2007-08-20 07:03:08 +00:00
< ? php
// $Id$
* @ file
* Page callbacks for adding , editing , deleting , and revisions management for content .
* Menu callback ; presents the node editing form , or redirects to delete confirmation .
function node_page_edit ( $node ) {
drupal_set_title ( t ( 'Edit %title' , array ( '%title' => $node -> title )));
return drupal_get_form ( $node -> type . '_node_form' , $node );
function node_add_page () {
$item = menu_get_item ();
$content = system_admin_menu_block ( $item );
return theme ( 'node_add_list' , $content );
function theme_node_add_list ( $content ) {
$output = '' ;
if ( $content ) {
$output = '<dl class="node-type-list">' ;
foreach ( $content as $item ) {
$output .= '<dt>' . l ( $item [ 'title' ], $item [ 'href' ], $item [ 'options' ]) . '</dt>' ;
$output .= '<dd>' . $item [ 'description' ] . '</dd>' ;
$output .= '</dl>' ;
return $output ;
* Present a node submission form or a set of links to such forms .
function node_add ( $type ) {
global $user ;
$types = node_get_types ();
$type = isset ( $type ) ? str_replace ( '-' , '_' , $type ) : NULL ;
// If a node type has been specified, validate its existence.
if ( isset ( $types [ $type ]) && node_access ( 'create' , $type )) {
// Initialize settings:
$node = array ( 'uid' => $user -> uid , 'name' => $user -> name , 'type' => $type , 'language' => '' );
drupal_set_title ( t ( 'Create @name' , array ( '@name' => $types [ $type ] -> name )));
$output = drupal_get_form ( $type . '_node_form' , $node );
return $output ;
function node_form_validate ( $form , & $form_state ) {
node_validate ( $form_state [ 'values' ], $form );
function node_object_prepare ( & $node ) {
2007-09-19 18:11:08 +00:00
// Set up default values, if required.
2007-08-20 07:03:08 +00:00
$node_options = variable_get ( 'node_options_' . $node -> type , array ( 'status' , 'promote' ));
// If this is a new node, fill in the default values.
if ( ! isset ( $node -> nid )) {
foreach ( array ( 'status' , 'promote' , 'sticky' ) as $key ) {
$node -> $key = in_array ( $key , $node_options );
global $user ;
$node -> uid = $user -> uid ;
2007-09-19 18:11:08 +00:00
$node -> created = time ();
else {
$node -> date = format_date ( $node -> created , 'custom' , 'Y-m-d H:i:s O' );
2007-08-20 07:03:08 +00:00
// Always use the default revision setting.
$node -> revision = in_array ( 'revision' , $node_options );
node_invoke ( $node , 'prepare' );
node_invoke_nodeapi ( $node , 'prepare' );
* Generate the node add / edit form array .
function node_form ( & $form_state , $node ) {
global $user ;
if ( isset ( $form_state [ 'node' ])) {
$node = $form_state [ 'node' ] + ( array ) $node ;
if ( isset ( $form_state [ 'node_preview' ])) {
$form [ '#prefix' ] = $form_state [ 'node_preview' ];
$node = ( object ) $node ;
foreach ( array ( 'body' , 'title' , 'format' ) as $key ) {
if ( ! isset ( $node -> $key )) {
$node -> $key = NULL ;
2007-09-09 19:52:29 +00:00
if ( ! isset ( $form_state [ 'node_preview' ])) {
node_object_prepare ( $node );
2007-10-05 13:14:04 +00:00
else {
$node -> build_mode = NODE_BUILD_PREVIEW ;
2007-08-20 07:03:08 +00:00
// Set the id of the top-level form tag
$form [ '#id' ] = 'node-form' ;
* Basic node information .
* These elements are just values so they are not even sent to the client .
foreach ( array ( 'nid' , 'vid' , 'uid' , 'created' , 'type' , 'language' ) as $key ) {
$form [ $key ] = array ( '#type' => 'value' , '#value' => isset ( $node -> $key ) ? $node -> $key : NULL );
// Changed must be sent to the client, for later overwrite error checking.
$form [ 'changed' ] = array ( '#type' => 'hidden' , '#default_value' => isset ( $node -> changed ) ? $node -> changed : NULL );
// Get the node-specific bits.
if ( $extra = node_invoke ( $node , 'form' , $form_state )) {
$form = array_merge_recursive ( $form , $extra );
if ( ! isset ( $form [ 'title' ][ '#weight' ])) {
$form [ 'title' ][ '#weight' ] = - 5 ;
$form [ '#node' ] = $node ;
// Add a log field if the "Create new revision" option is checked, or if the
// current user has the ability to check that option.
2007-09-27 12:56:04 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $node -> revision ) || user_access ( 'administer nodes' )) {
2007-08-20 07:03:08 +00:00
$form [ 'revision_information' ] = array (
'#type' => 'fieldset' ,
'#title' => t ( 'Revision information' ),
'#collapsible' => TRUE ,
// Collapsed by default when "Create new revision" is unchecked
'#collapsed' => ! $node -> revision ,
'#weight' => 20 ,
$form [ 'revision_information' ][ 'revision' ] = array (
'#access' => user_access ( 'administer nodes' ),
'#type' => 'checkbox' ,
'#title' => t ( 'Create new revision' ),
'#default_value' => $node -> revision ,
$form [ 'revision_information' ][ 'log' ] = array (
'#type' => 'textarea' ,
'#title' => t ( 'Log message' ),
'#rows' => 2 ,
'#description' => t ( 'An explanation of the additions or updates being made to help other authors understand your motivations.' ),
// Node author information for administrators
$form [ 'author' ] = array (
'#type' => 'fieldset' ,
'#access' => user_access ( 'administer nodes' ),
'#title' => t ( 'Authoring information' ),
'#collapsible' => TRUE ,
'#collapsed' => TRUE ,
'#weight' => 20 ,
$form [ 'author' ][ 'name' ] = array ( '#type' => 'textfield' , '#title' => t ( 'Authored by' ), '#maxlength' => 60 , '#autocomplete_path' => 'user/autocomplete' , '#default_value' => $node -> name ? $node -> name : '' , '#weight' => - 1 , '#description' => t ( 'Leave blank for %anonymous.' , array ( '%anonymous' => variable_get ( 'anonymous' , t ( 'Anonymous' )))));
2007-09-19 18:11:08 +00:00
$form [ 'author' ][ 'date' ] = array ( '#type' => 'textfield' , '#title' => t ( 'Authored on' ), '#maxlength' => 25 , '#description' => t ( 'Format: %time. Leave blank to use the time of form submission.' , array ( '%time' => ! empty ( $node -> date ) ? $node -> date : format_date ( $node -> created , 'custom' , 'Y-m-d H:i:s O' ))));
2007-08-20 07:03:08 +00:00
2007-09-19 18:11:08 +00:00
if ( isset ( $node -> date )) {
2007-08-20 07:03:08 +00:00
$form [ 'author' ][ 'date' ][ '#default_value' ] = $node -> date ;
// Node options for administrators
$form [ 'options' ] = array (
'#type' => 'fieldset' ,
'#access' => user_access ( 'administer nodes' ),
'#title' => t ( 'Publishing options' ),
'#collapsible' => TRUE ,
'#collapsed' => TRUE ,
'#weight' => 25 ,
$form [ 'options' ][ 'status' ] = array ( '#type' => 'checkbox' , '#title' => t ( 'Published' ), '#default_value' => $node -> status );
$form [ 'options' ][ 'promote' ] = array ( '#type' => 'checkbox' , '#title' => t ( 'Promoted to front page' ), '#default_value' => $node -> promote );
$form [ 'options' ][ 'sticky' ] = array ( '#type' => 'checkbox' , '#title' => t ( 'Sticky at top of lists' ), '#default_value' => $node -> sticky );
// These values are used when the user has no administrator access.
foreach ( array ( 'uid' , 'created' ) as $key ) {
$form [ $key ] = array ( '#type' => 'value' , '#value' => $node -> $key );
// Add the buttons.
$form [ 'buttons' ] = array ();
$form [ 'buttons' ][ 'preview' ] = array (
'#type' => 'submit' ,
'#value' => t ( 'Preview' ),
'#weight' => 5 ,
'#submit' => array ( 'node_form_build_preview' ),
$form [ 'buttons' ][ 'submit' ] = array (
'#type' => 'submit' ,
'#value' => t ( 'Save' ),
'#weight' => 10 ,
'#submit' => array ( 'node_form_submit' ),
if ( ! empty ( $node -> nid ) && node_access ( 'delete' , $node )) {
$form [ 'buttons' ][ 'delete' ] = array (
'#type' => 'submit' ,
'#value' => t ( 'Delete' ),
'#weight' => 15 ,
'#submit' => array ( 'node_form_delete_submit' ),
$form [ '#validate' ][] = 'node_form_validate' ;
$form [ '#theme' ] = 'node_form' ;
return $form ;
* Return a node body field , with format and teaser .
function node_body_field ( & $node , $label , $word_count ) {
// Check if we need to restore the teaser at the beginning of the body.
$include = ! isset ( $node -> teaser ) || ( $node -> teaser == substr ( $node -> body , 0 , strlen ( $node -> teaser )));
$form = array (
'#after_build' => array ( 'node_teaser_js' ));
$form [ 'teaser_js' ] = array (
'#type' => 'textarea' ,
'#rows' => 10 ,
'#teaser' => 'edit-body' ,
'#teaser_checkbox' => 'edit-teaser-include' ,
'#disabled' => TRUE );
$form [ 'teaser_include' ] = array (
'#type' => 'checkbox' ,
'#title' => t ( 'Show summary in full view' ),
'#default_value' => $include ,
'#prefix' => '<div class="teaser-checkbox">' ,
'#suffix' => '</div>' ,
$form [ 'body' ] = array (
'#type' => 'textarea' ,
'#title' => check_plain ( $label ),
'#default_value' => $include ? $node -> body : ( $node -> teaser . $node -> body ),
'#rows' => 20 ,
'#required' => ( $word_count > 0 ));
$form [ 'format' ] = filter_form ( $node -> format );
return $form ;
* Button sumit function : handle the 'Delete' button on the node form .
function node_form_delete_submit ( $form , & $form_state ) {
$destination = '' ;
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'destination' ])) {
$destination = drupal_get_destination ();
unset ( $_REQUEST [ 'destination' ]);
$node = $form [ '#node' ];
$form_state [ 'redirect' ] = array ( 'node/' . $node -> nid . '/delete' , $destination );
function node_form_build_preview ( $form , & $form_state ) {
$node = node_form_submit_build_node ( $form , $form_state );
$form_state [ 'node_preview' ] = node_preview ( $node );
function theme_node_form ( $form ) {
$output = " \n <div class= \" node-form \" > \n " ;
// Admin form fields and submit buttons must be rendered first, because
// they need to go to the bottom of the form, and so should not be part of
// the catch-all call to drupal_render().
$admin = '' ;
if ( isset ( $form [ 'author' ])) {
$admin .= " <div class= \" authored \" > \n " ;
$admin .= drupal_render ( $form [ 'author' ]);
$admin .= " </div> \n " ;
if ( isset ( $form [ 'options' ])) {
$admin .= " <div class= \" options \" > \n " ;
$admin .= drupal_render ( $form [ 'options' ]);
$admin .= " </div> \n " ;
$buttons = drupal_render ( $form [ 'buttons' ]);
// Everything else gets rendered here, and is displayed before the admin form
// field and the submit buttons.
$output .= " <div class= \" standard \" > \n " ;
$output .= drupal_render ( $form );
$output .= " </div> \n " ;
if ( ! empty ( $admin )) {
$output .= " <div class= \" admin \" > \n " ;
$output .= $admin ;
$output .= " </div> \n " ;
$output .= $buttons ;
$output .= " </div> \n " ;
return $output ;
* Generate a node preview .
function node_preview ( $node ) {
if ( node_access ( 'create' , $node ) || node_access ( 'update' , $node )) {
// Load the user's name when needed:
if ( isset ( $node -> name )) {
// The use of isset() is mandatory in the context of user IDs, because
// user ID 0 denotes the anonymous user.
if ( $user = user_load ( array ( 'name' => $node -> name ))) {
$node -> uid = $user -> uid ;
$node -> picture = $user -> picture ;
else {
$node -> uid = 0 ; // anonymous user
else if ( $node -> uid ) {
$user = user_load ( array ( 'uid' => $node -> uid ));
$node -> name = $user -> name ;
$node -> picture = $user -> picture ;
$node -> changed = time ();
// Extract a teaser, if it hasn't been set (e.g. by a module-provided
// 'teaser' form item).
if ( ! isset ( $node -> teaser )) {
$node -> teaser = empty ( $node -> body ) ? '' : node_teaser ( $node -> body , $node -> format );
// Chop off the teaser from the body if needed.
if ( ! $node -> teaser_include && $node -> teaser == substr ( $node -> body , 0 , strlen ( $node -> teaser ))) {
$node -> body = substr ( $node -> body , strlen ( $node -> teaser ));
// Display a preview of the node:
// Previewing alters $node so it needs to be cloned.
if ( ! form_get_errors ()) {
$cloned_node = drupal_clone ( $node );
$cloned_node -> build_mode = NODE_BUILD_PREVIEW ;
$output = theme ( 'node_preview' , $cloned_node );
drupal_set_title ( t ( 'Preview' ));
drupal_set_breadcrumb ( array ( l ( t ( 'Home' ), NULL ), l ( t ( 'Create content' ), 'node/add' ), l ( t ( 'Submit @name' , array ( '@name' => node_get_types ( 'name' , $node ))), 'node/add/' . $node -> type )));
return $output ;
* Display a node preview for display during node creation and editing .
* @ param $node
* The node object which is being previewed .
function theme_node_preview ( $node ) {
$output = '<div class="preview">' ;
if ( ! empty ( $node -> teaser ) && ! empty ( $node -> body ) && $node -> teaser != $node -> body ) {
drupal_set_message ( t ( 'The trimmed version of your post shows what your post looks like when promoted to the main page or when exported for syndication.<span class="no-js"> You can insert the delimiter "<!--break-->" (without the quotes) to fine-tune where your post gets split.</span>' ));
$output .= '<h3>' . t ( 'Preview trimmed version' ) . '</h3>' ;
$output .= node_view ( drupal_clone ( $node ), 1 , FALSE , 0 );
$output .= '<h3>' . t ( 'Preview full version' ) . '</h3>' ;
$output .= node_view ( $node , 0 , FALSE , 0 );
else {
$output .= node_view ( $node , 0 , FALSE , 0 );
$output .= " </div> \n " ;
return $output ;
function node_form_submit ( $form , & $form_state ) {
global $user ;
$node = node_form_submit_build_node ( $form , $form_state );
$insert = empty ( $node -> nid );
node_save ( $node );
$node_link = l ( t ( 'view' ), 'node/' . $node -> nid );
$watchdog_args = array ( '@type' => $node -> type , '%title' => $node -> title );
$t_args = array ( '%post' => node_get_types ( 'name' , $node ));
if ( $insert ) {
watchdog ( 'content' , '@type: added %title.' , $watchdog_args , WATCHDOG_NOTICE , $node_link );
drupal_set_message ( t ( 'Your %post has been created.' , $t_args ));
else {
watchdog ( 'content' , '@type: updated %title.' , $watchdog_args , WATCHDOG_NOTICE , $node_link );
drupal_set_message ( t ( 'The %post has been updated.' , $t_args ));
if ( $node -> nid ) {
unset ( $form_state [ 'rebuild' ]);
$form_state [ 'redirect' ] = 'node/' . $node -> nid ;
else {
// In the unlikely case something went wrong on save, the node will be
// rebuilt and node form redisplayed the same way as in preview.
drupal_set_message ( t ( 'The node could not be saved.' ), 'error' );
* Build a node by processing submitted form values and prepare for a form rebuild .
function node_form_submit_build_node ( $form , & $form_state ) {
// Unset any button-level handlers, execute all the form-level submit
// functions to process the form values into an updated node.
unset ( $form_state [ 'submit_handlers' ]);
form_execute_handlers ( 'submit' , $form , $form_state );
$node = node_submit ( $form_state [ 'values' ]);
$form_state [ 'node' ] = ( array ) $node ;
$form_state [ 'rebuild' ] = TRUE ;
return $node ;
* Menu callback -- ask for confirmation of node deletion
function node_delete_confirm ( & $form_state , $node ) {
$form [ 'nid' ] = array ( '#type' => 'value' , '#value' => $node -> nid );
return confirm_form ( $form ,
t ( 'Are you sure you want to delete %title?' , array ( '%title' => $node -> title )),
isset ( $_GET [ 'destination' ]) ? $_GET [ 'destination' ] : 'node/' . $node -> nid ,
t ( 'This action cannot be undone.' ),
t ( 'Delete' ), t ( 'Cancel' ));
* Execute node deletion
function node_delete_confirm_submit ( $form , & $form_state ) {
if ( $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'confirm' ]) {
node_delete ( $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'nid' ]);
$form_state [ 'redirect' ] = '<front>' ;
return ;
* Menu callback for revisions related activities .
function node_revisions () {
if ( is_numeric ( arg ( 1 )) && arg ( 2 ) == 'revisions' ) {
$op = arg ( 4 ) ? arg ( 4 ) : 'overview' ;
switch ( $op ) {
case 'overview' :
$node = node_load ( arg ( 1 ));
if (( user_access ( 'view revisions' ) || user_access ( 'administer nodes' )) && node_access ( 'view' , $node )) {
return node_revision_overview ( $node );
drupal_access_denied ();
return ;
case 'view' :
if ( is_numeric ( arg ( 3 ))) {
$node = node_load ( arg ( 1 ), arg ( 3 ));
if ( $node -> nid ) {
if (( user_access ( 'view revisions' ) || user_access ( 'administer nodes' )) && node_access ( 'view' , $node )) {
drupal_set_title ( t ( 'Revision of %title from %date' , array ( '%title' => $node -> title , '%date' => format_date ( $node -> revision_timestamp ))));
return node_show ( $node , arg ( 2 ));
drupal_access_denied ();
return ;
break ;
case 'revert' :
node_revision_revert ( arg ( 1 ), arg ( 3 ));
break ;
case 'delete' :
node_revision_delete ( arg ( 1 ), arg ( 3 ));
break ;
drupal_not_found ();
* Generate an overview table of older revisions of a node .
function node_revision_overview ( $node ) {
drupal_set_title ( t ( 'Revisions for %title' , array ( '%title' => $node -> title )));
$header = array ( t ( 'Revision' ), array ( 'data' => t ( 'Operations' ), 'colspan' => 2 ));
$revisions = node_revision_list ( $node );
$rows = array ();
$revert_permission = FALSE ;
if (( user_access ( 'revert revisions' ) || user_access ( 'administer nodes' )) && node_access ( 'update' , $node )) {
$revert_permission = TRUE ;
$delete_permission = FALSE ;
if ( user_access ( 'administer nodes' )) {
$delete_permission = TRUE ;
foreach ( $revisions as $revision ) {
$row = array ();
$operations = array ();
if ( $revision -> current_vid > 0 ) {
$row [] = array ( 'data' => t ( '!date by !username' , array ( '!date' => l ( format_date ( $revision -> timestamp , 'small' ), " node/ $node->nid " ), '!username' => theme ( 'username' , $revision )))
. (( $revision -> log != '' ) ? '<p class="revision-log">' . filter_xss ( $revision -> log ) . '</p>' : '' ),
'class' => 'revision-current' );
$operations [] = array ( 'data' => theme ( 'placeholder' , t ( 'current revision' )), 'class' => 'revision-current' , 'colspan' => 2 );
else {
$row [] = t ( '!date by !username' , array ( '!date' => l ( format_date ( $revision -> timestamp , 'small' ), " node/ $node->nid /revisions/ $revision->vid /view " ), '!username' => theme ( 'username' , $revision )))
. (( $revision -> log != '' ) ? '<p class="revision-log">' . filter_xss ( $revision -> log ) . '</p>' : '' );
if ( $revert_permission ) {
$operations [] = l ( t ( 'revert' ), " node/ $node->nid /revisions/ $revision->vid /revert " );
if ( $delete_permission ) {
$operations [] = l ( t ( 'delete' ), " node/ $node->nid /revisions/ $revision->vid /delete " );
$rows [] = array_merge ( $row , $operations );
return theme ( 'table' , $header , $rows );
* Revert to the revision with the specified revision number . A node and nodeapi " update " event is triggered
* ( via the node_save () call ) when a revision is reverted .
function node_revision_revert ( $nid , $revision ) {
global $user ;
$node = node_load ( $nid , $revision );
if (( user_access ( 'revert revisions' ) || user_access ( 'administer nodes' )) && node_access ( 'update' , $node )) {
if ( $node -> vid ) {
$node -> revision = 1 ;
$node -> log = t ( 'Copy of the revision from %date.' , array ( '%date' => format_date ( $node -> revision_timestamp )));
if ( module_exists ( 'taxonomy' )) {
$node -> taxonomy = array_keys ( $node -> taxonomy );
node_save ( $node );
drupal_set_message ( t ( '%title has been reverted back to the revision from %revision-date' , array ( '%revision-date' => format_date ( $node -> revision_timestamp ), '%title' => $node -> title )));
watchdog ( 'content' , '@type: reverted %title revision %revision.' , array ( '@type' => $node -> type , '%title' => $node -> title , '%revision' => $revision ));
else {
drupal_set_message ( t ( 'You tried to revert to an invalid revision.' ), 'error' );
drupal_goto ( 'node/' . $nid . '/revisions' );
drupal_access_denied ();
* Delete the revision with specified revision number . A " delete revision " nodeapi event is invoked when a
* revision is deleted .
function node_revision_delete ( $nid , $revision ) {
if ( user_access ( 'administer nodes' )) {
$node = node_load ( $nid );
if ( node_access ( 'delete' , $node )) {
// Don't delete the current revision
if ( $revision != $node -> vid ) {
$node = node_load ( $nid , $revision );
db_query ( " DELETE FROM { node_revisions} WHERE nid = %d AND vid = %d " , $nid , $revision );
node_invoke_nodeapi ( $node , 'delete revision' );
drupal_set_message ( t ( 'Deleted %title revision %revision.' , array ( '%title' => $node -> title , '%revision' => $revision )));
watchdog ( 'content' , '@type: deleted %title revision %revision.' , array ( '@type' => $node -> type , '%title' => $node -> title , '%revision' => $revision ));
else {
drupal_set_message ( t ( 'Deletion failed. You tried to delete the current revision.' ));
if ( db_result ( db_query ( 'SELECT COUNT(vid) FROM {node_revisions} WHERE nid = %d' , $nid )) > 1 ) {
drupal_goto ( " node/ $nid /revisions " );
else {
drupal_goto ( " node/ $nid " );
drupal_access_denied ();