Issue #1804650 by Letharion: Stop checking whether PDO is built from PECL or not.

catch 2012-10-05 16:52:57 +01:00
parent a834496e18
commit 6d7f25528c
1 changed files with 1 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ function install_verify_completed_task() {
function install_verify_database_settings() {
global $databases;
if (!empty($databases) && install_verify_pdo()) {
if (!empty($databases)) {
$database = $databases['default']['default'];
$settings_file = './' . conf_path(FALSE) . '/settings.php';
@ -955,18 +955,6 @@ function install_verify_database_settings() {
return FALSE;
* Verifies the PDO library.
function install_verify_pdo() {
// PDO was moved to PHP core in 5.2.0, but the old extension (targeting 5.0
// and 5.1) is still available from PECL, and can still be built without
// errors. To verify that the correct version is in use, we check the
// PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE constant, which is not available in the
// PECL extension.
return extension_loaded('pdo') && defined('PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE');
* Form constructor for a form to configure and rewrite settings.php.