2003-02-01 19:54:19 +00:00
< ? php
2003-01-20 21:00:31 +00:00
class XTemplate {
xtemplate class 0 . 3 pre
html generation with templates - fast & easy
2003-04-04 06:08:53 +00:00
copyright ( c ) 2000 - 2001 Barnabas Debreceni [ cranx @ users . sourceforge . net ]
2003-01-20 21:00:31 +00:00
contributors :
Ivar Smolin < okul @ linux . ee > ( 14 - march - 2001 )
- made some code optimizations
Bert Jandehoop < bert . jandehoop @ users . info . wau . nl > ( 26 - june - 2001 )
- new feature to substitute template files by other templates
- new method array_loop ()
!!! { FILE { VAR }} file variable interpolation may still be buggy !!!
latest stable & CVS versions always available @
http :// sourceforge . net / projects / xtpl /
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation .
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at
http :// www . gnu . org / copyleft / lgpl . html
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA .
$Id $
/***[ variables ]***********************************************************/
var $filecontents = " " ; /* raw contents of template file */
var $blocks = array (); /* unparsed blocks */
var $parsed_blocks = array (); /* parsed blocks */
var $preparsed_blocks = array (); /* preparsed blocks, for file includes */
var $block_parse_order = array (); /* block parsing order for recursive parsing (sometimes reverse:) */
var $sub_blocks = array (); /* store sub-block names for fast resetting */
var $VARS = array (); /* variables array */
var $FILEVARS = array (); /* file variables array */
var $filevar_parent = array (); /* filevars' parent block */
var $filecache = array (); /* file caching */
var $tpldir = " " ; /* location of template files */
var $FILES = null ; /* file names lookup table */
var $file_delim = " / \ { FILE \ s* \" ([^ \" ]+) \" \ s* \ }/m " ; /* regexp for file includes */
var $filevar_delim = " / \ { FILE \ s* \ { ([A-Za-z0-9 \ ._]+?) \ } \ s* \ }/m " ; /* regexp for file includes */
var $filevar_delim_nl = " /^ \ s* \ { FILE \ s* \ { ([A-Za-z0-9 \ ._]+?) \ } \ s* \ } \ s* \n /m " ; /* regexp for file includes w/ newlines */
var $block_start_delim = " <!-- " ; /* block start delimiter */
var $block_end_delim = " --> " ; /* block end delimiter */
var $block_start_word = " BEGIN: " ; /* block start word */
var $block_end_word = " END: " ; /* block end word */
/* this makes the delimiters look like: <!-- BEGIN: block_name --> if you use my syntax. */
var $NULL_STRING = array ( " " => " " ); /* null string for unassigned vars */
var $NULL_BLOCK = array ( " " => " " ); /* null string for unassigned blocks */
var $mainblock = " main " ;
var $ERROR = " " ;
var $AUTORESET = 1 ; /* auto-reset sub blocks */
/***[ constructor ]*********************************************************/
function XTemplate ( $file , $tpldir = " " , $files = null , $mainblock = " main " ) {
$this -> tpldir = $tpldir ;
if ( gettype ( $files ) == " array " )
$this -> FILES = $files ;
$this -> mainblock = $mainblock ;
$this -> filecontents = $this -> r_getfile ( $file ); /* read in template file */
$this -> blocks = $this -> maketree ( $this -> filecontents , " " ); /* preprocess some stuff */
$this -> filevar_parent = $this -> store_filevar_parents ( $this -> blocks );
$this -> scan_globals ();
/***[ public stuff ]********************************************************/
/***[ assign ]**************************************************************/
assign a variable
function assign ( $name , $val = " " ) {
if ( gettype ( $name ) == " array " )
foreach ( $name as $k => $v )
$this -> VARS [ $k ] = $v ;
$this -> VARS [ $name ] = $val ;
/***[ assign_file ]*********************************************************/
assign a file variable
function assign_file ( $name , $val = " " ) {
if ( gettype ( $name ) == " array " )
foreach ( $name as $k => $v )
$this -> assign_file_ ( $k , $v );
$this -> assign_file_ ( $name , $val );
function assign_file_ ( $name , $val ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> filevar_parent [ $name ])) {
if ( $val != " " ) {
$val = $this -> r_getfile ( $val );
foreach ( $this -> filevar_parent [ $name ] as $parent ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> preparsed_blocks [ $parent ]) and ! isset ( $this -> FILEVARS [ $name ]))
$copy = $this -> preparsed_blocks [ $parent ];
else if ( isset ( $this -> blocks [ $parent ]))
$copy = $this -> blocks [ $parent ];
preg_match_all ( $this -> filevar_delim , $copy , $res , PREG_SET_ORDER );
foreach ( $res as $v ) {
$copy = preg_replace ( " / " . preg_quote ( $v [ 0 ]) . " / " , " $val " , $copy );
$this -> preparsed_blocks = array_merge ( $this -> preparsed_blocks , $this -> maketree ( $copy , $parent ));
$this -> filevar_parent = array_merge ( $this -> filevar_parent , $this -> store_filevar_parents ( $this -> preparsed_blocks ));
$this -> FILEVARS [ $name ] = $val ;
/***[ parse ]***************************************************************/
parse a block
function parse ( $bname ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> preparsed_blocks [ $bname ])) {
$copy = $this -> preparsed_blocks [ $bname ];
else if ( isset ( $this -> blocks [ $bname ]))
$copy = $this -> blocks [ $bname ];
$this -> set_error ( " parse: blockname [ $bname ] does not exist " );
/* from there we should have no more {FILE } directives */
$copy = preg_replace ( $this -> filevar_delim_nl , " " , $copy );
/* find & replace variables+blocks */
preg_match_all ( " / \ { ([A-Za-z0-9 \ ._]+?)}/ " , $copy , $var_array );
$var_array = $var_array [ 1 ];
foreach ( $var_array as $k => $v ) {
$sub = explode ( " . " , $v );
if ( $sub [ 0 ] == " _BLOCK_ " ) {
unset ( $sub [ 0 ]);
$bname2 = implode ( " . " , $sub );
$var = $this -> parsed_blocks [ $bname2 ];
$nul = ( ! isset ( $this -> NULL_BLOCK [ $bname2 ])) ? $this -> NULL_BLOCK [ " " ] : $this -> NULL_BLOCK [ $bname2 ];
if ( $var == " " ) {
if ( $nul == " " ) {
$copy = preg_replace ( " /^ \ s* \ { " . $v . " \ } \ s* \n */m " , " " , $copy );
} else {
$copy = preg_replace ( " / \ { " . $v . " \ }/ " , " $nul " , $copy );
} else {
$var = trim ( $var );
$copy = preg_replace ( " / \ { " . $v . " \ }/ " , " $var " , $copy );
} else {
$var = $this -> VARS ;
foreach ( $sub as $v1 )
$var = $var [ $v1 ];
$nul = ( ! isset ( $this -> NULL_STRING [ $v ])) ? ( $this -> NULL_STRING [ " " ]) : ( $this -> NULL_STRING [ $v ]);
$var = ( ! isset ( $var )) ? $nul : $var ;
if ( $var == " " )
$copy = preg_replace ( " /^ \ s* \ { " . $v . " \ } \ s* \n /m " , " " , $copy );
2003-04-04 06:08:53 +00:00
$copy = str_replace ( " \ { $v } " , " $var " , $copy );
2003-01-20 21:00:31 +00:00
$this -> parsed_blocks [ $bname ] .= $copy ;
/* reset sub-blocks */
if ( $this -> AUTORESET && ( ! empty ( $this -> sub_blocks [ $bname ]))) {
reset ( $this -> sub_blocks [ $bname ]);
foreach ( $this -> sub_blocks [ $bname ] as $k => $v )
$this -> reset ( $v );
/***[ rparse ]**************************************************************/
returns the parsed text for a block , including all sub - blocks .
function rparse ( $bname ) {
if ( ! empty ( $this -> sub_blocks [ $bname ])) {
reset ( $this -> sub_blocks [ $bname ]);
foreach ( $this -> sub_blocks [ $bname ] as $k => $v )
if ( ! empty ( $v ))
$this -> rparse ( $v );
$this -> parse ( $bname );
/***[ insert_loop ]*********************************************************/
inserts a loop ( call assign & parse )
function insert_loop ( $bname , $var , $value = " " ) {
$this -> assign ( $var , $value );
$this -> parse ( $bname );
/***[ array_loop ]*********************************************************/
parses a block for every set of data in the values array
function array_loop ( $bname , $var , & $values )
if ( gettype ( $values ) == " array " )
foreach ( $values as $v )
$this -> assign ( $var , $v );
$this -> parse ( $bname );
/***[ text ]****************************************************************/
returns the parsed text for a block
function text ( $bname ) {
return $this -> parsed_blocks [ isset ( $bname ) ? $bname : $this -> mainblock ];
/***[ out ]*****************************************************************/
prints the parsed text
function out ( $bname ) {
$length = strlen ( $this -> text ( $bname ));
header ( " Content-Length: " . $length );
echo $this -> text ( $bname );
/***[ reset ]***************************************************************/
resets the parsed text
function reset ( $bname ) {
$this -> parsed_blocks [ $bname ] = " " ;
/***[ parsed ]**************************************************************/
returns true if block was parsed , false if not
function parsed ( $bname ) {
return ( ! empty ( $this -> parsed_blocks [ $bname ]));
/***[ SetNullString ]*******************************************************/
sets the string to replace in case the var was not assigned
function SetNullString ( $str , $varname = " " ) {
$this -> NULL_STRING [ $varname ] = $str ;
/***[ SetNullBlock ]********************************************************/
sets the string to replace in case the block was not parsed
function SetNullBlock ( $str , $bname = " " ) {
$this -> NULL_BLOCK [ $bname ] = $str ;
/***[ set_autoreset ]*******************************************************/
sets AUTORESET to 1. ( default is 1 )
if set to 1 , parse () automatically resets the parsed blocks ' sub blocks
( for multiple level blocks )
function set_autoreset () {
$this -> AUTORESET = 1 ;
/***[ clear_autoreset ]*****************************************************/
sets AUTORESET to 0. ( default is 1 )
if set to 1 , parse () automatically resets the parsed blocks ' sub blocks
( for multiple level blocks )
function clear_autoreset () {
$this -> AUTORESET = 0 ;
/***[ scan_globals ]********************************************************/
scans global variables
function scan_globals () {
reset ( $GLOBALS );
foreach ( $GLOBALS as $k => $v )
$GLOB [ $k ] = $v ;
$this -> assign ( " PHP " , $GLOB ); /* access global variables as {PHP.HTTP_HOST} in your template! */
/***[ private stuff ]*******************************************************/
/***[ maketree ]************************************************************/
generates the array containing to - be - parsed stuff :
$blocks [ " main " ], $blocks [ " main.table " ], $blocks [ " main.table.row " ], etc .
also builds the reverse parse order .
function maketree ( $con , $parentblock = " " ) {
$blocks = array ();
$con2 = explode ( $this -> block_start_delim , $con );
if ( ! empty ( $parentblock )) {
$block_names = explode ( " . " , $parentblock );
$level = sizeof ( $block_names );
} else {
$block_names = array ();
$level = 0 ;
foreach ( $con2 as $k => $v ) {
$patt = " ( $this->block_start_word | $this->block_end_word ) \ s*( \ w+) \ s* $this->block_end_delim (.*) " ;
if ( preg_match_all ( " / $patt /ims " , $v , $res , PREG_SET_ORDER )) {
// $res[0][1] = BEGIN or END
// $res[0][2] = block name
// $res[0][3] = kinda content
if ( $res [ 0 ][ 1 ] == $this -> block_start_word ) {
$parent_name = implode ( " . " , $block_names );
$block_names [ ++ $level ] = $res [ 0 ][ 2 ]; /* add one level - array("main","table","row")*/
$cur_block_name = implode ( " . " , $block_names ); /* make block name (main.table.row) */
$this -> block_parse_order [] = $cur_block_name ; /* build block parsing order (reverse) */
$blocks [ $cur_block_name ] .= $res [ 0 ][ 3 ]; /* add contents */
$blocks [ $parent_name ] .= " { _BLOCK_. $cur_block_name } " ; /* add {_BLOCK_.blockname} string to parent block */
$this -> sub_blocks [ $parent_name ][] = $cur_block_name ; /* store sub block names for autoresetting and recursive parsing */
$this -> sub_blocks [ $cur_block_name ][] = " " ; /* store sub block names for autoresetting */
} else if ( $res [ 0 ][ 1 ] == $this -> block_end_word ) {
unset ( $block_names [ $level -- ]);
$parent_name = implode ( " . " , $block_names );
$blocks [ $parent_name ] .= $res [ 0 ][ 3 ]; /* add rest of block to parent block */
} else { /* no block delimiters found */
if ( $k )
$blocks [ implode ( " . " , $block_names )] .= $this -> block_start_delim ;
$blocks [ implode ( " . " , $block_names )] .= $v ;
return $blocks ;
/***[ store_filevar_parents ]***********************************************/
store container block ' s name for file variables
function store_filevar_parents ( $blocks ){
$parents = array ();
foreach ( $blocks as $bname => $con ) {
preg_match_all ( $this -> filevar_delim , $con , $res );
foreach ( $res [ 1 ] as $k => $v )
$parents [ $v ][] = $bname ;
return $parents ;
/***[ error stuff ]*********************************************************/
sets and gets error
function get_error () {
return ( $this -> ERROR == " " ) ? 0 : $this -> ERROR ;
function set_error ( $str ) {
$this -> ERROR = " <b>[XTemplate]</b> <i> " . $str . " </i> " ;
trigger_error ( $this -> get_error ());
/***[ getfile ]*************************************************************/
returns the contents of a file
function getfile ( $file ) {
if ( ! isset ( $file )) {
$this -> set_error ( " !isset file name! " );
return " " ;
// check if filename is mapped to other filename
if ( isset ( $this -> FILES ))
if ( isset ( $this -> FILES [ $file ]))
$file = $this -> FILES [ $file ];
// prepend template dir
if ( ! empty ( $this -> tpldir ))
$file = $this -> tpldir . " / " . $file ;
if ( isset ( $this -> filecache [ $file ]))
$file_text = $this -> filecache [ $file ];
else {
if ( is_file ( $file )) {
if ( ! ( $fh = fopen ( $file , " r " ))) {
$this -> set_error ( " Cannot open file: $file " );
return " " ;
$file_text = fread ( $fh , filesize ( $file ));
fclose ( $fh );
} else {
$this -> set_error ( " [ $file ] does not exist " );
$file_text = " <b>__XTemplate fatal error: file [ $file ] does not exist__</b> " ;
$this -> filecache [ $file ] = $file_text ;
return $file_text ;
/***[ r_getfile ]***********************************************************/
recursively gets the content of a file with { FILE " filename.tpl " } directives
function r_getfile ( $file ) {
$text = $this -> getfile ( $file );
while ( preg_match ( $this -> file_delim , $text , $res )) {
$text2 = $this -> getfile ( $res [ 1 ]);
$text = preg_replace ( " ' " . preg_quote ( $res [ 0 ]) . " ' " , $text2 , $text );
return $text ;
} /* end of XTemplate class. */
$Log $
2003-04-04 06:08:53 +00:00
Revision 1.3 2003 / 04 / 04 06 : 08 : 53 dries
Patch by Ax :
- Bugfix : xtemplate . inc removed " $xx " from content .
- Improvement : changed a high ascii char to low ascii to be able to debug
xtemplate . inc .
2003-02-01 19:54:19 +00:00
Revision 1.2 2003 / 02 / 01 19 : 54 : 19 dries
Patch by Ax :
- Bad usage of css ID ' s : they may be used for a single element only ,
but were used as #node, #block, which can occur multiple times in a
single page .
- Moved HTML from theme to template - thats what templates are all
about !
- Added support for head () hook
- Added support for diffentiating between boxes and blocks .
- Typo : secundary -> secondary
2003-01-20 21:00:31 +00:00
Revision 1.1 2003 / 01 / 20 21 : 00 : 31 dries
- Added a template driven theme .
Revision 1.1 2002 / 12 / 10 23 : 11 : 59 ax
[ argh - cvs @* #! didn't add any files with the last commit ... now, then (we should really give subversion a try: "Directories, renames, and file meta-data are versioned"]
- renamed from " ax " to " XTemplate_Tableless " to make people looking for ... this find it
- updated to CVS
- fixed some styles
- em /% ' ized stylesheet ( relative sizes ) and " chaptered " into sections
- added 3 screenshots
Revision 1.2 2001 / 09 / 19 14 : 11 : 25 cranx
fixed a bug in the whitespace - stripping block variable interpolating regexp .
Revision 1.1 2001 / 07 / 11 10 : 42 : 39 cranx
added :
- filename substitution , no nested arrays for the moment , sorry
( including happens when assigning , so assign filevar in the outside blocks first ! )
Revision 1.5 2001 / 07 / 11 10 : 39 : 08 cranx
added :
- we can now specify base dir
- array_loop ()
- trigger_error in set_error
modified :
- newline bugs fixed ( for XML )
- in out () : content - length header added
- whiles changed to foreach
- from now on , the class is php4 only : P