Issue #1875632 by Wim Leers: Fixed Change Drupal JS settings merging behavior: preserve integer keys (allow for array literals in drupalSettings)
@ -3949,7 +3949,7 @@ function drupal_pre_render_scripts($elements) {
switch ($item['type']) {
case 'setting':
$element['#value_prefix'] = $embed_prefix;
$element['#value'] = 'var drupalSettings = ' . drupal_json_encode(NestedArray::mergeDeepArray($item['data'])) . ";";
$element['#value'] = 'var drupalSettings = ' . drupal_json_encode(NestedArray::mergeDeepArray($item['data'], TRUE)) . ";";
$element['#value_suffix'] = $embed_suffix;
@ -150,28 +150,52 @@ class JavaScriptTest extends WebTestBase {
// Only the second of these two entries should appear in Drupal.settings.
drupal_add_js(array('commonTest' => 'commonTestShouldNotAppear'), 'setting');
drupal_add_js(array('commonTest' => 'commonTestShouldAppear'), 'setting');
// All three of these entries should appear in Drupal.settings.
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestArray' => array('commonTestValue0')), 'setting');
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestArray' => array('commonTestValue1')), 'setting');
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestArray' => array('commonTestValue2')), 'setting');
// Only the second of these entries should appear in Drupal.settings.
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestJsArrayLiteral' => array('commonTestJsArrayLiteralOldValue')), 'setting');
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestJsArrayLiteral' => array('commonTestJsArrayLiteralNewValue')), 'setting');
// Only the second of these two entries should appear in Drupal.settings.
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestArray' => array('key' => 'commonTestOldValue')), 'setting');
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestArray' => array('key' => 'commonTestNewValue')), 'setting');
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestJsObjectLiteral' => array('key' => 'commonTestJsObjectLiteralOldValue')), 'setting');
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestJsObjectLiteral' => array('key' => 'commonTestJsObjectLiteralNewValue')), 'setting');
// Real world test case: multiple elements in a render array are adding the
// same (or nearly the same) JavaScript settings. When merged, they should
// contain all settings and not duplicate some settings.
$settings_one = array('moduleName' => array('ui' => array('button A', 'button B'), 'magical flag' => 3.14159265359));
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestRealWorldIdentical' => $settings_one), 'setting');
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestRealWorldIdentical' => $settings_one), 'setting');
$settings_two = array('moduleName' => array('ui' => array('button A', 'button B'), 'magical flag' => 3.14159265359, 'thingiesOnPage' => array('id1' => array())));
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestRealWorldAlmostIdentical' => $settings_two), 'setting');
$settings_two = array('moduleName' => array('ui' => array('button C', 'button D'), 'magical flag' => 3.14, 'thingiesOnPage' => array('id2' => array())));
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestRealWorldAlmostIdentical' => $settings_two), 'setting');
$javascript = drupal_get_js('header');
// Test whether drupal_add_js can be used to override a previous setting.
$this->assertTrue(strpos($javascript, 'commonTestShouldAppear') > 0, 'Rendered JavaScript header returns custom setting.');
$this->assertTrue(strpos($javascript, 'commonTestShouldNotAppear') === FALSE, 'drupal_add_js() correctly overrides a custom setting.');
// Test whether drupal_add_js can be used to add numerically indexed values
// to an array.
$array_values_appear = strpos($javascript, 'commonTestValue0') > 0 && strpos($javascript, 'commonTestValue1') > 0 && strpos($javascript, 'commonTestValue2') > 0;
$this->assertTrue($array_values_appear, 'drupal_add_js() correctly adds settings to the end of an indexed array.');
// Test whether drupal_add_js can be used to add and override a JavaScript
// array literal (an indexed PHP array) values.
$array_override = strpos($javascript, 'commonTestJsArrayLiteralNewValue') > 0 && strpos($javascript, 'commonTestJsArrayLiteralOldValue') === FALSE;
$this->assertTrue($array_override, 'drupal_add_js() correctly overrides settings within an array literal (indexed array).');
// Test whether drupal_add_js can be used to add and override a JavaScript
// object literal (an associate PHP array) values.
$associative_array_override = strpos($javascript, 'commonTestJsObjectLiteralNewValue') > 0 && strpos($javascript, 'commonTestJsObjectLiteralOldValue') === FALSE;
$this->assertTrue($associative_array_override, 'drupal_add_js() correctly overrides settings within an object literal (associative array).');
// Parse the generated drupalSettings <script> back to a PHP representation.
$startToken = 'drupalSettings = ';
$endToken = '}';
$start = strpos($javascript, $startToken) + strlen($startToken);
$end = strrpos($javascript, $endToken);
$json = drupal_substr($javascript, $start, $end - $start + 1);
$parsed_settings = drupal_json_decode($json);
// Test whether the two real world cases are handled correctly.
$settings_two['moduleName']['thingiesOnPage']['id1'] = array();
$this->assertIdentical($settings_one, $parsed_settings['commonTestRealWorldIdentical'], 'drupal_add_js handled real world test case 1 correctly.');
$this->assertEqual($settings_two, $parsed_settings['commonTestRealWorldAlmostIdentical'], 'drupal_add_js handled real world test case 2 correctly.');
// Test whether drupal_add_js can be used to override the entry for an
// existing key in an associative array.
$associative_array_override = strpos($javascript, 'commonTestNewValue') > 0 && strpos($javascript, 'commonTestOldValue') === FALSE;
$this->assertTrue($associative_array_override, 'drupal_add_js() correctly overrides settings within an associative array.');
// Check in a rendered page.
$this->assertPattern('@<script>.+drupalSettings.+"currentPath":"common-test\\\/query-string"@s', 'currentPath is in the JS settings');
Reference in New Issue