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// $Id$
* Move a block in the blocks table from one region to another via select list.
* This behavior is dependent on the tableDrag behavior, since it uses the
* objects initialized in that behavior to update the row.
Drupal.behaviors.blockDrag = {
attach: function(context) {
var table = $('table#blocks');
var tableDrag = Drupal.tableDrag.blocks; // Get the blocks tableDrag object.
// Add a handler for when a row is swapped, update empty regions.
tableDrag.row.prototype.onSwap = function(swappedRow) {
checkEmptyRegions(table, this);
// A custom message for the blocks page specifically.
Drupal.theme.tableDragChangedWarning = function () {
return '<div class="warning">' + Drupal.theme('tableDragChangedMarker') + ' ' + Drupal.t("The changes to these blocks will not be saved until the <em>Save blocks</em> button is clicked.") + '</div>';
// Add a handler so when a row is dropped, update fields dropped into new regions.
tableDrag.onDrop = function() {
dragObject = this;
if ($(dragObject.rowObject.element).prev('tr').is('.region-message')) {
var regionRow = $(dragObject.rowObject.element).prev('tr').get(0);
var regionName = regionRow.className.replace(/([^ ]+[ ]+)*region-([^ ]+)-message([ ]+[^ ]+)*/, '$2');
var regionField = $('select.block-region-select', dragObject.rowObject.element);
var weightField = $('select.block-weight', dragObject.rowObject.element);
var oldRegionName = weightField[0].className.replace(/([^ ]+[ ]+)*block-weight-([^ ]+)([ ]+[^ ]+)*/, '$2');
if (!regionField.is('.block-region-'+ regionName)) {
regionField.removeClass('block-region-' + oldRegionName).addClass('block-region-' + regionName);
weightField.removeClass('block-weight-' + oldRegionName).addClass('block-weight-' + regionName);
// Add the behavior to each region select list.
$('select.block-region-select:not(.blockregionselect-processed)', context).each(function() {
$(this).change(function(event) {
// Make our new row and select field.
var row = $(this).parents('tr:first');
var select = $(this);
tableDrag.rowObject = new tableDrag.row(row);
// Find the correct region and insert the row as the first in the region.
$('tr.region-message', table).each(function() {
if ($(this).is('.region-' + select[0].value + '-message')) {
// Add the new row and remove the old one.
// Manually update weights and restripe.
tableDrag.rowObject.changed = true;
if (tableDrag.oldRowElement) {
tableDrag.oldRowElement = row.get(0);
tableDrag.oldRowElement = row;
// Modify empty regions with added or removed fields.
checkEmptyRegions(table, row);
// Remove focus from selectbox.
var checkEmptyRegions = function(table, rowObject) {
$('tr.region-message', table).each(function() {
// If the dragged row is in this region, but above the message row, swap it down one space.
if ($(this).prev('tr').get(0) == rowObject.element) {
// Prevent a recursion problem when using the keyboard to move rows up.
if ((rowObject.method != 'keyboard' || rowObject.direction == 'down')) {
rowObject.swap('after', this);
// This region has become empty.
if ($(this).next('tr').is(':not(.draggable)') || $(this).next('tr').size() == 0) {
// This region has become populated.
else if ($(this).is('.region-empty')) {