* implemented #79: possibility to mock large files without large memory footprint, see https://github.com/mikey179/vfsStream/wiki/MockingLargeFiles
* implemented #67: added partial support for text-mode translation flag (i.e., no actual translation of line endings takes place) so it no longer throws an exception (provided by Anthon Pang)
* fixed issue #74: issue with trailing windows path separators (provided by Sebastian Krüger)
* fixed issue #50: difference between real file system and vfs with `RecursiveDirectoryIterator`
* fixed issue #80: touch with no arguments for modification and access time behave incorrect
* implemented issue #34: provide `url()` method on all `vfsStreamContent` instances
* added `org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStreamContent::url()`
* added `org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStreamContent::path()`
* fixed issue #40: flock implementation doesn't work correctly, patch provided by Kamil Dziedzic
* fixed issue #49: call to member function on a non-object when trying to delete a file one above root where a file with same name in root exists
* fixed issue #51:`unlink()` must consider permissions of directory where file is inside, not of the file to unlink itself
* fixed issue #52:`chmod()`, `chown()` and `chgrp()` must consider permissions of directory where file/directory is inside
* fixed issue #53:`chmod()`, `chown()` and `chgrp()` must consider current user and current owner of file/directoy to change
1.1.0 (2012-08-25)
* implemented issue #11: add support for `streamWrapper::stream_metadata()` vfsStream now supports `touch()`, `chown()`, `chgrp()` and `chmod()`
* implemented issue #33: add support for `stream_truncate()` (provided by https://github.com/nikcorg)
* implemented issue #35: size limit (quota) for VFS
1.0.0 (2012-05-15)
* raised requirement for PHP version to 5.3.0
* migrated codebase to use namespaces
* changed distribution from PEAR to Composer
* implemented issue #30: support "c" mode for `fopen()`
* fixed issue #31: prohibit aquiring locks when already locked / release lock on `fclose()`
* fixed issue #32: problems when subfolder has same name as folder
* fixed issue #36:`vfsStreamWrapper::stream_open()` should return false while trying to open existing non-writable file, patch provided by Alexander Peresypkin
0.11.2 (2012-01-14)
* fixed issue #29: set permissions properly when using `vfsStream::copyFromFileSystem()`, patch provided by predakanga
* implemented issue #6: locking meachanism for files
* ensured that `stream_set_blocking()`, `stream_set_timeout()` and `stream_set_write_buffer()` on vfsStream urls have the same behaviour with PHP 5.2 and 5.3
* implemented issue #10: method to print directory structure
0.9.0 (2011-07-13)
* implemented feature request issue #7: add support for `fileatime()` and `filectime()`
* fixed issue #3: add support for `streamWrapper::stream_cast()`
* fixed issue #9: resolve path not called everywhere its needed
* deprecated `vfsStreamAbstractContent::setFilemtime()`, use `vfsStreamAbstractContent::lastModified()` instead, will be removed with 0.10.0
0.8.0 (2010-10-08)
* implemented enhancement #6: use `vfsStream::umask()` to influence initial file mode for files and directories
* implemented enhancement #19: support of .. in the url, patch provided by Guislain Duthieuw
* fixed issue #18:`getChild()` returns NULL when child's name contains parent name
* fixed bug with incomplete error message when accessing non-existing files on root level
0.7.0 (2010-06-08)
* added new `vfsStream::setup()` method to simplify vfsStream usage
* fixed issue #15:`mkdir()` creates a subfolder in a folder without permissions
0.6.0 (2010-02-15)
* added support for `$mode` param when opening files, implements enhancement #7 and fixes issue #13
*`vfsStreamWrapper::stream_open()` now evaluates `$options` for `STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS`
0.5.0 (2010-01-25)
* added support for `rename()`, patch provided by Benoit Aubuchon
* added support for . as directory alias so that `vfs://foo/.` resolves to `vfs://foo`, can be used as workaround for bug #8
0.4.0 (2009-07-13)
* added support for file modes, users and groups (with restrictions, see http://code.google.com/p/bovigo/wiki/vfsStreamDocsKnownIssues)
* fixed bug #5:`vfsStreamDirectory::addChild()` does not replace child with same name
* fixed bug with `is_writable()` because of missing `stat()` fields, patch provided by Sergey Galkin
0.3.2 (2009-02-16)
* support trailing slashes on directories in vfsStream urls, patch provided by Gabriel Birke
* fixed bug #4: vfsstream can only be read once, reported by Christoph Bloemer
* enabled multiple iterations at the same time over the same directory
0.3.1 (2008-02-18)
* fixed path/directory separator issues under linux systems