Issue #1546752 by Gábor Hojtsy, erno, xjm: Move negotiation tests to language module.

catch 2012-05-14 18:16:42 +09:00
parent 9e2223c534
commit 969e670eae
6 changed files with 909 additions and 903 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;
use Drupal\simpletest\UnitTestBase;
* Functional tests for the language list configuration forms.
@ -252,3 +253,875 @@ class LanguageDependencyInjectionTest extends WebTestBase {
* Functional tests for language configuration's effect on negotiation setup.
class LanguageConfigurationTestCase extends WebTestBase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Language negotiation autoconfiguration',
'description' => 'Adds and configures languages to check negotiation changes.',
'group' => 'Language',
function setUp() {
* Functional tests for adding, editing and deleting languages.
function testLanguageConfiguration() {
global $base_url;
// User to add and remove language.
$admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer languages', 'access administration pages'));
// Check if the Default English language has no path prefix.
$this->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@name="prefix[en]"]', '', t('Default English has no path prefix.'));
// Add predefined language.
$edit = array(
'predefined_langcode' => 'fr',
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/add', $edit, t('Add language'));
$this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), url('admin/config/regional/language', array('absolute' => TRUE)), t('Correct page redirection.'));
// Check if the Default English language has no path prefix.
$this->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@name="prefix[en]"]', '', t('Default English has no path prefix.'));
// Check if French has a path prefix.
$this->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@name="prefix[fr]"]', 'fr', t('French has a path prefix.'));
// Check if we can change the default language.
$this->assertFieldChecked('edit-site-default-en', t('English is the default language.'));
// Change the default language.
$edit = array(
'site_default' => 'fr',
$this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save configuration'));
$this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-site-default-en', t('Default language updated.'));
$this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), url('admin/config/regional/language', array('absolute' => TRUE)), t('Correct page redirection.'));
// Check if a valid language prefix is added afrer changing the default
// language.
$this->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@name="prefix[en]"]', 'en', t('A valid path prefix has been added to the previous default language.'));
// Check if French still has a path prefix.
$this->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@name="prefix[fr]"]', 'fr', t('French still has a path prefix.'));
* Functional tests for the language switching feature.
class LanguageSwitchingFunctionalTestCase extends WebTestBase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Language switching',
'description' => 'Tests for the language switching feature.',
'group' => 'Language',
function setUp() {
parent::setUp(array('language', 'block'));
// Create and login user.
$admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer blocks', 'administer languages', 'access administration pages'));
* Functional tests for the language switcher block.
function testLanguageBlock() {
// Enable the language switching block.
$edit = array(
"blocks[language_{$language_type}][region]" => 'sidebar_first',
$this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', $edit, t('Save blocks'));
// Add language.
$edit = array(
'predefined_langcode' => 'fr',
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/add', $edit, t('Add language'));
// Enable URL language detection and selection.
$edit = array('language_interface[enabled][language-url]' => '1');
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));
// Assert that the language switching block is displayed on the frontpage.
$this->assertText(t('Languages'), t('Language switcher block found.'));
// Assert that only the current language is marked as active.
list($language_switcher) = $this->xpath('//div[@id=:id]/div[@class="content"]', array(':id' => 'block-language-' . str_replace('_', '-', $language_type)));
$links = array(
'active' => array(),
'inactive' => array(),
$anchors = array(
'active' => array(),
'inactive' => array(),
foreach ($language_switcher->ul->li as $link) {
$classes = explode(" ", (string) $link['class']);
list($langcode) = array_intersect($classes, array('en', 'fr'));
if (in_array('active', $classes)) {
$links['active'][] = $langcode;
else {
$links['inactive'][] = $langcode;
$anchor_classes = explode(" ", (string) $link->a['class']);
if (in_array('active', $anchor_classes)) {
$anchors['active'][] = $langcode;
else {
$anchors['inactive'][] = $langcode;
$this->assertIdentical($links, array('active' => array('en'), 'inactive' => array('fr')), t('Only the current language list item is marked as active on the language switcher block.'));
$this->assertIdentical($anchors, array('active' => array('en'), 'inactive' => array('fr')), t('Only the current language anchor is marked as active on the language switcher block.'));
* Test browser language detection.
class LanguageBrowserDetectionTestCase extends UnitTestBase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Browser language detection',
'description' => 'Tests for the browser language detection.',
'group' => 'Language',
* Unit tests for the language_from_browser() function.
function testLanguageFromBrowser() {
// Load the required functions.
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/modules/language/';
$languages = array(
// In our test case, 'en' has priority over 'en-US'.
'en' => (object) array(
'langcode' => 'en',
'en-US' => (object) array(
'langcode' => 'en-US',
// But 'fr-CA' has priority over 'fr'.
'fr-CA' => (object) array(
'langcode' => 'fr-CA',
'fr' => (object) array(
'langcode' => 'fr',
// 'es-MX' is alone.
'es-MX' => (object) array(
'langcode' => 'es-MX',
// 'pt' is alone.
'pt' => (object) array(
'langcode' => 'pt',
// Language codes with more then one dash are actually valid.
// eh-oh-laa-laa is the official language code of the Teletubbies.
'eh-oh-laa-laa' => (object) array(
'langcode' => 'eh-oh-laa-laa',
$test_cases = array(
// Equal qvalue for each language, choose the site prefered one.
'en,en-US,fr-CA,fr,es-MX' => 'en',
'en-US,en,fr-CA,fr,es-MX' => 'en',
'fr,en' => 'en',
'en,fr' => 'en',
'en-US,fr' => 'en',
'fr,en-US' => 'en',
'fr,fr-CA' => 'fr-CA',
'fr-CA,fr' => 'fr-CA',
'fr' => 'fr-CA',
'fr;q=1' => 'fr-CA',
'fr,es-MX' => 'fr-CA',
'fr,es' => 'fr-CA',
'es,fr' => 'fr-CA',
'es-MX,de' => 'es-MX',
'de,es-MX' => 'es-MX',
// Different cases and whitespace.
'en' => 'en',
'En' => 'en',
'EN' => 'en',
' en' => 'en',
'en ' => 'en',
'en, fr' => 'en',
// A less specific language from the browser matches a more specific one
// from the website, and the other way around for compatibility with
// some versions of Internet Explorer.
'es' => 'es-MX',
'es-MX' => 'es-MX',
'pt' => 'pt',
'pt-PT' => 'pt',
'pt-PT;q=0.5,pt-BR;q=1,en;q=0.7' => 'en',
'pt-PT;q=1,pt-BR;q=0.5,en;q=0.7' => 'en',
'pt-PT;q=0.4,pt-BR;q=0.1,en;q=0.7' => 'en',
'pt-PT;q=0.1,pt-BR;q=0.4,en;q=0.7' => 'en',
// Language code with several dashes are valid. The less specific language
// from the browser matches the more specific one from the website.
'eh-oh-laa-laa' => 'eh-oh-laa-laa',
'eh-oh-laa' => 'eh-oh-laa-laa',
'eh-oh' => 'eh-oh-laa-laa',
'eh' => 'eh-oh-laa-laa',
// Different qvalues.
'en-US,en;q=0.5,fr;q=0.25' => 'en-US',
'fr,en;q=0.5' => 'fr-CA',
'fr,en;q=0.5,fr-CA;q=0.25' => 'fr',
// Silly wildcards are also valid.
'*,fr-CA;q=0.5' => 'en',
'*,en;q=0.25' => 'fr-CA',
'en,en-US;q=0.5,fr;q=0.25' => 'en',
'en-US,en;q=0.5,fr;q=0.25' => 'en-US',
// Unresolvable cases.
'' => FALSE,
'de,pl' => FALSE,
'iecRswK4eh' => FALSE,
$this->randomName(10) => FALSE,
foreach ($test_cases as $accept_language => $expected_result) {
$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = $accept_language;
$result = language_from_browser($languages);
$this->assertIdentical($result, $expected_result, t("Language selection '@accept-language' selects '@result', result = '@actual'", array('@accept-language' => $accept_language, '@result' => $expected_result, '@actual' => isset($result) ? $result : 'none')));
* Test UI language negotiation
* UI Language base on URL prefix, browser language preference has no
* influence:
* admin/config
* UI in site default language
* zh-hans/admin/config
* UI in Chinese
* blah-blah/admin/config
* 404
* admin/config
* UI in user's browser language preference if the site has that
* language enabled, if not, the default language
* zh-hans/admin/config
* UI in Chinese
* blah-blah/admin/config
* 404
* UI language in site default
* UI language in Chinese
class LanguageUILanguageNegotiationTestCase extends WebTestBase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'UI language negotiation',
'description' => 'Test UI language switching by url path prefix and domain.',
'group' => 'Language',
function setUp() {
// We marginally use interface translation functionality here, so need to
// use the locale module instead of language only, but the 90% of the test
// is about the negotiation process which is solely in language module.
parent::setUp(array('locale', 'language_test', 'block'));
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/includes/';
drupal_load('module', 'locale');
$admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer languages', 'translate interface', 'access administration pages', 'administer blocks'));
* Tests for language switching by URL path.
function testUILanguageNegotiation() {
// A few languages to switch to.
// This one is unknown, should get the default lang version.
$langcode_unknown = 'blah-blah';
// For testing browser lang preference.
$langcode_browser_fallback = 'vi';
// For testing path prefix.
$langcode = 'zh-hans';
// For setting browser language preference to 'vi'.
$http_header_browser_fallback = array("Accept-Language: $langcode_browser_fallback;q=1");
// For setting browser language preference to some unknown.
$http_header_blah = array("Accept-Language: blah;q=1");
// This domain should switch the UI to Chinese.
$language_domain = '';
// Setup the site languages by installing two languages.
$language = (object) array(
'langcode' => $langcode_browser_fallback,
$language = (object) array(
'langcode' => $langcode,
// We will look for this string in the admin/config screen to see if the
// corresponding translated string is shown.
$default_string = 'Configure languages for content and the user interface';
// Set the default language in order for the translated string to be registered
// into database when seen by t(). Without doing this, our target string
// is for some reason not found when doing translate search. This might
// be some bug.
$languages = language_list();
variable_set('language_default', $languages['vi']);
// First visit this page to make sure our target string is searchable.
// Now the t()'ed string is in db so switch the language back to default.
// Translate the string.
$language_browser_fallback_string = "In $langcode_browser_fallback In $langcode_browser_fallback In $langcode_browser_fallback";
$language_string = "In $langcode In $langcode In $langcode";
// Do a translate search of our target string.
$edit = array( 'string' => $default_string);
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/translate/translate', $edit, t('Filter'));
// Should find the string and now click edit to post translated string.
$edit = array(
"translations[$langcode_browser_fallback][0]" => $language_browser_fallback_string,
"translations[$langcode][0]" => $language_string,
$this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save translations'));
// Configure URL language rewrite.
variable_set('language_negotiation_url_type', LANGUAGE_TYPE_INTERFACE);
$tests = array(
// Default, browser preference should have no influence.
'path' => 'admin/config',
'expect' => $default_string,
'expected_method_id' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DEFAULT,
'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
'message' => 'URL (PATH) > DEFAULT: no language prefix, UI language is default and the browser language preference setting is not used.',
// Language prefix.
'path' => "$langcode/admin/config",
'expect' => $language_string,
'expected_method_id' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL,
'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
'message' => 'URL (PATH) > DEFAULT: with language prefix, UI language is switched based on path prefix',
// Default, go by browser preference.
'path' => 'admin/config',
'expect' => $language_browser_fallback_string,
'expected_method_id' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_BROWSER,
'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
'message' => 'URL (PATH) > BROWSER: no language prefix, UI language is determined by browser language preference',
// Prefix, switch to the language.
'path' => "$langcode/admin/config",
'expect' => $language_string,
'expected_method_id' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL,
'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
'message' => 'URL (PATH) > BROWSER: with langage prefix, UI language is based on path prefix',
// Default, browser language preference is not one of site's lang.
'path' => 'admin/config',
'expect' => $default_string,
'expected_method_id' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DEFAULT,
'http_header' => $http_header_blah,
'message' => 'URL (PATH) > BROWSER > DEFAULT: no language prefix and browser language preference set to unknown language should use default language',
foreach ($tests as $test) {
// Unknown language prefix should return 404.
variable_set('language_negotiation_' . LANGUAGE_TYPE_INTERFACE, language_language_negotiation_info());
$this->drupalGet("$langcode_unknown/admin/config", array(), $http_header_browser_fallback);
$this->assertResponse(404, "Unknown language path prefix should return 404");
// Setup for domain negotiation, first configure the language to have domain
// URL.
$edit = array("domain[$langcode]" => $language_domain);
$this->drupalPost("admin/config/regional/language/detection/url", $edit, t('Save configuration'));
// Set the site to use domain language negotiation.
$tests = array(
// Default domain, browser preference should have no influence.
'language_negotiation_url_part' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL_DOMAIN,
'path' => 'admin/config',
'expect' => $default_string,
'expected_method_id' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DEFAULT,
'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
'message' => 'URL (DOMAIN) > DEFAULT: default domain should get default language',
// Language domain specific URL, we set the $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] in
// language_test.module hook_boot() to simulate this.
'language_negotiation_url_part' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL_DOMAIN,
'language_test_domain' => $language_domain,
'path' => 'admin/config',
'expect' => $language_string,
'expected_method_id' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL,
'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
'message' => 'URL (DOMAIN) > DEFAULT: domain should switch to Chinese',
foreach ($tests as $test) {
protected function runTest($test) {
if (!empty($test['language_negotiation'])) {
$method_weights = array_flip($test['language_negotiation']);
language_negotiation_set(LANGUAGE_TYPE_INTERFACE, $method_weights);
if (!empty($test['language_negotiation_url_part'])) {
variable_set('language_negotiation_url_part', $test['language_negotiation_url_part']);
if (!empty($test['language_test_domain'])) {
variable_set('language_test_domain', $test['language_test_domain']);
$this->drupalGet($test['path'], array(), $test['http_header']);
$this->assertText($test['expect'], $test['message']);
$this->assertText(t('Language negotiation method: @name', array('@name' => $test['expected_method_id'])));
* Test URL language detection when the requested URL has no language.
function testUrlLanguageFallback() {
// Add the Italian language.
$langcode_browser_fallback = 'it';
$language = (object) array(
'langcode' => $langcode_browser_fallback,
$languages = language_list();
// Enable the path prefix for the default language: this way any unprefixed
// URL must have a valid fallback value.
$edit = array('prefix[en]' => 'en');
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection/url', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
// Enable browser and URL language detection.
$edit = array(
'language_interface[enabled][language-browser]' => TRUE,
'language_interface[enabled][language-url]' => TRUE,
'language_interface[weight][language-browser]' => -8,
'language_interface[weight][language-url]' => -10,
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));
// Enable the language switcher block.
$edit = array('blocks[language_language_interface][region]' => 'sidebar_first');
$this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', $edit, t('Save blocks'));
// Access the front page without specifying any valid URL language prefix
// and having as browser language preference a non-default language.
$http_header = array("Accept-Language: $langcode_browser_fallback;q=1");
$language = (object) array('langcode' => '');
$this->drupalGet('', array('language' => $language), $http_header);
// Check that the language switcher active link matches the given browser
// language.
$args = array(':url' => base_path() . $GLOBALS['script_path'] . $langcode_browser_fallback);
$fields = $this->xpath('//div[@id="block-language-language-interface"]//a[@class="language-link active" and starts-with(@href, :url)]', $args);
$this->assertTrue($fields[0] == $languages[$langcode_browser_fallback]->name, t('The browser language is the URL active language'));
// Check that URLs are rewritten using the given browser language.
$fields = $this->xpath('//p[@id="site-name"]/strong/a[@rel="home" and @href=:url]', $args);
$this->assertTrue($fields[0] == 'Drupal', t('URLs are rewritten using the browser language.'));
* Tests url() when separate domains are used for multiple languages.
function testLanguageDomain() {
// Add the Italian language.
$langcode = 'it';
$language = (object) array(
'langcode' => $langcode,
$languages = language_list();
// Enable browser and URL language detection.
$edit = array(
'language_interface[enabled][language-url]' => TRUE,
'language_interface[weight][language-url]' => -10,
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));
// Change the domain for the Italian language.
$edit = array(
'language_negotiation_url_part' => 1,
'domain[it]' => '',
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection/url', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
// Build the link we're going to test.
$link = '';
global $is_https;
// Test URL in another language:
// Base path gives problems on the testbot, so $correct_link is hard-coded.
// @see UrlAlterFunctionalTest::assertUrlOutboundAlter (path.test).
$italian_url = url('admin', array('language' => $languages['it'], 'script' => ''));
$url_scheme = ($is_https) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
$correct_link = $url_scheme . $link;
$this->assertTrue($italian_url == $correct_link, t('The url() function returns the right url (@url) in accordance with the chosen language', array('@url' => $italian_url)));
// Test https via options.
variable_set('https', TRUE);
$italian_url = url('admin', array('https' => TRUE, 'language' => $languages['it'], 'script' => ''));
$correct_link = 'https://' . $link;
$this->assertTrue($italian_url == $correct_link, t('The url() function returns the right https url (via options) (@url) in accordance with the chosen language', array('@url' => $italian_url)));
variable_set('https', FALSE);
// Test https via current url scheme.
$temp_https = $is_https;
$is_https = TRUE;
$italian_url = url('admin', array('language' => $languages['it'], 'script' => ''));
$correct_link = 'https://' . $link;
$this->assertTrue($italian_url == $correct_link, t('The url() function returns the right url (via current url scheme) (@url) in accordance with the chosen language', array('@url' => $italian_url)));
$is_https = $temp_https;
* Test that URL rewriting works as expected.
class LanguageUrlRewritingTestCase extends WebTestBase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'URL rewriting',
'description' => 'Test that URL rewriting works as expected.',
'group' => 'Language',
function setUp() {
// Create and login user.
$this->web_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer languages', 'access administration pages'));
// Install French language.
$edit = array();
$edit['predefined_langcode'] = 'fr';
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/add', $edit, t('Add language'));
// Enable URL language detection and selection.
$edit = array('language_interface[enabled][language-url]' => 1);
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));
// Reset static caching.
* Check that non-installed languages are not considered.
function testUrlRewritingEdgeCases() {
// Check URL rewriting with a non-installed language.
$non_existing = language_default();
$non_existing->langcode = $this->randomName();
$this->checkUrl($non_existing, t('Path language is ignored if language is not installed.'), t('URL language negotiation does not work with non-installed languages'));
* Check URL rewriting for the given language.
* The test is performed with a fixed URL (the default front page) to simply
* check that language prefixes are not added to it and that the prefixed URL
* is actually not working.
private function checkUrl($language, $message1, $message2) {
$options = array('language' => $language, 'script' => '');
$base_path = trim(base_path(), '/');
$rewritten_path = trim(str_replace($base_path, '', url('node', $options)), '/');
$segments = explode('/', $rewritten_path, 2);
$prefix = $segments[0];
$path = isset($segments[1]) ? $segments[1] : $prefix;
// If the rewritten URL has not a language prefix we pick a random prefix so
// we can always check the prefixed URL.
$prefixes = language_negotiation_url_prefixes();
$stored_prefix = isset($prefixes[$language->langcode]) ? $prefixes[$language->langcode] : $this->randomName();
if ($this->assertNotEqual($stored_prefix, $prefix, $message1)) {
$prefix = $stored_prefix;
$this->assertResponse(404, $message2);
* Functional test for language types/negotiation info.
class LanguageNegotiationInfoTestCase extends WebTestBase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Language negotiation info',
'description' => 'Tests alterations to language types/negotiation info.',
'group' => 'Language',
function setUp() {
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT .'/core/includes/';
$admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer languages', 'access administration pages', 'view the administration theme'));
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/add', array('predefined_langcode' => 'it'), t('Add language'));
* Tests alterations to language types/negotiation info.
function testInfoAlterations() {
// Enable language type/negotiation info alterations.
variable_set('language_test_language_types', TRUE);
variable_set('language_test_language_negotiation_info', TRUE);
// Check that fixed language types are properly configured without the need
// of saving the language negotiation settings.
// Make the content language type configurable by updating the language
// negotiation settings with the proper flag enabled.
variable_set('language_test_content_language_type', TRUE);
$language_types = variable_get('language_types', language_types_get_default());
$this->assertTrue($language_types[$type], t('Content language type is configurable.'));
// Enable some core and custom language negotiation methods. The test
// language type is supposed to be configurable.
$test_type = 'test_language_type';
$test_method_id = 'test_language_negotiation_method';
$form_field = $type . '[enabled]['. $interface_method_id .']';
$edit = array(
$form_field => TRUE,
$type . '[enabled][' . $test_method_id . ']' => TRUE,
$test_type . '[enabled][' . $test_method_id . ']' => TRUE,
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));
// Remove the interface language negotiation method by updating the language
// negotiation settings with the proper flag enabled.
variable_set('language_test_language_negotiation_info_alter', TRUE);
$negotiation = variable_get("language_negotiation_$type", array());
$this->assertFalse(isset($negotiation[$interface_method_id]), t('Interface language negotiation method removed from the stored settings.'));
$this->assertNoFieldByXPath("//input[@name=\"$form_field\"]", NULL, t('Interface language negotiation method unavailable.'));
// Check that type-specific language negotiation methods can be assigned
// only to the corresponding language types.
foreach (language_types_get_configurable() as $type) {
$form_field = $type . '[enabled][test_language_negotiation_method_ts]';
if ($type == $test_type) {
$this->assertFieldByXPath("//input[@name=\"$form_field\"]", NULL, t('Type-specific test language negotiation method available for %type.', array('%type' => $type)));
else {
$this->assertNoFieldByXPath("//input[@name=\"$form_field\"]", NULL, t('Type-specific test language negotiation method unavailable for %type.', array('%type' => $type)));
// Check language negotiation results.
$last = variable_get('language_test_language_negotiation_last', array());
foreach (language_types_get_all() as $type) {
$langcode = $last[$type];
$value = $type == LANGUAGE_TYPE_CONTENT || strpos($type, 'test') !== FALSE ? 'it' : 'en';
$this->assertEqual($langcode, $value, t('The negotiated language for %type is %language', array('%type' => $type, '%language' => $langcode)));
// Disable language_test and check that everything is set back to the
// original status.
// Check that only the core language types are available.
foreach (language_types_get_all() as $type) {
$this->assertTrue(strpos($type, 'test') === FALSE, t('The %type language is still available', array('%type' => $type)));
// Check that fixed language types are properly configured, even those
// previously set to configurable.
// Check that unavailable language negotiation methods are not present in
// the negotiation settings.
$negotiation = variable_get("language_negotiation_$type", array());
$this->assertFalse(isset($negotiation[$test_method_id]), t('The disabled test language negotiation method is not part of the content language negotiation settings.'));
// Check that configuration page presents the correct options and settings.
$this->assertNoRaw(t('Test language detection'), t('No test language type configuration available.'));
$this->assertNoRaw(t('This is a test language negotiation method'), t('No test language negotiation method available.'));
* Update language types/negotiation information.
* Manually invoke language_modules_enabled()/language_modules_disabled()
* since they would not be invoked after enabling/disabling language_test the
* first time.
protected function languageNegotiationUpdate($op = 'enable') {
static $last_op = NULL;
$modules = array('language_test');
// Enable/disable language_test only if we did not already before.
if ($last_op != $op) {
$function = "module_{$op}";
// Reset hook implementation cache.
$function = "language_modules_{$op}d";
if (function_exists($function)) {
* Check that language negotiation for fixed types matches the stored one.
protected function checkFixedLanguageTypes() {
foreach (language_types_info() as $type => $info) {
if (isset($info['fixed'])) {
$negotiation = variable_get("language_negotiation_$type", array());
$equal = count($info['fixed']) == count($negotiation);
while ($equal && list($id) = each($negotiation)) {
list(, $info_id) = each($info['fixed']);
$equal = $info_id == $id;
$this->assertTrue($equal, t('language negotiation for %type is properly set up', array('%type' => $type)));
* Tests that paths are not prefixed on a monolingual site.
class LanguagePathMonolingualTestCase extends WebTestBase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Paths on non-English monolingual sites',
'description' => 'Confirm that paths are not changed on monolingual non-English sites',
'group' => 'Language',
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('path', 'language');
// Create and login user.
$web_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer languages', 'access administration pages'));
// Enable French language.
$edit = array();
$edit['predefined_langcode'] = 'fr';
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/add', $edit, t('Add language'));
// Make French the default language.
$edit = array('site_default' => 'fr');
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
// Delete English.
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/delete/en', array(), t('Delete'));
// Verify that French is the only language.
$this->assertFalse(language_multilingual(), t('Site is mono-lingual'));
$this->assertEqual(language_default()->langcode, 'fr', t('French is the default language'));
// Set language detection to URL.
$edit = array('language_interface[enabled][language-url]' => TRUE);
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));
// Force languages to be initialized.
* Verifies that links do not have language prefixes in them.
function testPageLinks() {
// Navigate to 'admin/config' path.
// Verify that links in this page do not have a 'fr/' prefix.
$this->assertNoLinkByHref('/fr/', 'Links do not contain language prefix');
// Verify that links in this page can be followed and work.
$this->assertResponse(200, 'Clicked link results in a valid page');
$this->assertText(t('Add language'), 'Page contains the add language text');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
name = "Language test"
description = "Support module for the language layer tests."
core = 8.x
package = Testing
version = VERSION
hidden = TRUE

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* @file
* Mock module for locale layer tests.
* Mock module for language layer tests.
@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
* For testing domain language negotiation, we fake it by setting
* the HTTP_HOST here
function locale_test_boot() {
if (variable_get('locale_test_domain')) {
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = variable_get('locale_test_domain');
function language_test_boot() {
if (variable_get('language_test_domain')) {
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = variable_get('language_test_domain');
* Implements hook_init().
function locale_test_init() {
function language_test_init() {
if (isset(drupal_container()->get(LANGUAGE_TYPE_INTERFACE)->langcode) && isset(drupal_container()->get(LANGUAGE_TYPE_INTERFACE)->method_id)) {
drupal_set_message(t('Language negotiation method: @name', array('@name' => drupal_container()->get(LANGUAGE_TYPE_INTERFACE)->method_id)));
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ function locale_test_init() {
* Implements hook_language_types_info().
function locale_test_language_types_info() {
if (variable_get('locale_test_language_types', FALSE)) {
function language_test_language_types_info() {
if (variable_get('language_test_language_types', FALSE)) {
return array(
'test_language_type' => array(
'name' => t('Test'),
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ function locale_test_language_types_info() {
* Implements hook_language_types_info_alter().
function locale_test_language_types_info_alter(array &$language_types) {
if (variable_get('locale_test_content_language_type', FALSE)) {
function language_test_language_types_info_alter(array &$language_types) {
if (variable_get('language_test_content_language_type', FALSE)) {
@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ function locale_test_language_types_info_alter(array &$language_types) {
* Implements hook_language_negotiation_info().
function locale_test_language_negotiation_info() {
if (variable_get('locale_test_language_negotiation_info', FALSE)) {
function language_test_language_negotiation_info() {
if (variable_get('language_test_language_negotiation_info', FALSE)) {
$info = array(
'callbacks' => array(
'negotiation' => 'locale_test_language_negotiation_method',
'negotiation' => 'language_test_language_negotiation_method',
'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'locale_test') .'/locale_test.module',
'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'language_test') .'/language_test.module',
'weight' => -10,
'description' => t('This is a test language negotiation method.'),
@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ function locale_test_language_negotiation_info() {
* Implements hook_language_negotiation_info_alter().
function locale_test_language_negotiation_info_alter(array &$negotiation_info) {
if (variable_get('locale_test_language_negotiation_info_alter', FALSE)) {
function language_test_language_negotiation_info_alter(array &$negotiation_info) {
if (variable_get('language_test_language_negotiation_info_alter', FALSE)) {
@ -92,17 +92,17 @@ function locale_test_language_negotiation_info_alter(array &$negotiation_info) {
* Store the last negotiated languages.
function locale_test_store_language_negotiation() {
function language_test_store_language_negotiation() {
$last = array();
foreach (language_types_get_all() as $type) {
$last[$type] = $GLOBALS[$type]->langcode;
variable_set('locale_test_language_negotiation_last', $last);
variable_set('language_test_language_negotiation_last', $last);
* Provides a test language negotiation method.
function locale_test_language_negotiation_method($languages) {
function language_test_language_negotiation_method($languages) {
return 'it';

View File

@ -21,73 +21,6 @@
use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;
use Drupal\simpletest\UnitTestBase;
* Functional tests for language configuration's effect on negotiation setup.
class LocaleConfigurationTest extends WebTestBase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Language negotiation autoconfiguration',
'description' => 'Adds and configures languages to check negotiation changes.',
'group' => 'Locale',
function setUp() {
* Functional tests for adding, editing and deleting languages.
function testLanguageConfiguration() {
global $base_url;
// User to add and remove language.
$admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer languages', 'access administration pages'));
// Check if the Default English language has no path prefix.
$this->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@name="prefix[en]"]', '', t('Default English has no path prefix.'));
// Add predefined language.
$edit = array(
'predefined_langcode' => 'fr',
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/add', $edit, t('Add language'));
$this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), url('admin/config/regional/language', array('absolute' => TRUE)), t('Correct page redirection.'));
// Check if the Default English language has no path prefix.
$this->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@name="prefix[en]"]', '', t('Default English has no path prefix.'));
// Check if French has a path prefix.
$this->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@name="prefix[fr]"]', 'fr', t('French has a path prefix.'));
// Check if we can change the default language.
$this->assertFieldChecked('edit-site-default-en', t('English is the default language.'));
// Change the default language.
$edit = array(
'site_default' => 'fr',
$this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save configuration'));
$this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-site-default-en', t('Default language updated.'));
$this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), url('admin/config/regional/language', array('absolute' => TRUE)), t('Correct page redirection.'));
// Check if a valid language prefix is added afrer changing the default
// language.
$this->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@name="prefix[en]"]', 'en', t('A valid path prefix has been added to the previous default language.'));
// Check if French still has a path prefix.
$this->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@name="prefix[fr]"]', 'fr', t('French still has a path prefix.'));
* Functional tests for JavaScript parsing for translatable strings.
@ -102,12 +35,12 @@ class LocaleJavascriptTranslationTest extends WebTestBase {
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('locale', 'locale_test');
function testFileParsing() {
$filename = drupal_get_path('module', 'locale_test') . '/locale_test.js';
$filename = drupal_get_path('module', 'locale') . '/tests/locale_test.js';
// Parse the file to look for source strings.
@ -178,6 +111,7 @@ class LocaleJavascriptTranslationTest extends WebTestBase {
$this->assertEqual(count($source_strings), count($test_strings), t("Found correct number of source strings."));
* Functional test for string translation and validation.
@ -917,10 +851,10 @@ class LocaleImportFunctionalTest extends WebTestBase {
protected $admin_user = NULL;
function setUp() {
parent::setUp(array('locale', 'locale_test', 'dblog'));
parent::setUp(array('locale', 'dblog'));
// Set the translation file directory.
variable_set('locale_translate_file_directory', drupal_get_path('module', 'locale_test'));
variable_set('locale_translate_file_directory', drupal_get_path('module', 'locale') . '/tests');
$this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer languages', 'translate interface', 'access administration pages'));
@ -1394,7 +1328,7 @@ class LocaleExportFunctionalTest extends WebTestBase {
protected $admin_user = NULL;
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('locale', 'locale_test');
$this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer languages', 'translate interface', 'access administration pages'));
@ -1692,206 +1626,6 @@ class LocaleUninstallFrenchFunctionalTest extends LocaleUninstallFunctionalTest
* Functional tests for the language switching feature.
class LocaleLanguageSwitchingFunctionalTest extends WebTestBase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Language switching',
'description' => 'Tests for the language switching feature.',
'group' => 'Locale',
function setUp() {
parent::setUp(array('locale', 'block'));
// Create and login user.
$admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer blocks', 'administer languages', 'translate interface', 'access administration pages'));
* Functional tests for the language switcher block.
function testLanguageBlock() {
// Enable the language switching block.
$edit = array(
"blocks[language_{$language_type}][region]" => 'sidebar_first',
$this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', $edit, t('Save blocks'));
// Add language.
$edit = array(
'predefined_langcode' => 'fr',
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/add', $edit, t('Add language'));
// Enable URL language detection and selection.
$edit = array('language_interface[enabled][language-url]' => '1');
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));
// Assert that the language switching block is displayed on the frontpage.
$this->assertText(t('Languages'), t('Language switcher block found.'));
// Assert that only the current language is marked as active.
list($language_switcher) = $this->xpath('//div[@id=:id]/div[@class="content"]', array(':id' => 'block-language-' . str_replace('_', '-', $language_type)));
$links = array(
'active' => array(),
'inactive' => array(),
$anchors = array(
'active' => array(),
'inactive' => array(),
foreach ($language_switcher->ul->li as $link) {
$classes = explode(" ", (string) $link['class']);
list($langcode) = array_intersect($classes, array('en', 'fr'));
if (in_array('active', $classes)) {
$links['active'][] = $langcode;
else {
$links['inactive'][] = $langcode;
$anchor_classes = explode(" ", (string) $link->a['class']);
if (in_array('active', $anchor_classes)) {
$anchors['active'][] = $langcode;
else {
$anchors['inactive'][] = $langcode;
$this->assertIdentical($links, array('active' => array('en'), 'inactive' => array('fr')), t('Only the current language list item is marked as active on the language switcher block.'));
$this->assertIdentical($anchors, array('active' => array('en'), 'inactive' => array('fr')), t('Only the current language anchor is marked as active on the language switcher block.'));
* Test browser language detection.
class LocaleBrowserDetectionTest extends UnitTestBase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Browser language detection',
'description' => 'Tests for the browser language detection.',
'group' => 'Locale',
* Unit tests for the language_from_browser() function.
function testLanguageFromBrowser() {
// Load the required functions.
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/modules/language/';
$languages = array(
// In our test case, 'en' has priority over 'en-US'.
'en' => (object) array(
'langcode' => 'en',
'en-US' => (object) array(
'langcode' => 'en-US',
// But 'fr-CA' has priority over 'fr'.
'fr-CA' => (object) array(
'langcode' => 'fr-CA',
'fr' => (object) array(
'langcode' => 'fr',
// 'es-MX' is alone.
'es-MX' => (object) array(
'langcode' => 'es-MX',
// 'pt' is alone.
'pt' => (object) array(
'langcode' => 'pt',
// Language codes with more then one dash are actually valid.
// eh-oh-laa-laa is the official language code of the Teletubbies.
'eh-oh-laa-laa' => (object) array(
'langcode' => 'eh-oh-laa-laa',
$test_cases = array(
// Equal qvalue for each language, choose the site prefered one.
'en,en-US,fr-CA,fr,es-MX' => 'en',
'en-US,en,fr-CA,fr,es-MX' => 'en',
'fr,en' => 'en',
'en,fr' => 'en',
'en-US,fr' => 'en',
'fr,en-US' => 'en',
'fr,fr-CA' => 'fr-CA',
'fr-CA,fr' => 'fr-CA',
'fr' => 'fr-CA',
'fr;q=1' => 'fr-CA',
'fr,es-MX' => 'fr-CA',
'fr,es' => 'fr-CA',
'es,fr' => 'fr-CA',
'es-MX,de' => 'es-MX',
'de,es-MX' => 'es-MX',
// Different cases and whitespace.
'en' => 'en',
'En' => 'en',
'EN' => 'en',
' en' => 'en',
'en ' => 'en',
'en, fr' => 'en',
// A less specific language from the browser matches a more specific one
// from the website, and the other way around for compatibility with
// some versions of Internet Explorer.
'es' => 'es-MX',
'es-MX' => 'es-MX',
'pt' => 'pt',
'pt-PT' => 'pt',
'pt-PT;q=0.5,pt-BR;q=1,en;q=0.7' => 'en',
'pt-PT;q=1,pt-BR;q=0.5,en;q=0.7' => 'en',
'pt-PT;q=0.4,pt-BR;q=0.1,en;q=0.7' => 'en',
'pt-PT;q=0.1,pt-BR;q=0.4,en;q=0.7' => 'en',
// Language code with several dashes are valid. The less specific language
// from the browser matches the more specific one from the website.
'eh-oh-laa-laa' => 'eh-oh-laa-laa',
'eh-oh-laa' => 'eh-oh-laa-laa',
'eh-oh' => 'eh-oh-laa-laa',
'eh' => 'eh-oh-laa-laa',
// Different qvalues.
'en-US,en;q=0.5,fr;q=0.25' => 'en-US',
'fr,en;q=0.5' => 'fr-CA',
'fr,en;q=0.5,fr-CA;q=0.25' => 'fr',
// Silly wildcards are also valid.
'*,fr-CA;q=0.5' => 'en',
'*,en;q=0.25' => 'fr-CA',
'en,en-US;q=0.5,fr;q=0.25' => 'en',
'en-US,en;q=0.5,fr;q=0.25' => 'en-US',
// Unresolvable cases.
'' => FALSE,
'de,pl' => FALSE,
'iecRswK4eh' => FALSE,
$this->randomName(10) => FALSE,
foreach ($test_cases as $accept_language => $expected_result) {
$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = $accept_language;
$result = language_from_browser($languages);
$this->assertIdentical($result, $expected_result, t("Language selection '@accept-language' selects '@result', result = '@actual'", array('@accept-language' => $accept_language, '@result' => $expected_result, '@actual' => isset($result) ? $result : 'none')));
* Functional tests for configuring a different path alias per language.
@ -2231,395 +1965,6 @@ class LocaleContentFunctionalTest extends WebTestBase {
* Test UI language negotiation
* UI Language base on URL prefix, browser language preference has no
* influence:
* admin/config
* UI in site default language
* zh-hans/admin/config
* UI in Chinese
* blah-blah/admin/config
* 404
* admin/config
* UI in user's browser language preference if the site has that
* language enabled, if not, the default language
* zh-hans/admin/config
* UI in Chinese
* blah-blah/admin/config
* 404
* UI language in site default
* UI language in Chinese
class LocaleUILanguageNegotiationTest extends WebTestBase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'UI language negotiation',
'description' => 'Test UI language switching by url path prefix and domain.',
'group' => 'Locale',
function setUp() {
parent::setUp(array('locale', 'locale_test', 'block'));
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/includes/';
drupal_load('module', 'locale');
$admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer languages', 'translate interface', 'access administration pages', 'administer blocks'));
* Tests for language switching by URL path.
function testUILanguageNegotiation() {
// A few languages to switch to.
// This one is unknown, should get the default lang version.
$langcode_unknown = 'blah-blah';
// For testing browser lang preference.
$langcode_browser_fallback = 'vi';
// For testing path prefix.
$langcode = 'zh-hans';
// For setting browser language preference to 'vi'.
$http_header_browser_fallback = array("Accept-Language: $langcode_browser_fallback;q=1");
// For setting browser language preference to some unknown.
$http_header_blah = array("Accept-Language: blah;q=1");
// This domain should switch the UI to Chinese.
$language_domain = '';
// Setup the site languages by installing two languages.
$language = (object) array(
'langcode' => $langcode_browser_fallback,
$language = (object) array(
'langcode' => $langcode,
// We will look for this string in the admin/config screen to see if the
// corresponding translated string is shown.
$default_string = 'Configure languages for content and the user interface';
// Set the default language in order for the translated string to be registered
// into database when seen by t(). Without doing this, our target string
// is for some reason not found when doing translate search. This might
// be some bug.
$languages = language_list();
variable_set('language_default', $languages['vi']);
// First visit this page to make sure our target string is searchable.
// Now the t()'ed string is in db so switch the language back to default.
// Translate the string.
$language_browser_fallback_string = "In $langcode_browser_fallback In $langcode_browser_fallback In $langcode_browser_fallback";
$language_string = "In $langcode In $langcode In $langcode";
// Do a translate search of our target string.
$edit = array( 'string' => $default_string);
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/translate/translate', $edit, t('Filter'));
// Should find the string and now click edit to post translated string.
$edit = array(
"translations[$langcode_browser_fallback][0]" => $language_browser_fallback_string,
"translations[$langcode][0]" => $language_string,
$this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save translations'));
// Configure URL language rewrite.
variable_set('language_negotiation_url_type', LANGUAGE_TYPE_INTERFACE);
$tests = array(
// Default, browser preference should have no influence.
'path' => 'admin/config',
'expect' => $default_string,
'expected_method_id' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DEFAULT,
'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
'message' => 'URL (PATH) > DEFAULT: no language prefix, UI language is default and the browser language preference setting is not used.',
// Language prefix.
'path' => "$langcode/admin/config",
'expect' => $language_string,
'expected_method_id' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL,
'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
'message' => 'URL (PATH) > DEFAULT: with language prefix, UI language is switched based on path prefix',
// Default, go by browser preference.
'path' => 'admin/config',
'expect' => $language_browser_fallback_string,
'expected_method_id' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_BROWSER,
'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
'message' => 'URL (PATH) > BROWSER: no language prefix, UI language is determined by browser language preference',
// Prefix, switch to the language.
'path' => "$langcode/admin/config",
'expect' => $language_string,
'expected_method_id' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL,
'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
'message' => 'URL (PATH) > BROWSER: with langage prefix, UI language is based on path prefix',
// Default, browser language preference is not one of site's lang.
'path' => 'admin/config',
'expect' => $default_string,
'expected_method_id' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DEFAULT,
'http_header' => $http_header_blah,
'message' => 'URL (PATH) > BROWSER > DEFAULT: no language prefix and browser language preference set to unknown language should use default language',
foreach ($tests as $test) {
// Unknown language prefix should return 404.
variable_set('language_negotiation_' . LANGUAGE_TYPE_INTERFACE, language_language_negotiation_info());
$this->drupalGet("$langcode_unknown/admin/config", array(), $http_header_browser_fallback);
$this->assertResponse(404, "Unknown language path prefix should return 404");
// Setup for domain negotiation, first configure the language to have domain
// URL.
$edit = array("domain[$langcode]" => $language_domain);
$this->drupalPost("admin/config/regional/language/detection/url", $edit, t('Save configuration'));
// Set the site to use domain language negotiation.
$tests = array(
// Default domain, browser preference should have no influence.
'language_negotiation_url_part' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL_DOMAIN,
'path' => 'admin/config',
'expect' => $default_string,
'expected_method_id' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DEFAULT,
'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
'message' => 'URL (DOMAIN) > DEFAULT: default domain should get default language',
// Language domain specific URL, we set the $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] in
// locale_test.module hook_boot() to simulate this.
'language_negotiation_url_part' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL_DOMAIN,
'locale_test_domain' => $language_domain,
'path' => 'admin/config',
'expect' => $language_string,
'expected_method_id' => LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL,
'http_header' => $http_header_browser_fallback,
'message' => 'URL (DOMAIN) > DEFAULT: domain should switch to Chinese',
foreach ($tests as $test) {
protected function runTest($test) {
if (!empty($test['language_negotiation'])) {
$method_weights = array_flip($test['language_negotiation']);
language_negotiation_set(LANGUAGE_TYPE_INTERFACE, $method_weights);
if (!empty($test['language_negotiation_url_part'])) {
variable_set('language_negotiation_url_part', $test['language_negotiation_url_part']);
if (!empty($test['locale_test_domain'])) {
variable_set('locale_test_domain', $test['locale_test_domain']);
$this->drupalGet($test['path'], array(), $test['http_header']);
$this->assertText($test['expect'], $test['message']);
$this->assertText(t('Language negotiation method: @name', array('@name' => $test['expected_method_id'])));
* Test URL language detection when the requested URL has no language.
function testUrlLanguageFallback() {
// Add the Italian language.
$langcode_browser_fallback = 'it';
$language = (object) array(
'langcode' => $langcode_browser_fallback,
$languages = language_list();
// Enable the path prefix for the default language: this way any unprefixed
// URL must have a valid fallback value.
$edit = array('prefix[en]' => 'en');
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection/url', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
// Enable browser and URL language detection.
$edit = array(
'language_interface[enabled][language-browser]' => TRUE,
'language_interface[enabled][language-url]' => TRUE,
'language_interface[weight][language-browser]' => -8,
'language_interface[weight][language-url]' => -10,
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));
// Enable the language switcher block.
$edit = array('blocks[language_language_interface][region]' => 'sidebar_first');
$this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', $edit, t('Save blocks'));
// Access the front page without specifying any valid URL language prefix
// and having as browser language preference a non-default language.
$http_header = array("Accept-Language: $langcode_browser_fallback;q=1");
$language = (object) array('langcode' => '');
$this->drupalGet('', array('language' => $language), $http_header);
// Check that the language switcher active link matches the given browser
// language.
$args = array(':url' => base_path() . $GLOBALS['script_path'] . $langcode_browser_fallback);
$fields = $this->xpath('//div[@id="block-language-language-interface"]//a[@class="language-link active" and starts-with(@href, :url)]', $args);
$this->assertTrue($fields[0] == $languages[$langcode_browser_fallback]->name, t('The browser language is the URL active language'));
// Check that URLs are rewritten using the given browser language.
$fields = $this->xpath('//p[@id="site-name"]/strong/a[@rel="home" and @href=:url]', $args);
$this->assertTrue($fields[0] == 'Drupal', t('URLs are rewritten using the browser language.'));
* Tests url() when separate domains are used for multiple languages.
function testLanguageDomain() {
// Add the Italian language.
$langcode = 'it';
$language = (object) array(
'langcode' => $langcode,
$languages = language_list();
// Enable browser and URL language detection.
$edit = array(
'language_interface[enabled][language-url]' => TRUE,
'language_interface[weight][language-url]' => -10,
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));
// Change the domain for the Italian language.
$edit = array(
'language_negotiation_url_part' => 1,
'domain[it]' => '',
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection/url', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
// Build the link we're going to test.
$link = '';
global $is_https;
// Test URL in another language:
// Base path gives problems on the testbot, so $correct_link is hard-coded.
// @see UrlAlterFunctionalTest::assertUrlOutboundAlter (path.test).
$italian_url = url('admin', array('language' => $languages['it'], 'script' => ''));
$url_scheme = ($is_https) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
$correct_link = $url_scheme . $link;
$this->assertTrue($italian_url == $correct_link, t('The url() function returns the right url (@url) in accordance with the chosen language', array('@url' => $italian_url)));
// Test https via options.
variable_set('https', TRUE);
$italian_url = url('admin', array('https' => TRUE, 'language' => $languages['it'], 'script' => ''));
$correct_link = 'https://' . $link;
$this->assertTrue($italian_url == $correct_link, t('The url() function returns the right https url (via options) (@url) in accordance with the chosen language', array('@url' => $italian_url)));
variable_set('https', FALSE);
// Test https via current url scheme.
$temp_https = $is_https;
$is_https = TRUE;
$italian_url = url('admin', array('language' => $languages['it'], 'script' => ''));
$correct_link = 'https://' . $link;
$this->assertTrue($italian_url == $correct_link, t('The url() function returns the right url (via current url scheme) (@url) in accordance with the chosen language', array('@url' => $italian_url)));
$is_https = $temp_https;
* Test that URL rewriting works as expected.
class LocaleUrlRewritingTest extends WebTestBase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'URL rewriting',
'description' => 'Test that URL rewriting works as expected.',
'group' => 'Locale',
function setUp() {
// Create and login user.
$this->web_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer languages', 'access administration pages'));
// Install French language.
$edit = array();
$edit['predefined_langcode'] = 'fr';
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/add', $edit, t('Add language'));
// Enable URL language detection and selection.
$edit = array('language_interface[enabled][language-url]' => 1);
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));
// Reset static caching.
* Check that non-installed languages are not considered.
function testUrlRewritingEdgeCases() {
// Check URL rewriting with a non-installed language.
$non_existing = language_default();
$non_existing->langcode = $this->randomName();
$this->checkUrl($non_existing, t('Path language is ignored if language is not installed.'), t('URL language negotiation does not work with non-installed languages'));
* Check URL rewriting for the given language.
* The test is performed with a fixed URL (the default front page) to simply
* check that language prefixes are not added to it and that the prefixed URL
* is actually not working.
private function checkUrl($language, $message1, $message2) {
$options = array('language' => $language, 'script' => '');
$base_path = trim(base_path(), '/');
$rewritten_path = trim(str_replace($base_path, '', url('node', $options)), '/');
$segments = explode('/', $rewritten_path, 2);
$prefix = $segments[0];
$path = isset($segments[1]) ? $segments[1] : $prefix;
// If the rewritten URL has not a language prefix we pick a random prefix so
// we can always check the prefixed URL.
$prefixes = language_negotiation_url_prefixes();
$stored_prefix = isset($prefixes[$language->langcode]) ? $prefixes[$language->langcode] : $this->randomName();
if ($this->assertNotEqual($stored_prefix, $prefix, $message1)) {
$prefix = $stored_prefix;
$this->assertResponse(404, $message2);
* Functional test for multilingual fields.
@ -2762,7 +2107,10 @@ class LocaleCommentLanguageFunctionalTest extends WebTestBase {
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('locale', 'locale_test');
// We also use language_test module here to be able to turn on content
// language negotiation. Drupal core does not provide a way in itself
// to do that.
parent::setUp('locale', 'language_test');
// Create and login user.
$admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer site configuration', 'administer languages', 'access administration pages', 'administer content types', 'create article content'));
@ -2777,7 +2125,7 @@ class LocaleCommentLanguageFunctionalTest extends WebTestBase {
$this->drupalPost('admin/structure/types/manage/article', $edit, t('Save content type'));
// Enable content language negotiation UI.
variable_set('locale_test_content_language_type', TRUE);
variable_set('language_test_content_language_type', TRUE);
// Set interface language detection to user and content language detection
// to URL. Disable inheritance from interface language to ensure content
@ -2913,158 +2261,3 @@ class LocaleDateFormatsFunctionalTest extends WebTestBase {
$this->assertText($french_date, t('French date format appears'));
* Functional test for language types/negotiation info.
class LocaleLanguageNegotiationInfoFunctionalTest extends WebTestBase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Language negotiation info',
'description' => 'Tests alterations to language types/negotiation info.',
'group' => 'Locale',
function setUp() {
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT .'/core/includes/';
$admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer languages', 'access administration pages', 'view the administration theme'));
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/add', array('predefined_langcode' => 'it'), t('Add language'));
* Tests alterations to language types/negotiation info.
function testInfoAlterations() {
// Enable language type/negotiation info alterations.
variable_set('locale_test_language_types', TRUE);
variable_set('locale_test_language_negotiation_info', TRUE);
// Check that fixed language types are properly configured without the need
// of saving the language negotiation settings.
// Make the content language type configurable by updating the language
// negotiation settings with the proper flag enabled.
variable_set('locale_test_content_language_type', TRUE);
$language_types = variable_get('language_types', language_types_get_default());
$this->assertTrue($language_types[$type], t('Content language type is configurable.'));
// Enable some core and custom language negotiation methods. The test
// language type is supposed to be configurable.
$test_type = 'test_language_type';
$test_method_id = 'test_language_negotiation_method';
$form_field = $type . '[enabled]['. $interface_method_id .']';
$edit = array(
$form_field => TRUE,
$type . '[enabled][' . $test_method_id . ']' => TRUE,
$test_type . '[enabled][' . $test_method_id . ']' => TRUE,
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));
// Remove the interface language negotiation method by updating the language
// negotiation settings with the proper flag enabled.
variable_set('locale_test_language_negotiation_info_alter', TRUE);
$negotiation = variable_get("language_negotiation_$type", array());
$this->assertFalse(isset($negotiation[$interface_method_id]), t('Interface language negotiation method removed from the stored settings.'));
$this->assertNoFieldByXPath("//input[@name=\"$form_field\"]", NULL, t('Interface language negotiation method unavailable.'));
// Check that type-specific language negotiation methods can be assigned
// only to the corresponding language types.
foreach (language_types_get_configurable() as $type) {
$form_field = $type . '[enabled][test_language_negotiation_method_ts]';
if ($type == $test_type) {
$this->assertFieldByXPath("//input[@name=\"$form_field\"]", NULL, t('Type-specific test language negotiation method available for %type.', array('%type' => $type)));
else {
$this->assertNoFieldByXPath("//input[@name=\"$form_field\"]", NULL, t('Type-specific test language negotiation method unavailable for %type.', array('%type' => $type)));
// Check language negotiation results.
$last = variable_get('locale_test_language_negotiation_last', array());
foreach (language_types_get_all() as $type) {
$langcode = $last[$type];
$value = $type == LANGUAGE_TYPE_CONTENT || strpos($type, 'test') !== FALSE ? 'it' : 'en';
$this->assertEqual($langcode, $value, t('The negotiated language for %type is %language', array('%type' => $type, '%language' => $langcode)));
// Disable locale_test and check that everything is set back to the original
// status.
// Check that only the core language types are available.
foreach (language_types_get_all() as $type) {
$this->assertTrue(strpos($type, 'test') === FALSE, t('The %type language is still available', array('%type' => $type)));
// Check that fixed language types are properly configured, even those
// previously set to configurable.
// Check that unavailable language negotiation methods are not present in
// the negotiation settings.
$negotiation = variable_get("language_negotiation_$type", array());
$this->assertFalse(isset($negotiation[$test_method_id]), t('The disabled test language negotiation method is not part of the content language negotiation settings.'));
// Check that configuration page presents the correct options and settings.
$this->assertNoRaw(t('Test language detection'), t('No test language type configuration available.'));
$this->assertNoRaw(t('This is a test language negotiation method'), t('No test language negotiation method available.'));
* Update language types/negotiation information.
* Manually invoke locale_modules_enabled()/locale_modules_disabled() since
* they would not be invoked after enabling/disabling locale_test the first
* time.
protected function languageNegotiationUpdate($op = 'enable') {
static $last_op = NULL;
$modules = array('locale_test');
// Enable/disable locale_test only if we did not already before.
if ($last_op != $op) {
$function = "module_{$op}";
// Reset hook implementation cache.
$function = "language_modules_{$op}d";
if (function_exists($function)) {
* Check that language negotiation for fixed types matches the stored one.
protected function checkFixedLanguageTypes() {
foreach (language_types_info() as $type => $info) {
if (isset($info['fixed'])) {
$negotiation = variable_get("language_negotiation_$type", array());
$equal = count($info['fixed']) == count($negotiation);
while ($equal && list($id) = each($negotiation)) {
list(, $info_id) = each($info['fixed']);
$equal = $info_id == $id;
$this->assertTrue($equal, t('language negotiation for %type is properly set up', array('%type' => $type)));

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
name = "Locale Test"
description = "Support module for the locale layer tests."
core = 8.x
package = Testing
version = VERSION
hidden = TRUE

View File

@ -517,63 +517,3 @@ class PathLanguageUITestCase extends PathTestCase {
* Tests that paths are not prefixed on a monolingual site.
class PathMonolingualTestCase extends PathTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Paths on non-English monolingual sites',
'description' => 'Confirm that paths are not changed on monolingual non-English sites',
'group' => 'Path',
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('path', 'locale', 'translation');
// Create and login user.
$web_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer languages', 'access administration pages'));
// Enable French language.
$edit = array();
$edit['predefined_langcode'] = 'fr';
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/add', $edit, t('Add language'));
// Make French the default language.
$edit = array('site_default' => 'fr');
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
// Delete English.
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/delete/en', array(), t('Delete'));
// Verify that French is the only language.
$this->assertFalse(language_multilingual(), t('Site is mono-lingual'));
$this->assertEqual(language_default()->langcode, 'fr', t('French is the default language'));
// Set language detection to URL.
$edit = array('language_interface[enabled][language-url]' => TRUE);
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, t('Save settings'));
// Force languages to be initialized.
* Verifies that links do not have language prefixes in them.
function testPageLinks() {
// Navigate to 'admin/config' path.
// Verify that links in this page do not have a 'fr/' prefix.
$this->assertNoLinkByHref('/fr/', 'Links do not contain language prefix');
// Verify that links in this page can be followed and work.
$this->assertResponse(200, 'Clicked link results in a valid page');
$this->assertText(t('Add language'), 'Page contains the add language text');