Issue #665790 by chrisrockwell, Sumit kumar, lauriii, joelpittet, sun, vulcanr, vaplas, yoroy, leahtard, tompagabor, aspilicious, ckrina, Gábor Hojtsy, David_Rothstein, Manuel Garcia, rootwork, nod_, kostyashupenko, pguillard, Bojhan, droplet, typhonius, wturrell, mgifford, webkenny, cosmicdreams, tkoleary, YesCT, marcvangend, markabur, LewisNyman, mrfelton, oriol_e9g, prabhu9484, catch, hedrickbt, tsvenson, longwave, dww, kika, borisson_, rdellis87, realityloop, klonos: Redesign the status report page
2017-02-07 20:44:09 +00:00
* @file
* Theme override to display status report.
* - grouped_requirements: Contains grouped requirements.
* Each group contains:
* - title: The title of the group.
* - type: The severity of the group.
* - items: The requirement instances.
* Each requirement item contains:
* - title: The title of the requirement.
* - value: (optional) The requirement's status.
* - description: (optional) The requirement's description.
* - severity_title: The title of the severity.
* - severity_status: Indicates the severity status.
{{ attach_library('core/drupal.collapse') }}
{{ attach_library('seven/drupal.responsive-detail') }}
<div class="system-status-report">
{% for group in grouped_requirements %}
<div class="system-status-report__requirements-group">
<h3 id="{{ group.type }}">{{ group.title }}</h3>
{% for requirement in group.items %}
2018-01-29 13:09:54 +00:00
<details class="system-status-report__entry system-status-report__entry--{{ group.type }} color-{{ group.type }}" open>
Issue #665790 by chrisrockwell, Sumit kumar, lauriii, joelpittet, sun, vulcanr, vaplas, yoroy, leahtard, tompagabor, aspilicious, ckrina, Gábor Hojtsy, David_Rothstein, Manuel Garcia, rootwork, nod_, kostyashupenko, pguillard, Bojhan, droplet, typhonius, wturrell, mgifford, webkenny, cosmicdreams, tkoleary, YesCT, marcvangend, markabur, LewisNyman, mrfelton, oriol_e9g, prabhu9484, catch, hedrickbt, tsvenson, longwave, dww, kika, borisson_, rdellis87, realityloop, klonos: Redesign the status report page
2017-02-07 20:44:09 +00:00
set summary_classes = [
group.type in ['warning', 'error'] ? 'system-status-report__status-icon system-status-report__status-icon--' ~ group.type
<summary{{ create_attribute({'class': summary_classes}) }} role="button">
{% if requirement.severity_title %}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ requirement.severity_title }}</span>
{% endif %}
{{ requirement.title }}
<div class="system-status-report__entry__value">
{{ requirement.value }}
{% if requirement.description %}
<div class="description">{{ requirement.description }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}