2007-09-11 17:35:58 +00:00
< ? php
// $Id$
* @ file
* Admin page callbacks for the book module .
* Returns an administrative overview of all books .
function book_admin_overview () {
$rows = array ();
foreach ( book_get_books () as $book ) {
$rows [] = array ( l ( $book [ 'title' ], $book [ 'href' ], $book [ 'options' ]), l ( t ( 'edit order and titles' ), " admin/content/book/ " . $book [ 'nid' ]));
$headers = array ( t ( 'Book' ), t ( 'Operations' ));
return theme ( 'table' , $headers , $rows );
* Builds and returns the book settings form .
* @ see book_admin_settings_validate ()
* @ ingroup forms
function book_admin_settings () {
$types = node_get_types ( 'names' );
$form [ 'book_allowed_types' ] = array (
'#type' => 'checkboxes' ,
'#title' => t ( 'Allowed book outline types' ),
'#default_value' => variable_get ( 'book_allowed_types' , array ( 'book' )),
'#options' => $types ,
'#description' => t ( 'Select content types which users with the %add-perm permission will be allowed to add to the book hierarchy. Users with the %outline-perm permission can add all content types.' , array ( '%add-perm' => t ( 'add content to books' ), '%outline-perm' => t ( 'administer book outlines' ))),
'#required' => TRUE ,
$form [ 'book_child_type' ] = array (
'#type' => 'radios' ,
'#title' => t ( 'Default child page type' ),
'#default_value' => variable_get ( 'book_child_type' , 'book' ),
'#options' => $types ,
'#description' => t ( 'The content type for the %add-child link must be one of those selected as an allowed book outline type.' , array ( '%add-child' => t ( 'Add child page' ))),
'#required' => TRUE ,
2007-09-25 12:50:34 +00:00
$form [ 'array_filter' ] = array ( '#type' => 'value' , '#value' => TRUE );
2007-09-11 17:35:58 +00:00
$form [ '#validate' ][] = 'book_admin_settings_validate' ;
return system_settings_form ( $form );
* Validate the book settings form .
* @ see book_admin_settings ()
function book_admin_settings_validate ( $form , & $form_state ) {
$child_type = $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'book_child_type' ];
if ( empty ( $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'book_allowed_types' ][ $child_type ])) {
form_set_error ( 'book_child_type' , t ( 'The content type for the %add-child link must be one of those selected as an allowed book outline type.' , array ( '%add-child' => t ( 'Add child page' ))));
* Build the form to administrate the hierarchy of a single book .
* @ see book_admin_edit_submit ()
* @ ingroup forms .
function book_admin_edit ( $form_state , $node ) {
drupal_set_title ( check_plain ( $node -> title ));
$form = array ();
$form [ '#node' ] = $node ;
$form [ 'table' ] = _book_admin_table ( $node );
$form [ 'save' ] = array (
'#type' => 'submit' ,
'#value' => t ( 'Save book pages' ),
return $form ;
* Handle submission of the book administrative page form .
* @ see book_admin_edit ()
function book_admin_edit_submit ( $form , & $form_state ) {
foreach ( $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'table' ] as $row ) {
$node = node_load ( $row [ 'nid' ], FALSE );
if ( $row [ 'title' ] != $node -> title || $row [ 'weight' ] != $node -> book [ 'weight' ]) {
2007-09-28 15:44:13 +00:00
// Record changes in node's log message.
$log_messages = array ();
if ( $row [ 'title' ] != $node -> title ) {
$log_messages [] = t ( 'Title changed from %original to %current.' , array ( '%original' => $node -> title , '%current' => $row [ 'title' ]));
if ( $row [ 'weight' ] != $node -> book [ 'weight' ]) {
$log_messages [] = t ( 'Weight changed from %original to %current.' , array ( '%original' => $node -> book [ 'weight' ], '%current' => $row [ 'weight' ]));
2007-09-11 17:35:58 +00:00
$node -> title = $row [ 'title' ];
$node -> book [ 'link_title' ] = $row [ 'title' ];
$node -> book [ 'weight' ] = $row [ 'weight' ];
$node -> revision = 1 ;
2007-09-28 15:44:13 +00:00
$node -> log = implode ( ' ' , $log_messages );
2007-09-11 17:35:58 +00:00
node_save ( $node );
watchdog ( 'content' , 'book: updated %title.' , array ( '%title' => $node -> title ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE , l ( t ( 'view' ), 'node/' . $node -> nid ));
// Insure we have the current title - it may have been changed in the form.
$title = db_result ( db_query ( " SELECT title FROM { node} WHERE nid = %d " , $form [ '#node' ] -> nid ));
drupal_set_message ( t ( 'Updated book %title.' , array ( '%title' => $title )));
* Build the table portion of the form for the book administration page .
* @ see book_admin_edit ()
function _book_admin_table ( $node ) {
$form = array (
'#theme' => 'book_admin_table' ,
'#tree' => TRUE ,
$tree = book_menu_subtree_data ( $node -> book );
_book_admin_table_tree ( $tree , $form );
return $form ;
* Recursive helper to build the main table in the book administration page form .
* @ see book_admin_edit ()
function _book_admin_table_tree ( $tree , & $form ) {
foreach ( $tree as $data ) {
$form [] = array (
'nid' => array ( '#type' => 'value' , '#value' => $data [ 'link' ][ 'nid' ]),
'depth' => array ( '#type' => 'value' , '#value' => $data [ 'link' ][ 'depth' ]),
'href' => array ( '#type' => 'value' , '#value' => $data [ 'link' ][ 'href' ]),
'title' => array (
'#type' => 'textfield' ,
'#default_value' => $data [ 'link' ][ 'link_title' ],
'#maxlength' => 255 ,
'weight' => array (
'#type' => 'weight' ,
'#default_value' => $data [ 'link' ][ 'weight' ],
'#delta' => 15 ,
if ( $data [ 'below' ]) {
_book_admin_table_tree ( $data [ 'below' ], $form );
return $form ;
* Theme function for the book administration page form .
* @ ingroup themeable
function theme_book_admin_table ( $form ) {
$header = array ( t ( 'Title' ), t ( 'Weight' ), array ( 'data' => t ( 'Operations' ), 'colspan' => '3' ));
$rows = array ();
$destination = drupal_get_destination ();
$access = user_access ( 'administer nodes' );
foreach ( element_children ( $form ) as $key ) {
$nid = $form [ $key ][ 'nid' ][ '#value' ];
$href = $form [ $key ][ 'href' ][ '#value' ];
$rows [] = array (
'<div style="padding-left: ' . ( 25 * $form [ $key ][ 'depth' ][ '#value' ]) . 'px;">' . drupal_render ( $form [ $key ][ 'title' ]) . '</div>' ,
drupal_render ( $form [ $key ][ 'weight' ]),
l ( t ( 'view' ), $href ),
$access ? l ( t ( 'edit' ), 'node/' . $nid . '/edit' , array ( 'query' => $destination )) : ' ' ,
$access ? l ( t ( 'delete' ), 'node/' . $nid . '/delete' , array ( 'query' => $destination ) ) : ' ' ,
return theme ( 'table' , $header , $rows );