
298 lines
9.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

$na = "<I>na</I>";
function conf_init() {
$file = strtolower(strtr($HTTP_HOST ."". substr($REQUEST_URI, 0, strrpos($REQUEST_URI, "/")), "/:", ".."));
while ($file && !file_exists("includes/$file.php")) $file = substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, "."));
return $file ? $file : "conf";
function error_handler($errno, $message, $filename, $line, $variables) {
$types = array(1 => "error", 2 => "warning", 4 => "parse error", 8 => "notice", 16 => "core error", 32 => "core warning", 64 => "compile error", 128 => "compile warning", 256 => "user error", 512 => "user warning", 1024 => "user notice");
$entry = $types[$errno] .": $message in $filename on line $line.";
if (($errno == 1 || $errno == 2 || $errno == 4) && error_reporting()) {
watchdog("error", $types[$errno] .": $message in $filename on line $line.");
print $entry;
function watchdog($type, $message) {
global $user;
db_query("INSERT INTO watchdog (user, type, message, location, hostname, timestamp) VALUES ('$user->id', '". check_input($type) ."', '". check_input($message) ."', '". check_input(getenv("REQUEST_URI")) ."', '". check_input(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")) ."', '". time() ."')");
function throttle($type, $rate) {
global $user;
if (!user_access($user)) {
if ($throttle = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM watchdog WHERE type = '$type' AND hostname = '". getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") ."' AND ". time() ." - timestamp < $rate"))) {
watchdog("warning", "throttle: '". getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") ."' exceeded submission rate - $throttle->type");
else {
watchdog($type, "throttle");
function path_uri() {
return "http://". $HTTP_HOST . substr($REQUEST_URI, 0, strrpos($REQUEST_URI, "/")) ."/";
function path_img() {
// use "http://your-image-server.com/ if you want to host images on a seperate server.
return "./images/";
function message_account() {
return t("This page requires a valid user account. Please <A HREF=\"account.php\">create a user account</A> and <A HREF=\"account.php\">login</A> prior to accessing it.");
function message_throttle() {
return t("You exceeded the submission rate exceeded. Please wait a few minutes and try again.");
function check_form($text) {
return htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($text));
function check_export($text) {
return htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($text));
function check_code($text) {
return $text;
function check_mail($mail) {
return eregi("^[_+\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,3}$", $mail) ? 1 : 0;
function check_name($name) {
return ereg("[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]", $name) ? 0 : 1;
function check_preview($text) {
return check_output(check_input($text));
function check_query($text) {
return addslashes(stripslashes($text));
function check_input($text) {
foreach (module_list() as $module) $text = module_invoke($module, "filter", $text);
return addslashes(stripslashes(substr($text, 0, variable_get("max_input_size", 10000))));
function check_output($text, $nl2br = 0) {
global $na;
return ($text) ? ($nl2br ? nl2br(stripslashes($text)) : stripslashes($text)) : $na;
function format_plural($count, $singular, $plural) {
return ($count == 1) ? "$count ". t($singular) : "$count ". t($plural);
function format_interval($timestamp) {
$units = array("year|years" => 31536000, "week|weeks" => 604800, "day|days" => 86400, "hour|hours" => 3600, "min|min" => 60, "sec|sec" => 1);
foreach ($units as $key=>$value) {
$key = explode("|", $key);
if ($timestamp >= $value) {
$output .= ($output ? " " : "") . format_plural(floor($timestamp / $value), $key[0], $key[1]);
$timestamp %= $value;
return ($output) ? $output : "0 sec";
function format_date($timestamp, $type = "medium", $format = "") {
global $user;
$timestamp += ($user->timezone) ? $user->timezone - date("Z") : 0;
switch ($type) {
case "small":
$date = date("m/d/y - H:i", $timestamp);
case "medium":
$date = t(date("l", $timestamp)) .", ". date("m/d/Y - H:i", $timestamp);
case "large":
$date = t(date("l", $timestamp)) .", ". t(date("F", $timestamp)) ." ". date("d, Y - H:i", $timestamp);
case "custom":
for ($i = strlen($format); $i >= 0; $c = $format[--$i]) {
if (strstr("DFlMSw", $c)) {
$date=t(date($c, $timestamp)).$date;
else if (strstr("AaBdgGhHiIjLmnrstTUYyZz", $c)) {
$date = date($c, $timestamp).$date;
else {
$date = $c.$date;
$date = t(date("l", $timestamp)) .", ". date("m/d/Y - H:i", $timestamp);
return $date;
function format_username($username) {
global $user;
if ($username) return (user_access($user, "account") ? "<A HREF=\"admin.php?mod=account&op=view&name=$username\">$username</A>" : "<A HREF=\"account.php?op=view&name=$username\">$username</A>");
else return variable_get(anonymous, "Anonymous");
function format_email($address) {
global $na;
return ($address) ? "<a href=\"mailto:$address\">$address</A>" : $na;
function format_url($address, $description = "") {
global $na;
$description = ($description) ? $description : $address;
return ($address) ? "<a href=\"$address\">". check_output($description) ."</a>" : $na;
function format_tag($link, $text) {
return "'<a href=\"node.php?title='. urlencode('$link') .'\">'. ('$text' ? '$text' : '$link') .'</a>'";
function form($action, $form, $method = "post", $options = 0) {
return "<form action=\"$action\" method=\"$method\"". ($options ? " $options" : "") .">\n$form</form>\n";
Welp. Large commit ahead. CHANGES: - Added "read" and "write" permissions into drupal but removed it again because - when finished after 3 hours of work - it was considered nothing but added complexity that didn't buy us anything. :I (I'll explain this in detail on the mailing list, I guess.) - Added a very simple help.module to group all available documentation on a single page. - Fixed bug in node_control(), book.module: UnConeD forgot to global $user when updating the combobox code. - Removed static wishlist.module: in future, the wishlist can be maintained as a page in our collaborative book. - Revised most of settings.module: tidied up the code and the descriptions to accompany the settings and introduced a new "default maximum number of nodes to display on the main page" variable. - Revised most of comment.module: the administration interface looks better now, integrated node permissions, and -finally- made it possible to delete comments. - Polished on: + account.module + structure.module + locale.module + module.module + forum.module - Form-ified: + account.php + account.module + setting.module + cvs.module + submit.php + comment.module + forum.module + book.module + page.module + locale.module - Updated CHANGELOG INFO: - Designed a "generic tracker system with optional backends" on paper. The idea is to allow registered users to hot-list certain topics, individual nodes or threads (comments) and to "plug-in" output backends like - for instance - an e-mail digest. The design requires "intelligent blocks" though. TODO: - I want to tidy up the headline.module and backend.class as well as merge in headlineRSS10.module. Julian spent quite some time working on headline.module but I'm not sure what he changed and whether he'd contribute it back?
2001-04-30 17:13:08 +00:00
function form_item($title, $value, $description = 0) {
return ($description) ? "<b>$title:</b><br />$value<br /><small><i>$description</i></small><p />\n" : "<b>$title:</b><br />$value<p />\n";
function form_textfield($title, $name, $value, $size, $maxlength, $description = 0) {
return form_item($title, "<input maxlength=\"$maxlength\" name=\"edit[$name]\" size=\"$size\" value=\"". check_form($value) ."\" />", $description);
function form_textarea($title, $name, $value, $cols, $rows, $description = 0) {
return form_item($title, "<textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"$cols\" rows=\"$rows\" name=\"edit[$name]\">". check_form($value) ."</textarea>", $description);
Welp. Large commit ahead. CHANGES: - Added "read" and "write" permissions into drupal but removed it again because - when finished after 3 hours of work - it was considered nothing but added complexity that didn't buy us anything. :I (I'll explain this in detail on the mailing list, I guess.) - Added a very simple help.module to group all available documentation on a single page. - Fixed bug in node_control(), book.module: UnConeD forgot to global $user when updating the combobox code. - Removed static wishlist.module: in future, the wishlist can be maintained as a page in our collaborative book. - Revised most of settings.module: tidied up the code and the descriptions to accompany the settings and introduced a new "default maximum number of nodes to display on the main page" variable. - Revised most of comment.module: the administration interface looks better now, integrated node permissions, and -finally- made it possible to delete comments. - Polished on: + account.module + structure.module + locale.module + module.module + forum.module - Form-ified: + account.php + account.module + setting.module + cvs.module + submit.php + comment.module + forum.module + book.module + page.module + locale.module - Updated CHANGELOG INFO: - Designed a "generic tracker system with optional backends" on paper. The idea is to allow registered users to hot-list certain topics, individual nodes or threads (comments) and to "plug-in" output backends like - for instance - an e-mail digest. The design requires "intelligent blocks" though. TODO: - I want to tidy up the headline.module and backend.class as well as merge in headlineRSS10.module. Julian spent quite some time working on headline.module but I'm not sure what he changed and whether he'd contribute it back?
2001-04-30 17:13:08 +00:00
function form_select($title, $name, $value, $options, $description = 0) {
if (count($options) > 0) {
foreach ($options as $key=>$choice) $select .= "<option value=\"$key\"". ($key == $value ? " selected" : "") .">". check_form($choice) ."</option>";
return form_item($title, "<select name=\"edit[$name]\">$select</select>", $description);
function form_file($title, $name, $size, $description = 0) {
return form_item($title, "<input type=\"file\" name=\"edit[$name]\" size=\"$size\" />\n", $description);
function form_hidden($name, $value) {
return "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"edit[$name]\" value=\"". check_form($value) ."\" />\n";
function form_submit($value) {
return "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"op\" value=\"". check_form($value) ."\" />\n";
function field_get($string, $name) {
foreach (explode(",", $string) as $data) {
$entry = explode("=", $data);
if ($entry[0] == $name) return $entry[1];
function field_set($string, $name, $value) {
if (!$value) {
// remove entry:
foreach (explode(",", $string) as $data) {
$entry = explode("=", $data);
if ($entry[0] != $name) $rval .= "$entry[0]=$entry[1],";
else if (strstr($string, "$name=")) {
// found: update exsisting entry:
foreach (explode(",", $string) as $data) {
$entry = explode("=", $data);
if ($entry[0] == $name) $entry[1] = $value;
$rval .= "$entry[0]=$entry[1],";
else {
// not found:
$rval = "$string$name=$value,";
return $rval;
function field_merge($a, $b) {
foreach (explode(",", $b) as $data) {
$entry = explode("=", $data);
$a = field_set($a, $entry[0], $entry[1]);
return $a;
function timer_start() {
global $timer;
$timer = explode(" ", microtime());
function timer_print() {
global $timer;
$stop = explode(" ", microtime());
$diff = $stop[0] - $timer[0];
print "<PRE>execution time: $diff ms</PRE>";
function page_header() {
global $user;
if (variable_get("dev_timer", 0)) {
function page_footer() {
if (variable_get("dev_timer", 0)) {
$conf = conf_init();
include_once "includes/$conf.php";
include_once "includes/database.inc";
2001-04-05 20:33:36 +00:00
include_once "includes/variable.inc";
2001-03-18 08:44:01 +00:00
include_once "includes/comment.inc";
include_once "includes/module.inc";
include_once "includes/locale.inc";
include_once "includes/search.inc";
include_once "includes/theme.inc";
include_once "includes/user.inc";
include_once "includes/node.inc";
// initialize user session:
// initialize installed modules:
// initialize localization system:
$locale = locale_init();
// initialize configuration variables:
2001-04-05 20:33:36 +00:00
$conf = variable_init();
// initialize theme:
$theme = theme_init();
// set error handler: