Issue #1986606 by jibran, pcambra, vijaycs85, dawehner, andypost, mbovan, Arla, adnen, vprocessor, tkuldeep17, xjm, kim.pepper, dobe, snig, larowlan, miro_dietiker, tim.plunkett, Berdir, Lendude, plach, olli, damiankloip: Convert the comments administration screen to a view
2017-07-29 06:55:37 +00:00
* @file
* Post update functions for the comment module.
use Drupal\Core\Config\FileStorage;
use Drupal\Core\Config\InstallStorage;
* Enable the comment admin view.
function comment_post_update_enable_comment_admin_view() {
$module_handler = \Drupal::moduleHandler();
$entity_type_manager = \Drupal::entityTypeManager();
// Save the comment delete action to config.
$config_install_path = $module_handler->getModule('comment')->getPath() . '/' . InstallStorage::CONFIG_INSTALL_DIRECTORY;
$storage = new FileStorage($config_install_path);
// Only create if the views module is enabled.
if (!$module_handler->moduleExists('views')) {
// Save the comment admin view to config.
$optional_install_path = $module_handler->getModule('comment')->getPath() . '/' . InstallStorage::CONFIG_OPTIONAL_DIRECTORY;
$storage = new FileStorage($optional_install_path);
2018-08-24 04:20:17 +00:00
* Add comment settings.
function comment_post_update_add_ip_address_setting() {
$config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
$settings = $config_factory->getEditable('comment.settings');
$settings->set('log_ip_addresses', TRUE)