Issue #2176141 by sun, chx: Add a return value to file_save_htaccess().

Alex Pott 2014-01-28 16:31:48 +00:00
parent f1fdcfa372
commit 747fd61167
2 changed files with 100 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -584,19 +584,23 @@ function file_ensure_htaccess() {
* @param $private
* FALSE indicates that $directory should be an open and public directory.
* The default is TRUE which indicates a private and protected directory.
* @return bool
* TRUE if the .htaccess file could be created or existed already, FALSE
* otherwise.
function file_save_htaccess($directory, $private = TRUE) {
if (file_uri_scheme($directory)) {
$directory = file_stream_wrapper_uri_normalize($directory);
$htaccess_path = file_stream_wrapper_uri_normalize($directory . '/.htaccess');
else {
$directory = rtrim($directory, '/\\');
$htaccess_path = $directory . '/.htaccess';
$htaccess_path = $directory . '/.htaccess';
if (file_exists($htaccess_path)) {
// Short circuit if the .htaccess file already exists.
return TRUE;
if ($private) {
@ -609,12 +613,13 @@ function file_save_htaccess($directory, $private = TRUE) {
// Write the .htaccess file.
if (file_put_contents($htaccess_path, $htaccess_lines)) {
drupal_chmod($htaccess_path, 0444);
if (file_exists($directory) && is_writable($directory) && file_put_contents($htaccess_path, $htaccess_lines)) {
return drupal_chmod($htaccess_path, 0444);
else {
$variables = array('%directory' => $directory, '!htaccess' => '<br />' . nl2br(String::checkPlain($htaccess_lines)));
watchdog('security', "Security warning: Couldn't write .htaccess file. Please create a .htaccess file in your %directory directory which contains the following lines: <code>!htaccess</code>", $variables, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
return FALSE;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
* @file
* Contains \Drupal\system\Tests\File\HtaccessUnitTest.
namespace Drupal\system\Tests\File;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\String;
use Drupal\simpletest\DrupalUnitTestBase;
* .htaccess file saving tests.
class HtaccessUnitTest extends DrupalUnitTestBase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => '.htaccess file saving',
'description' => 'Tests .htaccess file saving.',
'group' => 'File API',
* Tests file_save_htaccess().
function testHtaccessSave() {
// Prepare test directories.
$public = $this->public_files_directory . '/test/public';
$private = $this->public_files_directory . '/test/private';
$stream = 'public://test/stream';
// Verify that file_save_htaccess() returns FALSE if .htaccess cannot be
// written.
// Note: We cannot test the condition of a directory lacking write
// permissions, since at least on Windows file_save_htaccess() succeeds
// even when changing directory permissions to 0000.
$this->assertFalse(file_save_htaccess($public, FALSE));
// Create public .htaccess file.
mkdir($public, 0777, TRUE);
$this->assertTrue(file_save_htaccess($public, FALSE));
$content = file_get_contents($public . '/.htaccess');
$this->assertIdentical($content, "SetHandler Drupal_Security_Do_Not_Remove_See_SA_2006_006\nOptions None\nOptions +FollowSymLinks");
$this->assertFilePermissions($public . '/.htaccess', 0444);
$this->assertTrue(file_save_htaccess($public, FALSE));
// Create private .htaccess file.
mkdir($private, 0777, TRUE);
$content = file_get_contents($private . '/.htaccess');
$this->assertIdentical($content, "SetHandler Drupal_Security_Do_Not_Remove_See_SA_2006_006\nDeny from all\nOptions None\nOptions +FollowSymLinks");
$this->assertFilePermissions($private . '/.htaccess', 0444);
// Create an .htaccess file using a stream URI.
mkdir($stream, 0777, TRUE);
$content = file_get_contents($stream . '/.htaccess');
$this->assertIdentical($content, "SetHandler Drupal_Security_Do_Not_Remove_See_SA_2006_006\nDeny from all\nOptions None\nOptions +FollowSymLinks");
$this->assertFilePermissions($stream . '/.htaccess', 0444);
* Asserts expected file permissions for a given file.
* @param string $uri
* The URI of the file to check.
* @param int $expected
* The expected file permissions; e.g., 0444.
* @return bool
* Whether the actual file permissions match the expected.
protected function assertFilePermissions($uri, $expected) {
$actual = fileperms($uri) & 0777;
return $this->assertIdentical($actual, $expected, String::format('@uri file permissions @actual are identical to @expected.', array(
'@uri' => $uri,
'@actual' => 0 . decoct($actual),
'@expected' => 0 . decoct($expected),