# Argo-Events Chart This is a **community maintained** chart. It installs the [argo-events](https://github.com/argoproj/argo-events) application. This application comes packaged with: - Sensor Custom Resource Definition (See CRD Notes) - EventSource Custom Resource Definition (See CRD Notes) - EventBus Custom Resource Definition (See CRD Notes) - Controller Deployment - Validation Webhook Deployment - Service Accounts - Roles / Cluster Roles - Role Bindings / Cluster Role Bindings To regenerate this document, please run: ```shell ./scripts/helm-docs.sh ``` ## Upgrading ### Custom resource definitions Some users would prefer to install the CRDs _outside_ of the chart. You can disable the CRD installation of this chart by using `--set crds.install=false` when installing the chart. You can install the CRDs manually from `templates/crds` folder. ### 2.0.* Custom resource definitions were moved to `templates` folder so they can be managed by Helm. To adopt already created CRDs please use following command: ```bash for crd in "eventbus.argoproj.io" "eventsources.argoproj.io" "sensors.argoproj.io"; do kubectl label --overwrite crd $crd app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=Helm kubectl annotate --overwrite crd $crd meta.helm.sh/release-namespace= kubectl annotate --overwrite crd $crd meta.helm.sh/release-name= done ``` ## Values ### General parameters | Key | Type | Default | Description | |-----|------|---------|-------------| {{- range .Values }} {{- if not (or (hasPrefix "controller" .Key) (hasPrefix "webhook" .Key) ) }} | {{ .Key }} | {{ .Type }} | {{ if .Default }}{{ .Default }}{{ else }}{{ .AutoDefault }}{{ end }} | {{ if .Description }}{{ .Description }}{{ else }}{{ .AutoDescription }}{{ end }} | {{- end }} {{- end }} ### Controller | Key | Type | Default | Description | |-----|------|---------|-------------| {{- range .Values }} {{- if hasPrefix "controller" .Key }} | {{ .Key }} | {{ .Type }} | {{ if .Default }}{{ .Default }}{{ else }}{{ .AutoDefault }}{{ end }} | {{ if .Description }}{{ .Description }}{{ else }}{{ .AutoDescription }}{{ end }} | {{- end }} {{- end }} ### Webhook | Key | Type | Default | Description | |-----|------|---------|-------------| {{- range .Values }} {{- if hasPrefix "webhook" .Key }} | {{ .Key }} | {{ .Type }} | {{ if .Default }}{{ .Default }}{{ else }}{{ .AutoDefault }}{{ end }} | {{ if .Description }}{{ .Description }}{{ else }}{{ .AutoDescription }}{{ end }} | {{- end }} {{- end }} ---------------------------------------------- Autogenerated from chart metadata using [helm-docs](https://github.com/norwoodj/helm-docs) [affinity]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/ [Node selector]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ [probe]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#container-probes [Tolerations]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ [TopologySpreadConstraints]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-topology-spread-constraints/ [values.yaml]: values.yaml