diff --git a/docs/busybox.net/footer.html b/docs/busybox.net/footer.html
index 299421ac8..31f8ca7b0 100644
--- a/docs/busybox.net/footer.html
+++ b/docs/busybox.net/footer.html
@@ -7,14 +7,34 @@
 <hr />
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-	Mail all comments, insults, suggestions and bribes to 
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-	Erik Andersen <A HREF="mailto:andersen@codepoet.org">andersen@codepoet.org</A><BR>
-    </font>
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+		    Mail all comments, insults, suggestions and bribes to
+		    <br>
+		    Erik Andersen <a href="mailto:andersen@codepoet.org">andersen@codepoet.org</a><br>
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diff --git a/docs/busybox.net/images/osuosl.png b/docs/busybox.net/images/osuosl.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b00b5007d
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/busybox.net/images/osuosl.png differ