Issue #2905922 by tim.plunkett, tedbow, xjm, EclipseGc, webchick, vijaycs85, larowlan, andrewmacpherson, droplet, Bojhan, mgifford, drpal, phenaproxima, DyanneNova, japerry: Implementation issue for Layout Builder
2017-11-17 19:01:26 +00:00
configure any layout:
title: 'Configure any layout'
restrict access: true
Issue #2914486 by tim.plunkett, tedbow, bendeguz.csirmaz, twfahey, bnjmnm, xjm, effulgentsia, Kristen Pol, benjifisher, larowlan, webchick, rainbreaw, jrockowitz, Gábor Hojtsy, ckrina: Add granular permissions to the Layout Builder
(cherry picked from commit d05d67fede00690e22fe557dcb6fee5752a3e8d5)
2019-03-26 05:55:38 +00:00
create and edit custom blocks:
title: 'Create and edit custom blocks'
description: 'Manage the single-use blocks within the Layout Builder'
- \Drupal\layout_builder\LayoutBuilderOverridesPermissions::permissions