
175 lines
5.6 KiB
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2000-05-18 19:52:00 +00:00
function defaultDisplay() {
include "functions.inc";
include "theme.inc";
global $user, $cookie;
if (isset($user)) getusrinfo($user);
print "<FORM ACTION=\"submit.php\" METHOD=\"post\">";
print "<P>\n <B>Your name:</B><BR>";
if ($user) {
echo " <A HREF=\"account.php\">$cookie[1]</A> &nbsp; &nbsp; <FONT SIZE=\"2\">[ <A HREF=\"account.php?op=logout\">logout</A> ]</FONT>";
} else {
echo "$anonymous &nbsp; &nbsp; <FONT SIZE=\"2\">[ <A HREF=\"account.php\">login</A> | <A HREF=\"account.php\">create an account</A> ]</FONT>";
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="subject" SIZE="50"><BR>
<FONT SIZE="2"><I>Bad subjects are 'Check this out!' or 'An article'. Be descriptive, clear and simple!</I></FONT>
<SELECT NAME="category">
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($categories); $i++) {
echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"$categories[$i]\">$categories[$i]\n";
<TEXTAREA WRAP="virtual" COLS="50" ROWS="8" NAME="abstract"></TEXTAREA><BR>
<FONT SIZE="2"><I>HTML is nice and dandy, but double check those URLs and HTML tags!</FONT>
<B>Extended story:</B></I><BR>
<TEXTAREA WRAP="virtual" COLS="50" ROWS="15" NAME="story"></TEXTAREA><BR>
<FONT SIZE="2"><I>HTML is nice and dandy, but double check those URLs and HTML tags!</FONT>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="op" VALUE="Preview story"> (You must preview at least once before you can submit.)
<FONT SIZE="2"><B>Important:</B> remember to include the exact URL of your <U>source</U> in case you refer to a story found on another website or your submission might be rejected!</FONT>
function PreviewStory($name, $address, $subject, $abstract, $story, $category) {
global $user, $cookie;
include "functions.inc";
include "theme.inc";
print "<B>Preview:</B><BR>";
$theme->preview("", $cookie[1], date("l, F d, Y - H:i A", time()), stripslashes($subject), "we-hate-typoes", stripslashes($abstract), "", stripslashes($story));
print "<FORM ACTION=\"submit.php\" METHOD=\"post\">";
print "<P>\n <B>Your name:</B><BR>";
if ($user) {
echo " <A HREF=\"account.php\">$cookie[1]</A> &nbsp; &nbsp; <FONT SIZE=\"2\"> [ <A HREF=\"account.php?op=logout\">logout</A> ]</FONT>";
} else {
echo "$anonymous &nbsp; &nbsp; <FONT SIZE=\"2\">[ <A HREF=\"$account.php\">login</A> | <A HREF=\"account.php\">create an account</A> ]</FONT>";
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="subject" SIZE="50" VALUE="<? print $subject; ?>"><BR>
<FONT SIZE="2"><I>Bad subjects are 'Check this out!' or 'An article'. Be descriptive, clear and simple!</I></FONT>
<SELECT NAME="category">
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($categories); $i++) {
print "<OPTION VALUE=\"$categories[$i]\" ";
if ($category == $categories[$i]) print "SELECTED";
print ">$categories[$i]\n";
<TEXTAREA WRAP="virtual" COLS="50" ROWS="8" NAME="abstract"><? print $abstract; ?></TEXTAREA><BR>
<FONT SIZE="2"><I>HTML is nice and dandy, but double check those URLs and HTML tags!</FONT>
<B>Extended story:</B></I><BR>
<TEXTAREA WRAP="virtual" COLS="50" ROWS="15" NAME="story"><? print $story; ?></TEXTAREA><BR>
<FONT SIZE="2"><I>HTML is nice and dandy, but double check those URLs and HTML tags!</FONT>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="op" VALUE="Preview again"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="op" VALUE="Submit story">
<FONT SIZE="2"><B>Important:</B> remember to include the exact URL of your <U>source</U> in case you refer to a story found on another website or your submission might be rejected!</FONT>
function submitStory($name, $address, $subject, $abstract, $article, $category) {
global $user, $cookie;
include "functions.inc";
### Display confirmation message:
include "theme.inc";
$theme->box("Thanks for your submission.", "Thanks for your submission. The gnomes in our basement will frown at it, poke at it, and - if you are lucky - even post it!");
### Add submission to queue:
if ($user) {
$uid = $cookie[0];
$name = $cookie[1];
else {
$uid = -1;
$name = $anonymous;
$subject = stripslashes(FixQuotes(check_html($subject, "nohtml")));
$abstract = stripslashes(FixQuotes(check_html($abstract)));
$article = stripslashes(FixQuotes(check_html($article)));
$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO queue VALUES (NULL, '$uid', '$name', '$subject', '$article', '". time() ."', '$category', '$abstract', 0, 0)");
### Send notification mail (if required):
if ($notify) {
$message = "New submission:\n\nsubject...: $subject\nauthor....: $name\ncategory..: $category\nabstract..:\n$abstract\n\narticle...:\n$article";
mail($notify_email, "$notify_subject $subject", $message, "From: $notify_from\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
switch($op) {
case "Preview story":
PreviewStory($name, $address, $subject, $abstract, $story, $category);
case "Preview again":
PreviewStory($name, $address, $subject, $abstract, $story, $category);
case "Submit story":
SubmitStory($name, $address, $subject, $abstract, $story, $category);