115 lines
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115 lines
5.5 KiB
$module = array("admin" => "settings_admin");
function settings_conf() {
global $conf, $cmodes, $corder;
$output .= "<H3>General settings</H3>\n";
$output .= "<B>Sitename:</B><BR>\n";
$output .= "<INPUT NAME=\"edit[site_name]\" MAXLENGTH=\"55\" SIZE=\"30\" VALUE=\"". variable_get(site_name, "drupal") ."\"><BR>\n";
$output .= "<I><SMALL>The name of this website.</SMALL></I><P>\n";
$output .= "<B>E-mail address:</B><BR>\n";
$output .= "<INPUT NAME=\"edit[site_mail]\" MAXLENGTH=\"55\" SIZE=\"30\" VALUE=\"". variable_get(site_mail, "root@localhost") ."\"><BR>\n";
$output .= "<I><SMALL>A valid e-mail address for this website, used by the auto-mailer to when creating new user accounts.</SMALL></I><P>\n";
$output .= "<B>URL of site:</B><BR>\n";
$output .= "<INPUT NAME=\"edit[site_url]\" MAXLENGTH=\"55\" SIZE=\"30\" VALUE=\"". variable_get(site_url, "http://drupal/") ."\"><BR>\n";
$output .= "<I><SMALL>The fully qualified URL of this website: starts with \"http://\" and ends with a trailing slash!</SMALL></I><P>\n";
$output .= "<B>Anonymous user:</B><BR>\n";
$output .= "<INPUT NAME=\"edit[anonymous]\" MAXLENGTH=\"55\" SIZE=\"30\" VALUE=\"". variable_get(anonymous, "Anonymous") ."\"><BR>\n";
$output .= "<I><SMALL>The name displayed for anonymous users.</SMALL></I><P>\n";
$output .= "<HR>\n";
$output .= "<H3>Comment system</H3>\n";
$output .= "<B>Default display mode:</B><BR>\n";
foreach ($cmodes as $key=>$value) $options1 .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$key\"". ($conf[default_comment_mode] == $key ? " SELECTED" : "") .">$value</OPTION>\n";
$output .= "<SELECT NAME=\"edit[default_comment_mode]\">$options1</SELECT><BR>\n";
$output .= "<I><SMALL>The default mode in which comments are displayed.</SMALL></I><P>\n";
$output .= "<B>Default display mode:</B><BR>\n";
foreach ($corder as $key=>$value) $options2 .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$key\"". ($conf[default_comment_order] == $key ? " SELECTED" : "") .">$value</OPTION>\n";
$output .= "<SELECT NAME=\"edit[default_comment_order]\">$options2</SELECT><BR>\n";
$output .= "<I><SMALL>The default mode in which comments are displayed.</SMALL></I><P>\n";
$output .= "<B>Default threshold:</B><BR>\n";
for ($i = -1; $i < 6; $i++) $options3 .= " <OPTION VALUE=\"$i\"". ($conf[default_comment_threshold] == $i ? " SELECTED" : "") .">Filter - $i</OPTION>";
$output .= "<SELECT NAME=\"edit[default_comment_threshold]\">$options3</SELECT><BR>\n";
$output .= "<I><SMALL>The default threshold used to filter comments.</SMALL></I><P>\n";
$output .= "<HR>\n";
$output .= "<H3>Submission system</H3>\n";
$size = array(1000 => "1.000 characters", 5000 => "5.000 characters", 10000 => "10.000 characters", 15000 => "15.000 characters", 30.000 => "30.000 characters", 50000 => "50.000 characters", 100000 => "100.000 characters");
$output .= "<B>Maximum submission size:</B><BR>\n";
foreach ($size as $key=>$value) $options4 .= " <OPTION VALUE=\"$key\"". ((variable_get(max_input_size, 10000) == $key) ? " SELECTED" : "") .">$value</OPTION>\n";
$output .= "<SELECT NAME=\"edit[max_input_size]\">$options4</SELECT><BR>\n";
$output .= "<I><SMALL>The maximum number of characters someone can enter in a form.</SMALL></I><P>\n";
$rate = array(1 => "maximum 1 every second", 5 => "maximum 1 every 5 seconds", 15 => "maximum 1 every 15 seconds", 30 => "maximum 1 every 30 seconds", 60 => "maximum 1 every minute", 300 => "maximum 1 every 5 minutes", 900 => "maximum 1 every 15 minutes", 1800 => "maximum 1 every 30 minutes", 3600 => "maximum 1 every hour", 21600 => "maximum 1 every 6 hour", 43200 => "maximum 1 every 12 hour");
$output .= "<B>Maximum node rate:</B><BR>\n";
foreach ($rate as $key=>$value) $options5 .= " <OPTION VALUE=\"$key\"". ((variable_get(max_node_rate, 900) == $key) ? " SELECTED" : "") .">$value</OPTION>\n";
$output .= "<SELECT NAME=\"edit[max_node_rate]\">$options5</SELECT><BR>\n";
$output .= "<I><SMALL>The maximum submission rate for nodes. Its purpose is to stop potential abuse or denial of service attacks.</SMALL></I><P>\n";
$output .= "<B>Maximum comment rate:</B><BR>\n";
foreach ($rate as $key=>$value) $options6 .= " <OPTION VALUE=\"$key\"". ((variable_get(max_comment_rate, 120) == $key) ? " SELECTED" : "") .">$value</OPTION>\n";
$output .= "<SELECT NAME=\"edit[max_comment_rate]\"$options6</SELECT><BR>\n";
$output .= "<I><SMALL>The maximum submission rate for comments. Its purpose is to stop potential abuse or denial of service attacks.</SMALL></I><P>\n";
return $output;
function settings_save($edit) {
global $conf;
if ($edit) {
db_query("DELETE FROM variable");
foreach ($edit as $name=>$value) db_query("INSERT INTO variable (name, value) VALUES ('". check_input($name) ."', '". check_input($value) ."')");
$conf = variable_init();
return "all settings have been saved.";
function settings_module($name, $module) {
global $settings;
if ($module["conf"]) {
$settings .= "<H3>". ucfirst($name) ." module</H3>\n";
$settings .= $module["conf"]();
$settings .= "<HR>\n";
function settings_overview() {
global $settings;
$output .= "<FORM ACTION=\"admin.php?mod=settings\" METHOD=\"post\">\n";
$output .= settings_conf();
$output .= $settings;
$output .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"op\" VALUE=\"Save settings\">\n";
$output .= "</FORM>\n";
return $output;
function settings_admin() {
global $edit, $op;
switch ($op) {
case "Save settings":
print status(settings_save($edit));
// fall through:
print settings_overview();