Issue #1495648 by plach: Introduce entity language support.
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ Drupal 7.15, xxxx-xx-xx (development version)
#access set to FALSE and field form validation is skipped (array structure
- Added EntityFieldQuery support for taxonomy bundles.
- Introduced generic entity language support. Entities may now declare their
language property in hook_entity_info(), and modules working with entities
may access the language using entity_language() (API change).
Drupal 7.14 2012-05-02
@ -7772,6 +7772,44 @@ function entity_label($entity_type, $entity) {
return $label;
* Returns the language of an entity.
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type; e.g., 'node' or 'user'.
* @param $entity
* The entity for which to get the language.
* @return
* A valid language code or NULL if the entity has no language support.
function entity_language($entity_type, $entity) {
$info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
// Invoke the callback to get the language. If there is no callback, try to
// get it from a property of the entity, otherwise NULL.
if (isset($info['language callback']) && function_exists($info['language callback'])) {
$langcode = $info['language callback']($entity_type, $entity);
elseif (!empty($info['entity keys']['language']) && isset($entity->{$info['entity keys']['language']})) {
$langcode = $entity->{$info['entity keys']['language']};
else {
// The value returned in D8 would be LANGUAGE_NONE, we cannot use it here to
// preserve backward compatibility. In fact this function has been
// introduced very late in the D7 life cycle, mainly as the proper default
// for field_attach_form(). By returning LANGUAGE_NONE when no language
// information is available, we would introduce a potentially BC-breaking
// API change, since field_attach_form() defaults to the default language
// instead of LANGUAGE_NONE. Moreover this allows us to distinguish between
// entities that have no language specified from ones that do not have
// language support at all.
$langcode = NULL;
return $langcode;
* Helper function for attaching field API validation to entity forms.
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ function comment_entity_info() {
'id' => 'cid',
'bundle' => 'node_type',
'label' => 'subject',
'language' => 'language',
'bundles' => array(),
'view modes' => array(
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ function locale_form_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
function locale_field_node_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
if (field_has_translation_handler('node', 'locale')) {
$node = (object) $form_state['values'];
$available_languages = field_content_languages();
$current_language = entity_language('node', $node);
list(, , $bundle) = entity_extract_ids('node', $node);
foreach (field_info_instances('node', $bundle) as $instance) {
@ -406,8 +406,8 @@ function locale_field_node_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
// Handle a possible language change: new language values are inserted,
// previous ones are deleted.
if ($field['translatable'] && $previous_language != $node->language) {
$form_state['values'][$field_name][$node->language] = $node->{$field_name}[$previous_language];
if ($field['translatable'] && $previous_language != $current_language) {
$form_state['values'][$field_name][$current_language] = $node->{$field_name}[$previous_language];
$form_state['values'][$field_name][$previous_language] = array();
@ -2788,8 +2788,9 @@ class LocaleCommentLanguageFunctionalTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
->orderBy('cid', 'DESC')
$args = array('%node_language' => $node_langcode, '%comment_language' => $comment->language, '%langcode' => $langcode);
$this->assertEqual($comment->language, $langcode, t('The comment posted with content language %langcode and belonging to the node with language %node_language has language %comment_language', $args));
$comment_langcode = entity_language('comment', $comment);
$args = array('%node_language' => $node_langcode, '%comment_language' => $comment_langcode, '%langcode' => $langcode);
$this->assertEqual($comment_langcode, $langcode, t('The comment posted with content language %langcode and belonging to the node with language %node_language has language %comment_language', $args));
@ -432,7 +432,8 @@ function node_admin_nodes() {
$destination = drupal_get_destination();
$options = array();
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$l_options = $node->language != LANGUAGE_NONE && isset($languages[$node->language]) ? array('language' => $languages[$node->language]) : array();
$langcode = entity_language('node', $node);
$l_options = $langcode != LANGUAGE_NONE && isset($languages[$langcode]) ? array('language' => $languages[$langcode]) : array();
$options[$node->nid] = array(
'title' => array(
'data' => array(
@ -449,11 +450,11 @@ function node_admin_nodes() {
'changed' => format_date($node->changed, 'short'),
if ($multilanguage) {
if ($node->language == LANGUAGE_NONE || isset($languages[$node->language])) {
$options[$node->nid]['language'] = $node->language == LANGUAGE_NONE ? t('Language neutral') : t($languages[$node->language]->name);
if ($langcode == LANGUAGE_NONE || isset($languages[$langcode])) {
$options[$node->nid]['language'] = $langcode == LANGUAGE_NONE ? t('Language neutral') : t($languages[$langcode]->name);
else {
$options[$node->nid]['language'] = t('Undefined language (@langcode)', array('@langcode' => $node->language));
$options[$node->nid]['language'] = t('Undefined language (@langcode)', array('@langcode' => $langcode));
// Build a list of all the accessible operations for the current node.
@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ function node_update_7012() {
// Switch field languages to LANGUAGE_NONE, since initially they were
// assigned $node->language.
// assigned the node language.
foreach (array('field_data_body', 'field_revision_body') as $table) {
->fields(array('language' => LANGUAGE_NONE))
@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ function node_entity_info() {
'revision' => 'vid',
'bundle' => 'type',
'label' => 'title',
'language' => 'language',
'bundle keys' => array(
'bundle' => 'type',
@ -1682,7 +1683,7 @@ function node_search_execute($keys = NULL, $conditions = NULL) {
'extra' => $extra,
'score' => $item->calculated_score,
'snippet' => search_excerpt($keys, $node->rendered),
'language' => $node->language,
'language' => entity_language('node', $node),
return $results;
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ function node_form($form, &$form_state, $node) {
$form += array('#submit' => array());
field_attach_form('node', $node, $form, $form_state, $node->language);
field_attach_form('node', $node, $form, $form_state, entity_language('node', $node));
return $form;
@ -2288,15 +2288,16 @@ class NodeTokenReplaceTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
// Generate and test sanitized tokens.
$tests = array();
$langcode = entity_language('node', $node);
$tests['[node:nid]'] = $node->nid;
$tests['[node:vid]'] = $node->vid;
$tests['[node:tnid]'] = $node->tnid;
$tests['[node:type]'] = 'article';
$tests['[node:type-name]'] = 'Article';
$tests['[node:title]'] = check_plain($node->title);
$tests['[node:body]'] = _text_sanitize($instance, $node->language, $node->body[$node->language][0], 'value');
$tests['[node:summary]'] = _text_sanitize($instance, $node->language, $node->body[$node->language][0], 'summary');
$tests['[node:language]'] = check_plain($node->language);
$tests['[node:body]'] = _text_sanitize($instance, $langcode, $node->body[$langcode][0], 'value');
$tests['[node:summary]'] = _text_sanitize($instance, $langcode, $node->body[$langcode][0], 'summary');
$tests['[node:language]'] = check_plain($langcode);
$tests['[node:url]'] = url('node/' . $node->nid, $url_options);
$tests['[node:edit-url]'] = url('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit', $url_options);
$tests['[node:author]'] = check_plain(format_username($account));
@ -2315,9 +2316,9 @@ class NodeTokenReplaceTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
// Generate and test unsanitized tokens.
$tests['[node:title]'] = $node->title;
$tests['[node:body]'] = $node->body[$node->language][0]['value'];
$tests['[node:summary]'] = $node->body[$node->language][0]['summary'];
$tests['[node:language]'] = $node->language;
$tests['[node:body]'] = $node->body[$langcode][0]['value'];
$tests['[node:summary]'] = $node->body[$langcode][0]['summary'];
$tests['[node:language]'] = $langcode;
$tests['[node:author:name]'] = format_username($account);
foreach ($tests as $input => $expected) {
@ -144,7 +144,8 @@ function node_tokens($type, $tokens, array $data = array(), array $options = arr
case 'language':
$replacements[$original] = $sanitize ? check_plain($node->language) : $node->language;
$langcode = entity_language('node', $node);
$replacements[$original] = $sanitize ? check_plain($langcode) : $langcode;
case 'url':
@ -99,8 +99,9 @@ function path_form_node_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
$path = array();
if (!empty($form['#node']->nid)) {
$conditions = array('source' => 'node/' . $form['#node']->nid);
if ($form['#node']->language != LANGUAGE_NONE) {
$conditions['language'] = $form['#node']->language;
$langcode = entity_language('node', $form['#node']);
if ($langcode != LANGUAGE_NONE) {
$conditions['language'] = $langcode;
$path = path_load($conditions);
if ($path === FALSE) {
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ function path_form_node_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
'pid' => NULL,
'source' => isset($form['#node']->nid) ? 'node/' . $form['#node']->nid : NULL,
'alias' => '',
'language' => isset($form['#node']->language) ? $form['#node']->language : LANGUAGE_NONE,
'language' => isset($langcode) ? $langcode : LANGUAGE_NONE,
$form['path'] = array(
@ -192,8 +193,9 @@ function path_node_insert($node) {
// Only save a non-empty alias.
if (!empty($path['alias'])) {
// Ensure fields for programmatic executions.
$langcode = entity_language('node', $node);
$path['source'] = 'node/' . $node->nid;
$path['language'] = isset($node->language) ? $node->language : LANGUAGE_NONE;
$path['language'] = isset($langcode) ? $langcode : LANGUAGE_NONE;
@ -210,13 +212,7 @@ function path_node_update($node) {
if (!empty($path['pid']) && empty($path['alias'])) {
// Only save a non-empty alias.
if (!empty($path['alias'])) {
// Ensure fields for programmatic executions.
$path['source'] = 'node/' . $node->nid;
$path['language'] = isset($node->language) ? $node->language : LANGUAGE_NONE;
@ -234,7 +230,10 @@ function path_node_delete($node) {
function path_form_taxonomy_form_term_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
// Make sure this does not show up on the delete confirmation form.
if (empty($form_state['confirm_delete'])) {
$path = (isset($form['#term']['tid']) ? path_load('taxonomy/term/' . $form['#term']['tid']) : array());
$langcode = entity_language('taxonomy_term', (object) $form['#term']);
$langcode = !empty($langcode) ? $langcode : LANGUAGE_NONE;
$conditions = array('source' => 'taxonomy/term/' . $form['#term']['tid'], 'language' => $langcode);
$path = (isset($form['#term']['tid']) ? path_load($conditions) : array());
if ($path === FALSE) {
$path = array();
@ -242,7 +241,7 @@ function path_form_taxonomy_form_term_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
'pid' => NULL,
'source' => isset($form['#term']['tid']) ? 'taxonomy/term/' . $form['#term']['tid'] : NULL,
'alias' => '',
'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE,
'language' => $langcode,
$form['path'] = array(
'#access' => user_access('create url aliases') || user_access('administer url aliases'),
@ -274,7 +273,10 @@ function path_taxonomy_term_insert($term) {
if (!empty($path['alias'])) {
// Ensure fields for programmatic executions.
$path['source'] = 'taxonomy/term/' . $term->tid;
$path['language'] = LANGUAGE_NONE;
// Core does not provide a way to store the term language but contrib
// modules can do it so we need to take this into account.
$langcode = entity_language('taxonomy_term', $term);
$path['language'] = !empty($langcode) ? $langcode : LANGUAGE_NONE;
@ -295,7 +297,10 @@ function path_taxonomy_term_update($term) {
if (!empty($path['alias'])) {
// Ensure fields for programmatic executions.
$path['source'] = 'taxonomy/term/' . $term->tid;
$path['language'] = LANGUAGE_NONE;
// Core does not provide a way to store the term language but contrib
// modules can do it so we need to take this into account.
$langcode = entity_language('taxonomy_term', $term);
$path['language'] = !empty($langcode) ? $langcode : LANGUAGE_NONE;
@ -97,6 +97,18 @@ function hook_hook_info_alter(&$hooks) {
* instead specify a callback function here, which will be called to
* determine the entity label. See also the entity_label() function, which
* implements this logic.
* - language callback: (optional) A function taking an entity and an entity
* type as arguments and returning a language code. In most situations, when
* needing to determine this value, inspecting a property named after the
* 'language' element of the 'entity keys' should be enough. The language
* callback is meant to be used primarily for temporary alterations of the
* property value: entity-defining modules are encouraged to always define a
* language property, instead of using the callback as main entity language
* source. In fact not having a language property defined is likely to
* prevent an entity from being queried by language. Moreover, given that
* entity_language() is not necessarily used everywhere it would be
* appropriate, modules implementing the language callback should be aware
* that this might not be always called.
* - fieldable: Set to TRUE if you want your entity type to accept fields
* being attached to it.
* - translation: An associative array of modules registered as field
@ -123,6 +135,12 @@ function hook_hook_info_alter(&$hooks) {
* 'subject' should be specified here. If complex logic is required to
* build the label, a 'label callback' should be defined instead (see
* the 'label callback' section above for details).
* - language: The name of the property, typically 'language', that contains
* the language code representing the language the entity has been created
* in. This value may be changed when editing the entity and represents
* the language its textual components are supposed to have. If no
* language property is available, the 'language callback' may be used
* instead.
* - bundle keys: An array describing how the Field API can extract the
* information it needs from the bundle objects for this type. This entry
* is required if the 'path' provided in the 'bundles'/'admin' section
@ -195,6 +213,7 @@ function hook_entity_info() {
'id' => 'nid',
'revision' => 'vid',
'bundle' => 'type',
'language' => 'language',
'bundle keys' => array(
'bundle' => 'type',
@ -696,7 +696,8 @@ function taxonomy_form_term($form, &$form_state, $edit = array(), $vocabulary =
'#value' => isset($term->vocabulary_machine_name) ? $term->vocabulary_machine_name : $vocabulary->name,
field_attach_form('taxonomy_term', $term, $form, $form_state);
$langcode = entity_language('taxonomy_term', $term);
field_attach_form('taxonomy_term', $term, $form, $form_state, $langcode);
$form['relations'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ function translation_menu() {
* @see translation_menu()
function _translation_tab_access($node) {
if ($node->language != LANGUAGE_NONE && translation_supported_type($node->type) && node_access('view', $node)) {
if (entity_language('node', $node) != LANGUAGE_NONE && translation_supported_type($node->type) && node_access('view', $node)) {
return user_access('translate content');
return FALSE;
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ function translation_node_view($node, $view_mode) {
foreach ($translations as $langcode => $translation) {
// Do not show links to the same node, to unpublished translations or to
// translations in disabled languages.
if ($translation->status && isset($languages[$langcode]) && $langcode != $node->language) {
if ($translation->status && isset($languages[$langcode]) && $langcode != entity_language('node', $node)) {
$language = $languages[$langcode];
$key = "translation_$langcode";
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ function translation_node_prepare($node) {
// Add field translations and let other modules module add custom translated
// fields.
field_attach_prepare_translation('node', $node, $node->language, $source_node, $source_node->language);
field_attach_prepare_translation('node', $node, $langcode, $source_node, $source_node->language);
@ -358,7 +358,8 @@ function translation_node_insert($node) {
function translation_node_update($node) {
// Only act if we are dealing with a content type supporting translations.
if (translation_supported_type($node->type)) {
if (isset($node->translation) && $node->translation && !empty($node->language) && $node->tnid) {
$langcode = entity_language('node', $node);
if (isset($node->translation) && $node->translation && !empty($langcode) && $node->tnid) {
// Update translation information.
@ -389,7 +390,8 @@ function translation_node_validate($node, $form) {
if (translation_supported_type($node->type) && (!empty($node->tnid) || !empty($form['#node']->translation_source->nid))) {
$tnid = !empty($node->tnid) ? $node->tnid : $form['#node']->translation_source->nid;
$translations = translation_node_get_translations($tnid);
if (isset($translations[$node->language]) && $translations[$node->language]->nid != $node->nid ) {
$langcode = entity_language('node', $node);
if (isset($translations[$langcode]) && $translations[$langcode]->nid != $node->nid ) {
form_set_error('language', t('There is already a translation in this language.'));
@ -469,7 +471,8 @@ function translation_node_get_translations($tnid) {
foreach ($result as $node) {
$translations[$tnid][$node->language] = $node;
$langcode = entity_language('node', $node);
$translations[$tnid][$langcode] = $node;
return $translations[$tnid];
@ -523,10 +526,11 @@ function translation_language_switch_links_alter(array &$links, $type, $path) {
// have translations it might be a language neutral node, in which case we
// must leave the language switch links unaltered. This is true also for
// nodes not having translation support enabled.
if (empty($node) || $node->language == LANGUAGE_NONE || !translation_supported_type($node->type)) {
if (empty($node) || entity_language('node', $node) == LANGUAGE_NONE || !translation_supported_type($node->type)) {
$translations = array($node->language => $node);
$langcode = entity_language('node', $node);
$translations = array($langcode => $node);
else {
$translations = translation_node_get_translations($node->tnid);
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ function translation_node_overview($node) {
else {
// We have no translation source nid, this could be a new set, emulate that.
$tnid = $node->nid;
$translations = array($node->language => $node);
$translations = array(entity_language('node', $node) => $node);
$type = variable_get('translation_language_type', LANGUAGE_TYPE_INTERFACE);
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ class TranslationTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
$result = TRUE;
$languages = language_list();
$page_language = $languages[$node->language];
$page_language = $languages[entity_language('node', $node)];
$translation_language = $languages[$translation->language];
$url = url("node/$translation->nid", array('language' => $translation_language));
@ -159,6 +159,10 @@ function user_entity_info() {
'uri callback' => 'user_uri',
'label callback' => 'format_username',
'fieldable' => TRUE,
// $user->language is only the preferred user language for the user
// interface textual elements. As it is not necessarily related to the
// language assigned to fields, we do not define it as the entity language
// key.
'entity keys' => array(
'id' => 'uid',
@ -3707,7 +3711,8 @@ function user_register_form($form, &$form_state) {
// Attach field widgets, and hide the ones where the 'user_register_form'
// setting is not on.
field_attach_form('user', $form['#user'], $form, $form_state);
$langcode = entity_language('user', $form['#user']);
field_attach_form('user', $form['#user'], $form, $form_state, $langcode);
foreach (field_info_instances('user', 'user') as $field_name => $instance) {
if (empty($instance['settings']['user_register_form'])) {
$form[$field_name]['#access'] = FALSE;
@ -262,7 +262,8 @@ function user_profile_form($form, &$form_state, $account, $category = 'account')
if ($category == 'account') {
user_account_form($form, $form_state);
// Attach field widgets.
field_attach_form('user', $account, $form, $form_state);
$langcode = entity_language('user', $account);
field_attach_form('user', $account, $form, $form_state, $langcode);
$form['actions'] = array('#type' => 'actions');
Reference in New Issue