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2000-12-14 14:13:37 +00:00
2001-02-25 17:17:26 +00:00
function watchdog_help() {
<P>The watchdog module monitors your website, captures system events in a log and records them to be reviewed by an authorized individual at a later time. The watchdog log is simply a list of events recorded during operation and contains usage data, performance data, errors, warnings and operational information. It is vital to check the watchdog report on a regular basis as it is often the only way to tell what is going on.</P>
<P>To ease administration, the watchdog will automatically discard old log entries.</P>
2001-02-25 17:17:26 +00:00
function watchdog_perm() {
return array("administer watchdog");
function watchdog_link($type) {
if ($type == "admin" && user_access("administer watchdog")) {
$links[] = "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=watchdog\">watchdog</a>";
return $links ? $links : array();
function watchdog_conf_options() {
$period = array(3600 => format_interval(3600), 10800 => format_interval(10800), 21600 => format_interval(21600), 32400 => format_interval(32400), 43200 => format_interval(43200), 86400 => format_interval(86400), 172800 => format_interval(172800), 259200 => format_interval(259200), 604800 => format_interval(604800), 1209600 => format_interval(1209600), 2419200 => format_interval(2419200), 1000000000 => t("Never"));
$output .= form_select(t("Discard entries older than"), "watchdog_clear", variable_get("watchdog_clear", 604800), $period, t("The time watchdog entries should be kept. Older entries will be automatically discarded. Requires crontab."));
return $output;
function watchdog_cron() {
db_query("DELETE FROM watchdog WHERE ". time() ." - timestamp > ". variable_get("watchdog_clear", 604800));
2000-12-14 14:13:37 +00:00
function watchdog_overview($type) {
$color = array(account => "#FFEEAA", message => "#FFFFFF", special => "#A49FFF", warning => "#FFAA22", httpd => "#99DD99", error => "#EE4C4C");
$query = array(account => "WHERE type = 'account'", regular => "WHERE type = 'message'", special => "WHERE type = 'special'", warning => "WHERE type = 'warning'", error => "WHERE type = 'error'", httpd => "WHERE type = 'httpd'");
2000-12-14 14:13:37 +00:00
$result = db_query("SELECT w.*, u.userid FROM watchdog w LEFT JOIN users u ON w.user = u.id ". ($type ? $query[$type] : "") ." ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1000");
2001-01-26 13:38:46 +00:00
$output .= "<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" CELLPADDING=\"2\" CELLSPACING=\"2\">\n";
$output .= " <TR><TH>date</TH><TH>message</TH><TH>user</TH><TH>operations</TH></TR>\n";
2000-12-14 14:13:37 +00:00
while ($watchdog = db_fetch_object($result)) {
if ($background = $color[$watchdog->type]) {
$output .= " <TR BGCOLOR=\"$background\"><TD>". format_date($watchdog->timestamp, "small") ."</TD><TD>". substr(check_output($watchdog->message), 0, 64) ."</TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\">". format_username($watchdog->userid) ."</A></TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\"><A HREF=\"admin.php?mod=watchdog&op=view&id=$watchdog->id\">details</A></TD></TR>\n";
2000-12-14 14:13:37 +00:00
$output .= "</TABLE>\n";
return $output;
2000-12-14 14:13:37 +00:00
function watchdog_view($id) {
$result = db_query("SELECT l.*, u.userid FROM watchdog l LEFT JOIN users u ON l.user = u.id WHERE l.id = '$id'");
2000-12-14 14:13:37 +00:00
if ($watchdog = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$output .= "<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" CELLPADDING=\"3\" CELLSPACING=\"0\">\n";
$output .= " <TR><TH>Type:</TH><TD>". check_output($watchdog->type) ."</TD></TR>\n";
$output .= " <TR><TH>Date:</TH><TD>". format_date($watchdog->timestamp, "large") ."</TD></TR>\n";
$output .= " <TR><TH>User:</TH><TD>". format_username($watchdog->userid) ."</TD></TR>\n";
$output .= " <TR><TH>Location:</TH><TD>". check_output($watchdog->location). "</TD></TR>\n";
$output .= " <TR><TH>Message:</TH><TD>". check_output($watchdog->message) ."</TD></TR>\n";
$output .= " <TR><TH>Hostname:</TH><TD>". check_output($watchdog->hostname) ."</TD></TR>\n";
2000-12-14 14:13:37 +00:00
$output .= "</TABLE>\n";
2001-04-05 20:33:36 +00:00
return $output;
2001-04-05 20:33:36 +00:00
2000-12-14 14:13:37 +00:00
function watchdog_admin() {
global $op, $id, $type, $order;
if (user_access("administer watchdog")) {
print "<SMALL><A HREF=\"admin.php?mod=watchdog&type=account\">account messages</A> | <A HREF=\"admin.php?mod=watchdog&type=regular\">regular messages</A> | <A HREF=\"admin.php?mod=watchdog&type=special\">special messages</A> | <A HREF=\"admin.php?mod=watchdog&type=warning\">warning messages</A> | <A HREF=\"admin.php?mod=watchdog&type=error\">error messages</A> | <A HREF=\"admin.php?mod=watchdog&type=httpd\">httpd messages</A> | <A HREF=\"admin.php?mod=watchdog\">overview</A> | <A HREF=\"admin.php?mod=watchdog&op=help\">help</A></SMALL><HR>\n";
switch ($op) {
case "help":
case "view":
print watchdog_view(check_input($id));
print watchdog_overview($type);
else {
print message_access();
2000-12-14 14:13:37 +00:00