* _Major_ update of the comments and moderation system: it's a lot more

stream-lined and more compact.  There are a few parts I like to optimize
  prior to heading towards comment moderation.

  Please test, report bugs and update the footer()-part of your themes a
  bit (see my theme)!!!

-- Dries
Dries Buytaert 2000-07-06 09:37:30 +00:00
parent 14b12b3a6a
commit 4e132c9fd5
7 changed files with 62 additions and 362 deletions

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
include "config.inc";
include "functions.inc";
include "theme.inc";
if ($save) {
db_query("UPDATE users SET umode='$mode', uorder='$order', thold='$thold' where id='$user->id'");
if ($op == "reply") Header("Location: comments.php?op=reply&pid=0&sid=$sid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold");
$result = db_query("SELECT stories.*, users.userid FROM stories LEFT JOIN users ON stories.author = users.id WHERE stories.status = 2 AND stories.id = $id");
$story = db_fetch_object($result);
$theme->article($story, "[ <A HREF=\"\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">home</FONT></A> | <A HREF=\"comments.php?op=reply&pid=0&sid=$story->id\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">add a comment</FONT></A> ]");
include "comments.php";

View File

@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
function comments_kids ($cid, $mode, $order = 0, $thold = 0, $level = 0, $dummy = 0) {
global $user, $theme;
include "config.inc";
$comments = 0;
$result = db_query("SELECT c.*, u.* FROM comments c LEFT JOIN users u ON c.author = u.id WHERE c.pid = $cid ORDER BY c.timestamp, c.cid");
if ($mode == "nested") {
while ($comment = db_fetch_object($result)) {
if ($$comment->score >= $thold) {
if ($level && !$comments) print "<UL>";
$link = "<A HREF=\"comments.php?op=reply&pid=$comment->cid&sid=$comment->sid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">reply to this comment</FONT></A>";
$theme->comment($comment->userid, $comment->subject, $comment->comment, $comment->timestamp, $comment->url, $comment->femail, $comment->score, $comment->cid, $link);
comments_kids($comment->cid, $mode, $order, $thold, $level + 1, $dummy + 1);
elseif ($mode == "flat") {
while ($comment = db_fetch_object($result)) {
if ($comment->score >= $thold) {
$link = "<A HREF=\"comments.php?op=reply&pid=$comment->cid&sid=$comment->sid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">reply to this comment</FONT></A>";
$theme->comment($comment->userid, $comment->subject, $comment->comment, $comment->timestamp, $comment->url, $comment->femail, $comment->score, $comment->cid, $link);
comments_kids($comment->cid, $mode, $order, $thold);
elseif ($mode == "disabled") {
// do nothing
else {
print "ERROR: we should not get here!";
if ($level && $comments) {
print "</UL>";
function comments_childs($cid, $mode, $order, $thold, $level = 0, $thread) {
global $theme, $user;
### Perform SQL query:
$result = db_query("SELECT c.*, u.* FROM comments c LEFT JOIN users u ON c.author = u.id WHERE c.pid = $cid ORDER BY c.timestamp, c.cid");
if ($level == 0) $thread = "";
$comments = 0;
while ($comment = db_fetch_object($result)) {
if ($level && !$comments) {
$thread .= "<UL>";
### Compose link:
$thread .= "<LI><A HREF=\"comments.php?op=show&cid=$comment->cid&pid=$comment->pid&sid=$comment->sid";
$thread .= ($mode) ? "&mode=$mode" : "&mode=threaded";
$thread .= ($order) ? "&order=$order" : "&order=0";
$thread .= ($thold) ? "&thold=$thold" : "&thold=0";
$thread .= "\">$comment->subject</A> by $comment->userid <SMALL>(". date("D, M d, Y - H:i:s", $comment->timestamp) .")<SMALL></LI>";
### Recursive:
comments_childs($comment->cid, $mode, $order, $thold, $level + 1, &$thread);
if ($level && $comments) {
$thread .= "</UL>";
return $thread;
function comments_display ($sid = 0, $pid = 0, $cid = 0, $mode = "threaded", $order = 0, $thold = 0, $level = 0, $nokids = 0) {
global $user, $theme;
### Display `comment control'-box:
$theme->commentControl($sid, $title, $thold, $mode, $order);
### Compose query:
$query = "SELECT c.*, u.* FROM comments c LEFT JOIN users u ON c.author = u.id WHERE c.sid = $sid AND c.pid = $pid";
if ($mode == 'threaded' || mode == 'nested') {
if ($thold != "") $query .= " AND score >= $thold";
else $query .= " AND score >= 0";
if ($order == 1) $query .= " ORDER BY timestamp DESC";
if ($order == 2) $query .= " ORDER BY score DESC";
$result = db_query("$query");
### Display the comments:
while ($comment = db_fetch_object($result)) {
### Dynamically compose the `reply'-link:
if ($pid != 0) {
list($pid) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT pid FROM comments WHERE cid = $comment->pid"));
$link = "<A HREF=\"comments.php?op=show&pid=$pid&sid=$comment->sid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">return to parent</FONT></A> | <A HREF=\"comments.php?op=reply&pid=$comment->cid&sid=$comment->sid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">reply to this comment</FONT></A>";
else {
$link = "<A HREF=\"comments.php?op=reply&pid=$comment->cid&sid=$comment->sid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">reply to this comment</FONT></A> ";
### Display the comments:
if ($mode == "threaded") {
$thread = comments_childs($comment->cid, $mode, $order, $thold);
$theme->comment($comment->userid, $comment->subject, $comment->comment, $comment->timestamp, $comment->url, $comment->femail, $comment->score, $comment->cid, $link, $thread);
else {
$theme->comment($comment->userid, $comment->subject, $comment->comment, $comment->timestamp, $comment->url, $comment->femail, $comment->score, $comment->cid, $link);
comments_kids($comment->cid, $mode, $order, $thold, $level);
function comments_reply($pid, $sid, $mode, $order, $thold) {
global $user, $theme;
### Extract parent-information/data:
if ($pid) {
$item = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT comments.*, users.userid FROM comments LEFT JOIN users ON comments.author = users.id WHERE comments.cid = $pid"));
$theme->comment($item->userid, $item->subject, $item->comment, $item->timestamp, $item->url, $item->femail, $item->score, $item->cid, "reply to this comment");
else {
$item = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT stories.*, users.userid FROM stories LEFT JOIN users ON stories.author = users.id WHERE stories.status = 2 AND stories.id = $sid"));
$theme->article($item, "");
### Build reply form:
$output .= "<FORM ACTION=\"comments.php\" METHOD=\"post\">\n";
### Name field:
if ($user) {
$output .= "<P>\n";
$output .= " <B>Your name:</B><BR>\n";
$output .= " <A HREF=\"account.php\">$user->userid</A> &nbsp; &nbsp; <FONT SIZE=\"2\">[ <A HREF=\"account.php?op=logout\">logout</A> ]</FONT>\n";
$output .= "</P>\n";
else {
$output .= "<P>\n";
$output .= " <B>Your name:</B><BR>\n";
$output .= " $anonymous\n";
$output .= "</P>\n";
### Subject field:
$output .= "<P>\n";
$output .= " <B>Subject:</B><BR>\n";
if (!eregi("Re:",$item->subject)) $item->subject = "Re: $item->subject";
// Only one 'Re:' will just do fine. ;)
$output .= " <INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"subject\" SIZE=\"50\" MAXLENGTH=\"60\" VALUE=\"$item->subject\">\n";
$output .= "</P>\n";
### Comment field:
$output .= "<P>\n";
$output .= " <B>Comment:</B><BR>\n";
$output .= " <TEXTAREA WRAP=\"virtual\" COLS=\"50\" ROWS=\"10\" NAME=\"comment\">$user->signature</TEXTAREA><BR>\n";
$output .= "</P>\n";
### Hidden fields:
$output .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"pid\" VALUE=\"$pid\">\n";
$output .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"sid\" VALUE=\"$sid\">\n";
$output .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"mode\" VALUE=\"$mode\">\n";
$output .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"order\" VALUE=\"$order\">\n";
$output .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"thold\" VALUE=\"$thold\">\n";
### Preview button:
$output .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"op\" VALUE=\"Preview comment\"> (You must preview at least once before you can submit.)\n";
$output .= "</FORM>\n";
$theme->box("Reply", $output);
function comment_preview($pid, $sid, $subject, $comment, $mode, $order, $thold) {
global $user, $theme;
### Preview comment:
if ($user) $theme->comment("", $subject, $comment, time(), "", "", "na", "", "reply to this comment");
else $theme->comment($user->userid, $subject, $comment, time(), $user->url, $user->femail, "na", "", "reply to this comment");
### Build reply form:
$output .= "<FORM ACTION=\"comments.php\" METHOD=\"post\">\n";
### Name field:
if ($user) {
$output .= "<P>\n";
$output .= " <B>Your name:</B><BR>\n";
$output .= " <A HREF=\"account.php\">$user->userid</A> &nbsp; &nbsp; <FONT SIZE=\"2\">[ <A HREF=\"account.php?op=logout\">logout</A> ]</FONT>\n";
$output .= "</P>\n";
else {
$output .= "<P>\n";
$output .= " <B>Your name:</B><BR>\n";
$output .= " $anonymous\n";
$output .= "</P>\n";
### Subject field:
$output .= "<P>\n";
$output .= " <B>Subject:</B><BR>\n";
$output .= " <INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"subject\" SIZE=\"50\" MAXLENGTH=\"60\" VALUE=\"$subject\">\n";
$output .= "</P>\n";
### Comment field:
$output .= "<P>\n";
$output .= " <B>Comment:</B><BR>\n";
$output .= " <TEXTAREA WRAP=\"virtual\" COLS=\"50\" ROWS=\"10\" NAME=\"comment\">$comment</TEXTAREA><BR>\n";
$output .= "</P>\n";
### Hidden fields:
$output .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"pid\" VALUE=\"$pid\">\n";
$output .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"sid\" VALUE=\"$sid\">\n";
$output .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"mode\" VALUE=\"$mode\">\n";
$output .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"order\" VALUE=\"$order\">\n";
$output .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"thold\" VALUE=\"$thold\">\n";
### Preview and submit buttons:
if (empty($subject)) {
$output .= "<P>\n";
$output .= " <FONT COLOR=\"red\"><B>Warning:</B></FONT> you did not supply a <U>subject</U>.\n";
$outout .= "</P>\n";
$output .= "<P>\n";
$output .= " <INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"op\" VALUE=\"Preview comment\">\n";
$output .= "</P>\n";
else {
$output .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"op\" VALUE=\"Preview comment\">\n";
$output .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"op\" VALUE=\"Post comment\">\n";
$output .= "</FORM>\n";
$theme->box("Reply", $output);
function comment_post($pid, $sid, $subject, $comment, $mode, $order, $thold) {
global $user, $theme;
### Check for fake threads:
$fake = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stories WHERE id = $sid"), 0);
### Check for duplicate comments:
$duplicate = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE pid = '$pid' AND sid = '$sid' AND subject = '". addslashes($subject) ."' AND comment = '". addslashes($comment) ."'"), 0);
if ($fake != 1) {
$theme->box("fake comment", "fake comment: $fake");
elseif ($duplicate != 0) {
$theme->box("duplicate comment", "duplicate comment: $duplicate");
else {
if ($user) {
### Add comment to database:
db_query("INSERT INTO comments (pid, sid, author, subject, comment, hostname, timestamp) VALUES ($pid, $sid, $user->id, '". addslashes($subject) ."', '". addslashes($comment) ."', '". getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") ."', '". time() ."')");
### Compose header:
$header = "article.php?id=$sid";
$header .= ($mode) ? "&mode=$mode" : "&mode=threaded";
$header .= ($order) ? "&order=$order" : "&order=0";
$header .= ($thold) ? "&thold=$thold" : "&thold=0";
else {
### Add comment to database:
db_query("INSERT INTO comments (pid, sid, subject, comment, hostname, timestamp) VALUES ($pid, $sid, '". addslashes($subject) ."', '". addslashes($comment) ."', '". getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") ."', '". time() ."')");
### Compose header:
$header .= "article.php?id=$sid&mode=threaded&order=1&thold=0";
header("Location: $header");
if (strstr($PHP_SELF, "comments.php")) {
include "theme.inc";
include "functions.inc";
switch($op) {
case "Preview comment":
comment_preview($pid, $sid, $subject, $comment, $mode, $order, $thold);
case "Post comment":
comment_post($pid, $sid, $subject, $comment, $mode, $order, $thold);
case "reply":
comments_reply($pid, $sid, $mode, $order, $thold);
case "show":
comments_display($sid, $pid, $cid, $mode, $order, $thold);
comments_display($id, 0, 0, $mode, $order, $thold);

View File

@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
* just adjust the handlers to your needs.
// NOTE: these functions are under construction and in no way finilized! //
function db_connect() {
include "config.inc";
mysql_pconnect($dbhost, $dbuname, $dbpass) or die(mysql_Error());

View File

@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ function morelink_bytes($theme, $story) {
### Compose more-link:
$morelink = "[ ";
if ($story->article) {
$morelink .= "<A HREF=\"article.php?id=$story->id";
$morelink .= "<A HREF=\"discussion.php?id=$story->id";
$morelink .= ($user->umode) ? "&mode=$user->umode" : "&mode=threaded";
$morelink .= ($user->uorder) ? "&order=$user->uorder" : "&order=0";
$morelink .= ($user->thold) ? "&thold=$user->thold" : "&thold=0";
$morelink .= "\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\"><B>read more</B></FONT></A> | $bytes bytes in body | ";
$morelink .= "<A HREF=\"article.php?id=$story->id";
$morelink .= "<A HREF=\"discussion.php?id=$story->id";
$morelink .= ($user->umode) ? "&mode=$user->umode" : "&mode=threaded";
$morelink .= ($user->uorder) ? "&order=$user->uorder" : "&order=0";
$morelink .= ($user->thold) ? "&thold=$user->thold" : "&thold=0";
@ -96,9 +96,32 @@ function addRefer($url) {
function id2story($id) {
### Perform query:
$result = db_query("SELECT s.*, u.userid FROM stories s LEFT JOIN users u ON s.author = u.id WHERE s.id = $id");
return db_fetch_object($result);
function displayModerationResults($theme, $story) {
global $user;
if ($user->id && $story->id && $vote = $user->getHistory("s$story->id")) {
$output .= "<P><B>You voted `$vote'.</B></P>\n";
$output .= "<P>\n";
$output .= "<B>Other people voted:</B><BR>\n";
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE history LIKE '%s$story->id%'");
while ($account = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$output .= "<A HREF=\"account.php?op=info&uname=$account->userid\">$account->userid</A> voted `". getHistory($account->history, "s$story->id") ."'.<BR>";
$theme->box("Moderation results", $output);
function displayRelatedLinks($theme, $story) {
### Parse story for <A HREF="">-tags:
$text = "$story->abstract $story->editorial $story->article";
$text = "$story->abstract $story->updates $story->article";
while ($text = stristr($text, "<A HREF=")) {
$link = substr($text, 0, strpos(strtolower($text), "</a>") + 4);
$text = stristr($text, "</A>");
@ -125,14 +148,14 @@ function displayOldHeadlines($theme, $num = 10) {
if ($user->userid) {
$content .= "<LI><A HREF=\"article.php?id=$story->id";
$content .= "<LI><A HREF=\"discussion.php?id=$story->id";
$content .= ($user->umode) ? "&mode=$user->umode" : "&mode=threaded";
$content .= ($user->uorder) ? "&order=$user->uorder" : "&order=0";
$content .= ($user->thold) ? "&thold=$user->thold" : "&thold=0";
$content .= "\">$story->subject</A></LI>";
else {
$content .= "<LI><A HREF=\"article.php?id=$story->id&mode=threaded&order=1&thold=0\">$story->subject</A></LI>";
$content .= "<LI><A HREF=\"discussion.php?id=$story->id&mode=threaded&order=1&thold=0\">$story->subject</A></LI>";
$content .= "<P ALIGN=\"right\">[ <A HREF=\"search.php\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">more</FONT></A> ]</P>";
@ -147,14 +170,14 @@ function displayNewHeadlines($theme, $num = 10) {
$result = db_query("SELECT id, subject FROM stories WHERE status = 2 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $num");
while ($story = db_fetch_object($result)) {
if ($user->userid) {
$content .= "<LI><A HREF=\"article.php?id=$story->id";
$content .= "<LI><A HREF=\"discussion.php?id=$story->id";
$content .= ($user->umode) ? "&mode=$user->umode" : "&mode=threaded";
$content .= ($user->uorder) ? "&order=$user->uorder" : "&order=0";
$content .= ($user->thold) ? "&thold=$user->thold" : "&thold=0";
$content .= "\">$story->subject</A></LI>";
else {
$content .= "<LI><A HREF=\"article.php?id=$story->id&mode=threaded&order=1&thold=0\">$story->subject</A></LI>";
$content .= "<LI><A HREF=\"discussion.php?id=$story->id&mode=threaded&order=1&thold=0\">$story->subject</A></LI>";
$content .= "<P ALIGN=\"right\">[ <A HREF=\"search.php\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">more</FONT></A> ]</P>";

View File

@ -57,14 +57,14 @@
if ($user) {
$link = "<A HREF=\"article.php?id=$entry->id";
$link = "<A HREF=\"discussion.php?id=$entry->id";
if (isset($user->umode)) { $link .= "&mode=$user->umode"; } else { $link .= "&mode=threaded"; }
if (isset($user->uorder)) { $link .= "&order=$user->uorder"; } else { $link .= "&order=0"; }
if (isset($user->thold)) { $link .= "&thold=$user->thold"; } else { $link .= "&thold=0"; }
$link .= "\">$entry->subject</A>";
else {
$link = "<A HREF=\"article.php?id=$entry->id&mode=threaded&order=1&thold=0\">$entry->subject</A>";
$link = "<A HREF=\"discussion.php?id=$entry->id&mode=threaded&order=1&thold=0\">$entry->subject</A>";
$output .= "<P>$num) <B>$link</B><BR><SMALL>by <B><A HREF=\"account.php?op=info&uname=$entry->userid\">$entry->userid</A></B>, posted on ". date("l, F d, Y - H:i A", $entry->timestamp) .".</SMALL></P>\n";

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function submission_score($id) {
return ($result) ? mysql_result($result, 0) : 0;
function submission_vote($id, $vote) {
function submission_vote($id, $vote, $comment) {
global $user;
include "config.inc";
@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ function submission_vote($id, $vote) {
### Update submission's score- and votes-field:
db_query("UPDATE stories SET score = score $vote, votes = votes + 1 WHERE id = $id");
### Update the comments (if required):
db_query("INSERT INTO comments (sid, subject, comment, hostname, timestamp) VALUES($id, '". addslashes(substr($comment, 0, 29)) ." ...', '". addslashes($comment) ."', '". getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") ."', '". time() ."')");
### Update user's history record:
$user->setHistory("s$id", "$vote"); // s = submission
@ -26,8 +29,8 @@ function submission_vote($id, $vote) {
### Update story table (if required):
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM stories WHERE id = $id");
if ($submission = db_fetch_object($result)) {
if ($submission->score >= $submission_post_threshold) db_query("UPDATE stories SET status = 2, timestamp = '". time() ."' WHERE id = $id");
if ($submission->score <= $submission_dump_threshold) db_query("UPDATE stories SET status = 0, timestamp = '". time() ."' WHERE id = $id");
# if ($submission->score >= $submission_post_threshold) db_query("UPDATE stories SET status = 2, timestamp = '". time() ."' WHERE id = $id");
# if ($submission->score <= $submission_dump_threshold) db_query("UPDATE stories SET status = 0, timestamp = '". time() ."' WHERE id = $id");

View File

@ -30,33 +30,34 @@ function submission_displayMain() {
function submission_displayItem($id) {
global $PHP_SELF, $theme, $user;
include "config.inc";
$result = db_query("SELECT s.*, u.userid FROM stories s LEFT JOIN users u ON s.author = u.id WHERE s.id = $id");
$submission = db_fetch_object($result);
$theme->article($submission, "[ <A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">back</FONT></A> ]");
if ($vote = getHistory($user->history, "s$submission->id")) {
print "<P><B>You voted `$vote' for this story!</B><BR><B>Score:</B> $submission->score<BR><B>Votes:</B> $submission->votes</P>\n";
print "<P>\n";
print "<B>Other people voted:</B><BR>\n";
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE history LIKE '%s$submission->id%'");
while ($account = db_fetch_object($result)) {
print "<A HREF=\"account.php?op=userinfo&uname=$account->userid\">$account->userid</A> voted `". getHistory($account->history, "s$submission->id") ."'.<BR>";
if ($vote = getHistory($user->history, "s$id")) {
header("Location: discussion.php?id=$id");
else {
include "config.inc";
$result = db_query("SELECT s.*, u.userid FROM stories s LEFT JOIN users u ON s.author = u.id WHERE s.id = $id");
$submission = db_fetch_object($result);
$theme->article($submission, "[ <A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">back</FONT></A> ]");
print "<FORM ACTION=\"$PHP_SELF\" METHOD=\"post\">\n";
print "<P>\n";
print " <B>Vote:</B><BR>\n";
print " <SELECT NAME=\"vote\">\n";
foreach ($submission_votes as $key=>$value) {
print " <OPTION VALUE=\"$value\">". $key ."</OPTION>\n";
foreach ($submission_votes as $key=>$value) print " <OPTION VALUE=\"$value\">". $key ."</OPTION>\n";
print " </SELECT>\n";
print " <INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"id\" VALUE=\"$submission->id\">\n";
print " <INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"op\" VALUE=\"Vote\">\n";
print "</P>\n";
print "<P>\n";
print " <B>Comment:</B><BR>\n";
print " <TEXTAREA WRAP=\"virtual\" COLS=\"50\" ROWS=\"7\" NAME=\"comment\"></TEXTAREA>\n";
print "</P>\n";
print "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"id\" VALUE=\"$submission->id\">\n";
print "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"op\" VALUE=\"Vote\">\n";
print "</FORM>\n";
@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ if ($user) {
case "Vote";
submission_vote($id, $vote);
submission_vote($id, $vote, $comment);