Issue #2828528 by Wim Leers, droplet, ZeiP, vaplas, tacituseu, samuel.mortenson, michielnugter: Add Quick Edit Functional JS test coverage

Alex Pott 2018-06-21 09:16:23 +01:00
parent 00c2069f57
commit 522ab17101
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 31905460D4A69276
4 changed files with 822 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
namespace Drupal\Tests\image\FunctionalJavascript;
* @see \Drupal\image\Plugin\InPlaceEditor\Image
* @see \Drupal\Tests\quickedit\FunctionalJavascript\QuickEditJavascriptTestBase
trait QuickEditImageEditorTestTrait {
* Awaits the 'image' in-place editor.
protected function awaitImageEditor() {
$this->assertJsCondition('document.querySelector(".quickedit-image-field-info") !== null', 10000);
$quickedit_entity_toolbar = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findById('quickedit-entity-toolbar');
$this->assertNotNull($quickedit_entity_toolbar->find('css', 'form.quickedit-image-field-info input[name="alt"]'));
* Simulates typing in the 'image' in-place editor 'alt' attribute text input.
* @param string $text
* The text to type.
protected function typeInImageEditorAltTextInput($text) {
$quickedit_entity_toolbar = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findById('quickedit-entity-toolbar');
$input = $quickedit_entity_toolbar->find('css', 'form.quickedit-image-field-info input[name="alt"]');
* Simulates dragging and dropping an image on the 'image' in-place editor.
* @param string $file_uri
* The URI of the image file to drag and drop.
protected function dropImageOnImageEditor($file_uri) {
// Our headless browser can't drag+drop files, but we can mock the event.
// Append a hidden upload element to the DOM.
$script = 'jQuery("<input id=\"quickedit-image-test-input\" type=\"file\" />").appendTo("body")';
// Find the element, and set its value to our new image.
$input = $this->assertSession()->elementExists('css', '#quickedit-image-test-input');
$filepath = $this->container->get('file_system')->realpath($file_uri);
// Trigger the upload logic with a mock "drop" event.
$script = 'var e = jQuery.Event("drop");'
. 'e.originalEvent = {dataTransfer: {files: jQuery("#quickedit-image-test-input").get(0).files}};'
. 'e.preventDefault = e.stopPropagation = function () {};'
. 'jQuery(".quickedit-image-dropzone").trigger(e);';
// Wait for the dropzone element to be removed (i.e. loading is done).
$js_condition = <<<JS
function () {
var activeFieldID = Drupal.quickedit.collections.entities
.filter(function (fieldModel) {
var state = fieldModel.get('state');
return state === 'active' || state === 'changed';
return document.querySelector('[data-quickedit-field-id="' + activeFieldID + '"] .quickedit-image-dropzone') === null;
$this->assertJsCondition($js_condition, 20000);

View File

@ -3,24 +3,24 @@
namespace Drupal\Tests\image\FunctionalJavascript;
use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
use Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\JavascriptTestBase;
use Drupal\Tests\image\Kernel\ImageFieldCreationTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\quickedit\FunctionalJavascript\QuickEditJavascriptTestBase;
use Drupal\Tests\TestFileCreationTrait;
* Tests the JavaScript functionality of the "image" in-place editor.
* @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\image\Plugin\InPlaceEditor\Image
* @group image
class QuickEditImageTest extends JavascriptTestBase {
class QuickEditImageTest extends QuickEditJavascriptTestBase {
use ImageFieldCreationTrait;
use TestFileCreationTrait;
use QuickEditImageEditorTestTrait;
* {@inheritdoc}
public static $modules = ['node', 'image', 'field_ui', 'contextual', 'quickedit', 'toolbar'];
public static $modules = ['node', 'image', 'field_ui'];
* A user with permissions to edit Articles and use Quick Edit.
@ -52,9 +52,12 @@ class QuickEditImageTest extends JavascriptTestBase {
* Tests if an image can be uploaded inline with Quick Edit.
* Test that quick editor works correctly with images.
* @covers ::isCompatible
* @covers ::getAttachments
public function testUpload() {
public function testImageInPlaceEditor() {
// Create a field with a basic filetype restriction.
$field_name = strtolower($this->randomMachineName());
$field_settings = [
@ -114,52 +117,82 @@ class QuickEditImageTest extends JavascriptTestBase {
// Assert that the initial image is present.
$this->assertSession()->elementExists('css', $entity_selector . ' ' . $field_selector . ' ' . $original_image_selector);
// Wait until Quick Edit loads.
$condition = "jQuery('" . $entity_selector . " .quickedit').length > 0";
$this->assertJsCondition($condition, 10000);
// Initial state.
$this->awaitQuickEditForEntity('node', 1);
'node/1[0]' => 'closed',
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/title/en/full' => 'inactive',
'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'inactive',
'node/1/created/en/full' => 'inactive',
'node/1/body/en/full' => 'inactive',
'node/1/' . $field_name . '/en/full' => 'inactive',
// Initiate Quick Editing.
$this->click('.contextual-toolbar-tab button');
$this->click($entity_selector . ' [data-contextual-id] > button');
$this->click($entity_selector . ' [data-contextual-id] .quickedit > a');
// Start in-place editing of the article node.
$this->startQuickEditViaToolbar('node', 1, 0);
'node/1[0]' => 'opened',
$this->assertQuickEditEntityToolbar((string) $node->label(), NULL);
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/title/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/body/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/' . $field_name . '/en/full' => 'candidate',
// Click the image field.
// Wait for the field info to load and set new alt text.
$condition = "jQuery('.quickedit-image-field-info').length > 0";
$this->assertJsCondition($condition, 10000);
$input = $this->assertSession()->elementExists('css', '.quickedit-image-field-info input[name="alt"]');
$input->setValue('New text');
// Check that our Dropzone element exists.
$this->assertSession()->elementExists('css', $field_selector . ' .quickedit-image-dropzone');
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/title/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/body/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/' . $field_name . '/en/full' => 'active',
// Our headless browser can't drag+drop files, but we can mock the event.
// Append a hidden upload element to the DOM.
$script = 'jQuery("<input id=\"quickedit-image-test-input\" type=\"file\" />").appendTo("body")';
// Type new 'alt' text.
$this->typeInImageEditorAltTextInput('New text');
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/title/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/body/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/' . $field_name . '/en/full' => 'changed',
// Find the element, and set its value to our new image.
$input = $this->assertSession()->elementExists('css', '#quickedit-image-test-input');
$filepath = $this->container->get('file_system')->realpath($valid_images[1]->uri);
// Trigger the upload logic with a mock "drop" event.
$script = 'var e = jQuery.Event("drop");'
. 'e.originalEvent = {dataTransfer: {files: jQuery("#quickedit-image-test-input").get(0).files}};'
. 'e.preventDefault = e.stopPropagation = function () {};'
. 'jQuery(".quickedit-image-dropzone").trigger(e);';
// Wait for the dropzone element to be removed (i.e. loading is done).
$condition = "jQuery('" . $field_selector . " .quickedit-image-dropzone').length == 0";
$this->assertJsCondition($condition, 20000);
// Drag and drop an image.
// To prevent 403s on save, we re-set our request (cookie) state.
// Save the change.
// Click 'Save'.
'node/1[0]' => 'committing',
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/title/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/body/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/' . $field_name . '/en/full' => 'saving',
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldMarkup('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/' . $field_name . '/en/full' => '.quickedit-changed',
// Wait for the saving of the image field to complete.
$this->assertJsCondition("Drupal.quickedit.collections.entities.get('node/1[0]').get('state') === 'closed'");
'node/1[0]' => 'closed',
// Re-visit the page to make sure the edit worked.
$this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id());

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@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
namespace Drupal\Tests\quickedit\FunctionalJavascript;
use Drupal\block_content\Entity\BlockContent;
use Drupal\block_content\Entity\BlockContentType;
use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface;
use Drupal\editor\Entity\Editor;
use Drupal\field\Tests\EntityReference\EntityReferenceTestTrait;
use Drupal\filter\Entity\FilterFormat;
use Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term;
use Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Vocabulary;
* @group quickedit
class QuickEditIntegrationTest extends QuickEditJavascriptTestBase {
use EntityReferenceTestTrait;
* {@inheritdoc}
public static $modules = [
* A user with permissions to edit Articles and use Quick Edit.
* @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface
protected $contentAuthorUser;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function setUp() {
// Create text format, associate CKEditor.
'format' => 'some_format',
'name' => 'Some format',
'weight' => 0,
'filters' => [
'filter_html' => [
'status' => 1,
'settings' => [
'allowed_html' => '<h2 id> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <p> <br> <strong> <a href hreflang>',
'format' => 'some_format',
'editor' => 'ckeditor',
// Create the Article node type.
$this->drupalCreateContentType(['type' => 'article', 'name' => 'Article']);
// Add "tags" vocabulary + field to the Article node type.
$vocabulary = Vocabulary::create([
'name' => 'Tags',
'vid' => 'tags',
$field_name = 'field_' . $vocabulary->id();
$handler_settings = [
'target_bundles' => [
$vocabulary->id() => $vocabulary->id(),
'auto_create' => TRUE,
$this->createEntityReferenceField('node', 'article', $field_name, 'Tags', 'taxonomy_term', 'default', $handler_settings, FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED);
// Add formatter & widget for "tags" field.
->setComponent($field_name, ['type' => 'entity_reference_autocomplete_tags'])
->setComponent($field_name, ['type' => 'entity_reference_label'])
// Log in as a content author who can use Quick Edit and edit Articles.
$this->contentAuthorUser = $this->drupalCreateUser([
'access contextual links',
'access toolbar',
'access in-place editing',
'access content',
'create article content',
'edit any article content',
'use text format some_format',
'edit terms in tags',
'administer blocks',
* Tests if an article node can be in-place edited with Quick Edit.
public function testArticleNode() {
$term = Term::create([
'name' => 'foo',
'vid' => 'tags',
$node = $this->drupalCreateNode([
'type' => 'article',
'title' => t('My Test Node'),
'body' => [
'value' => '<p>Hello world!</p><p>I do not know what to say…</p><p>I wish I were eloquent.</p>',
'format' => 'some_format',
'field_tags' => [
['target_id' => $term->id()],
$this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id());
// Initial state.
$this->awaitQuickEditForEntity('node', 1);
'node/1[0]' => 'closed',
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/title/en/full' => 'inactive',
'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'inactive',
'node/1/created/en/full' => 'inactive',
'node/1/body/en/full' => 'inactive',
'node/1/field_tags/en/full' => 'inactive',
// Start in-place editing of the article node.
$this->startQuickEditViaToolbar('node', 1, 0);
'node/1[0]' => 'opened',
$this->assertQuickEditEntityToolbar((string) $node->label(), NULL);
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/title/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/body/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/field_tags/en/full' => 'candidate',
$assert_session = $this->assertSession();
// Click the title field.
$assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.quickedit-toolbar-field div[id*="title"]');
$this->assertQuickEditEntityToolbar((string) $node->label(), 'Title');
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/title/en/full' => 'active',
'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/body/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/field_tags/en/full' => 'candidate',
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldMarkup('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/title/en/full' => '[contenteditable="true"]',
// Append something to the title.
$this->typeInPlainTextEditor('[data-quickedit-field-id="node/1/title/en/full"].quickedit-candidate', ' Llamas are awesome!');
$this->awaitEntityInstanceFieldState('node', 1, 0, 'title', 'en', 'changed');
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/title/en/full' => 'changed',
'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/body/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/field_tags/en/full' => 'candidate',
// Click the body field.
$this->click('[data-quickedit-entity-id="node/1"] .field--name-body');
$assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.quickedit-toolbar-field div[id*="body"]');
$this->assertQuickEditEntityToolbar((string) $node->label(), 'Body');
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/title/en/full' => 'saving',
'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/body/en/full' => 'active',
'node/1/field_tags/en/full' => 'candidate',
// Wait for CKEditor to load, then verify it has.
$this->assertJsCondition('CKEDITOR.status === "loaded"');
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldMarkup('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/body/en/full' => '.cke_editable_inline',
'node/1/field_tags/en/full' => ':not(.quickedit-editor-is-popup)',
$this->assertSession()->elementExists('css', '#quickedit-entity-toolbar .quickedit-toolgroup.wysiwyg-main > .cke_chrome .cke_top[role="presentation"] .cke_toolbar[role="toolbar"] .cke_toolgroup[role="presentation"] > .cke_button[title~="Bold"][role="button"]');
// Wait for the validating & saving of the title to complete.
$this->awaitEntityInstanceFieldState('node', 1, 0, 'title', 'en', 'candidate');
// Click the tags field.
$assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.quickedit-toolbar-field div[id*="tags"]');
$this->assertQuickEditEntityToolbar((string) $node->label(), 'Tags');
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/body/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/field_tags/en/full' => 'activating',
'node/1/title/en/full' => 'candidate',
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldMarkup('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/title/en/full' => '.quickedit-changed',
'node/1/field_tags/en/full' => '.quickedit-editor-is-popup',
// Assert the "Loading…" popup appears.
$this->assertSession()->elementExists('css', '.quickedit-form-container > .quickedit-form[role="dialog"] > .placeholder');
// Wait for the form to load.
$this->assertJsCondition('document.querySelector(\'.quickedit-form-container > .quickedit-form[role="dialog"] > .placeholder\') === null');
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/body/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/field_tags/en/full' => 'active',
'node/1/title/en/full' => 'candidate',
// Enter an additional tag.
$this->typeInFormEditorTextInputField('field_tags[target_id]', 'foo, bar');
$this->awaitEntityInstanceFieldState('node', 1, 0, 'field_tags', 'en', 'changed');
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/body/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/field_tags/en/full' => 'changed',
'node/1/title/en/full' => 'candidate',
// Click 'Save'.
'node/1[0]' => 'committing',
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/uid/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/created/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/body/en/full' => 'candidate',
'node/1/field_tags/en/full' => 'saving',
'node/1/title/en/full' => 'candidate',
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldMarkup('node', 1, 0, [
'node/1/title/en/full' => '.quickedit-changed',
'node/1/field_tags/en/full' => '.quickedit-changed',
// Wait for the saving of the tags field to complete.
$this->assertJsCondition("Drupal.quickedit.collections.entities.get('node/1[0]').get('state') === 'closed'");
'node/1[0]' => 'closed',
* Tests if a custom can be in-place edited with Quick Edit.
public function testCustomBlock() {
$block_content_type = BlockContentType::create([
'id' => 'basic',
'label' => 'basic',
'revision' => FALSE,
$block_content = BlockContent::create([
'info' => 'Llama',
'type' => 'basic',
'body' => [
'value' => 'The name "llama" was adopted by European settlers from native Peruvians.',
'format' => 'some_format',
$this->drupalPlaceBlock('block_content:' . $block_content->uuid(), [
'label' => 'My custom block!',
// Initial state.
$this->awaitQuickEditForEntity('block_content', 1);
'block_content/1[0]' => 'closed',
// Start in-place editing of the article node.
$this->startQuickEditViaToolbar('block_content', 1, 0);
'block_content/1[0]' => 'opened',
$this->assertQuickEditEntityToolbar((string) $block_content->label(), 'Body');
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('block_content', 1, 0, [
'block_content/1/body/en/full' => 'highlighted',
// Click the body field.
$this->click('[data-quickedit-entity-id="block_content/1"] .field--name-body');
$assert_session = $this->assertSession();
$assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.quickedit-toolbar-field div[id*="body"]');
$this->assertQuickEditEntityToolbar((string) $block_content->label(), 'Body');
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldStates('block_content', 1, 0, [
'block_content/1/body/en/full' => 'active',
// Wait for CKEditor to load, then verify it has.
$this->assertJsCondition('CKEDITOR.status === "loaded"');
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldMarkup('block_content', 1, 0, [
'block_content/1/body/en/full' => '.cke_editable_inline',
$this->assertSession()->elementExists('css', '#quickedit-entity-toolbar .quickedit-toolgroup.wysiwyg-main > .cke_chrome .cke_top[role="presentation"] .cke_toolbar[role="toolbar"] .cke_toolgroup[role="presentation"] > .cke_button[title~="Bold"][role="button"]');

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@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
namespace Drupal\Tests\quickedit\FunctionalJavascript;
use Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\DrupalSelenium2Driver;
use Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\JavascriptTestBase;
use WebDriver\Key;
* Base class for testing the QuickEdit.
class QuickEditJavascriptTestBase extends JavascriptTestBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
* @todo: Remove after
protected $minkDefaultDriverClass = DrupalSelenium2Driver::class;
* {@inheritdoc}
public static $modules = ['contextual', 'quickedit', 'toolbar'];
* A user with permissions to edit Articles and use Quick Edit.
* @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface
protected $contentAuthorUser;
protected static $expectedFieldStateAttributes = [
'inactive' => '.quickedit-field:not(.quickedit-editable):not(.quickedit-candidate):not(.quickedit-highlighted):not(.quickedit-editing):not(.quickedit-changed)',
// A field in 'candidate' state may still have the .quickedit-changed class
// because when its changes were saved to tempstore, it'll still be changed.
// It's just not currently being edited, so that's why it is not in the
// 'changed' state.
'candidate' => '.quickedit-field.quickedit-editable.quickedit-candidate:not(.quickedit-highlighted):not(.quickedit-editing)',
'highlighted' => '.quickedit-field.quickedit-editable.quickedit-candidate.quickedit-highlighted:not(.quickedit-editing)',
'activating' => '.quickedit-field.quickedit-editable.quickedit-candidate.quickedit-highlighted.quickedit-editing:not(.quickedit-changed)',
'active' => '.quickedit-field.quickedit-editable.quickedit-candidate.quickedit-highlighted.quickedit-editing:not(.quickedit-changed)',
'changed' => '.quickedit-field.quickedit-editable.quickedit-candidate.quickedit-highlighted.quickedit-editing.quickedit-changed',
'saving' => '.quickedit-field.quickedit-editable.quickedit-candidate.quickedit-highlighted.quickedit-editing.quickedit-changed',
* Starts in-place editing of the given entity instance.
* @param string $entity_type_id
* The entity type ID.
* @param int $entity_id
* The entity ID.
* @param int $entity_instance_id
* The entity instance ID. (Instance on the page.)
protected function startQuickEditViaToolbar($entity_type_id, $entity_id, $entity_instance_id) {
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$toolbar_edit_button_selector = '#toolbar-bar .contextual-toolbar-tab button';
$entity_instance_selector = '[data-quickedit-entity-id="' . $entity_type_id . '/' . $entity_id . '"][data-quickedit-entity-instance-id="' . $entity_instance_id . '"]';
$contextual_links_trigger_selector = '[data-contextual-id] > .trigger';
// Assert the original page state does not have the toolbar's "Edit" button
// pressed/activated, and hence none of the contextual link triggers should
// be visible.
$toolbar_edit_button = $page->find('css', $toolbar_edit_button_selector);
$this->assertSame('false', $toolbar_edit_button->getAttribute('aria-pressed'), 'The "Edit" button in the toolbar is not yet pressed.');
$this->assertFalse($toolbar_edit_button->hasClass('is-active'), 'The "Edit" button in the toolbar is not yet marked as active.');
foreach ($page->findAll('css', $contextual_links_trigger_selector) as $dom_node) {
/** @var \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement $dom_node */
$this->assertTrue($dom_node->hasClass('visually-hidden'), 'The contextual links trigger "' . $dom_node->getParent()->getAttribute('data-contextual-id') . '" is hidden.');
$this->assertTrue(TRUE, 'All contextual links triggers are hidden.');
// Click the "Edit" button in the toolbar.
// Assert the toolbar's "Edit" button is now pressed/activated, and hence
// all of the contextual link triggers should be visible.
$this->assertSame('true', $toolbar_edit_button->getAttribute('aria-pressed'), 'The "Edit" button in the toolbar is pressed.');
$this->assertTrue($toolbar_edit_button->hasClass('is-active'), 'The "Edit" button in the toolbar is marked as active.');
foreach ($page->findAll('css', $contextual_links_trigger_selector) as $dom_node) {
/** @var \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement $dom_node */
$this->assertFalse($dom_node->hasClass('visually-hidden'), 'The contextual links trigger "' . $dom_node->getParent()->getAttribute('data-contextual-id') . '" is visible.');
$this->assertTrue(TRUE, 'All contextual links triggers are visible.');
// @todo Press tab key to verify that tabbing is now contrained to only
// contextual links triggers:
// Assert that the contextual links associated with the entity's contextual
// links trigger are not visible.
/** @var \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement $entity_contextual_links_container */
$entity_contextual_links_container = $page->find('css', $entity_instance_selector)
->find('css', $contextual_links_trigger_selector)
$this->assertTrue($entity_contextual_links_container->find('css', 'ul.contextual-links')->hasAttribute('hidden'));
// Click the contextual link trigger for the entity we want to Quick Edit.
$this->click($entity_instance_selector . ' ' . $contextual_links_trigger_selector);
$this->assertFalse($entity_contextual_links_container->find('css', 'ul.contextual-links')->hasAttribute('hidden'));
// Click the "Quick edit" contextual link.
$this->click($entity_instance_selector . ' [data-contextual-id] ul.contextual-links li.quickedit a');
// Assert the Quick Edit internal state is correct.
$js_condition = <<<JS
Drupal.quickedit.collections.entities.where({isActive: true}).length === 1 && Drupal.quickedit.collections.entities.where({isActive: true})[0].get('entityID') === '$entity_type_id/$entity_id';
* Clicks the 'Save' button in the Quick Edit entity toolbar.
protected function saveQuickEdit() {
$quickedit_entity_toolbar = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findById('quickedit-entity-toolbar');
$save_button = $quickedit_entity_toolbar->find('css', 'button.action-save');
$this->assertSame('Saving', $save_button->getText());
* Awaits Quick Edit to be initiated for all instances of the given entity.
* @param string $entity_type_id
* The entity type ID.
* @param int $entity_id
* The entity ID.
protected function awaitQuickEditForEntity($entity_type_id, $entity_id) {
$entity_selector = '[data-quickedit-entity-id="' . $entity_type_id . '/' . $entity_id . '"]';
$condition = "document.querySelectorAll('" . $entity_selector . "').length === document.querySelectorAll('" . $entity_selector . " .quickedit').length";
$this->assertJsCondition($condition, 10000);
* Awaits a particular field instance to reach a particular state.
* @param string $entity_type_id
* The entity type ID.
* @param int $entity_id
* The entity ID.
* @param int $entity_instance_id
* The entity instance ID. (Instance on the page.)
* @param string $field_name
* The field name.
* @param string $langcode
* The language code.
* @param string $awaited_state
* One of the possible field states.
protected function awaitEntityInstanceFieldState($entity_type_id, $entity_id, $entity_instance_id, $field_name, $langcode, $awaited_state) {
$entity_page_id = $entity_type_id . '/' . $entity_id . '[' . $entity_instance_id . ']';
$logical_field_id = $entity_type_id . '/' . $entity_id . '/' . $field_name . '/' . $langcode;
$this->assertJsCondition("Drupal.quickedit.collections.entities.get('$entity_page_id').get('fields').findWhere({logicalFieldID: '$logical_field_id'}).get('state') === '$awaited_state';");
* Asserts the state of the Quick Edit entity toolbar.
* @param string $expected_entity_label
* The expected label in the Quick Edit Entity Toolbar.
protected function assertQuickEditEntityToolbar($expected_entity_label, $expected_field_label) {
$quickedit_entity_toolbar = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findById('quickedit-entity-toolbar');
// We cannot use ->getText() because it also returns the text of all child
// nodes. We also cannot use XPath to select text node in Selenium. So we
// use JS expression to select only the text node.
$this->assertSame($expected_entity_label, $this->getSession()->evaluateScript("return window.jQuery('#quickedit-entity-toolbar .quickedit-toolbar-label').clone().children().remove().end().text();"));
if ($expected_field_label !== NULL) {
$field_label = $quickedit_entity_toolbar->find('css', '.quickedit-toolbar-label > .field');
// Only try to find the text content of the element if it was actually
// found; otherwise use the returned value for assertion. This helps
// us find a more useful stack/error message from testbot instead of the
// trimmed partial exception stack.
if ($field_label) {
$field_label = $field_label->getText();
$this->assertSame($expected_field_label, $field_label);
else {
$this->assertFalse($quickedit_entity_toolbar->find('css', '.quickedit-toolbar-label > .field'));
* Asserts all EntityModels (entity instances) on the page.
* @param array $expected_entity_states
* Must describe the expected state of all in-place editable entity
* instances on the page.
* @see Drupal.quickedit.EntityModel
protected function assertEntityInstanceStates(array $expected_entity_states) {
$js_get_all_field_states_for_entity = <<<JS
function () {
Drupal.quickedit.collections.entities.reduce(function (result, fieldModel) { result[fieldModel.get('id')] = fieldModel.get('state'); return result; }, {})
var entityCollection = Drupal.quickedit.collections.entities;
return entityCollection.reduce(function (result, entityModel) {
result[] = entityModel.get('state');
return result;
}, {});
$this->assertSame($expected_entity_states, $this->getSession()->evaluateScript($js_get_all_field_states_for_entity));
* Asserts all FieldModels for the given entity instance.
* @param string $entity_type_id
* The entity type ID.
* @param int $entity_id
* The entity ID.
* @param int $entity_instance_id
* The entity instance ID. (Instance on the page.)
* @param array $expected_field_states
* Must describe the expected state of all in-place editable fields of the
* given entity instance.
protected function assertEntityInstanceFieldStates($entity_type_id, $entity_id, $entity_instance_id, array $expected_field_states) {
// Get all FieldModel states for the entity instance being asserted. This
// ensures that $expected_field_states must describe the state of all fields
// of the entity instance.
$entity_page_id = $entity_type_id . '/' . $entity_id . '[' . $entity_instance_id . ']';
$js_get_all_field_states_for_entity = <<<JS
function () {
var entityCollection = Drupal.quickedit.collections.entities;
var entityModel = entityCollection.get('$entity_page_id');
return entityModel.get('fields').reduce(function (result, fieldModel) {
result[fieldModel.get('fieldID')] = fieldModel.get('state');
return result;
}, {});
$this->assertEquals($expected_field_states, $this->getSession()->evaluateScript($js_get_all_field_states_for_entity));
// Assert that those fields also have the appropriate DOM decorations.
$expected_field_attributes = [];
foreach ($expected_field_states as $quickedit_field_id => $expected_field_state) {
$expected_field_attributes[$quickedit_field_id] = static::$expectedFieldStateAttributes[$expected_field_state];
$this->assertEntityInstanceFieldMarkup($entity_type_id, $entity_id, $entity_instance_id, $expected_field_attributes);
* Asserts all in-place editable fields with markup expectations.
* @param string $entity_type_id
* The entity type ID.
* @param int $entity_id
* The entity ID.
* @param int $entity_instance_id
* The entity instance ID. (Instance on the page.)
* @param array $expected_field_attributes
* Must describe the expected markup attributes for all given in-place
* editable fields.
protected function assertEntityInstanceFieldMarkup($entity_type_id, $entity_id, $entity_instance_id, array $expected_field_attributes) {
$entity_page_id = $entity_type_id . '/' . $entity_id . '[' . $entity_instance_id . ']';
$expected_field_attributes_json = json_encode($expected_field_attributes);
$js_match_field_element_attributes = <<<JS
function () {
var expectations = $expected_field_attributes_json;
var entityCollection = Drupal.quickedit.collections.entities;
var entityModel = entityCollection.get('$entity_page_id');
return entityModel.get('fields').reduce(function (result, fieldModel) {
var fieldID = fieldModel.get('fieldID');
var element = fieldModel.get('el');
var matches = element.webkitMatchesSelector(expectations[fieldID]);
result[fieldID] = matches ? matches : element.outerHTML;
return result;
}, {});
$result = $this->getSession()->evaluateScript($js_match_field_element_attributes);
foreach ($expected_field_attributes as $quickedit_field_id => $expectation) {
$this->assertSame(TRUE, $result[$quickedit_field_id], 'Field ' . $quickedit_field_id . ' did not match its expectation selector (' . $expectation . '), actual HTML: ' . $result[$quickedit_field_id]);
* Simulates typing in a 'plain_text' in-place editor.
* @param string $css_selector
* The CSS selector to find the DOM element (with the 'contenteditable=true'
* attribute set), to type in.
* @param string $text
* The text to type.
* @see \Drupal\quickedit\Plugin\InPlaceEditor\PlainTextEditor
protected function typeInPlainTextEditor($css_selector, $text) {
$field = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('css', $css_selector);
$field->setValue(Key::END . $text);
* Simulates typing in an input[type=text] inside a 'form' in-place editor.
* @param string $input_name
* The "name" attribute of the input[type=text] to type in.
* @param string $text
* The text to type.
* @see \Drupal\quickedit\Plugin\InPlaceEditor\FormEditor
protected function typeInFormEditorTextInputField($input_name, $text) {
$input = $this->cssSelect('.quickedit-form-container > .quickedit-form[role="dialog"] form.quickedit-field-form input[type=text][name="' . $input_name . '"]')[0];
$js_simulate_user_typing = <<<JS
function () {
var el = document.querySelector('.quickedit-form-container > .quickedit-form[role="dialog"] form.quickedit-field-form input[name="$input_name"]');