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* @file
* Attaches the behaviors for the Layout Builder module.
(($, Drupal) => {
const { ajax, behaviors, debounce, announce, formatPlural } = Drupal;
* Boolean that tracks if block listing is currently being filtered. Declared
* outside of behaviors so value is retained on rebuild.
let layoutBuilderBlocksFiltered = false;
* Provides the ability to filter the block listing in Add Block dialog.
* @type {Drupal~behavior}
* @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach
* Attach block filtering behavior to Add Block dialog.
behaviors.layoutBuilderBlockFilter = {
attach(context) {
const $categories = $('.js-layout-builder-categories', context);
const $filterLinks = $categories.find('.js-layout-builder-block-link');
* Filters the block list.
* @param {jQuery.Event} e
* The jQuery event for the keyup event that triggered the filter.
const filterBlockList = e => {
const query = $(e.target)
* Shows or hides the block entry based on the query.
* @param {number} index
* The index in the loop, as provided by `jQuery.each`
* @param {HTMLElement} link
* The link to add the block.
const toggleBlockEntry = (index, link) => {
const $link = $(link);
const textMatch =
.indexOf(query) !== -1;
// Filter if the length of the query is at least 2 characters.
if (query.length >= 2) {
// Attribute to note which categories are closed before opening all.
.attr('remember-closed', '');
// Open all categories so every block is available to filtering.
$categories.find('.js-layout-builder-category').attr('open', '');
// Toggle visibility of links based on query.
// Only display categories containing visible links.
'1 block is available in the modified list.',
'@count blocks are available in the modified list.',
layoutBuilderBlocksFiltered = true;
} else if (layoutBuilderBlocksFiltered) {
layoutBuilderBlocksFiltered = false;
// Remove "open" attr from categories that were closed pre-filtering.
announce(Drupal.t('All available blocks are listed.'));
$('input.js-layout-builder-filter', context)
.on('keyup', debounce(filterBlockList, 200));
* Provides the ability to drag blocks to new positions in the layout.
* @type {Drupal~behavior}
* @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach
* Attach block drag behavior to the Layout Builder UI.
behaviors.layoutBuilderBlockDrag = {
attach(context) {
items: '> .draggable',
connectWith: '.layout-builder--layout__region',
placeholder: 'ui-state-drop',
* Updates the layout with the new position of the block.
* @param {jQuery.Event} event
* The jQuery Event object.
* @param {Object} ui
* An object containing information about the item being sorted.
update(event, ui) {
// Check if the region from the event and region for the item match.
const itemRegion = ui.item.closest(
if (event.target === itemRegion[0]) {
// Find the destination delta.
const deltaTo = ui.item
// If the block didn't leave the original delta use the destination.
const deltaFrom = ui.sender
? ui.sender.closest('[data-layout-delta]').data('layout-delta')
: deltaTo;
url: [
.filter(element => element !== undefined)
* Disables interactive elements in previewed blocks.
* @type {Drupal~behavior}
* @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach
* Attach disabling interactive elements behavior to the Layout Builder UI.
behaviors.layoutBuilderDisableInteractiveElements = {
attach() {
// Disable interactive elements inside preview blocks.
const $blocks = $('#layout-builder [data-layout-block-uuid]');
$blocks.find('input, textarea, select').prop('disabled', true);
$blocks.find('a').on('click mouseup touchstart', e => {
* In preview blocks, remove from the tabbing order all input elements
* and elements specifically assigned a tab index, other than those
* related to contextual links.
'button, [href], input, select, textarea, iframe, [tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"]):not(.tabbable)',
(index, element) =>
$(element).closest('[data-contextual-id]').length > 0,
.attr('tabindex', -1);
})(jQuery, Drupal);