Issue #2371875 by chx: Fixed session_manager can't be reasonably overridden.

Alex Pott 2014-11-09 21:03:29 -08:00
parent 629f4e0f54
commit 44f8f7872a
1 changed files with 33 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -248,17 +248,18 @@ class SessionManager extends NativeSessionStorage implements SessionManagerInter
$is_https = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->isSecure();
$cookies = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->cookies;
$insecure_session_id = '';
if ($is_https && $this->isMixedMode()) {
$insecure_session_name = $this->getInsecureName();
$params = session_get_cookie_params();
$session_id = Crypt::randomBytesBase64();
$insecure_session_id = Crypt::randomBytesBase64();
// If a session cookie lifetime is set, the session will expire
// $params['lifetime'] seconds from the current request. If it is not set,
// it will expire when the browser is closed.
$expire = $params['lifetime'] ? REQUEST_TIME + $params['lifetime'] : 0;
setcookie($insecure_session_name, $session_id, $expire, $params['path'], $params['domain'], FALSE, $params['httponly']);
$cookies->set($insecure_session_name, $session_id);
setcookie($insecure_session_name, $insecure_session_id, $expire, $params['path'], $params['domain'], FALSE, $params['httponly']);
$cookies->set($insecure_session_name, $insecure_session_id);
if ($this->isStarted()) {
@ -272,19 +273,7 @@ class SessionManager extends NativeSessionStorage implements SessionManagerInter
$params = session_get_cookie_params();
$expire = $params['lifetime'] ? REQUEST_TIME + $params['lifetime'] : 0;
setcookie($this->getName(), $this->getId(), $expire, $params['path'], $params['domain'], $params['secure'], $params['httponly']);
$fields = array('sid' => Crypt::hashBase64($this->getId()));
if ($is_https) {
$fields['ssid'] = Crypt::hashBase64($this->getId());
// If the "secure pages" setting is enabled, use the newly-created
// insecure session identifier as the regenerated sid.
if ($this->isMixedMode()) {
$fields['sid'] = Crypt::hashBase64($session_id);
->condition($is_https ? 'ssid' : 'sid', Crypt::hashBase64($old_session_id))
$this->migrateStoredSession($old_session_id, $is_https, $insecure_session_id);
if (!$this->isStarted()) {
@ -406,4 +395,32 @@ class SessionManager extends NativeSessionStorage implements SessionManagerInter
return array_intersect_key($mask, $_SESSION);
* Migrates the current session to a new session id.
* @param string $old_session_id
* The old session id. The new session id is $this->getId() unless
* $new_insecure_session_id is not empty.
* @param bool $is_https
* Whether this is a HTTPS request.
* @param string $new_insecure_session_id
* If this is a HTTPS request and we are in mixed mode, this is the new
* insecure session id. The secure session id is $this->getId().
protected function migrateStoredSession($old_session_id, $is_https, $new_insecure_session_id) {
$fields = array('sid' => Crypt::hashBase64($this->getId()));
if ($is_https) {
$fields['ssid'] = $fields['sid'];
// If the "secure pages" setting is enabled, use the newly-created
// insecure session identifier as the regenerated sid.
if ($this->isMixedMode()) {
$fields['sid'] = Crypt::hashBase64($new_insecure_session_id);
->condition($is_https ? 'ssid' : 'sid', Crypt::hashBase64($old_session_id))