Issue #3262160 by nod_, lauriii: Simplify code in assets.js, remove mix of await and promise code

bnjmnm 2022-02-10 15:49:35 -05:00
parent 414c7a4cfe
commit 302b310392
1 changed files with 79 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -40,10 +40,11 @@ const assetsFolder = `${coreFolder}/assets/vendor`;
// that an empty /translations directory exists in the
// /core/assets/vendor/ckeditor5 directory.
const ckeditor5Path = `${assetsFolder}/ckeditor5`;
await rmdir(`${ckeditor5Path}/translations`, { recursive: true })
.catch(() => {
// Nothing to do if the directory doesn't exist.
try {
await rmdir(`${ckeditor5Path}/translations`, { recursive: true })
} catch (e) {
// Nothing to do if the directory doesn't exist.
await mkdir(`${ckeditor5Path}/translations`);
@ -341,89 +342,84 @@ const assetsFolder = `${coreFolder}/assets/vendor`;
// Use Array.reduce for sequential processing to avoid corrupting the
// contents of the concatenated CKEditor 5 translation files.
await process.reduce(async (previous, { pack, files = [], folder = false, library = false }) => {
return previous.then(async () => {
const sourceFolder = pack;
const libraryName = library || folder || pack;
const destFolder = folder || pack;
// Use sequential processing to avoid corrupting the contents of the
// concatenated CKEditor 5 translation files.
for (const { pack, files = [], folder = false, library = false } of process) {
const sourceFolder = pack;
const libraryName = library || folder || pack;
const destFolder = folder || pack;
let packageInfo;
// Take the version info from the package.json file.
if (!['joyride', 'farbtastic'].includes(pack)) {
packageInfo = JSON.parse(
await readFile(`${packageFolder}/${sourceFolder}/package.json`),
if (packageInfo) {
updateLibraryVersion(libraryName, packageInfo);
let packageInfo;
// Take the version info from the package.json file.
if (!['joyride', 'farbtastic'].includes(pack)) {
packageInfo = JSON.parse(
await readFile(`${packageFolder}/${sourceFolder}/package.json`),
if (packageInfo) {
updateLibraryVersion(libraryName, packageInfo);
// CKEditor 5 packages ship with translation files.
if (pack.startsWith('@ckeditor') || pack === 'ckeditor5') {
const packageTranslationPath = `${packageFolder}/${sourceFolder}/build/translations`;
await readdir(packageTranslationPath, { withFileTypes: true }).then(async (translationFiles) => {
return (translationFile) => {
if (!translationFile.isDirectory()) {
// Translation files are concatenated to a single translation
// file to avoid having to make multiple network requests to
// various translation files. As a trade off, this leads into
// some redundant translations depending on configuration.
await readFile(`${packageTranslationPath}/${}`).then(async (contents) => {
return appendFile(`${assetsFolder}/${destFolder}/translations/${}`, contents);
}, Promise.resolve());
}).catch(() => {
// Do nothing as it's expected that not all packages ship translations.
return files.forEach(async (file) => {
let source = file;
let dest = file;
if (typeof file === 'object') {
source = file.from;
dest =;
// For map files, make sure the sources files don't leak outside the
// library folder. In the `sources` member, remove all "../" values at
// the start of the files names to avoid having the virtual files outside
// of the library vendor folder in dev tools.
if (path.extname(source) === '.map') {
console.log('Process map file', source);
const map = await readFile(
const json = JSON.parse(map);
json.sources = =>
source.replace(/^(\.\.\/)+/, ''),
await writeFile(
} else {
await copyFile(
// These 2 files come from a zip file that hasn't been updated in years
// hardcode the permission fix to pass the commit checks.
if (['jquery.joyride-2.1.js', 'marker.png'].includes(dest)) {
await chmod(`${assetsFolder}/${destFolder}/${dest}`, 0o644);
// CKEditor 5 packages ship with translation files.
if (pack.startsWith('@ckeditor') || pack === 'ckeditor5') {
const packageTranslationPath = `${packageFolder}/${sourceFolder}/build/translations`;
try {
const translationFiles = await readdir(packageTranslationPath, { withFileTypes: true });
for (const translationFile of translationFiles) {
if (!translationFile.isDirectory()) {
// Translation files are concatenated to a single translation
// file to avoid having to make multiple network requests to
// various translation files. As a trade off, this leads into
// some redundant translations depending on configuration.
const contents = await readFile(`${packageTranslationPath}/${}`)
await appendFile(`${assetsFolder}/${destFolder}/translations/${}`, contents);
}, Promise.resolve());
} catch (e) {
// No translations folder, do nothing.
for (const file of files) {
let source = file;
let dest = file;
if (typeof file === 'object') {
source = file.from;
dest =;
// For map files, make sure the sources files don't leak outside the
// library folder. In the `sources` member, remove all "../" values at
// the start of the files names to avoid having the virtual files outside
// of the library vendor folder in dev tools.
if (path.extname(source) === '.map') {
console.log('Process map file', source);
const map = await readFile(
const json = JSON.parse(map);
json.sources = =>
source.replace(/^(\.\.\/)+/, ''),
await writeFile(
} else {
`Copy ${sourceFolder}/${source} to ${destFolder}/${dest}`,
await copyFile(
// These 2 files come from a zip file that hasn't been updated in years
// hardcode the permission fix to pass the commit checks.
if (['jquery.joyride-2.1.js', 'marker.png'].includes(dest)) {
await chmod(`${assetsFolder}/${destFolder}/${dest}`, 0o644);
await writeFile(librariesPath, libraries.join('\n\n'));