Issue #2457273 by pjonckiere: Number lists are not supported in docs - use bullet lists
@ -1161,15 +1161,13 @@ function install_select_profile(&$install_state) {
* Determines the installation profile to use in the installer.
* A profile will be selected in the following order of conditions:
* 1. Only one profile is available.
* 2. A specific profile name is requested in installation parameters:
* - for interactive installations via request query parameters.
* - for non-interactive installations via install_drupal() settings.
* 3. A discovered profile that is a distribution.
* If multiple profiles are distributions, then the first discovered profile
* will be selected.
* 4. Only one visible profile is available.
* - Only one profile is available.
* - A specific profile name is requested in installation parameters:
* - For interactive installations via request query parameters.
* - For non-interactive installations via install_drupal() settings.
* - A discovered profile that is a distribution. If multiple profiles are
* distributions, then the first discovered profile will be selected.
* - Only one visible profile is available.
* @param array $install_state
* The current installer state, containing a 'profiles' key, which is an
@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ interface AssetResolverInterface {
* It returns the CSS assets in order, according to the SMACSS categories
* specified in the assets' weights:
* @see
* This ensures proper cascading of styles so themes can easily override
* module styles through CSS selectors.
@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ class CacheContexts {
* @return array
* An array with the parsed results, with each result being an array
* containing:
* 1. the cache context ID
* 2. the associated parameter (for a calculated cache context), or NULL if
* there is no parameter.
* - The cache context ID.
* - The associated parameter (for a calculated cache context), or NULL if
* there is no parameter.
public static function parseTokens(array $context_tokens) {
$contexts_with_parameters = [];
@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ namespace Drupal\Core\Menu;
* plus what their parent is. But they don't know where exactly in a menu link
* tree they live.
* - Instances of this class are complimentary to those objects, they know:
* 1. all additional metadata from {menu_tree}, which contains "materialized"
* metadata about a menu link tree, such as whether a link in the tree has
* visible children and the depth relative to the root;
* 2. plus all additional metadata that's adjusted for the current tree query,
* such as whether the link is in the active trail, whether the link is
* accessible for the current user, and the link's children (which are only
* loaded if the link was marked as "expanded" by the query).
* - All additional metadata from {menu_tree}, which contains "materialized"
* metadata about a menu link tree, such as whether a link in the tree has
* visible children and the depth relative to the root.
* - Plus all additional metadata that's adjusted for the current tree query,
* such as whether the link is in the active trail, whether the link is
* accessible for the current user, and the link's children (which are only
* loaded if the link was marked as "expanded" by the query).
* @see \Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuTreeStorage::loadTreeData()
@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ namespace Drupal\Core\Render;
* in a limited environment).
* Currently, there are two types of bare pages available:
* 1. install (hook_preprocess_install_page(), install-page.html.twig)
* 2. maintenance (hook_preprocess_maintenance_page(), maintenance-page.html.twig)
* - Install (hook_preprocess_install_page(), install-page.html.twig).
* - Maintenance (hook_preprocess_maintenance_page(),
* maintenance-page.html.twig).
* @see \Drupal\Core\Render\MainContent\HtmlRenderer
@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ use Drupal\Core\Render\BubbleableMetadata;
* The typical use case for a text filter plugin's processing method is to just
* apply some filtering to the given text, but for more advanced use cases,
* it may be necessary to also:
* 1. declare asset libraries to be loaded;
* 2. declare cache tags that the filtered text depends upon, so when either of
* - Declare asset libraries to be loaded.
* - Declare cache tags that the filtered text depends upon, so when either of
* those cache tags is invalidated, the filtered text should also be
* invalidated;
* 3. declare cache context to vary by, e.g. 'language' to do language-specific
* filtering.
* 4. declare a maximum age for the filtered text
* 5. apply uncacheable filtering, for example because it differs per user.
* invalidated.
* - Declare cache context to vary by, e.g. 'language' to do language-specific
* filtering.
* - Declare a maximum age for the filtered text.
* - Apply uncacheable filtering, for example because it differs per user.
* In case a filter needs one or more of these advanced use cases, it can use
* the additional methods available.
@ -23,30 +23,22 @@ use Drupal\language\LanguageNegotiatorInterface;
use Drupal\block\Entity\Block;
* Tests UI language switching.
* Tests the language UI for language switching.
* UI Language base on URL prefix, browser language preference has no
* influence:
* admin/config
* UI in site default language
* zh-hans/admin/config
* UI in Chinese
* blah-blah/admin/config
* 404
* admin/config
* UI in user's browser language preference if the site has that
* language added, if not, the default language
* zh-hans/admin/config
* UI in Chinese
* blah-blah/admin/config
* 404
* UI language in site default
* UI language in Chinese
* The uses cases that get tested, are:
* - URL (path) > default: Test that the URL prefix setting gets precedence over
* the default language. The browser language preference does not have any
* influence.
* - URL (path) > browser > default: Test that the URL prefix setting gets
* precedence over the browser language preference, which in turn gets
* precedence over the default language.
* - URL (domain) > default: Tests that the URL domain setting gets precedence
* over the default language.
* The paths that are used for each of these, are:
* - admin/config: Tests the UI using the precedence rules.
* - zh-hans/admin/config: Tests the UI in Chinese.
* - blah-blah/admin/config: Tests the 404 page.
* @group language
@ -164,27 +164,27 @@
* @section assets Assets
* We can distinguish between three types of assets:
* 1. unconditional page-level assets (loaded on all pages where the theme is in
* use): these are defined in the theme's *.info.yml file.
* 2. conditional page-level assets (loaded on all pages where the theme is in
* use and a certain condition is met): these are attached in
* hook_page_attachments_alter(), e.g.:
* @code
* function THEME_page_attachments_alter(array &$page) {
* if ($some_condition) {
* $page['#attached']['library'][] = 'mytheme/something';
* }
* }
* @endcode
* 3. template-specific assets (loaded on all pages where a specific template is
* in use): these can be added by in preprocessing functions, using @code
* $variables['#attached'] @endcode, e.g.:
* @code
* function THEME_preprocess_menu_local_action(array &$variables) {
* // We require Modernizr's touch test for button styling.
* $variables['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/modernizr';
* }
* @endcode
* - Unconditional page-level assets (loaded on all pages where the theme is in
* use): these are defined in the theme's *.info.yml file.
* - Conditional page-level assets (loaded on all pages where the theme is in
* use and a certain condition is met): these are attached in
* hook_page_attachments_alter(), e.g.:
* @code
* function THEME_page_attachments_alter(array &$page) {
* if ($some_condition) {
* $page['#attached']['library'][] = 'mytheme/something';
* }
* }
* @endcode
* - Template-specific assets (loaded on all pages where a specific template is
* in use): these can be added by in preprocessing functions, using @code
* $variables['#attached'] @endcode, e.g.:
* @code
* function THEME_preprocess_menu_local_action(array &$variables) {
* // We require Modernizr's touch test for button styling.
* $variables['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/modernizr';
* }
* @endcode
* @see hooks
* @see callbacks
@ -473,15 +473,15 @@ class AccessResultTest extends UnitTestCase {
* every single bit of cacheability metadata, which would lead to a mind-
* boggling number of permutations, in this test, we only consider the
* permutations of all pairs of the following set:
* 1. Allowed, implements CDI, is cacheable
* 2. Allowed, implements CDI, is not cacheable
* 3. Allowed, does not implement CDI (hence not cacheable)
* 4. Forbidden, implements CDI, is cacheable
* 5. Forbidden, implements CDI, is not cacheable
* 6. Forbidden, does not implement CDI (hence not cacheable)
* 7. Neutral, implements CDI, is cacheable
* 8. Neutral, implements CDI, is not cacheable
* 9. Neutral, does not implement CDI (hence not cacheable)
* - Allowed, implements CDI and is cacheable.
* - Allowed, implements CDI and is not cacheable.
* - Allowed, does not implement CDI (hence not cacheable).
* - Forbidden, implements CDI and is cacheable.
* - Forbidden, implements CDI and is not cacheable.
* - Forbidden, does not implement CDI (hence not cacheable).
* - Neutral, implements CDI and is cacheable.
* - Neutral, implements CDI and is not cacheable.
* - Neutral, does not implement CDI (hence not cacheable).
* (Where "CDI" is CacheableDependencyInterface.)
@ -490,15 +490,15 @@ class AccessResultTest extends UnitTestCase {
* 144 permutations, all of which are tested.
* There are two "contagious" patterns:
* 1. Any operation with a forbidden access result yields a forbidden result.
* This therefore also applies to the cacheability metadata associated with
* a forbidden result.
* This is the case for items 4, 5 and 6 in the set above.
* 2. Any operation yields an access result object that is of the same class
* (implementation) as the first operand. This is because operations are
* invoked on the first operand. Therefore, if the first implementation
* does not implement CacheableDependencyInterface, then the result won't
* either. This is the case for items 3, 6 and 9 in the set above.
* - Any operation with a forbidden access result yields a forbidden result.
* This therefore also applies to the cacheability metadata associated with
* a forbidden result. This is the case for bullets 4, 5 and 6 in the set
* above.
* - Any operation yields an access result object that is of the same class
* (implementation) as the first operand. This is because operations are
* invoked on the first operand. Therefore, if the first implementation
* does not implement CacheableDependencyInterface, then the result won't
* either. This is the case for bullets 3, 6 and 9 in the set above.
public function andOrCacheabilityPropagationProvider() {
// ct: cacheable=true, cf: cacheable=false, un: uncacheable.
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ class RendererPostRenderCacheTest extends RendererTestBase {
* Generates an element with a #post_render_cache callback.
* @return array
* An array containing:
* 1. a render array containing a #post_render_cache callback
* 2. the context used for that #post_render_cache callback.
* An array containing:
* - A render array containing a #post_render_cache callback.
* - The context used for that #post_render_cache callback.
protected function generatePostRenderCacheElement() {
$context = ['foo' => $this->randomContextValue()];
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