
423 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* See the following change record for more information,
* https://www.drupal.org/node/3084859
* @preserve
* @file
* Replacement styles for table drag.
* Replaces core's tabledrag.module.css.
* @see tabledrag.js
:root {
* Color Palette.
/* Secondary. */
/* Variations. */ /* 5% darker than base. */ /* 10% darker than base. */ /* 10% darker than base. */ /* 20% darker than base. */ /* 5% darker than base. */ /* 10% darker than base. */ /* 5% darker than base. */ /* 10% darker than base. */ /* 5% darker than base. */ /* 10% darker than base. */
* Base.
* Typography.
*/ /* 1rem = 16px if font root is 100% ands browser defaults are used. */ /* ~32px */ /* ~29px */ /* ~26px */ /* ~23px */ /* ~20px */ /* 18px */ /* ~14px */ /* ~13px */ /* ~11px */
* Spaces.
*/ /* 3 * 16px = 48px */ /* 1.5 * 16px = 24px */ /* 1 * 16px = 16px */ /* 0.75 * 16px = 12px */ /* 0.5 * 16px = 8px */
* Common.
* Inputs.
*/ /* Absolute zero with opacity. */ /* Davy's gray with 0.6 opacity. */ /* Light gray with 0.3 opacity on white bg. */ /* Old silver with 0.5 opacity on white bg. */ /* (1/8)em ~ 2px */ /* (1/16)em ~ 1px */ /* Font size is too big to use 1rem for extrasmall line-height */ /* 7px inside the form element label. */ /* 8px with the checkbox width of 19px */
* Details.
* Buttons.
* jQuery.UI dropdown.
*/ /* Light gray with 0.8 opacity. */ /* Text color with 0.1 opacity. */
* jQuery.UI dialog.
* Progress bar.
* Tabledrag icon size.
*/ /* 17px */
* Ajax progress.
* Breadcrumb.
body.drag {
cursor: move;
/* The block region's title row in table. */
.region-title {
font-weight: bold;
/* Empty region message row in table. */
.region-message {
color: #82828c;
/* If the region is populated, we shouldn't display the empty message. */
.region-message.region-populated {
display: none;
* Remove border-bottom from abbr element. Class is duplicated in the selector
* to increase weight to be able to win normalize.css selectors.
.tabledrag-changed.tabledrag-changed {
border-bottom: none;
/* Dont display the abbreviation of 'add-new' table rows. */
.add-new .tabledrag-changed {
display: none;
.draggable .tabledrag-changed {
position: relative;
left: -0.5rem; /* LTR */
[dir="rtl"] .draggable .tabledrag-changed {
right: -0.5rem; /* LTR */
left: auto;
.tabledrag-cell--only-drag .tabledrag-changed {
width: 1.5rem;
min-width: 1.5rem;
* Draggable row state colors.
.draggable.drag:focus {
background-color: #fe7;
.draggable.drag-previous {
background-color: #ffb;
* Reduce the spacing of draggable table cells.
.draggable-table td:first-child ~ td,
.draggable-table th:first-child ~ th {
padding-left: 0 /* LTR */;
[dir="rtl"] .draggable-table td:first-child ~ td,
[dir="rtl"] .draggable-table th:first-child ~ th {
padding-right: 0;
padding-left: 1rem;
/* Auto width for weight selects and number inputs. */
.draggable td .form-element--type-select[name$="][_weight]"], /* Multiple field */
.draggable td .term-weight, /* Taxonomy term list */
.draggable td .field-weight /* Field UI table */ {
width: auto;
* Handle styles.
.tabledrag-handle {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
overflow: visible;
cursor: move;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: text-top;
.tabledrag-handle::after {
display: inline-block;
width: 1.0625rem;
height: 1.0625rem;
margin-left: -1rem; /* LTR */
padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
content: "";
transition: transform 0.1s ease-in-out 0s;
background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='17' height='17' viewBox='0 0 16 16'%3E%3Cpath fill='%23000' d='m 14.102955,5.47562 c -0.1819,-0.20654 -0.4917,-0.23016 -0.7014,-0.05265 -0.2098,0.17684 -0.2462,0.4914 -0.0814,0.71278 l 1.0998,1.34591 H 8.5124153 V 1.62014 l 1.31954,1.11304 c 0.1033,0.0945 0.2395997,0.14242 0.3771997,0.13162 0.1383,-0.01013 0.2667,-0.07762 0.3548,-0.18629 0.088,-0.10935 0.129,-0.24974 0.1131,-0.39014 -0.0159,-0.14039 -0.0873,-0.26796 -0.1979,-0.35369 L 8.3278353,0.118965 c -0.1879501,-0.1586199 -0.4592601,-0.1586199 -0.6472101,0 l -2.15136,1.815715 c -0.11052,0.08572 -0.1819799,0.2133 -0.19787,0.35369 -0.0159,0.1404 0.02514,0.2808 0.1131601,0.39014 0.08801,0.10867 0.2163899,0.17616 0.35471,0.18629 0.1376499,0.0108 0.2739799,-0.03712 0.3772199,-0.13162 l 1.31956,-1.11304 v 5.86152 h -5.90757 L 2.6797353,6.13575 c 0.13963,-0.22004 0.09661,-0.51163 -0.10059,-0.6797 -0.19722,-0.16875 -0.4864,-0.15997 -0.67369,0.01957 L 0.11663625,7.66993 c -0.155515,0.1917 -0.155515,0.46843 0,0.66013 L 1.9054553,10.5244 c 0.18199,0.2065 0.49169,0.2301 0.70147,0.0526 0.20978,-0.1768 0.24617,-0.4914 0.0814,-0.71276 l -1.09986,-1.34591 h 5.9075699 v 5.86147 l -1.3195699,-1.113 c -0.2170501,-0.1681 -0.52545,-0.1316 -0.6988201,0.0824 -0.1740399,0.2146 -0.15089,0.5298 0.05162,0.7161 l 2.15136,1.8164 v -7e-4 c 0.18794,0.1587 0.4592601,0.1587 0.6472001,0 l 2.1513297,-1.8157 c 0.2025,-0.1863 0.2257,-0.5015 0.0517,-0.7161 -0.1734,-0.214 -0.4818,-0.2504 -0.6988997,-0.0824 l -1.31954,1.1131 V 8.51835 h 5.9075397 l -1.0912,1.3459 c -0.1059,0.10193 -0.1641,0.24505 -0.1602,0.39285 0.004,0.1485 0.0702,0.2875 0.182,0.3827 0.1119,0.0952 0.2581,0.137 0.4017,0.1154 0.1436,-0.0223 0.2713,-0.106 0.3507,-0.2308 l 1.7809,-2.19434 c 0.1549,-0.19169 0.1549,-0.46842 0,-0.66012 z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E") no-repeat center;
[dir="rtl"] .tabledrag-handle::after {
margin-right: -1rem;
margin-left: 0;
@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
.tabledrag-handle::after {
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='17' height='17' viewBox='0 0 16 16'%3E%3Cpath fill='currentColor' d='m 14.102955,5.47562 c -0.1819,-0.20654 -0.4917,-0.23016 -0.7014,-0.05265 -0.2098,0.17684 -0.2462,0.4914 -0.0814,0.71278 l 1.0998,1.34591 H 8.5124153 V 1.62014 l 1.31954,1.11304 c 0.1033,0.0945 0.2395997,0.14242 0.3771997,0.13162 0.1383,-0.01013 0.2667,-0.07762 0.3548,-0.18629 0.088,-0.10935 0.129,-0.24974 0.1131,-0.39014 -0.0159,-0.14039 -0.0873,-0.26796 -0.1979,-0.35369 L 8.3278353,0.118965 c -0.1879501,-0.1586199 -0.4592601,-0.1586199 -0.6472101,0 l -2.15136,1.815715 c -0.11052,0.08572 -0.1819799,0.2133 -0.19787,0.35369 -0.0159,0.1404 0.02514,0.2808 0.1131601,0.39014 0.08801,0.10867 0.2163899,0.17616 0.35471,0.18629 0.1376499,0.0108 0.2739799,-0.03712 0.3772199,-0.13162 l 1.31956,-1.11304 v 5.86152 h -5.90757 L 2.6797353,6.13575 c 0.13963,-0.22004 0.09661,-0.51163 -0.10059,-0.6797 -0.19722,-0.16875 -0.4864,-0.15997 -0.67369,0.01957 L 0.11663625,7.66993 c -0.155515,0.1917 -0.155515,0.46843 0,0.66013 L 1.9054553,10.5244 c 0.18199,0.2065 0.49169,0.2301 0.70147,0.0526 0.20978,-0.1768 0.24617,-0.4914 0.0814,-0.71276 l -1.09986,-1.34591 h 5.9075699 v 5.86147 l -1.3195699,-1.113 c -0.2170501,-0.1681 -0.52545,-0.1316 -0.6988201,0.0824 -0.1740399,0.2146 -0.15089,0.5298 0.05162,0.7161 l 2.15136,1.8164 v -7e-4 c 0.18794,0.1587 0.4592601,0.1587 0.6472001,0 l 2.1513297,-1.8157 c 0.2025,-0.1863 0.2257,-0.5015 0.0517,-0.7161 -0.1734,-0.214 -0.4818,-0.2504 -0.6988997,-0.0824 l -1.31954,1.1131 V 8.51835 h 5.9075397 l -1.0912,1.3459 c -0.1059,0.10193 -0.1641,0.24505 -0.1602,0.39285 0.004,0.1485 0.0702,0.2875 0.182,0.3827 0.1119,0.0952 0.2581,0.137 0.4017,0.1154 0.1436,-0.0223 0.2713,-0.106 0.3507,-0.2308 l 1.7809,-2.19434 c 0.1549,-0.19169 0.1549,-0.46842 0,-0.66012 z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
background: none;
.tabledrag-disabled .tabledrag-handle.tabledrag-handle.tabledrag-handle::after {
transform: scale(1);
.draggable.drag .tabledrag-handle::after {
transform: scale(1.25);
.tabledrag-handle:focus {
outline: none !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
.tabledrag-handle:focus::before {
display: block;
width: 2rem; /* Same as height. */
height: 2rem; /* Hande svg height + its vertical padding */
margin: 0 -0.5rem -2rem; /* Bottom: handle height as negative value. */
content: "";
border-radius: 2px;
outline: 2px dotted transparent;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px #26a769;
/* Disabled tabledrag handle. */
.tabledrag-disabled .tabledrag-handle {
cursor: default;
opacity: 0.4;
.tabledrag-disabled .tabledrag-handle.tabledrag-handle::before {
content: normal;
* Enhancements for touch-capable screens.
* Increase handle size.
.touchevents .tabledrag-handle::after {
padding-top: 0.75rem;
padding-bottom: 0.75rem;
.touchevents .draggable .menu-item__link {
padding-top: 0.5rem;
padding-bottom: 0.5rem;
* Wrapper of the toggle weight button (styled as a link).
.tabledrag-toggle-weight-wrapper {
text-align: right; /* LTR */
[dir="rtl"] .tabledrag-toggle-weight-wrapper {
text-align: left;
* Keep crowded tabledrag cells vertically centered.
.tabledrag-cell {
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
* If the first table cell is empty (like in a multiple field widget table),
* we can save some space for the following cells.
* If it isn't empty (Field UI table, taxonomy term overview page), this CSS
* class won't be added.
.tabledrag-cell--only-drag {
width: 1px; /* This forces this cell to use the smallest possible width. */
padding-right: 0; /* LTR */
[dir="rtl"] .tabledrag-cell--only-drag {
padding-right: 1rem;
padding-left: 0;
.tabledrag-cell-content {
display: table;
height: 100%;
.tabledrag-cell-content > * {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
.tabledrag-cell-content__item {
padding-right: 0.5rem; /* LTR */
[dir="rtl"] .tabledrag-cell-content__item {
padding-right: 0;
padding-left: 0.5rem;
.tabledrag-cell-content__item:empty {
display: none;
.tabledrag-cell-content .indentation,
[dir="rtl"] .tabledrag-cell-content .indentation {
float: none;
overflow: hidden;
height: 100%;
.tabledrag-cell-content .tree {
min-height: 100%; /* Using simply 'height: 100%' would make IE11 rendering ugly. */
* Safari (at least version 13.0) thinks that if we define a width or height for
* and SVG, then we refer to the elements total size inside the SVG.
* We only want to inherit the height of the parent element.
/* stylelint-disable-next-line unit-whitelist */
@media not all and (min-resolution: 0.001dpcm) {
@media {
.tabledrag-cell-content .tree {
overflow: visible;
min-height: 0;
.tabledrag-cell-content .tabledrag-handle::after {
vertical-align: middle;
* Indentation.
.indentation {
position: relative;
left: -0.25rem; /* LTR */
float: left; /* LTR */
width: 1.5625rem; /* 25px */
height: 1.5625rem; /* 25px */
background: none !important;
line-height: 0;
[dir="rtl"] .indentation {
right: -0.25rem;
left: auto;
float: right;
* Tree is the visual representation for the simultaneously moved draggable
* rows.
* These rules are styling the inline SVG that is placed inside the .indentation
* element.
.tree {
width: 1.5625rem; /* 25px */
height: 1.5625rem; /* 25px */
.tree__item {
display: none;
/* LTR tree child. */
.tree-child path:not(.tree__item-child-ltr) {
display: none;
.tree-child path.tree__item-child-ltr {
display: block;
/* RTL tree child. */
[dir="rtl"] .tree-child path:not(.tree__item-child-rtl) {
display: none;
[dir="rtl"] .tree-child path.tree__item-child-rtl {
display: block;
/* Last LTR tree child. */
.tree-child-last path:not(.tree__item-child-last-ltr) {
display: none;
.tree-child-last path.tree__item-child-last-ltr {
display: block;
/* Last RTL tree child. */
[dir="rtl"] .tree-child-last path:not(.tree__item-child-last-rtl) {
display: none;
[dir="rtl"] .tree-child-last path.tree__item-child-last-rtl {
display: block;
/* Horizontal line. */
.tree-child-horizontal path:not(.tree__item-horizontal) {
display: none;
.tree-child-horizontal path.tree__item-horizontal {
display: block;