Issue #3316816 by Wim Leers, nod_: Stabilize FunctionalJavascript testing AJAX: make ::setValue() trigger both "input" and "formUpdated" events

(cherry picked from commit 6a1bac3cc0)
catch 2022-10-24 12:59:34 +01:00
parent 03a3ac0ec7
commit b98c7e543d
3 changed files with 22 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -86,14 +86,8 @@ abstract class ImageTestBase extends CKEditor5TestBase {
$this->pressEditorButton('Insert image');
$panel = $page->find('css', '');
// Do not use setValue method as it triggers a blur event by default that
// closes the CKEditor 5 panel, making it impossible to click on the Insert
// button.
const input = document.querySelector(" input[type=text]");
input.value = "' . $src . '";
input.dispatchEvent(new Event("input", {bubbles:true}));
$src_input = $panel->find('css', 'input[type=text]');
$panel->find('xpath', "//button[span[text()='Insert']]")->click();

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@ -104,14 +104,8 @@ class ImageUrlTest extends ImageTestBase {
$this->pressEditorButton('Insert image');
$panel = $page->find('css', '');
// Do not use setValue method as it triggers a blur event by default that
// closes the CKEditor 5 panel, making it impossible to click on the Insert
// button.
const input = document.querySelector(" input[type=text]");
input.value = "' . $src . '";
input.dispatchEvent(new Event("input", {bubbles:true}));
$src_input = $panel->find('css', 'input[type=text]');
$panel->find('xpath', "//button[span[text()='Insert']]")->click();
$this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', $image_selector));

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@ -142,6 +142,24 @@ class DrupalSelenium2Driver extends Selenium2Driver {
$not_clickable_exception = NULL;
$result = $this->waitFor(10, function () use (&$not_clickable_exception, $xpath, $value) {
try {
// \Behat\Mink\Driver\Selenium2Driver::setValue() will call .blur() on
// the element, modify that to trigger the "input" and "change" events
// instead. They indicate the value has changed, rather than implying
// user focus changes.
$this->executeJsOnXpath($xpath, <<<JS
var node = {{ELEMENT}};
var original = node.blur;
node.blur = function() {
node.dispatchEvent(new Event("input", {bubbles:true}));
node.dispatchEvent(new Event("change", {bubbles:true}));
// Do not wait for the debounce, which only triggers the 'formUpdated` event
// up to once every 0.3 seconds. In tests, no humans are typing, hence there
// is no need to debounce.
// @see Drupal.behaviors.formUpdated
node.dispatchEvent(new Event("formUpdated", {bubbles:true}));
node.blur = original;
parent::setValue($xpath, $value);
return TRUE;