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// $Id$
* @file
* Hooks provided by the Filter module.
* @addtogroup hooks
* @{
* Define content filters.
* Content in Drupal is passed through all enabled filters before it is
* output. This lets a module modify content to the site administrator's
* liking.
* This hook contains all that is needed for having a module provide filtering
* functionality.
* Depending on $op, different tasks are performed.
* A module can contain as many filters as it wants. The 'list' operation tells
* the filter system which filters are available. Every filter has a numerical
* 'delta' which is used to refer to it in every operation.
* Filtering is a two-step process. First, the content is 'prepared' by calling
* the 'prepare' operation for every filter. The purpose of 'prepare' is to
* escape HTML-like structures. For example, imagine a filter which allows the
* user to paste entire chunks of programming code without requiring manual
* escaping of special HTML characters like @< or @&. If the programming code
* were left untouched, then other filters could think it was HTML and change
* it. For most filters however, the prepare-step is not necessary, and they can
* just return the input without changes.
* Filters should not use the 'prepare' step for anything other than escaping,
* because that would short-circuits the control the user has over the order
* in which filters are applied.
* The second step is the actual processing step. The result from the
* prepare-step gets passed to all the filters again, this time with the
* 'process' operation. It's here that filters should perform actual changing of
* the content: transforming URLs into hyperlinks, converting smileys into
* images, etc.
* An important aspect of the filtering system is 'text formats'. Every text
* format is an entire filter setup: which filters to enable, in what order
* and with what settings. Filters that provide settings should usually store
* these settings per format.
* If the filter's behavior depends on an extensive list and/or external data
* (e.g. a list of smileys, a list of glossary terms) then filters are allowed
* to provide a separate, global configuration page rather than provide settings
* per format. In that case, there should be a link from the format-specific
* settings to the separate settings page.
* For performance reasons content is only filtered once; the result is stored
* in the cache table and retrieved the next time the piece of content is
* displayed. If a filter's output is dynamic it can override the cache
* mechanism, but obviously this feature should be used with caution: having one
* 'no cache' filter in a particular text format disables caching for the
* entire format, not just for one filter.
* Beware of the filter cache when developing your module: it is advised to set
* your filter to 'no cache' while developing, but be sure to remove it again
* if it's not needed. You can clear the cache by running the SQL query 'DELETE
* FROM cache_filter';
* @param $op
* Which filtering operation to perform. Possible values:
* - list: provide a list of available filters.
* Returns an associative array of filter names with numerical keys.
* These keys are used for subsequent operations and passed back through
* the $delta parameter.
* - no cache: Return true if caching should be disabled for this filter.
* - description: Return a short description of what this filter does.
* - prepare: Return the prepared version of the content in $text.
* - process: Return the processed version of the content in $text.
* - settings: Return HTML form controls for the filter's settings. These
* settings are stored with variable_set() when the form is submitted.
* Remember to use the $format identifier in the variable and control names
* to store settings per text format (e.g. "mymodule_setting_$format").
* @param $delta
* Which of the module's filters to use (applies to every operation except
* 'list'). Modules that only contain one filter can ignore this parameter.
* @param $format
* Which text format the filter is being used in (applies to 'prepare',
* 'process' and 'settings').
* @param $text
* The content to filter (applies to 'prepare' and 'process').
* @param $langcode
* The language code associated with the content, e.g. 'en' for English. This
* enables filters to be language aware and can be used to implement language
* specific text replacements.
* @param $cache_id
* The cache id of the content.
* @return
* The return value depends on $op. The filter hook is designed so that a
* module can return $text for operations it does not use/need.
* For a detailed usage example, see filter_example.module. For an example of
* using multiple filters in one module, see filter_filter() and
* filter_filter_tips().
function hook_filter($op, $delta = 0, $format = -1, $text = '', $langcode = '', $cache_id = 0) {
switch ($op) {
case 'list':
return array(0 => t('Code filter'));
case 'description':
return t('Allows users to post code verbatim using &lt;code&gt; and &lt;?php ?&gt; tags.');
case 'prepare':
// Note: we use the bytes 0xFE and 0xFF to replace < > during the
// filtering process. These bytes are not valid in UTF-8 data and thus
// least likely to cause problems.
$text = preg_replace('@<code>(.+?)</code>@se', "'\xFEcode\xFF' . codefilter_escape('\\1') . '\xFE/code\xFF'", $text);
$text = preg_replace('@<(\?(php)?|%)(.+?)(\?|%)>@se', "'\xFEphp\xFF' . codefilter_escape('\\3') . '\xFE/php\xFF'", $text);
return $text;
case "process":
$text = preg_replace('@\xFEcode\xFF(.+?)\xFE/code\xFF@se', "codefilter_process_code('$1')", $text);
$text = preg_replace('@\xFEphp\xFF(.+?)\xFE/php\xFF@se', "codefilter_process_php('$1')", $text);
return $text;
return $text;
* Provide tips for using filters.
* A module's tips should be informative and to the point. Short tips are
* preferably one-liners.
* @param $delta
* Which of this module's filters to use. Modules which only implement one
* filter can ignore this parameter.
* @param $format
* Which format we are providing tips for.
* @param $long
* If set to true, long tips are requested, otherwise short tips are needed.
* @return
* The text of the filter tip.
function hook_filter_tips($delta, $format, $long = false) {
if ($long) {
return t('To post pieces of code, surround them with &lt;code&gt;...&lt;/code&gt; tags. For PHP code, you can use &lt;?php ... ?&gt;, which will also colour it based on syntax.');
else {
return t('You may post code using &lt;code&gt;...&lt;/code&gt; (generic) or &lt;?php ... ?&gt; (highlighted PHP) tags.');
* @} End of "addtogroup hooks".