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* Polyfill the behavior of window.matchMedia.
* @see http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom-view/#widl-Window-matchMedia-MediaQueryList-DOMString-query
* Test whether a CSS media type or media query applies. Register listeners
* to MediaQueryList objects.
* Adapted from https://github.com/paulirish/matchMedia.js with the addition
* of addListener and removeListener. The polyfill referenced above uses
* polling to trigger registered listeners on matchMedia tests.
* This polyfill triggers tests on window resize and orientationchange.
window.matchMedia = window.matchMedia || (function (doc, window, Drupal) {
"use strict";
var docElem = doc.documentElement;
var refNode = docElem.firstElementChild || docElem.firstChild;
// fakeBody required for <FF4 when executed in <head>.
var fakeBody = doc.createElement("body");
var div = doc.createElement("div");
div.id = "mq-test-1";
div.style.cssText = "position:absolute;top:-100em";
fakeBody.style.background = "none";
* A replacement for the native MediaQueryList object.
* @param {String} q
* A media query e.g. "screen" or "screen and (min-width: 28em)".
function MediaQueryList(q) {
this.media = q;
this.matches = false;
* Polyfill the addListener and removeListener methods.
MediaQueryList.prototype = {
listeners: [],
* Perform the media query application check.
check: function () {
var isApplied;
div.innerHTML = "&shy;<style media=\"" + this.media + "\"> #mq-test-1 {width: 42px;}</style>";
docElem.insertBefore(fakeBody, refNode);
isApplied = div.offsetWidth === 42;
this.matches = isApplied;
* Polyfill the addListener method of the MediaQueryList object.
* @param {Function} callback
* The callback to be invoked when the media query is applicable.
* @return {Object MediaQueryList}
* A MediaQueryList object that indicates whether the registered media
* query applies. The matches property is true when the media query
* applies and false when not. The original media query is referenced in
* the media property.
addListener: function (callback) {
var handler = (function (mql, debounced) {
return function () {
// Only execute the callback if the state has changed.
var oldstate = mql.matches;
if (oldstate !== mql.matches) {
debounced.call(mql, mql);
}(this, Drupal.debounce(callback, 250)));
'callback': callback,
'handler': handler
// Associate the handler to the resize and orientationchange events.
if ('addEventListener' in window) {
window.addEventListener('resize', handler);
window.addEventListener('orientationchange', handler);
else if ('attachEvent' in window) {
window.attachEvent('onresize', handler);
window.attachEvent('onorientationchange', handler);
* Polyfill the removeListener method of the MediaQueryList object.
* @param {Function} callback
* The callback to be removed from the set of listeners.
removeListener: function (callback) {
for (var i = 0, listeners = this.listeners; i < listeners.length; i++) {
if (listeners[i].callback === callback) {
// Disassociate the handler to the resize and orientationchange events.
if ('removeEventListener' in window) {
window.removeEventListener('resize', listeners[i].handler);
window.removeEventListener('orientationchange', listeners[i].handler);
else if ('detachEvent' in window) {
window.detachEvent('onresize', listeners[i].handler);
window.detachEvent('onorientationchange', listeners[i].handler);
listeners.splice(i, 1);
* Return a MediaQueryList.
* @param {String} q
* A media query e.g. "screen" or "screen and (min-width: 28em)". The media
* query is checked for applicability before the object is returned.
return function (q) {
// Build a new MediaQueryList object with the result of the check.
return new MediaQueryList(q);
}(document, window, Drupal));