Issue #253157 by Maxtorete, j.somers, FiNeX, 5ven, fastangel, jibran, penyaskito: added 'Translate own content' permission, rename 'Translate content' to 'Translate all content'.
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class TextTranslationTest extends WebTestBase {
'bypass node access',
$this->translator = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('create article content', 'edit own article content', 'translate content'));
$this->translator = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('create article content', 'edit own article content', 'translate all content'));
// Enable an additional language.
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class PathLanguageTest extends PathTestBase {
// Create and login user.
$this->web_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('edit any page content', 'create page content', 'administer url aliases', 'create url aliases', 'administer languages', 'translate content', 'access administration pages'));
$this->web_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('edit any page content', 'create page content', 'administer url aliases', 'create url aliases', 'administer languages', 'translate all content', 'access administration pages'));
// Enable French language.
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class PollTranslateTest extends PollTestBase {
* the vote count values are set to 0.
function testPollTranslate() {
$admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer content types', 'administer languages', 'edit any poll content', 'create poll content', 'administer nodes', 'translate content'));
$admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer content types', 'administer languages', 'edit any poll content', 'create poll content', 'administer nodes', 'translate all content'));
// Set up a poll with two choices.
$title = $this->randomName();
@ -159,4 +159,24 @@ class LanguageUpgradePathTest extends UpgradePathTestBase {
// whether index 'plural' has been removed.
$this->assertFalse(db_index_exists('locales_target', 'plural'), t('Translations without plurals upgraded.'));
* Tests upgrading translations permissions.
public function testLanguagePermissionsUpgrade() {
'rid' => 2,
'permission' => 'translate content',
'module' => 'translation',
$this->assertTrue($this->performUpgrade(), t('The upgrade was completed successfully.'));
// Check that translate content role doesn't exist on database.
$old_permission_exists = db_query('SELECT * FROM {role_permission} WHERE permission LIKE ?', array('translate content'))->fetchObject();
$this->assertFalse($old_permission_exists, t('No translate content role left on database.'));
// Check that translate content has been renamed to translate all content.
$new_permission_exists = db_query('SELECT * FROM {role_permission} WHERE permission LIKE ?', array('translate all content'))->fetchObject();
$this->assertTrue($new_permission_exists, t('Rename role translate content to translate all content was completed successfully.'));
@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ class TranslationTest extends WebTestBase {
// Setup users.
$this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('bypass node access', 'administer nodes', 'administer languages', 'administer content types', 'administer blocks', 'access administration pages', 'translate content'));
$this->translator = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('create page content', 'edit own page content', 'translate content'));
$this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('bypass node access', 'administer nodes', 'administer languages', 'administer content types', 'administer blocks', 'access administration pages', 'translate all content'));
$this->translator = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('create page content', 'edit own page content', 'translate all content'));
$this->limited_translator = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('create page content', 'edit own page content', 'translate own content'));
@ -249,6 +250,35 @@ class TranslationTest extends WebTestBase {
$this->assertLanguageSwitchLinks($node, $node_it, TRUE, $type);
* Checks that users with "translate own content" role only can translate own content.
function testTranslateOwnContentRole() {
// Create a Basic page in English and its translation in Spanish with user
// that has "translate own content" role.
$node = $this->createPage($this->randomName(), $this->randomName(), 'en');
$this->assertLinkByHref('node/' . $node->nid . '/translate', 0, t('User with "translate own content" role can see translate link'));
$this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/translate');
$this->assertResponse(200, t('User with "translate own content" role can get translate page'));
$translation_es = $this->createTranslation($node, $this->randomName(), $this->randomName(), 'es');
// Create a page as translator user.
$node = $this->createPage($this->randomName(), $this->randomName(), 'en');
// Change to limited_translator and check that translate links aren't shown.
$this->assertNoLinkByHref('node/' . $node->nid . '/translate', t('User with "translate own content" role can\'t see translate link'));
// Check if user with "translate own content" role can see translate page
// from other user's node.
$this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/translate');
$this->assertResponse(403, t('User with "translate own content" role can\'t get translate page'));
// Try to change to translate with "brute force".
$this->drupalGet('node/add/page', array('query' => array('translation' => $node->nid, 'target' => 'es')));
$this->assertResponse(403, t('User with "translate own content" role can\'t get create translate page'));
* Resets static caches to make the test code match the client-side behavior.
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* @file
* Update function for the translation module.
* Rename the translate content permission.
function translation_update_8000() {
->fields(array('permission' => 'translate all content'))
->condition('permission', 'translate content')
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function translation_help($path, $arg) {
$output .= '<dt>' . t('Assigning a language to content') . '</dt>';
$output .= '<dd>' . t('Use the <em>Language</em> drop down to select the appropriate language when creating or editing content.') . '</dd>';
$output .= '<dt>' . t('Translating content') . '</dt>';
$output .= '<dd>' . t('Users with the <em>translate content</em> permission can translate content, if the content type has been configured to allow translations. To translate content, select the <em>Translations</em> tab when viewing the content, select the language for which you wish to provide content, and then enter the content.') . '</dd>';
$output .= '<dd>' . t('Users with the <em>translate all content</em> or <em>translate own content</em> permission can translate content, if the content type has been configured to allow translations. To translate content, select the <em>Translations</em> tab when viewing the content, select the language for which you wish to provide content, and then enter the content.') . '</dd>';
$output .= '<dt>' . t('Maintaining translations') . '</dt>';
$output .= '<dd>' . t('If editing content in one language requires that translated versions also be updated to reflect the change, use the <em>Flag translations as outdated</em> check box to mark the translations as outdated and in need of revision. Individual translations may also be marked for revision by selecting the <em>This translation needs to be updated</em> check box on the translation editing form.') . '</dd>';
$output .= '</dl>';
@ -67,7 +67,9 @@ function translation_menu() {
* Access callback: Checks that the user has permission to 'translate content'.
* Access callback: Checks that the user has permission to 'translate
* all content' or to 'translate own content' and has created the node
* being translated.
* Only displays the translation tab for nodes that are not language-neutral
* of types that have translation enabled.
@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ function translation_menu() {
function _translation_tab_access($node) {
if ($node->langcode != LANGUAGE_NOT_SPECIFIED && translation_supported_type($node->type) && node_access('view', $node)) {
return user_access('translate content');
return translation_user_can_translate_node($node);
return FALSE;
@ -104,12 +106,49 @@ function translation_admin_paths() {
function translation_permission() {
return array(
'translate content' => array(
'title' => t('Translate content'),
'translate all content' => array(
'title' => t('Translate all content'),
'translate own content' => array(
'title' => t('Translate own content'),
* Implements hook_node_access().
function translation_node_access($node, $op, $account, $langcode) {
$request_has_translation_arg = isset($_GET['translation']) && isset($_GET['target']) && is_numeric($_GET['translation']);
if ($op == 'create' && $request_has_translation_arg) {
$source_node = node_load($_GET['translation']);
if (empty($source_node) || !translation_user_can_translate_node($source_node, $account)){
* Check if the user has permissions to translate a node.
* @param $node
* Node being checked.
* @param $account
* User object to check translation permissions.
* @return
* TRUE if the user can translate a node, FALSE otherwise.
function translation_user_can_translate_node($node, $account = NULL) {
// If no user object is supplied, the access check is for the current user.
if (empty($account)) {
$account = $GLOBALS['user'];
return node_access('view', $node, $account) && (user_access('translate all content', $account) || ($node->uid == $account->uid && user_access('translate own content', $account)));
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for node_type_form().
@ -173,7 +212,7 @@ function translation_form_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
$form['translation'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Translation settings'),
'#access' => user_access('translate content'),
'#access' => translation_user_can_translate_node($node),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => !$node->translate,
'#tree' => TRUE,
@ -267,20 +306,12 @@ function translation_node_prepare(Node $node) {
if (translation_supported_type($node->type) &&
// And it's a new node.
empty($node->nid) &&
// And the user has permission to translate content.
user_access('translate content') &&
// And the $_GET variables are set properly.
isset($_GET['translation']) &&
isset($_GET['target']) &&
is_numeric($_GET['translation'])) {
$source_node = node_load($_GET['translation']);
if (empty($source_node) || !node_access('view', $source_node)) {
// Source node not found or no access to view. We should not check
// for edit access, since the translator might not have permissions
// to edit the source node but should still be able to translate.
$language_list = language_list();
$langcode = $_GET['target'];
Reference in New Issue