* A set of misc. updates and improvements.

* On a side note:
   Jeroen: I'm feeling somewhat better at the moment so normally it
           should be OK if you'd stop by tonight (after 19:30h).
           Give me some feedback on this. ;-)
Dries Buytaert 2000-09-27 07:14:32 +00:00
parent 24e81c0fd2
commit 99dce2a3ba
3 changed files with 30 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -45,21 +45,35 @@ function showUser($uname) {
### Display account information:
$theme->box("User information", $output);
$theme->box("Your user information", $output);
elseif ($uname && $account = account_getUser($uname)) {
$output .= " <TR><TD><B>User ID:</B></TD><TD>$account->userid</TD></TR>\n";
$output .= " <TR><TD><B>E-mail:</B></TD><TD><A HREF=\"mailto:$account->femail\">$account->femail</A></TD></TR>\n";
$output .= " <TR><TD><B>URL:</B></TD><TD><A HREF=\"$account->url\">$account->url</A></TD></TR>\n";
$output .= " <TR><TD><B>Bio:</B></TD><TD>$account->bio</TD></TR>\n";
$output .= " <TR><TD><B>Signature:</B></TD><TD>$account->signature</TD></TR>\n";
$output .= "</TABLE>\n";
$box1 .= " <TR><TD ALIGN=\"right\"><B>Username:</B></TD><TD>$account->userid</TD></TR>\n";
$box1 .= " <TR><TD ALIGN=\"right\"><B>E-mail:</B></TD><TD><A HREF=\"mailto:$account->femail\">$account->femail</A></TD></TR>\n";
$box1 .= " <TR><TD ALIGN=\"right\"><B>URL:</B></TD><TD><A HREF=\"$account->url\">$account->url</A></TD></TR>\n";
$box1 .= " <TR><TD ALIGN=\"right\"><B>Bio:</B></TD><TD>$account->bio</TD></TR>\n";
$box1 .= "</TABLE>\n";
$result = db_query("SELECT c.cid, c.pid, c.sid, c.subject, c.timestamp, s.subject AS story FROM comments c LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id = c.author LEFT JOIN stories s ON s.id = c.sid WHERE u.userid = '$uname' AND c.timestamp > ". (time() - 1209600) ." ORDER BY cid DESC LIMIT 10");
while ($comment = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$box2 .= "<LI><TABLE BORDER=\"0\"><TR><TD>subject: <A HREF=\"discussion.php?id=$comment->sid&cid=$comment->cid&pid=$comment->pid\">$comment->subject</A><BR>date: ". format_date($comment->timestamp) ."<BR>attached to story: <A HREF=\"discussion.php?id=$comment->sid\">$comment->story</A></TD></TR></TABLE></LI>\n";
$result = db_query("SELECT d.* FROM diaries d LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id = d.author WHERE u.userid = '$uname' AND d.timestamp > ". (time() - 1209600) ." ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 2");
while ($diary = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$box3 .= "<DL><DT><B>". date("l, F jS", $diary->timestamp) .":</B></DT><DD><P>". check($diary->text) ."</P><P>[ <A HREF=\"diary.php?op=view&name=$uname\">more</A> ]</P></DD></DL>\n";
### Display account information:
$theme->box("User information", $output);
if ($box1) $theme->box("User information for $uname", $box1);
if ($box2) $theme->box("$uname has posted ". format_plural($comments, "comment", "comments") ." recently", $box2);
if ($box3) $theme->box("$uname has posted ". format_plural($diaries, "diary entry", "diary entries") ." recently", $box3);
else {

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function diary_display($username) {
$theme->box("Online diary", $output);
$theme->box("$username's online diary", $output);

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ $output = "
<DT><B>What is $sitename all about?</B></DT>
<DD>$sitename is a news and discussion forum. People log in to the site, read the news, select one or more items and start to discuss and post their reactions. $sitename is a community site that relies solely on reader-contributed content.<P>First off, we strive towards discussion rather then to deliver news on its own: discussion can really make a story considerably better as user comments frequently `upstage' the story itself.<P>Secondly, we aim towards a high quality of content and content posters by using and experimenting with several techniques and systems such as trust metrics, moderation and collaborative filtering.<P>Last but not least, this site has no real editors as all content is moderated and voted on by all registered users. This means that the community is truly the editor of this site as the community has the final decision on the content. This also implies that we, the $sitename team, are creating nothing more then a tool or an environment to make these things happen.<P></DD>
<DD>$sitename is a news and discussion forum. People log in to the site, read the news, select one or more items and start to discuss and post their reactions. $sitename is a community site that relies solely on reader-contributed content.<P>First off, we strive towards discussion rather then to deliver news on its own: discussion can really make a story considerably better as user comments frequently `upstage' the story itself.<P>Secondly, we aim towards a high quality of content and content posters by using and experimenting with several techniques and systems such as trust metrics, scoring, moderation and collaborative filtering.<P>Last but not least, this site has no real editors as all content is moderated and voted on by all registered users. This means that the community is truly the editor of this site as the community has the final decision on the content. This also implies that we, the $sitename team, are creating nothing more then a tool or an environment to make these things happen.<P></DD>
<DT><B><A NAME=\"moderation\">Why moderatiom, trust metrics and collaborative filtering?</A></B></DT>
<DD>To help individuals and communities address the challenges of information overload.<P>As each new piece of information competes for attention, people quickly tend to become overwhelmed and seek assistance in identifying the most interesting, worthwhile, valuable or enteraining items. Not to mention the fact, reader-contributed content and other levels of interactivity tend to become chaotic, bloated and disreputable.<P>Therefore, we decided to develop a public system powered by a community that aims to bring quality content to everyone's attention and to filter out all junk: to <I>sort the wheat from the chaff</I>. The output should be something clean and homogenized featuring quality content, and should slide down the gullet far more easily. Another objective is to provide a customized service according to public and individual preferences, whether expressed or inferred.<P>Yes, you are right. It all sounds a bit idealistic, not to mention hypothetical. However, don't get this wrong: this isn't a new concept, various such systems exist nowadays (like <A HREF=\"http://slashdot.org/\">slashdot.org</A> or <A HREF=\"http://www.kuro5hin.org/\">kuro5hin.org</A>). We just happen to want our own system.<P>Last but not least we, the $sitename team, don't want the responsibility to manually review each post and to select the ones worthy. Systematic editing by individual editors is nice and dandy, if you get paid for it or if you have some time to kill. Afterall, we are not writers, critics nor reviewers for that matter; we are programmers, designers and technicians.<P></DD>
@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ $output = "
<DD>To some extent, yes. The system is not designed to allow totally open and unfiltered access. It is intended to create a good place for people who are interested in a topic to come together and communicate. You can't communicate over a noisy channel, so part of our job is to reduce the ability for malicious users to create noise.<P></DD>
<DT><B>How does submission moderation work?</B></DT>
<DD>under construction<P></DD>
<DD>--- under construction ---<P></DD>
<DT><B>How does comment moderation work?</B></DT>
<DD>Comments that gain the approbation of participants gradually move up through statistical effects and pointless comments sink into oblivion.<P>under construction<P>Hence, the purpose of comment moderation is two-fold: <UL><LI>To bring the really good comments to everyone's attention.</LI><LI>To hide or get get rid of spam, flamebait and trolls.</LI></UL>In the latter, comment moderation provides a technical solution to a social problem.<P></DD>
<DD>Comments that gain the approbation of participants gradually move up through statistical effects and pointless comments sink into oblivion.<P>--- under construction ---<P>Hence, the purpose of comment moderation is two-fold: <UL><LI>To bring the really good comments to everyone's attention.</LI><LI>To hide or get get rid of spam, flamebait and trolls.</LI></UL>In the latter, comment moderation provides a technical solution to a social problem.<P></DD>
<DT><B>Why would I want to create a user account?</B></DT>
<DD>No $sitename participant can use his own name or handle to post comments until they sign up and submit their e-mail address. Those who do not may participate as `$anonymous', but they will suffer numerous disadvantages, not the least that their posts begin at a lower score.<P>In contrast, those with a user account can use their own name or handle and are granted various priveleges: the most important is probably the ability to moderate new submissions and to rate comments. Also, registered users can tune the site to their personal needs. For instance: they can select one of the available themes to alter the look-and-feel of the site or they fine-tune the values of various settings to their likings.<P></DD>
<DT><B>I forgot my password, what do I do?</B></DT>
<DD>under construction<P></DD>
<DD>--- under construction ---<P></DD>
<DT><B>I have a cool story that you should post, what do I do?</B></DT>
<DD>Check out the <A HREF=\"submit.php\">submission form</A>. If you fill out that form, your contribution gets shipped off to the submission queue for evaluation, <A HREF=\"#moderation\">moderation</A>, and possibly even posting.<P></DD>
@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ $output = "
<DD>It probably didn't. It probably just got moderated down by our army of moderators. Try browsing at a lower threshold and see if your comment becomes visible.<P></DD>
<DT><B>Can I syndicate content from this site?</B></DT>
<DD>under construction<P></DD>
<DD>--- under construction ---<P></DD>
<DT><B>Is the source code of this site available?</B></DT>
<DD>This site is powered by <A HREF=\"http://www.fsf.org/\">Free Software</A>; including <A HREF=\"http://www.apache.org/\">Apache</A>, <A HREF=\"http://www.php.net/\">PHP</A>, <A HREF=\"http://www.mysql.com/\">MySQL</A> and <A HREF=\"http://www.linux.com/\">Linux</A>, and is inspired by several <A HREF=\"http://www.fsf.org/\">Free Software</A> projects. Therefor we have decided to make the software engine of this site available under terms of GPL.<P>However, the sources are <B>not</B> available yet at this time, but will be released as soon we have a first, well-rounded source tree that has proven to be stable. If you can't wait or in case you have big plans (like `total domination') with the engine, don't hesitate to contact us and we might grant you CVS access.<P></DD>
<DT><B>What is your privacy policy?</B></DT>
<DD>under construction<P></DD>
<DD>--- under construction ---<P></DD>
<DT><B>What is your disclaimer?</B></DT>
<DD>All messages made available (including any discussion goups and bulletin boards) and any opinions, advice, statements or other information contained in any messages posted or transmitted by any third party are the responsibility of the author of that message and not of $sitename. The fact that a particular message is posted on or transmitted using this website does not mean that $sitename has endorsed that message in any way or verified the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message.<P>Furthermore, all persons who use $sitename are advised not to use them for solicitations or any other commercial purposes. We make no representation regarding the merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose of any message posted by any third party. Users are encouraged to seek the advice of their appropriate professional advisors, when evaluating the information contained in any message. $sitename is not responsible for any defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of any user.<P></DD>