Issue #2550717 by mradcliffe, bnjmnm, finnsky, Manuel Garcia, lauriii, longwave, tedbow, silesky, catch, xjm, droplet, johndevman, nod_, marassa: [JS] Replace jQuery.cookie with JS-cookie and provide a BC layer
2020-03-13 20:00:18 +00:00
/ * *
* @ file
* Defines a backwards - compatible shim for jquery . cookie .
* /
/ * *
* The core / js - cookie library object .
* @ global
* @ var { object } Cookies
* /
( ( $ , Drupal , cookies ) => {
const deprecatedMessageSuffix = ` is deprecated in Drupal 9.0.0 and will be removed in Drupal 10.0.0. Use the core/js-cookie library instead. See ` ;
/ * *
* Determines if an object is a function .
* @ param { Object } obj
* The object to check .
* @ return { boolean }
* True if the object is a function .
* /
const isFunction = obj =>
Object . prototype . toString . call ( obj ) === '[object Function]' ;
/ * *
* Decodes cookie value for compatibility with jquery . cookie .
* @ param { string } value
* The cookie value to parse .
* @ return { string }
* The cookie value for the reader to return .
* /
const parseCookieValue = value => {
if ( value . indexOf ( '"' ) === 0 ) {
value = value
. slice ( 1 , - 1 )
. replace ( /\\"/g , '"' )
. replace ( /\\\\/g , '\\' ) ;
return decodeURIComponent ( value . replace ( /\+/g , ' ' ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Wraps the cookie value to support unsanitized values .
* Decoding strings is the job of the converter when using js - cookie , and
* the shim uses the same decode function as that library when the deprecated
* raw option is not used .
* @ param { string } cookieValue
* The cookie value .
* @ param { string } cookieName
* The cookie name .
* @ param { reader ~ converterCallback } converter
* A function that takes the cookie value for further processing .
* @ param { boolean } readUnsanitized
* Uses the unsanitized value when set to true .
* @ return { string }
* The cookie value that js - cookie will return .
* /
const reader = ( cookieValue , cookieName , converter , readUnsanitized ) => {
const value = readUnsanitized ? cookieValue : parseCookieValue ( cookieValue ) ;
if ( converter !== undefined && isFunction ( converter ) ) {
return converter ( value , cookieName ) ;
return value ;
} ;
/ * *
* Gets or sets a browser cookie .
* @ example
* // Returns 'myCookie=myCookieValue'.
* $ . cookie ( 'myCookie' , 'myCookieValue' ) ;
* @ example
* // Returns 'myCookieValue'.
* $ . cookie ( 'myCookie' ) ;
* @ example
* // Returns the literal URI-encoded value of {"key": "value"} as the cookie
* // value along with the path as in the above example.
* $ . cookie ( 'myCookie' , { key : 'value' } ) ;
* @ example
* $ . cookie . json = true ;
* // Returns { key: 'value' }.
* $ . cookie ( 'myCookie' ) ;
* @ param { string } key
* The name of the cookie .
* @ param { string | Object | Function | undefined } value
* A js - cookie converter callback when used as a getter . This callback must
* be a function when using this shim for backwards - compatiblity with
* jquery . cookie . When used as a setter , value is the string or JSON object
* to be used as the cookie value .
* @ param { Object | undefined } options
* Overrides the default options when used as a setter . See the js - cookie
* library README . md file for details .
* @ return { string }
* Returns the cookie name , value , and other properties based on the
* return value of the document . cookie setter .
* @ deprecated in Drupal 9.0 . 0 and is removed from Drupal 10.0 . 0.
* Use the core / js - cookie library instead .
* @ see https : //
* @ see https : //
* /
$ . cookie = ( key , value = undefined , options = undefined ) => {
Drupal . deprecationError ( {
message : ` jQuery.cookie() ${ deprecatedMessageSuffix } ` ,
} ) ;
if ( value !== undefined && ! isFunction ( value ) ) {
// The caller is setting a cookie value and not trying to retrieve the
// cookie value using a converter callback.
2020-03-19 18:06:44 +00:00
const attributes = { ... $ . cookie . defaults , ... options } ;
Issue #2550717 by mradcliffe, bnjmnm, finnsky, Manuel Garcia, lauriii, longwave, tedbow, silesky, catch, xjm, droplet, johndevman, nod_, marassa: [JS] Replace jQuery.cookie with JS-cookie and provide a BC layer
2020-03-13 20:00:18 +00:00
if ( ! $ . cookie . json ) {
// An object that is passed in must be typecast to a string when the
// "json" option is not set because js-cookie will always stringify
// JSON cookie values.
value = String ( value ) ;
// If the expires value is a non-empty string, it needs to be converted
// to a Date() object before being sent to js-cookie.
if ( typeof attributes . expires === 'string' && attributes . expires !== '' ) {
attributes . expires = new Date ( attributes . expires ) ;
const cookieSetter = cookies . withConverter ( {
write : cookieValue => encodeURIComponent ( cookieValue ) ,
} ) ;
return cookieSetter . set ( key , value , attributes ) ;
// Use either js-cookie or pass in a converter to get the raw cookie value,
// which has security implications, but remains in place for
// backwards-compatibility.
const userProvidedConverter = value ;
const cookiesShim = cookies . withConverter ( ( cookieValue , cookieName ) =>
reader ( cookieValue , cookieName , userProvidedConverter , $ . cookie . raw ) ,
) ;
return $ . cookie . json === true
? cookiesShim . getJSON ( key )
: cookiesShim . get ( key ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ prop { Object } defaults
* The default options when setting a cookie .
* @ prop { string } defaults . path
* The default path for the cookie is '' .
* @ prop { undefined } defaults . expires
* There is no default value for the expires option . The default expiration
* is set to an empty string .
* /
$ . cookie . defaults = { path : '' , ... cookies . defaults } ;
/ * *
* @ prop { boolean } json
* True if the cookie value should be parsed as JSON .
* /
$ . cookie . json = false ;
/ * *
* @ prop { boolean } json
* True if the cookie value should be returned as - is without decoding
* URI entities . In jquery . cookie , this also would not encode the cookie
* name , but js - cookie does not allow this .
* /
$ . cookie . raw = false ;
/ * *
* Removes a browser cookie .
* @ param { string } key
* The name of the cookie .
* @ param { Object } options
* Optional options . See the js - cookie library README . md for more details .
* @ return { boolean }
* Returns true when the cookie is successfully removed .
* @ deprecated in Drupal 9.0 . 0 and is removed from Drupal 10.0 . 0.
* Use the core / js - cookie library instead .
* @ see https : //
* @ see https : //
* /
$ . removeCookie = ( key , options ) => {
Drupal . deprecationError ( {
message : ` jQuery.removeCookie() ${ deprecatedMessageSuffix } ` ,
} ) ;
2020-03-19 18:06:44 +00:00
cookies . remove ( key , { ... $ . cookie . defaults , ... options } ) ;
Issue #2550717 by mradcliffe, bnjmnm, finnsky, Manuel Garcia, lauriii, longwave, tedbow, silesky, catch, xjm, droplet, johndevman, nod_, marassa: [JS] Replace jQuery.cookie with JS-cookie and provide a BC layer
2020-03-13 20:00:18 +00:00
return ! cookies . get ( key ) ;
} ;
} ) ( jQuery , Drupal , window . Cookies ) ;