
64 lines
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Raw Normal View History

(function ($, Drupal, drupalSettings) {
"use strict";
// Cache IDs in an array for ease of use.
var ids = [];
* When a field is filled out, apply its value to other fields that will likely
* use the same value. In the installer this is used to populate the
* administrator email address with the same value as the site email address.
Drupal.behaviors.copyFieldValue = {
attach: function (context) {
// List of fields IDs on which to bind the event listener.
// Create an array of IDs to use with jQuery.
for (var sourceId in drupalSettings.copyFieldValue) {
if (drupalSettings.copyFieldValue.hasOwnProperty(sourceId)) {
if (ids.length) {
// Listen to value:copy events on all dependent fields.
// We have to use body and not document because of the way jQuery events
// bubble up the DOM tree.
$('body').once('copy-field-values').on('value:copy', this.valueTargetCopyHandler);
// Listen on all source elements.
$('#' + ids.join(', #')).once('copy-field-values').on('blur', this.valueSourceBlurHandler);
detach: function (context, settings, trigger) {
if (trigger === 'unload' && ids.length) {
$('#' + ids.join(', #')).removeOnce('copy-field-values').off('blur');
* Event handler that fill the target element with the specified value.
* @param e
* Event object.
* @param value
* Custom value from jQuery trigger.
valueTargetCopyHandler: function (e, value) {
var $target = $(e.target);
if ($target.val() === '') {
* Handler for a Blur event on a source field.
* This event handler will trigger a 'value:copy' event on all dependent fields.
valueSourceBlurHandler: function (e) {
var value = $(e.target).val();
var targetIds = drupalSettings.copyFieldValue[e.target.id];
$('#' + targetIds.join(', #')).trigger('value:copy', value);
})(jQuery, Drupal, drupalSettings);