$output .= "<p>The statistics module keeps track of numerous statistics for your site but be warned, statistical collection does cause a little overhead, thus everything comes <b>disabled</b> by default.<p>";
$output .= "<p>The module counts how many times, and from where -- using HTTP referrer -- each of your nodes is viewed. Once we have that count the module can do the following with it:";
$output .= "<ul>";
$output .= "<li>The count can be displayed in the node's link section next to \"# comments\".</li>";
$output .= "<li>A configurable block can be added which can display the day's top stories, the all time top stories, and the last stories read. Each section in the block has a title, which you can change, as well as being able to change how many node titles will be displayed</li>";
$output .= "<li>A configurable user page can be added, which can display the day's top stories, the all time top stories, and the last stories read. Each section in the page has a title, which you can change, as well as being able to change the number of stories to be displayed.</li>";
$output .= "<li>A configurable block can be added that displays the count of how many users, as well as a list of their names, and guests are currently accessing your site.</li>";
$output .= "<li>If you enable the view counters for content, this adds 1 database query for each node that is viewed (2 queries if it's the first time the node has ever been viewed).</li>";
$output .= "<li>If you enable the access log, this adds 1 database query for each page that Drupal displays. Logged information includes: HTTP referrer (if any), node being accessed (if any), user ID (if any), the IP address of the user, and the time the page was viewed.</li>";
$output .= "<p>As with any new module, the statistics module needs to be %modules before you can use it. Also refer to the %permissions, as this module supports four separate permissions.</p>";
$output .= "<h3>%referers</h3><p>This admin page shows you site-wide referrer statistics. You can see '<i>all</i>' statistics, '<i>external</i>' statistics or '<i>internal</i>' statistics. Default is 'all'.</p>";
$output .= "<h3>%access</h3><p>This admin page gives you an at-a-glance look at your top nodes. It is useful for understanding what content on your Drupal site is the most popular. Also on this page are links to the referrer statistics for each listed node.</p>";
$output .= "<h3>Configuring the statistics module</h3><p>There are some configuration options added to the main %configuration section:</p>";
$output .= "<li><i>enable access log</i> -- allows you to turn the access log on and off. This log is used to store data about every page accessed, such as the remote host's IP address, where they came from (referrer), what node theyve viewed, and their user name. Enabling the log adds one database call per page displayed by Drupal.</li>";
$output .= "<li><i>discard access logs older than</i> -- allows you to configure how long an access log entry is saved, after which time it is deleted from the database table. To use this you need to run \"cron.php\"</li>";
$output .= "<li><i>enable node view counter</i> -- allows you to turn on and off the node-counting functionality of this module. If it is turned on, an extra database query is added for each node displayed, which increments a counter.</li>";
$output .= "<li><i>display node view counters</i> -- allows you to globally disable the displaying of node view counters. Additionally, a user group must have 'access statistics' permissions to view the counters.</li>";
$output .= "</ul>";
$output .= "<h3>Top nodes block</h3>";
$output .= "<p>This module creates a block that can display the day's top viewed nodes, the all time top viewed nodes and the last nodes viewed. Each of these links can be enabled or disabled individually, and the number of nodes displayed for each can be configured with a drop down menu. If you disable all sections of this block, it will not appear.</p>";
$output .= "<p>The administrative \"top nodes block\" screen also allows you to assign a name to the block.</p>";
$output .= "<p>This module creates a user page that can display summaries of the day's top viewed nodes, the all time top nodes and the last nodes viewed. Each of these summaries can be enabled or disabled individually, and the number of nodes displayed for each can be configured with a drop down menu.</p>";
$output .= "<p>The administrative \"top nodes page\" screen also allows you to assign a name for the automatically generated link to the user page. If no name is set, the link will not be displayed.</p>";
$output .= "<li><i>access statistics</i> - enable for user roles that get to see view counts for individual content. (This does not define access to the block)</li>";
$output .= "<li><i>administer statistics module</i> - enable for user roles that get to configure the statistics module.</li><li><i>administer statistics</i> - enable for user roles that get to view the referrer statistics.</li>";
$output .= "</ul>";
$output .= "<p>If '<i>administer statistics</i>' and '<i>access statistics</i>' are both enabled, the user will see a link from each node to that node's referrer statistics (if enabled).</p>";
$output .= "<h2>Statistics module (for developers)</h2><h3>Accessing statistics</h3><p>To get a node's \"view statistics\" make a call to the function <i>statistics_get(\$nid)</i>. When you pass in a Node ID (\$nid), the function returns an array with three entires: [0]=totalcount, [1]=daycount, [2]=timestamp. For example, you could use this function call to add node view counts to your theme.</p>";
$output .= "<ul>";
$output .= "<li>The <i>totalcount</i> is a count of the total number of times that node has been viewed.</li>";
$output .= "<li>The <i>daycount</i> is a count of the total number of times that node has been viewed \"today\". For the daycount to be reset, cron must be enabled.</li>";
$output .= "<li>The <i>timestamp</i> is a timestamp of when that node was last viewed.</li>";
$output .= "</ul>";
$output .= "<p>The module automatically adds '# reads' to each node's link section (if enabled).</p>";
$output .= "<h3>Top stories</h3><p>The statistics module provides a function '<i>statistics_title_list(\$dbfield, \$dbrows)</i>' to return an array of links to any of the following: the top viewed nodes of all time, the top viewed nodes of today, the last viewed nodes. You can pass in:</p>";
$output .= "<li><i>totalcount</i> - This will return an array with links to the top viewed nodes of all time.<br />Example: <code>statistics_title_list(\"totalcount\", \"5\");</code><br /><br /></li>";
$output .= "<li><i>daycount</i> - This will return an array with links to the top viewed nodes for today.<br />Example: <code>statistics_title_list(\"daycount\",\"5\");</code><br /><br /></li>";
$output .= "<li><i>timestamp</i> - This will return a array with links to the last viewed node.<br />Example: <code>statistics_title_list(\"timestamp\",\"5\");</code></li>";
$output .= "</ul>";
$output .= "<p>\$dbrows is the number or rows you want returned in your array.</p>";
$output .= "<h3>Throttle</h3><p>The function <code>throttle_status()</code> will return a number from 0 to 5. 0 means that there is no throttle enabled at this time. Each number above that is a progressively more throttled system... To disable a feature when a site first begins to get busy, disable it at a throttle of 2 or 3. To hold on to the bitter end, wait until 4 or 5.</p>";
$output .= "<p>To implement the throttle, you should do something like this:<pre> \$throttle = 0;
$output .= "<p>Note: Even though the configuration for the throttle is handled by the throttle module, the throttle logic itself is part of the statistics module. The configuration has been separated in order to make things easier for the average site that will not be utilizing the throttling mechanism. More information about how the throttle works can be found on the throttle module help page. (Find the throttle help page %here-help if you have enabled the throttle module).</p>";
$output = t("Settings for the statistical information that Drupal will keep about the site. See %statistics for the actual information.", array("%statistics" => l(t("site statistics"), "admin/statistics")));
$output = t("This page gives you an at-a-glance look at your top content. It is useful for understanding what content on your site is the most popular.");
$output = t("This page shows you site-wide referrer statistics. You can see 'all referrers', 'external referrers' or 'internal referrers'. Referrers are web sites, both your site, and other peoples, that point to your web site.");
$output = t("This pages shows you who is accessing your web site. You can see the hostnames, referrers. In particular, it is easy to inspect a user's navigation history/trail by clicking on <i>track user</i>.");
$output = t("The statistics module creates a user page that can display summaries of the day's top viewed nodes, the all time top nodes and the last nodes viewed. Each of these summaries can be enabled or disabled individually, and the number of nodes displayed for each can be configured with a drop down menu.");
$sql = "SELECT a.nid, a.url, a.hostname, a.uid, a.timestamp, n.title FROM {accesslog} a LEFT JOIN {node} n ON a.nid = n.nid WHERE a.uid = ". check_query($id);
$sql = "SELECT a.nid, a.url, a.hostname, a.uid, MAX(a.timestamp) AS timestamp, n.title FROM {accesslog} a LEFT JOIN {node} n ON a.nid = n.nid WHERE a.uid <> '0' GROUP BY a.uid, a.nid, a.url, a.hostname";
$sql = "SELECT a.nid, a.url, a.hostname, a.uid, a.timestamp, n.title FROM {accesslog} a INNER JOIN {node} n ON a.nid = n.nid WHERE a.nid = ". check_query($id);
$sql = "SELECT a.nid, a.url, a.hostname, a.uid, a.timestamp, n.title FROM {accesslog} a LEFT JOIN {node} n ON a.nid = n.nid WHERE a.hostname = '". check_query($id) ."'";
$query = "SELECT url, MAX(timestamp) AS last_view, COUNT(url) AS count FROM {accesslog} WHERE url LIKE '%". check_query($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ."%' GROUP BY url";
$query_cnt = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(url)) FROM {accesslog} WHERE url <> '' AND url LIKE '%". check_query($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ."%'";
$query = "SELECT url, MAX(timestamp) AS last_view, COUNT(url) AS count FROM {accesslog} WHERE url NOT LIKE '%". check_query($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ."%' AND url <> '' GROUP BY url";
$query_cnt = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(url)) FROM {accesslog} WHERE url <> '' AND url NOT LIKE '%". check_query($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ."%'";
$output = "<h3>". t("Top $describe referrers of the past %interval", array("%interval" => format_interval(variable_get("statistics_flush_accesslog_timer", 259200)))) ."</h3>";
/* Displays the user page configuration administration form */
function statistics_admin_userpage_config($edit) {
$form = form_textfield(t("Name for link to user page"), "statistics_userpage_link", $edit["statistics_userpage_link"], 20, 40, t("This node generates a user page with top nodes. If you wish a link added automatically, specify a name."));
$form .= "<hr />";
$form .= form_textfield(t("Today's top nodes title"), "statistics_userpage_day_head", $edit["statistics_userpage_day_head"], 20, 40, t("Specify a name for the \"day's top\" section of the user page generated by this module."));
$form .= form_select(t("Number of nodes to display for \"day's top\""), "statistics_userpage_day_cnt", $edit["statistics_userpage_day_cnt"], array("0" => t("Disabled"), "1" => "1", "2" => "2", "3" => "3", "4" => "4", "5" => "5", "6" => "6", "7" => "7", "8" => "8", "9" => "9", "10" => "10", "15" => "15", "20" => "20", "25" => "25"), t("Set how many \"day's top\" nodes to display on the user page generated by this module."));
$form .= form_textfield(t("All time top nodes title"), "statistics_userpage_all_head", $edit["statistics_userpage_all_head"], 20, 40, t("Specify a name for the \"all time top\" section of the user page generated by this module."));
$form .= form_textfield(t("Last viewed nodes title"), "statistics_userpage_last_head", $edit["statistics_userpage_last_head"], 20, 40, t("Specify a name for the \"last viewed\" section of the user page generated by this module."));
$group = form_radios(t("Count content views"), "statistics_count_content_views", variable_get("statistics_count_content_views", 0), array("1" => t("Enabled"), "0" => t("Disabled")), t("Increment a counter each time content is viewed."));
$group .= form_radios(t("Display content view counts"), "statistics_display_counter", variable_get("statistics_display_counter", ""), array("1" => t("Enabled"), "0" => t("Disabled")), t("Display how many times given content has been viewed. User must have the \"access statistics\" permissions to be able to view these counts."));
return db_query_range("SELECT s.nid, n.title, u.uid, u.name FROM {node_counter} s INNER JOIN {node} n ON s.nid = n.nid INNER JOIN {users} u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE %s <> '0' AND n.status = 1 ORDER BY %s DESC", "s.". $dbfield, "s.". $dbfield, 0, $dbrows);