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2003-01-20 21:00:31 +00:00
class XTemplate {
xtemplate class 0.3pre
html generation with templates - fast & easy
copyright (c) 2000-2001 Barnabas Debreceni [cranx@users.sourceforge.net]
2003-01-20 21:00:31 +00:00
Ivar Smolin <okul@linux.ee> (14-march-2001)
- made some code optimizations
Bert Jandehoop <bert.jandehoop@users.info.wau.nl> (26-june-2001)
- new feature to substitute template files by other templates
- new method array_loop()
!!! {FILE {VAR}} file variable interpolation may still be buggy !!!
latest stable & CVS versions always available @
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/***[ variables ]***********************************************************/
var $filecontents=""; /* raw contents of template file */
var $blocks=array(); /* unparsed blocks */
var $parsed_blocks=array(); /* parsed blocks */
var $preparsed_blocks=array(); /* preparsed blocks, for file includes */
var $block_parse_order=array(); /* block parsing order for recursive parsing (sometimes reverse:) */
var $sub_blocks=array(); /* store sub-block names for fast resetting */
var $VARS=array(); /* variables array */
var $FILEVARS=array(); /* file variables array */
var $filevar_parent=array(); /* filevars' parent block */
var $filecache=array(); /* file caching */
var $tpldir=""; /* location of template files */
var $FILES=null; /* file names lookup table */
var $file_delim="/\{FILE\s*\"([^\"]+)\"\s*\}/m"; /* regexp for file includes */
var $filevar_delim="/\{FILE\s*\{([A-Za-z0-9\._]+?)\}\s*\}/m"; /* regexp for file includes */
var $filevar_delim_nl="/^\s*\{FILE\s*\{([A-Za-z0-9\._]+?)\}\s*\}\s*\n/m"; /* regexp for file includes w/ newlines */
var $block_start_delim="<!-- "; /* block start delimiter */
var $block_end_delim="-->"; /* block end delimiter */
var $block_start_word="BEGIN:"; /* block start word */
var $block_end_word="END:"; /* block end word */
/* this makes the delimiters look like: <!-- BEGIN: block_name --> if you use my syntax. */
var $NULL_STRING=array(""=>""); /* null string for unassigned vars */
var $NULL_BLOCK=array(""=>""); /* null string for unassigned blocks */
var $mainblock="main";
var $ERROR="";
var $AUTORESET=1; /* auto-reset sub blocks */
/***[ constructor ]*********************************************************/
function XTemplate ($file,$tpldir="",$files=null,$mainblock="main") {
$this->tpldir = $tpldir;
if (gettype($files)=="array")
$this->FILES = $files;
$this->filecontents=$this->r_getfile($file); /* read in template file */
$this->blocks=$this->maketree($this->filecontents,""); /* preprocess some stuff */
/***[ public stuff ]********************************************************/
/***[ assign ]**************************************************************/
assign a variable
function assign ($name,$val="") {
if (gettype($name)=="array")
foreach ($name as $k=>$v)
/***[ assign_file ]*********************************************************/
assign a file variable
function assign_file ($name,$val="") {
if (gettype($name)=="array")
foreach ($name as $k=>$v)
function assign_file_ ($name,$val) {
if (isset($this->filevar_parent[$name])) {
if ($val!="") {
foreach($this->filevar_parent[$name] as $parent) {
if (isset($this->preparsed_blocks[$parent]) and !isset($this->FILEVARS[$name]))
else if (isset($this->blocks[$parent]))
foreach ($res as $v) {
/***[ parse ]***************************************************************/
parse a block
function parse ($bname) {
if (isset($this->preparsed_blocks[$bname])) {
else if (isset($this->blocks[$bname]))
$this->set_error ("parse: blockname [$bname] does not exist");
/* from there we should have no more {FILE } directives */
/* find & replace variables+blocks */
foreach ($var_array as $k=>$v) {
if ($sub[0]=="_BLOCK_") {
$nul=(!isset($this->NULL_BLOCK[$bname2])) ? $this->NULL_BLOCK[""] : $this->NULL_BLOCK[$bname2];
if ($var=="") {
if ($nul=="") {
} else {
} else {
} else {
foreach ($sub as $v1)
$nul=(!isset($this->NULL_STRING[$v])) ? ($this->NULL_STRING[""]) : ($this->NULL_STRING[$v]);
if ($var=="")
2003-01-20 21:00:31 +00:00
/* reset sub-blocks */
if ($this->AUTORESET && (!empty($this->sub_blocks[$bname]))) {
foreach ($this->sub_blocks[$bname] as $k=>$v)
/***[ rparse ]**************************************************************/
returns the parsed text for a block, including all sub-blocks.
function rparse($bname) {
if (!empty($this->sub_blocks[$bname])) {
foreach ($this->sub_blocks[$bname] as $k=>$v)
if (!empty($v))
/***[ insert_loop ]*********************************************************/
inserts a loop ( call assign & parse )
function insert_loop($bname,$var,$value="") {
/***[ array_loop ]*********************************************************/
parses a block for every set of data in the values array
function array_loop($bname, $var, &$values)
if (gettype($values)=="array")
foreach($values as $v)
$this->assign($var, $v);
/***[ text ]****************************************************************/
returns the parsed text for a block
function text($bname) {
return $this->parsed_blocks[isset($bname) ? $bname :$this->mainblock];
/***[ out ]*****************************************************************/
prints the parsed text
function out ($bname) {
header("Content-Length: ".$length);
echo $this->text($bname);
/***[ reset ]***************************************************************/
resets the parsed text
function reset ($bname) {
/***[ parsed ]**************************************************************/
returns true if block was parsed, false if not
function parsed ($bname) {
return (!empty($this->parsed_blocks[$bname]));
/***[ SetNullString ]*******************************************************/
sets the string to replace in case the var was not assigned
function SetNullString($str,$varname="") {
/***[ SetNullBlock ]********************************************************/
sets the string to replace in case the block was not parsed
function SetNullBlock($str,$bname="") {
/***[ set_autoreset ]*******************************************************/
sets AUTORESET to 1. (default is 1)
if set to 1, parse() automatically resets the parsed blocks' sub blocks
(for multiple level blocks)
function set_autoreset() {
/***[ clear_autoreset ]*****************************************************/
sets AUTORESET to 0. (default is 1)
if set to 1, parse() automatically resets the parsed blocks' sub blocks
(for multiple level blocks)
function clear_autoreset() {
/***[ scan_globals ]********************************************************/
scans global variables
function scan_globals() {
foreach ($GLOBALS as $k=>$v)
$this->assign("PHP",$GLOB); /* access global variables as {PHP.HTTP_HOST} in your template! */
/***[ private stuff ]*******************************************************/
/***[ maketree ]************************************************************/
generates the array containing to-be-parsed stuff:
$blocks["main"],$blocks["main.table"],$blocks["main.table.row"], etc.
also builds the reverse parse order.
function maketree($con,$parentblock="") {
if (!empty($parentblock)) {
} else {
foreach ($con2 as $k=>$v) {
if (preg_match_all("/$patt/ims",$v,$res,PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
// $res[0][1] = BEGIN or END
// $res[0][2] = block name
// $res[0][3] = kinda content
if ($res[0][1]==$this->block_start_word) {
$block_names[++$level]=$res[0][2]; /* add one level - array("main","table","row")*/
$cur_block_name=implode(".",$block_names); /* make block name (main.table.row) */
$this->block_parse_order[]=$cur_block_name; /* build block parsing order (reverse) */
$blocks[$cur_block_name].=$res[0][3]; /* add contents */
$blocks[$parent_name].="{_BLOCK_.$cur_block_name}"; /* add {_BLOCK_.blockname} string to parent block */
$this->sub_blocks[$parent_name][]=$cur_block_name; /* store sub block names for autoresetting and recursive parsing */
$this->sub_blocks[$cur_block_name][]=""; /* store sub block names for autoresetting */
} else if ($res[0][1]==$this->block_end_word) {
$blocks[$parent_name].=$res[0][3]; /* add rest of block to parent block */
} else { /* no block delimiters found */
if ($k)
return $blocks;
/***[ store_filevar_parents ]***********************************************/
store container block's name for file variables
function store_filevar_parents($blocks){
foreach ($blocks as $bname=>$con) {
foreach ($res[1] as $k=>$v)
return $parents;
/***[ error stuff ]*********************************************************/
sets and gets error
function get_error() {
return ($this->ERROR=="")?0:$this->ERROR;
function set_error($str) {
/***[ getfile ]*************************************************************/
returns the contents of a file
function getfile($file) {
if (!isset($file)) {
$this->set_error("!isset file name!");
return "";
// check if filename is mapped to other filename
if (isset($this->FILES))
if (isset($this->FILES[$file]))
$file = $this->FILES[$file];
// prepend template dir
if (!empty($this->tpldir))
$file = $this->tpldir."/".$file;
if (isset($this->filecache[$file]))
else {
if (is_file($file)) {
if (!($fh=fopen($file,"r"))) {
$this->set_error("Cannot open file: $file");
return "";
} else {
$this->set_error("[$file] does not exist");
$file_text="<b>__XTemplate fatal error: file [$file] does not exist__</b>";
return $file_text;
/***[ r_getfile ]***********************************************************/
recursively gets the content of a file with {FILE "filename.tpl"} directives
function r_getfile($file) {
while (preg_match($this->file_delim,$text,$res)) {
return $text;
} /* end of XTemplate class. */
Revision 1.3 2003/04/04 06:08:53 dries
Patch by Ax:
- Bugfix: xtemplate.inc removed "$xx" from content.
- Improvement: changed a high ascii char to low ascii to be able to debug
Revision 1.2 2003/02/01 19:54:19 dries
Patch by Ax:
- Bad usage of css ID's: they may be used for a single element only,
but were used as #node, #block, which can occur multiple times in a
single page.
- Moved HTML from theme to template - thats what templates are all
- Added support for head() hook
- Added support for diffentiating between boxes and blocks.
- Typo: secundary -> secondary
2003-01-20 21:00:31 +00:00
Revision 1.1 2003/01/20 21:00:31 dries
- Added a template driven theme.
Revision 1.1 2002/12/10 23:11:59 ax
[argh - cvs @*#! didn't add any files with the last commit ... now, then (we should really give subversion a try: "Directories, renames, and file meta-data are versioned"]
- renamed from "ax" to "XTemplate_Tableless" to make people looking for ... this find it
- updated to CVS
- fixed some styles
- em/%'ized stylesheet (relative sizes) and "chaptered" into sections
- added 3 screenshots
Revision 1.2 2001/09/19 14:11:25 cranx
fixed a bug in the whitespace-stripping block variable interpolating regexp.
Revision 1.1 2001/07/11 10:42:39 cranx
- filename substitution, no nested arrays for the moment, sorry
(including happens when assigning, so assign filevar in the outside blocks first!)
Revision 1.5 2001/07/11 10:39:08 cranx
- we can now specify base dir
- array_loop()
- trigger_error in set_error
- newline bugs fixed (for XML)
- in out(): content-length header added
- whiles changed to foreach
- from now on, the class is php4 only :P