Issue #3086075 by jhodgdon, andypost, Charlie ChX Negyesi, Spokje: Use Twig to strip Twig syntax from help topics files in the syntax checker
(cherry picked from commit 79c009db1d
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
label: 'Help topic with locale-unsafe tag'
top_level: true
<p>{% trans %}some translated text and a <script>alert('hello')</script>{% endtrans %}</p>
@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ label: 'Help topic with untranslated text'
top_level: true
<p>Body goes here</p>
<p>{% trans %}some translated text too{% endtrans %}</p>
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
name: 'Help Topics Twig Tester'
type: module
description: 'Support module for help testing.'
package: Testing
- drupal:help_topics
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
class: Drupal\help_topics_twig_tester\HelpTestTwigExtension
arguments: []
- { name: twig.extension, priority: 500 }
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
namespace Drupal\help_topics_twig_tester;
use Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension;
* Defines and registers Drupal Twig extensions for testing help topics.
class HelpTestTwigExtension extends AbstractExtension {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getNodeVisitors() {
return [
new HelpTestTwigNodeVisitor(),
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
namespace Drupal\help_topics_twig_tester;
use Drupal\Core\Template\TwigNodeTrans;
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Node\Node;
use Twig\Node\PrintNode;
use Twig\Node\SetNode;
use Twig\Node\TextNode;
use Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression;
use Twig\NodeVisitor\AbstractNodeVisitor;
* Defines a Twig node visitor for testing help topics.
* See static::setStateValue() for information on the special processing
* this class can do.
class HelpTestTwigNodeVisitor extends AbstractNodeVisitor {
* Delimiter placed around single translated chunks.
public const DELIMITER = 'Not Likely To Be Inside A Template';
* Name used in \Drupal::state() for saving state information.
protected const STATE_NAME = 'help_test_twig_node_visitor';
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function doEnterNode(Node $node, Environment $env) {
return $node;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function doLeaveNode(Node $node, Environment $env) {
$processing = static::getState();
if (!$processing['manner']) {
return $node;
// For all special processing, we want to remove variables, set statements,
// and assorted Twig expression calls (if, do, etc.).
if ($node instanceof SetNode || $node instanceof PrintNode ||
$node instanceof AbstractExpression) {
return NULL;
if ($node instanceof TwigNodeTrans) {
// Count the number of translated chunks.
$this_chunk = $processing['chunk_count'] + 1;
static::setStateValue('chunk_count', $this_chunk);
if ($this_chunk > $processing['max_chunk']) {
static::setStateValue('max_chunk', $this_chunk);
if ($processing['manner'] == 'remove_translated') {
// Remove all translated text.
return NULL;
elseif ($processing['manner'] == 'replace_translated') {
// Replace with a dummy string.
$node = new TextNode('dummy', 0);
elseif ($processing['manner'] == 'translated_chunk') {
// Return the text only if it's the next chunk we're supposed to return.
// Add a wrapper, because non-translated nodes will still be returned.
if ($this_chunk == $processing['return_chunk']) {
return new TextNode(static::DELIMITER . $this->extractText($node) . static::DELIMITER, 0);
else {
return NULL;
if ($processing['manner'] == 'remove_translated' && $node instanceof TextNode) {
// For this processing, we also want to remove all HTML tags and
// whitespace from TextNodes.
$text = $node->getAttribute('data');
$text = strip_tags($text);
$text = preg_replace('|\s+|', '', $text);
return new TextNode($text, 0);
return $node;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getPriority() {
return -100;
* Extracts the text from a translated text object.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Template\TwigNodeTrans $node
* Translated text node.
* @return string
* Text in the node.
protected function extractText(TwigNodeTrans $node) {
// Extract the singular/body and optional plural text from the
// TwigNodeTrans object.
$bodies = $node->getNode('body');
if (!count($bodies)) {
$bodies = [$bodies];
if ($node->hasNode('plural')) {
$plural = $node->getNode('plural');
if (!count($plural)) {
$bodies[] = $plural;
else {
foreach ($plural as $item) {
$bodies[] = $item;
// Extract the text from each component of the singular/plural strings.
$text = '';
foreach ($bodies as $body) {
if ($body->hasAttribute('data')) {
$text .= $body->getAttribute('data');
return trim($text);
* Returns the state information.
* @return array
* The state information.
public static function getState() {
return \Drupal::state()->get(static::STATE_NAME, ['manner' => 0]);
* Sets state information.
* @param string $key
* Key to set. Possible keys:
* - manner: Type of special processing to do when rendering. Values:
* - 0: No processing.
* - remove_translated: Remove all translated text, HTML tags, and
* whitespace.
* - replace_translated: Replace all translated text with dummy text.
* - translated_chunk: Remove all translated text except one designated
* chunk (see return_chunk below).
* - bare_body (or any other non-zero value): Remove variables, set
* statements, and Twig programming, but leave everything else intact.
* - chunk_count: Current index of translated chunks. Reset to -1 before
* each rendering run. (Used internally by this class.)
* - max_chunk: Maximum index of translated chunks. Reset to -1 before
* each rendering run.
* - return_chunk: Chunk index to keep intact for translated_chunk
* processing. All others are removed.
* @param $value
* Value to set for $key.
public static function setStateValue(string $key, $value) {
$state = \Drupal::state();
$values = $state->get(static::STATE_NAME, ['manner' => 0]);
$values[$key] = $value;
$state->set(static::STATE_NAME, $values);
@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
namespace Drupal\Tests\help_topics\Functional;
use Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionLifecycle;
use Drupal\Component\FrontMatter\FrontMatter;
use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;
use Drupal\help_topics\HelpTopicDiscovery;
use Drupal\help_topics_twig_tester\HelpTestTwigNodeVisitor;
use PHPUnit\Framework\ExpectationFailedException;
use PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError;
@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ class HelpTopicsSyntaxTest extends BrowserTestBase {
protected static $modules = [
@ -98,6 +101,7 @@ class HelpTopicsSyntaxTest extends BrowserTestBase {
protected function verifyTopic($id, $definitions, $response = 200) {
$definition = $definitions[$id];
HelpTestTwigNodeVisitor::setStateValue('manner', 0);
// Visit the URL for the topic.
$this->drupalGet('admin/help/topic/' . $id);
@ -114,7 +118,7 @@ class HelpTopicsSyntaxTest extends BrowserTestBase {
$has_top_level_related = FALSE;
if (isset($definition['related'])) {
foreach ($definition['related'] as $related_id) {
$this->assertArrayHasKey($related_id, $definitions, 'Topic ' . $id . ' is only related to topics that exist (' . $related_id . ')');
$this->assertArrayHasKey($related_id, $definitions, 'Topic ' . $id . ' is only related to topics that exist: ' . $related_id);
$has_top_level_related = $has_top_level_related || !empty($definitions[$related_id]['top_level']);
@ -125,42 +129,56 @@ class HelpTopicsSyntaxTest extends BrowserTestBase {
// Verify that the label is not empty.
$this->assertNotEmpty($definition['label'], 'Topic ' . $id . ' has a non-empty label');
// Read in the file so we can run some tests on that.
$body = file_get_contents($definition[HelpTopicDiscovery::FILE_KEY]);
$this->assertNotEmpty($body, 'Topic ' . $id . ' has a non-empty Twig file');
// Test the syntax and contents of the Twig file (without the front
// matter, which is tested in other ways above). We need to render the
// template several times with variations, so read it in once.
$template = file_get_contents($definition[HelpTopicDiscovery::FILE_KEY]);
$template_text = FrontMatter::create($template)->getContent();
// Remove the front matter data (already tested above), and Twig set and
// variable printouts from the file.
$body = preg_replace('|---.*---|sU', '', $body);
$body = preg_replace('|\{\{.*\}\}|sU', '', $body);
$body = preg_replace('|\{\% set.*\%\}|sU', '', $body);
$body = preg_replace('|\{\% endset \%\}|sU', '', $body);
$body = trim($body);
$this->assertNotEmpty($body, 'Topic ' . $id . ' Twig file contains some text outside of front matter');
// Verify that the body is not empty and is valid HTML.
$text = $this->renderHelpTopic($template_text, 'bare_body');
$this->assertNotEmpty($text, 'Topic ' . $id . ' contains some text outside of front matter');
$this->validateHtml($text, $id);
$max_chunk_num = HelpTestTwigNodeVisitor::getState()['max_chunk'];
$this->assertTrue($max_chunk_num >= 0, 'Topic ' . $id . ' has at least one translated chunk');
// Verify that if we remove all the translated text, whitespace, and
// HTML tags, there is nothing left (that is, all text is translated).
$text = preg_replace('|\{\% trans \%\}.*\{\% endtrans \%\}|sU', '', $body);
$text = strip_tags($text);
$text = preg_replace('|\s+|', '', $text);
$this->assertEmpty($text, 'Topic ' . $id . ' Twig file has all of its text translated');
// Verify that each chunk of the translated text is locale-safe and
// valid HTML.
$chunk_num = 0;
$number_checked = 0;
while ($chunk_num <= $max_chunk_num) {
$chunk_str = $id . ' section ' . $chunk_num;
// Verify that all of the translated text is locale-safe and valid HTML.
$matches = [];
preg_match_all('|\{\% trans \%\}(.*)\{\% endtrans \%\}|sU', $body, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
foreach ($matches[1] as $string) {
$this->assertTrue(locale_string_is_safe($string), 'Topic ' . $id . ' Twig file translatable strings are all exportable');
$this->validateHtml($string, $id);
// Render the topic, asking for just one chunk, and extract the chunk.
// Note that some chunks may not actually get rendered, if they are inside
// set statements, because we skip rendering variable output.
HelpTestTwigNodeVisitor::setStateValue('return_chunk', $chunk_num);
$text = $this->renderHelpTopic($template_text, 'translated_chunk');
$matches = [];
$matched = preg_match('|' . HelpTestTwigNodeVisitor::DELIMITER . '(.*)' . HelpTestTwigNodeVisitor::DELIMITER . '|', $text, $matches);
if ($matched) {
$text = $matches[1];
$this->assertNotEmpty($text, 'Topic ' . $chunk_str . ' contains text');
// Verify the chunk is OK.
$this->assertTrue(locale_string_is_safe($text), 'Topic ' . $chunk_str . ' translatable string is locale-safe');
$this->validateHtml($text, $chunk_str);
// Validate the HTML in the body as a whole.
$this->validateHtml($body, $id);
$this->assertTrue($number_checked > 0, 'Tested at least one translated chunk in ' . $id);
// Validate the HTML in the body with the translated text replaced by a
// dummy string, to verify that HTML syntax is not partly in and partly out
// of the translated text.
$text = preg_replace('|\{\% trans \%\}.*\{\% endtrans \%\}|sU', 'dummy', $body);
$text = $this->renderHelpTopic($template_text, 'replace_translated');
$this->validateHtml($text, $id);
// Verify that if we remove all the translated text, whitespace, and
// HTML tags, there is nothing left (that is, all text is translated).
$text = preg_replace('|\s+|', '', $this->renderHelpTopic($template_text, 'remove_translated'));
$this->assertEmpty($text, 'Topic ' . $id . ' Twig file has all of its text translated');
@ -245,6 +263,10 @@ class HelpTopicsSyntaxTest extends BrowserTestBase {
$this->assertStringContainsString('Twig file has all of its text translated', $message);
case 'locale':
$this->assertStringContainsString('translatable string is locale-safe', $message);
case 'h1':
$this->assertStringContainsString('has no H1 tag', $message);
@ -297,4 +319,30 @@ class HelpTopicsSyntaxTest extends BrowserTestBase {
return $directories;
* Renders a help topic in a special manner.
* @param string $content
* Template text, without the front matter.
* @param string $manner
* The special processing choice for topic rendering.
* @return string
* The rendered topic.
protected function renderHelpTopic(string $content, string $manner) {
// Set up the special state variables for rendering.
HelpTestTwigNodeVisitor::setStateValue('manner', $manner);
HelpTestTwigNodeVisitor::setStateValue('max_chunk', -1);
HelpTestTwigNodeVisitor::setStateValue('chunk_count', -1);
// Add a random comment to the end, to thwart caching, and render. We need
// the HelpTestTwigNodeVisitor class to hit it each time we render.
$build = [
'#type' => 'inline_template',
'#template' => $content . "\n{# " . rand() . " #}",
return (string) \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderPlain($build);
Reference in New Issue