Revert "Issue #2345779 by subhojit777, idebr, singularo, Yaron Tal, aneek, gngn, m.ioannidis, scor, clemens.tolboom, Sachini, ravi.khetri, SebCorbin, rpayanm: Fix double-escaping due to Twig autoescape in dblog event "operations""

This reverts commit 630edf8c03.
Alex Pott 2015-03-14 23:40:06 +00:00
parent 630edf8c03
commit 8cf2ca01ec
2 changed files with 16 additions and 113 deletions

View File

@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class DbLogController extends ControllerBase {
array('data' => $this->t('Operations'), 'header' => TRUE),
$build['dblog_table'] = array(
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ class DbLogController extends ControllerBase {
else {
$message = FALSE;
return ($message) ? Xss::filterAdmin($message) : FALSE;
return $message;

View File

@ -7,11 +7,9 @@
namespace Drupal\dblog\Tests;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\String;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Unicode;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss;
use Drupal\Core\Logger\RfcLogLevel;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\dblog\Controller\DbLogController;
use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;
@ -73,8 +71,6 @@ class DbLogTest extends WebTestBase {
// Verify the overview table sorting.
$orders = array('Date', 'Type', 'User');
$sorts = array('asc', 'desc');
@ -133,33 +129,21 @@ class DbLogTest extends WebTestBase {
* @param int $count
* Number of watchdog entries to generate.
* @param array $options
* These options are used to override the defaults for the test.
* An associative array containing any of the following keys:
* - 'channel': String identifying the log channel to be output to.
* If the channel is not set, the default of 'custom' will be used.
* - 'message': String containing a message to be output to the log.
* A simple default message is used if not provided.
* - 'variables': Array of variables that match the message string.
* - 'severity': Log severity level as defined in logging_severity_levels.
* - 'link': String linking to view the result of the event.
* - 'user': String identifying the username.
* - 'uid': Int identifying the user id for the user.
* - 'request_uri': String identifying the location of the request.
* - 'referer': String identifying the referring url.
* - 'ip': String The ip address of the client machine triggering the log
* entry.
* - 'timestamp': Int unix timestamp.
* @param string $type
* (optional) The type of watchdog entry. Defaults to 'custom'.
* @param int $severity
* (optional) The severity of the watchdog entry. Defaults to
* \Drupal\Core\Logger\RfcLogLevel::NOTICE.
private function generateLogEntries($count, $options = array()) {
private function generateLogEntries($count, $type = 'custom', $severity = RfcLogLevel::NOTICE) {
global $base_root;
// Prepare the fields to be logged
$log = $options + array(
'channel' => 'custom',
'message' => 'Dblog test log message',
$log = array(
'channel' => $type,
'message' => 'Log entry added to test the dblog row limit.',
'variables' => array(),
'severity' => RfcLogLevel::NOTICE,
'severity' => $severity,
'link' => NULL,
'user' => $this->adminUser,
'uid' => $this->adminUser->id(),
@ -167,13 +151,11 @@ class DbLogTest extends WebTestBase {
'referer' => \Drupal::request()->server->get('HTTP_REFERER'),
'ip' => '',
'timestamp' => REQUEST_TIME,
$logger = $this->container->get('logger.dblog');
$message = $log['message'] . ' Entry #';
$message = 'Log entry added to test the dblog row limit. Entry #';
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$log['message'] = $message . $i;
$logger->log($log['severity'], $log['message'], $log);
$this->container->get('logger.dblog')->log($severity, $log['message'], $log);
@ -264,82 +246,6 @@ class DbLogTest extends WebTestBase {
$this->assertText(t('Recent log messages'), 'DBLog report was displayed correctly and sorting went fine.');
* Tests the escaping of links in the operation row of a database log detail
* page.
private function verifyLinkEscaping() {
$link = \Drupal::l('View', Url::fromRoute('entity.node.canonical', array('node' => 1)));
$message = 'Log entry added to do the verifyLinkEscaping test.';
$this->generateLogEntries(1, array(
'message' => $message,
'link' => $link,
$result = db_query_range('SELECT wid FROM {watchdog} ORDER BY wid DESC', 0, 1);
$this->drupalGet('admin/reports/dblog/event/' . $result->fetchField());
// Check if the link exists (unescaped).
// Check for XSS filtering.
$js_txt = 'This should not pop up!';
$js = '<script>alert("' . $js_txt . '");</script>';
$this->generateLogEntries(1, array(
'message' => $message,
'link' => $link . $js,
$result = db_query_range('SELECT wid FROM {watchdog} ORDER BY wid DESC', 0, 1);
$this->drupalGet('admin/reports/dblog/event/' . $result->fetchField());
// Check if the link exists (unescaped).
// Check if javascript was escaped.
$this->assertNoRaw($js, 'Detail view: javascript in link is blocked');
$this->assertRaw($js_txt, 'Detail view: javascript text exists');
* Test the escaping of message in the operation row of a database log detail
* page.
private function verifyMessageEscaping() {
$link = \Drupal::l('View', Url::fromRoute('entity.node.canonical', array('node' => 1)));
$message = String::format('%message', array(
'%message' => 'Log entry added to do the verifyMessageEscaping test.',
$this->generateLogEntries(1, array(
'message' => $message,
'link' => $link,
$result = db_query_range('SELECT wid FROM {watchdog} ORDER BY wid DESC', 0, 1);
$this->drupalGet('admin/reports/dblog/event/' . $result->fetchField());
// Check if the link exists (unescaped).
// Check for XSS filtering.
$js_txt = 'This should not pop up!';
$js = '<script>alert("' . $js_txt . '");</script>';
$this->generateLogEntries(1, array(
'message' => $message . $js,
'link' => $link,
$result = db_query_range('SELECT wid FROM {watchdog} ORDER BY wid DESC', 0, 1);
$this->drupalGet('admin/reports/dblog/event/' . $result->fetchField());
// Check if the link exists (unescaped).
// Check if javascript was escaped.
$this->assertNoRaw($js, 'Detail view: javascript in message is blocked');
$this->assertRaw($js_txt, 'Detail view: javascript text exists ');
* Generates and then verifies some user events.
@ -591,10 +497,7 @@ class DbLogTest extends WebTestBase {
'type' => $type_name,
'severity' => $severity++,
$this->generateLogEntries($type['count'], array(
'channel' => $type['type'],
'severity' => $type['severity'],
$this->generateLogEntries($type['count'], $type['type'], $type['severity']);