
238 lines
9.0 KiB

import os
from os.path import sep, normpath, join, exists
import ntpath
import copy
from collections import namedtuple
import shutil
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import re
from tools.arm_pack_manager import Cache
from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
from tools.export.exporters import Exporter
from tools.export.cmsis import DeviceCMSIS
cache_d = False
class DeviceUvision(DeviceCMSIS):
"""Uvision Device class, inherits CMSIS Device class
Encapsulates information necessary for uvision project targets"""
def __init__(self, target):
DeviceCMSIS.__init__(self, target)
dev_format = "$$Device:{0}${1}"
self.svd = ''
if self.debug_svd:
self.svd = dev_format.format(self.dname, self.debug_svd)
self.reg_file = dev_format.format(self.dname, self.compile_header)
self.debug_interface = self.uv_debug()
self.flash_dll = self.generate_flash_dll()
def uv_debug(self):
"""Return a namedtuple of information about uvision debug settings"""
UVDebug = namedtuple('UVDebug',['bin_loc','core_flag', 'key'])
# CortexMXn => pCMX
cpu = self.core.replace("Cortex-", "C")
cpu = cpu.replace("+", "")
cpu = cpu.replace("F", "")
cpu_flag = "p"+cpu
# Locations found in Keil_v5/TOOLS.INI
debuggers = {"st-link": ('STLink\\ST-LINKIII-KEIL_SWO.dll', 'ST-LINKIII-KEIL_SWO'),
"j-link":('Segger\\JL2CM3.dll', 'JL2CM3'),
"cmsis-dap":('BIN\\CMSIS_AGDI.dll', 'CMSIS_AGDI'),
res = debuggers[self.debug.lower()]
binary = res[0]
key = res[1]
return UVDebug(binary, cpu_flag, key)
def generate_flash_dll(self):
'''Flash DLL string from uvision
S = SW/JTAG Clock ID
C = CPU index in JTAG chain
P = Access Port
For the Options for Target -> Debug tab -> settings -> "Flash" tab in the dialog:
FD = RAM Start for Flash Functions
FC = RAM Size for Flash Functions
FN = Number of Flash types
FF = Flash File Name (without an extension)
FS = Start Address of the Flash Device
FL = Size of the Flash Device
FP = Full path to the Device algorithm (RTE)
Necessary to flash some targets. Info gathered from algorithms field of pdsc file.
fl_count = 0
def get_mem_no_x(mem_str):
mem_reg = "\dx(\w+)"
m = re.search(mem_reg, mem_str)
return m.group(1) if m else None
RAMS = [(get_mem_no_x(info["start"]), get_mem_no_x(info["size"]))
for mem, info in self.target_info["memory"].items() if "RAM" in mem]
format_str = "UL2CM3(-S0 -C0 -P0 -FD{ramstart}"+" -FC{ramsize} "+"-FN{num_algos} {extra_flags})"
ramstart = ''
#Default according to Keil developer
ramsize = '1000'
if len(RAMS)>=1:
ramstart = RAMS[0][0]
extra_flags = []
for name, info in self.target_info["algorithm"].items():
if not name or not info:
if int(info["default"])==0:
name_reg = "\w*/([\w_]+)\.flm"
m = re.search(name_reg, name.lower())
fl_name = m.group(1) if m else None
name_flag = "-FF" + str(fl_count) + fl_name
start, size = get_mem_no_x(info["start"]), get_mem_no_x(info["size"])
rom_start_flag = "-FS"+str(fl_count)+str(start)
rom_size_flag = "-FL" + str(fl_count) + str(size)
if info["ramstart"] is not None and info["ramsize"] is not None:
ramstart = get_mem_no_x(info["ramstart"])
ramsize = get_mem_no_x(info["ramsize"])
path_flag = "-FP" + str(fl_count) + "($$Device:"+self.dname+"$"+name+")"
extra_flags.extend([name_flag, rom_start_flag, rom_size_flag, path_flag])
fl_count += 1
extra = " ".join(extra_flags)
return format_str.format(ramstart=ramstart,
extra_flags=extra, num_algos=fl_count)
class Uvision(Exporter):
"""Keil Uvision class
This class encapsulates information to be contained in a Uvision
project file (.uvprojx).
The needed information can be viewed in uvision.tmpl
NAME = 'uvision5'
for target, obj in TARGET_MAP.iteritems():
if not ("ARM" in obj.supported_toolchains and hasattr(obj, "device_name")):
if not DeviceCMSIS.check_supported(target):
#File associations within .uvprojx file
file_types = {'.cpp': 8, '.c': 1, '.s': 2,
'.obj': 3, '.o': 3, '.lib': 4,
'.ar': 4, '.h': 5, '.hpp': 5, '.sct': 4}
def uv_file(self, loc):
"""Return a namedtuple of information about project file
Positional Arguments:
loc - the file's location
.uvprojx XML for project file:
UVFile = namedtuple('UVFile', ['type','loc','name'])
_, ext = os.path.splitext(loc)
type = self.file_types[ext.lower()]
name = ntpath.basename(normpath(loc))
return UVFile(type, loc, name)
def format_flags(self):
"""Format toolchain flags for Uvision"""
flags = copy.deepcopy(self.flags)
asm_flag_string = '--cpreproc --cpreproc_opts=-D__ASSERT_MSG,' + \
# asm flags only, common are not valid within uvision project,
# they are armcc specific
flags['asm_flags'] = asm_flag_string
# cxx flags included, as uvision have them all in one tab
flags['c_flags'] = list(set(['-D__ASSERT_MSG']
+ flags['common_flags']
+ flags['c_flags']
+ flags['cxx_flags']))
# not compatible with c99 flag set in the template
try: flags['c_flags'].remove("--c99")
except ValueError: pass
# cpp is not required as it's implicit for cpp files
try: flags['c_flags'].remove("--cpp")
except ValueError: pass
# we want no-vla for only cxx, but it's also applied for C in IDE,
# thus we remove it
try: flags['c_flags'].remove("--no_vla")
except ValueError: pass
flags['c_flags'] =" ".join(flags['c_flags'])
return flags
def format_src(self, srcs):
"""Make sources into the named tuple for use in the template"""
grouped = self.group_project_files(srcs)
for group, files in grouped.items():
grouped[group] = [self.uv_file(src) for src in files]
return grouped
def generate(self):
"""Generate the .uvproj file"""
cache = Cache(True, False)
if cache_d:
srcs = self.resources.headers + self.resources.s_sources + \
self.resources.c_sources + self.resources.cpp_sources + \
self.resources.objects + self.resources.libraries
ctx = {
'name': self.project_name,
'project_files': self.format_src(srcs),
'include_paths': '; '.join(self.resources.inc_dirs).encode('utf-8'),
'device': DeviceUvision(self.target),
# Turn on FPU optimizations if the core has an FPU
ctx['fpu_setting'] = 1 if 'f' not in ctx['device'].core.lower() \
or 'd' in ctx['device'].core.lower() else 2
self.gen_file('uvision/uvision.tmpl', ctx, self.project_name+".uvprojx")
self.gen_file('uvision/uvision_debug.tmpl', ctx, self.project_name + ".uvoptx")
def build(project_name, log_name='build_log.txt', cleanup=True):
""" Build Uvision project """
# > UV4 -r -j0 -o [log_name] [project_name].uvprojx
proj_file = project_name + ".uvprojx"
cmd = ['UV4', '-r', '-j0', '-o', log_name, proj_file]
# Build the project
p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()
ret_code = p.returncode
# Print the log file to stdout
with open(log_name, 'r') as f:
print f.read()
# Cleanup the exported and built files
if cleanup:
if exists('.build'):
# Returns 0 upon success, 1 upon a warning, and neither upon an error
if ret_code != 0 and ret_code != 1:
# Seems like something went wrong.
return -1
return 0