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* @file stm32l4xx_hal_sram.h
* @author MCD Application Team
* @brief Header file of SRAM HAL module.
* @attention
* <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.</center></h2>
* This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
* the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32L4xx_HAL_SRAM_H
#define __STM32L4xx_HAL_SRAM_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if defined(FMC_BANK1)
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32l4xx_ll_fmc.h"
/** @addtogroup STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver
* @{
/** @addtogroup SRAM
* @{
/* Exported typedef ----------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup SRAM_Exported_Types SRAM Exported Types
* @{
* @brief HAL SRAM State structures definition
typedef enum
HAL_SRAM_STATE_RESET = 0x00U, /*!< SRAM not yet initialized or disabled */
HAL_SRAM_STATE_READY = 0x01U, /*!< SRAM initialized and ready for use */
HAL_SRAM_STATE_BUSY = 0x02U, /*!< SRAM internal process is ongoing */
HAL_SRAM_STATE_ERROR = 0x03U, /*!< SRAM error state */
HAL_SRAM_STATE_PROTECTED = 0x04U /*!< SRAM peripheral NORSRAM device write protected */
* @brief SRAM handle Structure definition
typedef struct
FMC_NORSRAM_TypeDef *Instance; /*!< Register base address */
FMC_NORSRAM_EXTENDED_TypeDef *Extended; /*!< Extended mode register base address */
FMC_NORSRAM_InitTypeDef Init; /*!< SRAM device control configuration parameters */
HAL_LockTypeDef Lock; /*!< SRAM locking object */
__IO HAL_SRAM_StateTypeDef State; /*!< SRAM device access state */
DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma; /*!< Pointer DMA handler */
* @}
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup SRAM_Exported_Macros SRAM Exported Macros
* @{
/** @brief Reset SRAM handle state
* @param __HANDLE__ SRAM handle
* @retval None
* @}
/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @addtogroup SRAM_Exported_Functions SRAM Exported Functions
* @{
/** @addtogroup SRAM_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions
* @{
/* Initialization/de-initialization functions ********************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SRAM_Init(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram, FMC_NORSRAM_TimingTypeDef *Timing, FMC_NORSRAM_TimingTypeDef *ExtTiming);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SRAM_DeInit(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram);
void HAL_SRAM_MspInit(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram);
void HAL_SRAM_MspDeInit(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram);
* @}
/** @addtogroup SRAM_Exported_Functions_Group2 Input Output and memory control functions
* @{
/* I/O operation functions ***************************************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SRAM_Read_8b(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram, uint32_t *pAddress, uint8_t *pDstBuffer, uint32_t BufferSize);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SRAM_Write_8b(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram, uint32_t *pAddress, uint8_t *pSrcBuffer, uint32_t BufferSize);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SRAM_Read_16b(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram, uint32_t *pAddress, uint16_t *pDstBuffer, uint32_t BufferSize);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SRAM_Write_16b(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram, uint32_t *pAddress, uint16_t *pSrcBuffer, uint32_t BufferSize);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SRAM_Read_32b(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram, uint32_t *pAddress, uint32_t *pDstBuffer, uint32_t BufferSize);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SRAM_Write_32b(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram, uint32_t *pAddress, uint32_t *pSrcBuffer, uint32_t BufferSize);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SRAM_Read_DMA(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram, uint32_t *pAddress, uint32_t *pDstBuffer, uint32_t BufferSize);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SRAM_Write_DMA(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram, uint32_t *pAddress, uint32_t *pSrcBuffer, uint32_t BufferSize);
void HAL_SRAM_DMA_XferCpltCallback(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
void HAL_SRAM_DMA_XferErrorCallback(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
* @}
/** @addtogroup SRAM_Exported_Functions_Group3 Control functions
* @{
/* SRAM Control functions ****************************************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SRAM_WriteOperation_Enable(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SRAM_WriteOperation_Disable(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram);
* @}
/** @addtogroup SRAM_Exported_Functions_Group4 Peripheral State functions
* @{
/* SRAM State functions ******************************************************/
HAL_SRAM_StateTypeDef HAL_SRAM_GetState(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram);
* @}
* @}
* @}
* @}
#endif /* FMC_BANK1 */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __STM32L4xx_HAL_SRAM_H */
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