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* @file
* Timezone detection.
(function ($, Drupal) {
'use strict';
* Set the client's system time zone as default values of form fields.
* @type {Drupal~behavior}
Drupal.behaviors.setTimezone = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
var $timezone = $(context).find('.timezone-detect').once('timezone');
if ($timezone.length) {
var dateString = Date();
// In some client environments, date strings include a time zone
// abbreviation, between 3 and 5 letters enclosed in parentheses,
// which can be interpreted by PHP.
var matches = dateString.match(/\(([A-Z]{3,5})\)/);
var abbreviation = matches ? matches[1] : 0;
// For all other client environments, the abbreviation is set to "0"
// and the current offset from UTC and daylight saving time status are
// used to guess the time zone.
var dateNow = new Date();
var offsetNow = dateNow.getTimezoneOffset() * -60;
// Use January 1 and July 1 as test dates for determining daylight
// saving time status by comparing their offsets.
var dateJan = new Date(dateNow.getFullYear(), 0, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0);
var dateJul = new Date(dateNow.getFullYear(), 6, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0);
var offsetJan = dateJan.getTimezoneOffset() * -60;
var offsetJul = dateJul.getTimezoneOffset() * -60;
var isDaylightSavingTime;
// If the offset from UTC is identical on January 1 and July 1,
// assume daylight saving time is not used in this time zone.
if (offsetJan === offsetJul) {
isDaylightSavingTime = '';
// If the maximum annual offset is equivalent to the current offset,
// assume daylight saving time is in effect.
else if (Math.max(offsetJan, offsetJul) === offsetNow) {
isDaylightSavingTime = 1;
// Otherwise, assume daylight saving time is not in effect.
else {
isDaylightSavingTime = 0;
// Submit request to the system/timezone callback and set the form
// field to the response time zone. The client date is passed to the
// callback for debugging purposes. Submit a synchronous request to
// avoid database errors associated with concurrent requests
// during install.
var path = 'system/timezone/' + abbreviation + '/' + offsetNow + '/' + isDaylightSavingTime;
async: false,
url: Drupal.url(path),
data: {date: dateString},
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
if (data) {
})(jQuery, Drupal);