$exceed_max_msg=t('Your PHP settings limit the maximum file size per upload to %size MB.',array('%size'=>file_upload_max_size())).'<br/>';
$more_info=t("Depending on your sever environment, these settings may be changed in the system-wide php.ini file, a php.ini file in your Drupal root directory, in your Drupal site's settings.php file, or in the .htaccess file in your Drupal root directory.");
form_set_error('upload_uploadsize_default',t('The %role maximum file size per upload is greater than the total file size allowed per user',array('%role'=>t('default'))));
form_set_error('upload_uploadsize_'.$rid,t('The %role maximum file size per upload is greater than the total file size allowed per user',array('%role'=>$role)));
'#description'=>t('The maximum allowed image size (e.g. 640x480). Set to 0 for no restriction. If an <a href="!image-toolkit-link">image toolkit</a> is installed, files exceeding this value will be scaled down to fit.',array('!image-toolkit-link'=>url('admin/settings/image-toolkit'))),
'#title'=>t('Default maximum file size per upload'),
'#description'=>t('The default maximum file size a user can upload. If an image is uploaded and a maximum resolution is set, the size will be checked after the file has been resized.'),
'#description'=>t('The default maximum size of all files a user can have on the site.'),
$form['settings_general']['upload_max_size']=array('#value'=>'<p>'.t('Your PHP settings limit the maximum file size per upload to %size.',array('%size'=>format_size(file_upload_max_size()))).'</p>');
'#description'=>t('The maximum size of a file a user can upload. If an image is uploaded and a maximum resolution is set, the size will be checked after the file has been resized.'),