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2002-12-24 15:40:32 +00:00
function menu_trail() {
global $REQUEST_URI;
static $trail = NULL;
** Retrieve the currently active link.
if (empty($trail)) {
$path = array();
$link = substr($REQUEST_URI, strrpos($REQUEST_URI, "/") + 1, strlen($REQUEST_URI));
$item = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM menu WHERE link = '%s'", $link));
** Compile an array of menu objects that represent the path to
** the root link.
if ($item) {
$path[] = $item;
while ($item->parent) {
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM menu WHERE name = '%s' ORDER BY weight, name", $item->parent);
if ($item = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$path[] = $item;
$trail = array_reverse($path);
return $trail;
function menu_item($item) {
global $REQUEST_URI;
** If you want to theme your links, or if you want to replace them
** by an image, this would be the function to customize.
if (stristr($REQUEST_URI, $item->link) == $item->link) {
return t($item->name);
else if ($item->title) {
return "<a href=\"$item->link\" title=\"". t($item->title) ."\">". t($item->name) ."</a>";
else {
return "<a href=\"$item->link\">". t($item->name) ."</a>";
function menu_path() {
$path = menu_trail();
$links = array();
foreach ($path as $item) {
$links[] = menu_item($item);
return implode(" &gt; ", $links);
function menu_menu_row($parent = "") {
$links = array();
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM menu WHERE parent = '%s' ORDER BY weight, name", $parent);
while ($menu = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$links[] = menu_item($menu);
return $links;
function menu_menu() {
$path = menu_trail();
if ($path) {
$item = array_pop($path);
$output = implode(" &middot; ", menu_menu_row($item->name));
return $output;
function menu_help() {
$path = menu_trail();
if ($path) {
$item = array_pop($path);
$output = $item->help;
return $output;
function menu_tree($parent = "", $overview = 0) {
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM menu WHERE parent = '%s' AND overview = '%d' ORDER BY weight, name", $parent, $overview);
print "<ul>";
while ($item = db_fetch_object($result)) {
print "<li>". menu_item($item) ."</li>";
menu_tree($item->name, 1);
print "</ul>";
return $links;
function menu_add($name, $link, $title = NULL, $help = NULL, $parent = NULL, $weight = 1, $overview = 0) {
if (!db_result(db_query("SELECT name FROM menu WHERE link = '%s'", $link))) {
db_query("INSERT INTO menu (name, link, title, help, parent, weight, overview) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%d')", $name, $link, $title, $help, $parent, $weight, $overview);