Issue #3294914 by Spokje, quietone, bbrala, longwave, Gábor Hojtsy, benjifisher, dww, xjm, rkoller: Create dedicated error section for missing removed core modules/themes on update
@ -28,6 +28,30 @@ use Drupal\Core\Url;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\TransferException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
// cspell:ignore quickedit
* An array of machine names of modules that were removed from Drupal core.
'aggregator' => 'Aggregator',
'ckeditor' => 'CKEditor',
'color' => 'Color',
'hal' => 'HAL',
'quickedit' => 'Quick Edit',
'rdf' => 'RDF',
* An array of machine names of themes that were removed from Drupal core.
'bartik' => 'Bartik',
'classy' => 'Classy',
'seven' => 'Seven',
'stable' => 'Stable',
* Implements hook_requirements().
@ -989,13 +1013,16 @@ function system_requirements($phase) {
// Display an error if a newly introduced dependency in a module is not resolved.
if ($phase === 'update' || $phase === 'runtime') {
$create_extension_incompatibility_list = function ($extension_names, $description, $title) {
$create_extension_incompatibility_list = function (array $extension_names, PluralTranslatableMarkup $description, PluralTranslatableMarkup $title, TranslatableMarkup|string $message = '', TranslatableMarkup|string $additional_description = '') {
if ($message === '') {
$message = new TranslatableMarkup('Review the <a href=":url"> suggestions for resolving this incompatibility</a> to repair your installation, and then re-run update.php.', [':url' => '']);
// Use an inline twig template to:
// - Concatenate two MarkupInterface objects and preserve safeness.
// - Concatenate MarkupInterface objects and preserve safeness.
// - Use the item_list theme for the extension list.
$template = [
'#type' => 'inline_template',
'#template' => '{{ description }}{{ extensions }}',
'#template' => '{{ description }}{{ extensions }}{{ additional_description }}<br>',
'#context' => [
'extensions' => [
'#theme' => 'item_list',
@ -1004,15 +1031,13 @@ function system_requirements($phase) {
$template['#context']['extensions']['#items'] = $extension_names;
$template['#context']['description'] = $description;
$template['#context']['additional_description'] = $additional_description;
return [
'title' => $title,
'value' => [
'list' => $template,
'handbook_link' => [
'#markup' => t(
'Review the <a href=":url"> suggestions for resolving this incompatibility</a> to repair your installation, and then re-run update.php.',
[':url' => '']
'#markup' => $message,
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
@ -1134,13 +1159,89 @@ function system_requirements($phase) {
// Look for invalid modules.
$extension_config = \Drupal::configFactory()->get('core.extension');
$is_missing_extension = function ($extension_name) use (&$module_extension_list) {
return !$module_extension_list->exists($extension_name);
$invalid_modules = array_filter(array_keys($extension_config->get('module')), $is_missing_extension);
// Look for removed core modules.
$is_removed_module = function ($extension_name) use ($module_extension_list) {
return !$module_extension_list->exists($extension_name)
&& array_key_exists($extension_name, DRUPAL_CORE_REMOVED_MODULE_LIST);
$removed_modules = array_filter(array_keys($extension_config->get('module')), $is_removed_module);
if (!empty($removed_modules)) {
$list = [];
foreach ($removed_modules as $removed_module) {
$list[] = t('<a href=":url">@module</a>', [
':url' => "$removed_module",
'@module' => DRUPAL_CORE_REMOVED_MODULE_LIST[$removed_module],
$requirements['removed_module'] = $create_extension_incompatibility_list(
new PluralTranslatableMarkup(
'You must add the following contributed module and reload this page.',
'You must add the following contributed modules and reload this page.'
new PluralTranslatableMarkup(
'Removed core module',
'Removed core modules'
new TranslatableMarkup(
'For more information read the <a href=":url">documentation on deprecated modules.</a>',
[':url' => '']
new PluralTranslatableMarkup(
'This module is installed on your site but is no longer provided by Core.',
'These modules are installed on your site but are no longer provided by Core.'
// Look for removed core themes.
$is_removed_theme = function ($extension_name) use ($theme_extension_list) {
return !$theme_extension_list->exists($extension_name)
&& array_key_exists($extension_name, DRUPAL_CORE_REMOVED_THEME_LIST);
$removed_themes = array_filter(array_keys($extension_config->get('theme')), $is_removed_theme);
if (!empty($removed_themes)) {
$list = [];
foreach ($removed_themes as $removed_theme) {
$list[] = t('<a href=":url">@theme</a>', [
':url' => "$removed_theme",
'@theme' => DRUPAL_CORE_REMOVED_THEME_LIST[$removed_theme],
$requirements['removed_theme'] = $create_extension_incompatibility_list(
new PluralTranslatableMarkup(
'You must add the following contributed theme and reload this page.',
'You must add the following contributed themes and reload this page.'
new PluralTranslatableMarkup(
'Removed core theme',
'Removed core themes'
new TranslatableMarkup(
'For more information read the <a href=":url">documentation on deprecated themes.</a>',
[':url' => '']
new PluralTranslatableMarkup(
'This theme is installed on your site but is no longer provided by Core.',
'These themes are installed on your site but are no longer provided by Core.'
// Look for missing modules.
$is_missing_module = function ($extension_name) use ($module_extension_list) {
return !$module_extension_list->exists($extension_name) && !in_array($extension_name, array_keys(DRUPAL_CORE_REMOVED_MODULE_LIST), TRUE);
$invalid_modules = array_filter(array_keys($extension_config->get('module')), $is_missing_module);
if (!empty($invalid_modules)) {
$requirements['invalid_module'] = $create_extension_incompatibility_list(
@ -1160,7 +1261,7 @@ function system_requirements($phase) {
// Look for invalid themes.
$is_missing_theme = function ($extension_name) use (&$theme_extension_list) {
return !$theme_extension_list->exists($extension_name);
return !$theme_extension_list->exists($extension_name) && !in_array($extension_name, array_keys(DRUPAL_CORE_REMOVED_THEME_LIST), TRUE);
$invalid_themes = array_filter(array_keys($extension_config->get('theme')), $is_missing_theme);
if (!empty($invalid_themes)) {
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ class UpdateScriptTest extends BrowserTestBase {
* @dataProvider providerExtensionCompatibilityChange
public function testExtensionCompatibilityChange(array $correct_info, array $breaking_info, $expected_error) {
public function testExtensionCompatibilityChange(array $correct_info, array $breaking_info, string $expected_error): void {
$extension_type = $correct_info['type'];
@ -236,8 +236,9 @@ class UpdateScriptTest extends BrowserTestBase {
$extension_machine_name = "changing_extension";
$extension_name = "$extension_machine_name name";
$extension_machine_names = ['changing_extension'];
$extension_name = "$extension_machine_names[0] name";
$test_error_urls = [''];
$test_error_text = "Incompatible $extension_type "
. $expected_error
@ -247,25 +248,28 @@ class UpdateScriptTest extends BrowserTestBase {
if ($extension_type === 'theme') {
$base_info['base theme'] = FALSE;
$folder_path = \Drupal::getContainer()->getParameter('site.path') . "/{$extension_type}s/$extension_machine_name";
$file_path = "$folder_path/$";
$folder_path = \Drupal::getContainer()->getParameter('site.path') . "/{$extension_type}s/$extension_machine_names[0]";
$file_path = "$folder_path/$extension_machine_names[0].info.yml";
mkdir($folder_path, 0777, TRUE);
file_put_contents($file_path, Yaml::encode($base_info + $correct_info));
$this->enableExtension($extension_type, $extension_machine_name, $extension_name);
$this->assertInstalledExtensionConfig($extension_type, $extension_machine_name);
$this->enableExtensions($extension_type, $extension_machine_names, [$extension_name]);
$this->assertInstalledExtensionsConfig($extension_type, $extension_machine_names);
// If there are no requirements warnings or errors, we expect to be able to
// go through the update process uninterrupted.
$this->assertUpdateWithNoError($test_error_text, $extension_type, $extension_machine_name);
$this->assertUpdateWithNoErrors([$test_error_text], $extension_type, $extension_machine_names);
// Change the values in the info.yml and confirm updating is not possible.
file_put_contents($file_path, Yaml::encode($base_info + $breaking_info));
$this->assertErrorOnUpdate($test_error_text, $extension_type, $extension_machine_name);
$this->assertErrorOnUpdates([$test_error_text], $extension_type, $extension_machine_names, $test_error_urls);
// Fix the values in the info.yml file and confirm updating is possible
// again.
file_put_contents($file_path, Yaml::encode($base_info + $correct_info));
$this->assertUpdateWithNoError($test_error_text, $extension_type, $extension_machine_name);
$this->assertUpdateWithNoErrors([$test_error_text], $extension_type, $extension_machine_names);
@ -329,53 +333,165 @@ class UpdateScriptTest extends BrowserTestBase {
* Tests that a missing extension prevents updates.
* @param string $extension_type
* The extension type, either 'module' or 'theme'.
* @param array $core
* An array keyed by 'module' and 'theme' where each sub array contains
* a list of extension machine names.
* @param array $contrib
* An array keyed by 'module' and 'theme' where each sub array contains
* a list of extension machine names.
* @dataProvider providerMissingExtension
public function testMissingExtension($extension_type) {
public function testMissingExtension(array $core, array $contrib): void {
'administer software updates',
'administer site configuration',
$extension_type === 'module' ? 'administer modules' : 'administer themes',
'administer modules',
'administer themes',
$extension_machine_name = "disappearing_$extension_type";
$extension_name = 'The magically disappearing extension';
$test_error_text = "Missing or invalid $extension_type "
. "The following $extension_type is marked as installed in the core.extension configuration, but it is missing:"
. $extension_machine_name
$extension_info = [
'name' => $extension_name,
'type' => $extension_type,
$all_extensions_info = [];
$file_paths = [];
$test_error_texts = [];
$test_error_urls = [];
$extension_base_info = [
'version' => 'VERSION',
'core_version_requirement' => '^8 || ^9 || ^10',
if ($extension_type === 'theme') {
$extension_info['base theme'] = FALSE;
// For each core extension create and error of info.yml information and
// the expected error message.
foreach ($core as $type => $extensions) {
$removed_list = [];
$error_url = '';
$extension_base_info += ['package' => 'Core'];
if ($type === 'module') {
$removed_core_list = \DRUPAL_CORE_REMOVED_MODULE_LIST;
else {
$removed_core_list = \DRUPAL_CORE_REMOVED_THEME_LIST;
foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
$extension_info = $extension_base_info +
'name' => "The magically disappearing core $type $extension",
'type' => $type,
if ($type === 'theme') {
$extension_info['base theme'] = FALSE;
$all_extensions_info[$extension] = $extension_info;
$removed_list[] = $removed_core_list[$extension];
// Create the requirements test message.
if (!empty($extensions)) {
$handbook_message = "For more information read the documentation on deprecated {$type}s.";
if (count($removed_list) === 1) {
$test_error_texts[$type][] = "Removed core {$type} "
. "You must add the following contributed $type and reload this page."
. implode($removed_list)
. "This $type is installed on your site but is no longer provided by Core."
. $handbook_message;
else {
$test_error_texts[$type][] = "Removed core {$type}s "
. "You must add the following contributed {$type}s and reload this page."
. implode($removed_list)
. "These {$type}s are installed on your site but are no longer provided by Core."
. $handbook_message;
$test_error_urls[$type][] = $error_url;
// For each contrib extension create and error of info.yml information and
// the expected error message.
foreach ($contrib as $type => $extensions) {
$handbook_message = 'Review the suggestions for resolving this incompatibility to repair your installation, and then re-run update.php.';
$error_url = '';
foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
$extension_info = $extension_base_info +
'name' => "The magically disappearing contrib $type $extension",
'type' => $type,
if ($type === 'theme') {
$extension_info['base theme'] = FALSE;
$all_extensions_info[$extension] = $extension_info;
// Create the requirements test message.
if (!empty($extensions)) {
if (count($extensions) === 1) {
$test_error_texts[$type][] = "Missing or invalid {$type} "
. "The following {$type} is marked as installed in the core.extension configuration, but it is missing:"
. implode($extensions)
. $handbook_message;
else {
$test_error_texts[$type][] = "Missing or invalid {$type}s "
. "The following {$type}s are marked as installed in the core.extension configuration, but they are missing:"
. implode($extensions)
. $handbook_message;
$test_error_urls[$type][] = $error_url;
// Create the info.yml files for each extension.
foreach ($all_extensions_info as $machine_name => $extension_info) {
$type = $extension_info['type'];
$folder_path = \Drupal::getContainer()->getParameter('site.path') . "/{$type}s/contrib/$machine_name";
$file_path = "$folder_path/$";
mkdir($folder_path, 0777, TRUE);
file_put_contents($file_path, Yaml::encode($extension_info));
$file_paths[$machine_name] = $file_path;
// Enable all the extensions.
foreach ($all_extensions_info as $machine_name => $extension_info) {
$extension_machine_names = [$machine_name];
$extension_names = [$extension_info['name']];
$this->enableExtensions($extension_info['type'], $extension_machine_names, $extension_names);
$folder_path = \Drupal::getContainer()->getParameter('site.path') . "/{$extension_type}s/$extension_machine_name";
$file_path = "$folder_path/$";
mkdir($folder_path, 0777, TRUE);
file_put_contents($file_path, Yaml::encode($extension_info));
$this->enableExtension($extension_type, $extension_machine_name, $extension_name);
// If there are no requirements warnings or errors, we expect to be able to
// go through the update process uninterrupted.
$this->assertUpdateWithNoError($test_error_text, $extension_type, $extension_machine_name);
$types = ['module', 'theme'];
foreach ($types as $type) {
$all = array_merge($core[$type], $contrib[$type]);
$this->assertUpdateWithNoErrors($test_error_texts[$type], $type, $all);
// Delete the info.yml and confirm updates are prevented.
$this->assertErrorOnUpdate($test_error_text, $extension_type, $extension_machine_name);
// Delete the info.yml(s) and confirm updates are prevented.
foreach ($file_paths as $file_path) {
foreach ($types as $type) {
$all = array_merge($core[$type], $contrib[$type]);
$this->assertErrorOnUpdates($test_error_texts[$type], $type, $all, $test_error_urls[$type]);
// Add the info.yml file back and confirm we are able to go through the
// Add the info.yml file(s) back and confirm we are able to go through the
// update process uninterrupted.
file_put_contents($file_path, Yaml::encode($extension_info));
$this->assertUpdateWithNoError($test_error_text, $extension_type, $extension_machine_name);
foreach ($all_extensions_info as $machine_name => $extension_info) {
file_put_contents($file_paths[$machine_name], Yaml::encode($extension_info));
foreach ($types as $type) {
$all = array_merge($core[$type], $contrib[$type]);
$this->assertUpdateWithNoErrors($test_error_texts[$type], $type, $all);
@ -427,12 +543,44 @@ class UpdateScriptTest extends BrowserTestBase {
* Data provider for testMissingExtension().
* Data provider for ::testMissingExtension().
* @return array[]
* Set of testcases to pass to the test method.
public function providerMissingExtension() {
public function providerMissingExtension(): array {
return [
'module' => ['module'],
'theme' => ['theme'],
'core only' => [
'core' => [
'module' => ['aggregator'],
'theme' => ['seven'],
'contrib' => [
'module' => [],
'theme' => [],
'contrib only' => [
'core' => [
'module' => [],
'theme' => [],
'contrib' => [
'module' => ['module'],
'theme' => ['theme'],
'core and contrib' =>
'core' => [
'module' => ['aggregator', 'rdf'],
'theme' => ['seven'],
'contrib' => [
'module' => ['module_a', 'module_b'],
'theme' => ['theme_a', 'theme_b'],
@ -441,22 +589,55 @@ class UpdateScriptTest extends BrowserTestBase {
* @param string $extension_type
* The extension type.
* @param string $extension_machine_name
* The extension machine name.
* @param string $extension_name
* The extension name.
* @param array $extension_machine_names
* An array of the extension machine names.
* @param array $extension_names
* An array of extension names.
protected function enableExtension($extension_type, $extension_machine_name, $extension_name) {
protected function enableExtensions(string $extension_type, array $extension_machine_names, array $extension_names): void {
if ($extension_type === 'module') {
$edit = [
"modules[$extension_machine_name][enable]" => $extension_machine_name,
$edit = [];
foreach ($extension_machine_names as $extension_machine_name) {
$edit["modules[$extension_machine_name][enable]"] = $extension_machine_name;
$this->submitForm($edit, 'Install');
elseif ($extension_type === 'theme') {
foreach ($extension_names as $extension_name) {
* Enables extensions the UI.
* @param array $extension_info
* An array of extension information arrays. The array is keyed by 'module'
* and 'theme'.
protected function enableMissingExtensions(array $extension_info): void {
$edit = [];
foreach ($extension_info as $info) {
if ($info['type'] === 'module') {
$machine_name = $info['machine_name'];
$edit["modules[$machine_name][enable]"] = $machine_name;
if (!empty($edit)) {
$this->submitForm($edit, 'Install');
if (isset($extension_info['theme'])) {
foreach ($extension_info as $info) {
if ($info['type' === 'theme']) {
$this->click('a[title~="' . $info['name'] . '"]');
@ -779,70 +960,83 @@ class UpdateScriptTest extends BrowserTestBase {
* @param string $extension_type
* The extension type, either 'module' or 'theme'.
* @param string $extension_machine_name
* The extension machine name.
* @param array $extension_machine_names
* An array of the extension machine names.
* @internal
protected function assertInstalledExtensionConfig(string $extension_type, string $extension_machine_name): void {
protected function assertInstalledExtensionsConfig(string $extension_type, array $extension_machine_names): void {
$extension_config = $this->container->get('config.factory')->getEditable('core.extension');
$this->assertSame(0, $extension_config->get("$extension_type.$extension_machine_name"));
foreach ($extension_machine_names as $extension_machine_name) {
$this->assertSame(0, $extension_config->get("$extension_type.$extension_machine_name"));
* Asserts a particular error is not shown on update and status report pages.
* Asserts particular errors are not shown on update and status report pages.
* @param string $unexpected_error_text
* The error text that should not be shown.
* @param array $unexpected_error_texts
* An array of the error texts that should not be shown.
* @param string $extension_type
* The extension type, either 'module' or 'theme'.
* @param string $extension_machine_name
* The extension machine name.
* @param array $extension_machine_names
* An array of the extension machine names.
* @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ResponseTextException
* @internal
protected function assertUpdateWithNoError(string $unexpected_error_text, string $extension_type, string $extension_machine_name): void {
protected function assertUpdateWithNoErrors(array $unexpected_error_texts, string $extension_type, array $extension_machine_names): void {
$assert_session = $this->assertSession();
foreach ($unexpected_error_texts as $unexpected_error_text) {
$this->drupalGet($this->updateUrl, ['external' => TRUE]);
foreach ($unexpected_error_texts as $unexpected_error_text) {
$assert_session->pageTextContains('No pending updates.');
$this->assertInstalledExtensionConfig($extension_type, $extension_machine_name);
$this->assertInstalledExtensionsConfig($extension_type, $extension_machine_names);
* Asserts an error is shown on the update and status report pages.
* Asserts errors are shown on the update and status report pages.
* @param string $expected_error_text
* The expected error text.
* @param array $expected_error_texts
* The expected error texts.
* @param string $extension_type
* The extension type, either 'module' or 'theme'.
* @param string $extension_machine_name
* The extension machine name.
* @param array $extension_machine_names
* The extension machine names.
* @param array $test_error_urls
* The URLs in the error texts.
* @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException
* @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ResponseTextException
* @internal
protected function assertErrorOnUpdate(string $expected_error_text, string $extension_type, string $extension_machine_name): void {
protected function assertErrorOnUpdates(array $expected_error_texts, string $extension_type, array $extension_machine_names, array $test_error_urls): void {
$assert_session = $this->assertSession();
foreach ($expected_error_texts as $expected_error_text) {
foreach ($test_error_urls as $test_error_url) {
// Reload the update page to ensure the extension with the breaking values
// has not been uninstalled or otherwise affected.
for ($reload = 0; $reload <= 1; $reload++) {
$this->drupalGet($this->updateUrl, ['external' => TRUE]);
foreach ($expected_error_texts as $expected_error_text) {
$this->assertInstalledExtensionConfig($extension_type, $extension_machine_name);
$this->assertInstalledExtensionsConfig($extension_type, $extension_machine_names);
Reference in New Issue