<p>The forum module uses taxonomy to organize itself. To create a forum you first have to create a <a href=\"%taxonomy\">taxonomy vocabulary</a>. When doing this, choose a sensible name for it (such as \"fora\") and make sure under \"Types\" that \"forum\" is selected. Once you have done this, <a href=\"%taxo-terms\">add some terms</a> to it. Each term will become a forum. If you fill in the description field, users will be given additonal information about the forum on the main forum page. For example: \"troubleshooting\" - \"Please ask your questions here.\"</p>
<p>When you are happy with your vocabulary, go to <a href=\"%forums\">administer » configutation » modules » forum</a> and set <strong>Forum vocabulary</strong> to the one you have just created. There will now be fora active on the site. For users to access them they must have the \"access content\" <a href=\"%permission\">permission</a> and to create a topic they must have the \"create forum topics\" <a href=\"%permission\">permission</a>. These permissions can be set in the <a href=\"%permission\">permission</a> pages.</p>
<p>To disable icons, set the icon path as blank in <a href=\"%forums\">administer » configutation » modules » forum</a>.</p>
<p>All files in the icon directory are assumed to be images. You may use images of whatever size you wish, but it is recommended to use 15x15 or 16x16.</p>", array("%taxonomy" => url("admin/taxonomy/add/vocabulary"), "%taxo-terms" => url("admin/taxonomy"), "%forums" => url("admin/system/modules/forum"), "%permission" => url("admin/user/permission")));
$output = t("Forums are threaded discussions based on the taxonomy system. For the forums to work, the taxonomy module has to be installed and enabled. When activated, a taxonomy vocabulary (eg. \"forums\") needs to be <a href=\"%created\">created</a> and bound to the node type \"forum topic\".", array('%created' => url('admin/taxonomy/add/vocabulary')));
$group = form_select(t('Forum vocabulary'), 'forum_nav_vocabulary', variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', ''), $vocs, t("The taxonomy vocabulary that will be used as the navigation tree. The vacabulary's terms define the forums."));
$group .= _taxonomy_term_select(t('Containers'), 'forum_containers', variable_get('forum_containers', array()), variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', ''), t('You can choose forums which will not have topics, but will be just containers for other forums. This lets you both group and nest forums.'), 1, '<'. t('none') .'>');
$group = form_textarea(t('Explanation or submission guidelines'), 'forum_help', variable_get('forum_help', ''), 70, 5, t('This text will be displayed at the top of the forum submission form. Useful for helping or instructing your users.'));
$group .= form_textfield(t('Forum icon path'), 'forum_icon_path', variable_get('forum_icon_path', ''), 30, 255, t("The path to the forum icons. Leave blank to disable icons. Don't add a trailing slash. Default icons are available in the 'misc' directory."));
$group .= form_select(t('Hot topic threshold'), 'forum_hot_topic', variable_get('forum_hot_topic', 15), $number, t('The number of posts a topic must have to be considered <strong>hot</strong>.'));
$group .= form_select(t('Topics per page'), 'forum_per_page', variable_get('forum_per_page', 25), $number, t('The default number of topics displayed per page; links to browse older messages are automatically being displayed.'));
$forder = array(1 => t('Date - newest first'), 2 => t('Date - oldest first'), 3 => t('Posts - most active first'), 4=> t('Posts - least active first'));
$group .= form_radios(t('Default order'), 'forum_order', variable_get('forum_order', '1'), $forder, t('The default display order for topics.'));
$group = form_textfield(t('Number of topics in block'), 'forum_block_num', variable_get('forum_block_num', '5'), 5, 5, t("The number of topics to show in the \"Forum topics\" block. To enable the block, go to the <a href=\"%block-administration\">block administration</a> page.", array('%block-administration' => url('admin/system/block'))));
$content = node_title_list(db_query_range("SELECT n.nid, n.title, GREATEST(n.created, MAX(c.timestamp)) AS sort FROM {node} n LEFT JOIN {comments} c ON n.nid = c.nid WHERE n.type = 'forum' AND n.status = 1 GROUP BY n.nid, n.title, n.created ORDER BY sort DESC", 0, variable_get('forum_block_num', '5')), t('Active forum topics:'));
$content .= node_title_list(db_query_range("SELECT nid, title FROM {node} WHERE type = 'forum' AND status = 1 ORDER BY nid DESC", 0, variable_get('forum_block_num', '5')), t('New forum topics:'));
$result = db_query('SELECT n.nid, n.title, GREATEST(n.created, MAX(c.timestamp)) AS date_sort, COUNT(c.nid) AS num_comments FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {forum} f ON n.nid = f.nid INNER JOIN {comments} c ON n.nid = c.nid WHERE n.nid = f.nid AND f.tid = %d AND n.status = 1 GROUP BY n.nid, n.title, n.created ORDER BY '. _forum_get_topic_order(isset($user->sortby) ? $user->sortby : variable_get('forum_order', 1)), $node->tid);
$error['taxonomy'] = theme('error', t('The item \'%forum\' is only a container for forums. Please select one of the forums below it.', array('%forum' => $term->name)));
$output .= form_checkbox(t('Leave shadow copy'), 'shadow', 1, $node->shadow, t('If you move this topic, you can leave a link in the old forum to the new forum.'));
$value = db_fetch_object(db_query_range('SELECT c.timestamp, u.name, u.uid FROM {comments} c INNER JOIN {users} u ON c.uid = u.uid WHERE c.nid = %d AND c.status = 0 ORDER BY c.timestamp DESC', $nid, 0, 1));
return db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {forum} f INNER JOIN {node} n ON n.nid = f.nid WHERE f.tid = %d AND n.status = 1 AND f.shadow = 0', $term));
return db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {comments} c INNER JOIN {node} n ON n.nid = c.nid INNER JOIN {forum} f ON n.nid = f.nid WHERE f.tid = %d AND n.nid = f.nid AND n.nid = c.nid AND n.status = 1 AND c.status = 0 AND n.type = 'forum'", $term));
$ancient = db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {forum} f INNER JOIN {node} n ON f.nid = n.nid WHERE f.tid = %d AND n.status = 1 AND n.created <= %d AND f.shadow = 0', $term, NODE_NEW_LIMIT));
$recent = db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {forum} f INNER JOIN {node} n ON f.nid = n.nid INNER JOIN {history} h ON n.nid = h.nid WHERE n.status = 1 AND f.tid = %d AND h.uid = %d AND n.created > %d AND f.shadow = 0', $term, $uid, NODE_NEW_LIMIT));
$topic = db_fetch_object(db_query_range("SELECT n.nid, n.created AS timestamp, u.name AS name, u.uid AS uid FROM {forum} f INNER JOIN {node} n ON n.nid = f.nid INNER JOIN {users} u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE f.tid = %d AND n.nid = f.nid AND n.type = 'forum' AND n.status = 1 ORDER BY timestamp DESC", $term, 0, 1));
$reply = db_fetch_object(db_query_range("SELECT n.nid, c.timestamp, u.name AS name, u.uid AS uid FROM {forum} f INNER JOIN {node} n ON n.nid = f.nid INNER JOIN {comments} c ON n.nid = c.nid INNER JOIN {users} u ON c.uid = u.uid WHERE f.tid = %d AND n.nid = f.nid AND n.type = 'forum' AND n.status = 1 AND c.status = 0 ORDER BY c.timestamp DESC", $term, 0, 1));
$sql = "SELECT n.nid, n.title, u.name AS name, u.uid AS uid, n.created AS timestamp, GREATEST(n.created, MAX(c.timestamp)) AS date_sort, COUNT(c.nid) AS num_comments, n.comment AS comment_mode, f.tid FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {term_node} r ON n.nid = r.nid INNER JOIN {users} u ON n.uid = u.uid LEFT JOIN {comments} c ON n.nid = c.nid INNER JOIN {forum} f ON n.nid = f.nid WHERE n.nid = r.nid AND ((r.tid = $check_tid AND f.shadow = 1) OR f.tid = $check_tid) AND n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum' GROUP BY n.nid, n.title, u.name, u.uid, n.created, n.comment, f.tid";
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(n.nid)) FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {forum} f ON n.nid = f.nid INNER JOIN {term_node} r ON n.nid = r.nid WHERE n.nid = r.nid AND ( (r.tid = $check_tid AND f.shadow = 1) OR f.tid = $check_tid) AND n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum'";
$topic->new_replies = db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(c.nid) FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {comments} c ON n.nid = c.nid WHERE n.nid = %d AND n.status = 1 AND c.status = 0 AND c.timestamp > %d', $topic->nid, $history));
$result = db_query("SELECT n.nid FROM {node} n, {history} h, {forum} f WHERE n.type = 'forum' AND n.status = 1 AND h.nid = n.nid AND f.nid = h.nid AND f.tid = %d AND h.uid = %d", $tid, $user->uid);
$nid = db_result(db_query_range("SELECT n.nid FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {forum} f ON n.nid = f.nid WHERE n.type = 'forum' AND f.nid = n.nid AND n.status = 1 AND f.tid = %d ". ($read ? "AND NOT (n.nid IN (". implode(',', $read) .")) " : '') ."ORDER BY created", $tid, 0, 1));