $node->changed);
* Implement hook_comment_update().
* Comment module doesn't call hook_comment_unpublish() when saving individual
* comments so we need to check for those here.
function tracker_comment_update($comment) {
$comment = (array) $comment;
// comment_save() calls hook_comment_publish() for all published comments
// so we to handle all other values here.
if ($comment['status'] != COMMENT_PUBLISHED) {
_tracker_remove($comment['nid'], $comment['uid'], $comment['timestamp']);
* Implement hook_comment_publish().
* This actually handles the insert and update of published nodes since
* comment_save() calls hook_comment_publish() for all published comments.
function tracker_comment_publish($comment) {
_tracker_add($comment->nid, $comment->uid, $comment->timestamp);
* Implement hook_comment_unpublish().
function tracker_comment_unpublish($comment) {
_tracker_remove($comment->nid, $comment->uid, $comment->timestamp);
* Implement hook_comment_delete().
function tracker_comment_delete($comment) {
_tracker_remove($comment->nid, $comment->uid, $comment->timestamp);
* Update indexing tables when a node is added, updated or commented on.
* @param $nid
* A node ID.
* @param $uid
* The node or comment author.
* @param $changed
* The node updated timestamp or comment timestamp.
function _tracker_add($nid, $uid, $changed) {
$node = db_query('SELECT nid, status, uid, changed FROM {node} WHERE nid = :nid', array(':nid' => $nid))->fetchObject();
// Adding a comment can only increase the changed timestamp, so our
// calculation here is simple.
$changed = max($node->changed, $changed);
// Update the node-level data.
->key(array('nid' => $nid))
'changed' => $changed,
'published' => $node->status,
// Create or update the user-level data.
'nid' => $nid,
'uid' => $uid,
'changed' => $changed,
'published' => $node->status,
* Determine the max timestamp between $node->changed and the last comment.
* @param $nid
* A node ID.
* @return
* The $node->changed timestamp, or most recent comment timestamp, whichever
* is the greatest.
function _tracker_calculate_changed($nid) {
$changed = db_query('SELECT changed FROM {node} WHERE nid = :nid', array(':nid' => $nid))->fetchField();
$latest_comment = db_query_range('SELECT cid, timestamp FROM {comment} WHERE nid = :nid AND status = :status ORDER BY timestamp DESC', array(
':nid' => $nid,
), 0, 1)->fetchObject();
if ($latest_comment && $latest_comment->timestamp > $changed) {
$changed = $latest_comment->timestamp;
return $changed;
* Clean up indexed data when nodes or comments are removed.
* @param $nid
* The node ID.
* @param $uid
* The author of the node or comment.
* @param $changed
* The last changed timestamp of the node.
function _tracker_remove($nid, $uid = NULL, $changed = NULL) {
$node = db_query('SELECT nid, status, uid, changed FROM {node} WHERE nid = :nid', array(':nid' => $nid))->fetchObject();
// The user only keeps his or her subscription if both of the following are true:
// (1) The node exists.
// (2) The user is either the node author or has commented on the node.
$keep_subscription = FALSE;
if ($node) {
// Self-authorship is one reason to keep the user's subscription.
$keep_subscription = ($node->uid == $uid);
// Comments are a second reason to keep the user's subscription.
if (!$keep_subscription) {
// Check if the user has commented at least once on the given nid
$keep_subscription = db_query_range('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {comment} WHERE nid = :nid AND uid = :uid AND status = 0', array(
':nid' => $nid,
':uid' => $uid,
), 0, 1)->fetchField();
// If we haven't found a reason to keep the user's subscription, delete it.
if (!$keep_subscription) {
->condition('nid', $nid)
->condition('uid', $uid)
// Now we need to update the (possibly) changed timestamps for other users
// and the node itself.
// We only need to do this if the removed item has a timestamp that equals
// or exceeds the listed changed timestamp for the node
$tracker_node = db_query('SELECT nid, changed FROM {tracker_node} WHERE nid = :nid', array(':nid' => $nid))->fetchObject();
if ($tracker_node && $changed >= $tracker_node->changed) {
// If we're here, the item being removed is *possibly* the item that
// established the node's changed timestamp.
// We just have to recalculate things from scratch.
$changed = _tracker_calculate_changed($nid);
// And then we push the out the new changed timestamp to our denormalized
// tables.
'changed' => $changed,
'published' => $node->status,
->condition('nid', $nid)
'changed' => $changed,
'published' => $node->status,
->condition('nid', $nid)
else {
// If the node doesn't exist, remove everything.
->condition('nid', $nid)
->condition('nid', $nid)
@ -8,42 +8,46 @@
* Menu callback. Prints a listing of active nodes on the site.
* Menu callback; prints a listing of active nodes on the site.
function tracker_page($account = NULL, $set_title = FALSE) {
// TODO: These queries are very expensive, see http://drupal.org/node/105639
$query = db_select('node', 'n', array('target' => 'slave'))->extend('PagerDefault');
$query->join('users', 'u', 'n.uid = u.uid');
$query->join('node_comment_statistics', 'l', 'n.nid = l.nid');
$query->addExpression('GREATEST(n.changed, l.last_comment_timestamp)', 'last_updated');
->fields('n', array('nid', 'title', 'type', 'changed', 'uid'))
->fields('u', array('name'))
->fields('l', array('comment_count'))
->condition('n.status', 1)
->orderBy('last_updated', 'DESC')
if ($account) {
$query = db_select('tracker_user', 't')->extend('PagerDefault');
$query->condition('t.uid', $account->uid);
if ($set_title) {
// When viewed from user/%user/track, display the name of the user
// as page title -- the tab title remains Track so this needs to be done
// here and not in the menu definition.
$query->leftJoin('comment', 'c', 'n.nid = c.nid AND (c.status = :status OR c.status IS NULL)', array(':status' => COMMENT_PUBLISHED));
->condition('n.uid', $account->uid)
->condition('c.uid', $account->uid)
else {
$query = db_select('tracker_node', 't')->extend('PagerDefault');
$result = $query->execute();
// This array acts as a placeholder for the data selected later
// while keeping the correct order.
$nodes = $query
->fields('t', array('nid', 'changed'))
->condition('t.published', 1)
->orderBy('t.changed', 'DESC')
$rows = array();
if (!empty($nodes)) {
// Now, get the data and put into the placeholder array
$result = db_query('SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.type, n.changed, n.uid, u.name, l.comment_count FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {node_comment_statistics} l ON n.nid = l.nid INNER JOIN {users} u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE n.nid IN (:nids)', array(':nids' => array_keys($nodes)));
foreach ($result as $node) {
$node->last_activity = $nodes[$node->nid]->changed;
$nodes[$node->nid] = $node;
// Finally display the data
$rows = array();
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
// Determine the number of comments:
$comments = 0;
if ($node->comment_count) {
@ -51,20 +55,20 @@ function tracker_page($account = NULL, $set_title = FALSE) {
if ($new = comment_num_new($node->nid)) {
$comments .= '<br />';
$comments .= l(format_plural($new, '1 new', '@count new'), "node/$node->nid", array('query' => comment_new_page_count($node->comment_count, $new, $node), 'fragment' => 'new'));
$comments .= l(format_plural($new, '1 new', '@count new'), 'node/'. $node->nid, array('fragment' => 'new'));
$rows[] = array(
l($node->title, "node/$node->nid") . ' ' . theme('mark', node_mark($node->nid, $node->changed)),
l($node->title, 'node/' . $node->nid) . ' ' . theme('mark', node_mark($node->nid, $node->changed)),
theme('username', $node),
array('class' => array('replies'), 'data' => $comments),
t('!time ago', array('!time' => format_interval(REQUEST_TIME - $node->last_updated)))
t('!time ago', array('!time' => format_interval(REQUEST_TIME - $node->last_activity)))
if (!$rows) {
else {
$rows[] = array(array('data' => t('No posts available.'), 'colspan' => '5'));
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ class TrackerTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
$permissions = array('access comments', 'create page content', 'post comments', 'post comments without approval');
$this->user = $this->drupalCreateUser($permissions);
$this->other_user = $this->drupalCreateUser($permissions);
// Make node preview optional.
variable_set('comment_preview_page', 0);
@ -28,20 +31,18 @@ class TrackerTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
function testTrackerAll() {
$page1 = array(
'title' => $this->randomName(8),
'status' => 1,
$page2 = array(
$unpublished = $this->drupalCreateNode(array(
'title' => $this->randomName(8),
'status' => 0,
$published = $this->drupalCreateNode(array(
'title' => $this->randomName(8),
'status' => 1,
$this->assertText($page1['title'], t('Nodes show up in the tracker listing.'));
$this->assertNoText($page2['title'], t('Unpublished nodes do not show up in the tracker listing.'));
$this->assertNoText($unpublished->title, t('Unpublished node do not show up in the tracker listing.'));
$this->assertText($published->title, t('Published node show up in the tracker listing.'));
$this->assertLink(t('My recent posts'), 0, t('User tab shows up on the global tracker page.'));
@ -51,22 +52,37 @@ class TrackerTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
function testTrackerUser() {
$page1 = array(
'title' => $this->randomName(8),
'uid' => $this->user->uid,
'status' => 1,
$page2 = array(
$unpublished = $this->drupalCreateNode(array(
'title' => $this->randomName(8),
'uid' => $this->user->uid,
'status' => 0,
$my_published = $this->drupalCreateNode(array(
'title' => $this->randomName(8),
'uid' => $this->user->uid,
'status' => 1,
$other_published_no_comment = $this->drupalCreateNode(array(
'title' => $this->randomName(8),
'uid' => $this->other_user->uid,
'status' => 1,
$other_published_my_comment = $this->drupalCreateNode(array(
'title' => $this->randomName(8),
'uid' => $this->other_user->uid,
'status' => 1,
$comment = array(
'subject' => $this->randomName(),
'comment' => $this->randomName(20),
$this->drupalPost('comment/reply/' . $other_published_my_comment->nid, $comment, t('Save'));
$this->drupalGet('user/' . $this->user->uid . '/track');
$this->assertText($page1['title'], t("Nodes show up in the author's tracker listing."));
$this->assertNoText($page2['title'], t("Unpublished nodes do not show up in the author's tracker listing."));
$this->assertNoText($unpublished->title, t("Unpublished nodes do not show up in the users's tracker listing."));
$this->assertText($my_published->title, t("Published nodes show up in the user's tracker listing."));
$this->assertNoText($other_published_no_comment->title, t("Other user's nodes do not show up in the user's tracker listing."));
$this->assertText($other_published_my_comment->title, t("Nodes that the user has commented on appear in the user's tracker listing."));
@ -100,16 +116,12 @@ class TrackerTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
* Test comment counters on the tracker listing.
function testTrackerNewComments() {
// Make node preview optional
variable_set('comment_preview_page', 0);
$edit = array(
$node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array(
'comment' => 2,
'title' => $this->randomName(),
$node = $this->drupalCreateNode($edit);
// Add a comment to the page.
$comment = array(
@ -137,4 +149,89 @@ class TrackerTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
$this->assertText('1 new', t('New comments are counted on the tracker listing pages.'));
* Test that existing nodes are indexed by cron.
function testTrackerCronIndexing() {
// Create 3 nodes.
$edits = array();
$nodes = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
$edits[$i] = array(
'comment' => 2,
'title' => $this->randomName(),
$nodes[$i] = $this->drupalCreateNode($edits[$i]);
// Add a comment to the last node as other user.
$comment = array(
'subject' => $this->randomName(),
'comment' => $this->randomName(20),
$this->drupalPost('comment/reply/' . $nodes[3]->nid, $comment, t('Save'));
// Start indexing backwards from node 3.
variable_set('tracker_index_nid', 3);
// Clear the current tracker tables and rebuild them.
// Fetch the user's tracker.
$this->drupalGet('tracker/' . $this->user->uid);
// Assert that all node titles are displayed.
foreach ($nodes as $i => $node) {
$this->assertText($node->title, t('Node @i is displayed on the tracker listing pages.', array('@i' => $i)));
$this->assertText('1 new', t('New comment is counted on the tracker listing pages.'));
$this->assertText('updated', t('Node is listed as updated'));
// Fetch the site-wide tracker.
// Assert that all node titles are displayed.
foreach ($nodes as $i => $node) {
$this->assertText($node->title, t('Node @i is displayed on the tracker listing pages.', array('@i' => $i)));
$this->assertText('1 new', t('New comment is counted on the tracker listing pages.'));
* Test that publish/unpublish works at admin/content/node
function testTrackerAdminUnpublish() {
$admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer nodes'));
$node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array(
'comment' => 2,
'title' => $this->randomName(),
// Assert that the node is displayed.
$this->assertText($node->title, t('Node is displayed on the tracker listing pages.'));
// Unpublish the node and ensure that it's no longer displayed.
$edit = array(
'operation' => 'unpublish',
'nodes[' . $node->nid . ']' => $node->nid,
$this->drupalPost('admin/content', $edit, t('Update'));
$this->assertText(t('No posts available.'), t('Node is displayed on the tracker listing pages.'));
Reference in New Issue