diff --git a/charts/argo-cd/Chart.yaml b/charts/argo-cd/Chart.yaml
index 9d787849..a585f90e 100644
--- a/charts/argo-cd/Chart.yaml
+++ b/charts/argo-cd/Chart.yaml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ apiVersion: v2
 appVersion: v2.4.12
 description: A Helm chart for Argo CD, a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.
 name: argo-cd
-version: 5.5.3
+version: 5.5.4
 home: https://github.com/argoproj/argo-helm
 icon: https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/assets/logo.png
@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ dependencies:
     condition: redis-ha.enabled
   artifacthub.io/changes: |
-    - "[Fixed]: Node selector for repoServer was not rendered correctly"
+    - "[Fixed]: Clarified documentation around CRD upgrades"
diff --git a/charts/argo-cd/README.md b/charts/argo-cd/README.md
index 68befdd7..3fda655f 100644
--- a/charts/argo-cd/README.md
+++ b/charts/argo-cd/README.md
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ Changes in the `CustomResourceDefinition` resources shall be fixed easily by cop
 Some users would prefer to install the CRDs _outside_ of the chart. You can disable the CRD installation of this chart by using `--set crds.install=false` when installing the chart.
-Helm cannot upgrade custom resource definitions [by design](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_best_practices/custom_resource_definitions/#some-caveats-and-explanations).
+Helm cannot upgrade custom resource definitions in the `<chart>/crds` folder [by design](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_best_practices/custom_resource_definitions/#some-caveats-and-explanations). Starting with 5.2.0, the CRDs have been moved to `<chart>/templates` to address this design decision.
-Please use `kubectl` to upgrade CRDs manually from [templates/crds](templates/crds/) folder or via the manifests from the upstream project repo:
+If you are using Argo CD chart version prior to 5.2.0 or have elected to manage the Argo CD CRDs outside of the chart, please use `kubectl` to upgrade CRDs manually from [templates/crds](templates/crds/) folder or via the manifests from the upstream project repo:
 kubectl apply -k "https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/manifests/crds?ref=<appVersion>"
diff --git a/charts/argo-cd/README.md.gotmpl b/charts/argo-cd/README.md.gotmpl
index d44a4f6d..c14ca122 100644
--- a/charts/argo-cd/README.md.gotmpl
+++ b/charts/argo-cd/README.md.gotmpl
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ Changes in the `CustomResourceDefinition` resources shall be fixed easily by cop
 Some users would prefer to install the CRDs _outside_ of the chart. You can disable the CRD installation of this chart by using `--set crds.install=false` when installing the chart.
-Helm cannot upgrade custom resource definitions [by design](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_best_practices/custom_resource_definitions/#some-caveats-and-explanations).
+Helm cannot upgrade custom resource definitions in the `<chart>/crds` folder [by design](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_best_practices/custom_resource_definitions/#some-caveats-and-explanations). Starting with 5.2.0, the CRDs have been moved to `<chart>/templates` to address this design decision.
-Please use `kubectl` to upgrade CRDs manually from [templates/crds](templates/crds/) folder or via the manifests from the upstream project repo:
+If you are using Argo CD chart version prior to 5.2.0 or have elected to manage the Argo CD CRDs outside of the chart, please use `kubectl` to upgrade CRDs manually from [templates/crds](templates/crds/) folder or via the manifests from the upstream project repo:
 kubectl apply -k "https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/manifests/crds?ref=<appVersion>"