
525 lines
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* \file LoRaWANStack.h
* \brief LoRaWAN stack layer implementation
* \copyright Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
* \code
* ______ _
* / _____) _ | |
* ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
* \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
* _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
* (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
* (C)2013 Semtech
* ___ _____ _ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___
* / __|_ _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __|
* \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) | / (__| _|
* |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___|
* embedded.connectivity.solutions===============
* \endcode
* \author Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
* \author Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
* \author Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE )
* \defgroup LoRaWAN stack layer that controls MAC layer underneath
* License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
* Copyright (c) 2017, Arm Limited and affiliates.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <stdint.h>
#include "events/EventQueue.h"
#include "platform/Callback.h"
#include "platform/NonCopyable.h"
#include "platform/ScopedLock.h"
#include "lorastack/mac/LoRaMac.h"
#include "system/LoRaWANTimer.h"
#include "system/lorawan_data_structures.h"
#include "LoRaRadio.h"
class LoRaPHY;
class LoRaWANStack: private mbed::NonCopyable<LoRaWANStack> {
/** Binds PHY layer and radio driver to stack.
* MAC layer is totally detached from the PHY layer so the stack layer
* needs to play the role of an arbitrator.
* This API sets the PHY layer object to stack and bind the radio driver
* object from the application to the PHY layer.
* Also initialises radio callback handles which the radio driver will
* use in order to report events.
* @param radio LoRaRadio object, i.e., the radio driver
* @param phy LoRaPHY object.
void bind_phy_and_radio_driver(LoRaRadio &radio, LoRaPHY &phy);
/** End device initialization.
* @param queue A pointer to an EventQueue passed from the application.
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK on success, a negative error code on failure.
lorawan_status_t initialize_mac_layer(events::EventQueue *queue);
/** Sets all callbacks for the application.
* @param callbacks A pointer to the structure carrying callbacks.
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK on success, a negative error code on failure.
lorawan_status_t set_lora_callbacks(const lorawan_app_callbacks_t *callbacks);
/** Connect OTAA or ABP using Mbed-OS config system
* @return For ABP: If everything goes well, LORAWAN_STATUS_OK is returned for first call followed by
* a 'CONNECTED' event. Otherwise a negative error code is returned.
* Any subsequent call will return LORAWAN_STATUS_ALREADY_CONNECTED and no event follows.
* For OTAA: When a JoinRequest is sent, LORAWAN_STATUS_CONNECT_IN_PROGRESS is returned for the first call.
* Any subsequent call will return either LORAWAN_STATUS_BUSY (if the previous request for connection
* is still underway) or LORAWAN_STATUS_ALREADY_CONNECTED (if a network was already joined successfully).
* A 'CONNECTED' event is sent to the application when the JoinAccept is received.
lorawan_status_t connect();
/** Connect OTAA or ABP with parameters
* @param connect Options for an end device connection to the gateway.
* @return For ABP: If everything goes well, LORAWAN_STATUS_OK is returned for first call followed by
* a 'CONNECTED' event. Otherwise a negative error code is returned.
* Any subsequent call will return LORAWAN_STATUS_ALREADY_CONNECTED and no event follows.
* For OTAA: When a JoinRequest is sent, LORAWAN_STATUS_CONNECT_IN_PROGRESS is returned for the first call.
* Any subsequent call will return either LORAWAN_STATUS_BUSY (if the previous request for connection
* is still underway) or LORAWAN_STATUS_ALREADY_CONNECTED (if a network was already joined successfully).
* A 'CONNECTED' event is sent to the application when the JoinAccept is received.
lorawan_status_t connect(const lorawan_connect_t &connect);
/** Adds channels to use.
* You can provide a list of channels with appropriate parameters filled
* in. However, this list is not absolute. In some regions, a CF
* list gets implemented by default, which means that the network can overwrite your channel
* frequency settings right after receiving a Join Accept. You may try
* to set up any channel or channels after that and if the channel requested
* is already active, the request is silently ignored. A negative error
* code is returned if there is any problem with parameters.
* You need to ensure that the base station nearby supports the channel or channels being added.
* If your list includes a default channel (a channel where Join Requests
* are received) you cannot fully configure the channel parameters.
* Either leave the channel settings to default or check your
* corresponding PHY layer implementation. For example, LoRaPHYE868.
* @param channel_plan A list of channels or a single channel.
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK on success, a negative error
* code on failure.
lorawan_status_t add_channels(const lorawan_channelplan_t &channel_plan);
/** Removes a channel from the list.
* @param channel_id Index of the channel being removed
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK on success, a negative error
* code on failure.
lorawan_status_t remove_a_channel(uint8_t channel_id);
/** Removes a previously set channel plan.
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK on success, a negative error
* code on failure.
lorawan_status_t drop_channel_list();
/** Gets a list of currently enabled channels .
* @param channel_plan The channel plan structure to store final result.
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK on success, a negative error
* code on failure.
lorawan_status_t get_enabled_channels(lorawan_channelplan_t &channel_plan);
/** Sets up a retry counter for confirmed messages.
* Valid only for confirmed messages. This API sets the number of times the
* stack will retry a CONFIRMED message before giving up and reporting an
* error.
* @param count The number of retries for confirmed messages.
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK or a negative error code.
lorawan_status_t set_confirmed_msg_retry(uint8_t count);
/** Sets up the data rate.
* `set_datarate()` first verifies whether the data rate given is valid or not.
* If it is valid, the system sets the given data rate to the channel.
* @param data_rate The intended data rate, for example DR_0 or DR_1.
* Note that the macro DR_* can mean different
* things in different regions.
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK if everything goes well, otherwise
* a negative error code.
lorawan_status_t set_channel_data_rate(uint8_t data_rate);
/** Enables ADR.
* @param adr_enabled 0 ADR disabled, 1 ADR enabled.
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK on success, a negative error
* code on failure.
lorawan_status_t enable_adaptive_datarate(bool adr_enabled);
/** Send message to gateway
* @param port The application port number. Port numbers 0 and 224
* are reserved, whereas port numbers from 1 to 223
* (0x01 to 0xDF) are valid port numbers.
* Anything out of this range is illegal.
* @param data A pointer to the data being sent. The ownership of the
* buffer is not transferred. The data is copied to the
* internal buffers.
* @param length The size of data in bytes.
* @param flags A flag used to determine what type of
* message is being sent, for example:
* used in conjunction with MSG_UNCONFIRMED_FLAG and
* MSG_CONFIRMED_FLAG depending on the intended use.
* a confirmed message flag for a proprietary message.
* mutually exclusive.
* @param null_allowed Internal use only. Needed for sending empty packet
* having CONFIRMED bit on.
* @param allow_port_0 Internal use only. Needed for flushing MAC commands.
* @return The number of bytes sent, or
* ongoing, or a negative error code on failure.
int16_t handle_tx(uint8_t port, const uint8_t *data,
uint16_t length, uint8_t flags,
bool null_allowed = false, bool allow_port_0 = false);
/** Receives a message from the Network Server.
* @param data A pointer to buffer where the received data will be
* stored.
* @param length The size of data in bytes
* @param port The application port number. Port numbers 0 and 224
* are reserved, whereas port numbers from 1 to 223
* (0x01 to 0xDF) are valid port numbers.
* Anything out of this range is illegal.
* In return will contain the number of port to which
* message was received.
* @param flags A flag is used to determine what type of
* message is being received, for example:
* used in conjunction with MSG_UNCONFIRMED_FLAG and
* MSG_CONFIRMED_FLAG depending on the intended use.
* a confirmed message flag for a proprietary message.
* not mutually exclusive, i.e., the user can subscribe to
* receive both CONFIRMED AND UNCONFIRMED messages at
* the same time.
* In return will contain the flags to determine what kind
* of message was received.
* @param validate_params If set to true, the given port and flags values will be checked
* against the values received with the message. If values do not
* match, LORAWAN_STATUS_WOULD_BLOCK will be returned.
* @return It could be one of these:
* i) 0 if there is nothing else to read.
* ii) Number of bytes written to user buffer.
* nothing available to read at the moment.
* iv) A negative error code on failure.
int16_t handle_rx(uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, uint8_t &port, int &flags, bool validate_params);
/** Send Link Check Request MAC command.
* This API schedules a Link Check Request command (LinkCheckReq) for the network
* server and once the response, i.e., LinkCheckAns MAC command is received
* from the Network Server, an event is generated.
* A callback function for the link check response must be set prior to using
* this API, otherwise a LORAWAN_STATUS_PARAMETER_INVALID error is thrown.
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK on successfully queuing a request, or
* a negative error code on failure.
lorawan_status_t set_link_check_request();
/** Removes link check request sticky MAC command.
* Any already queued request may still get entertained. However, no new
* requests will be made.
void remove_link_check_request();
/** Shuts down the LoRaWAN protocol.
* In response to the user call for disconnection, the stack shuts down itself.
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_DEVICE_OFF on successfully shutdown.
lorawan_status_t shutdown();
/** Change device class
* Change current device class.
* @param device_class The device class
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK on success,
* LORAWAN_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED is requested class is not supported,
* or other negative error code if request failed.
lorawan_status_t set_device_class(const device_class_t &device_class);
/** Acquire TX meta-data
* Upon successful transmission, TX meta-data will be made available
* @param metadata A reference to the inbound structure which will be
* filled with any TX meta-data if available.
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK if successful,
lorawan_status_t acquire_tx_metadata(lorawan_tx_metadata &metadata);
/** Acquire RX meta-data
* Upon successful reception, RX meta-data will be made available
* @param metadata A reference to the inbound structure which will be
* filled with any RX meta-data if available.
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK if successful,
lorawan_status_t acquire_rx_metadata(lorawan_rx_metadata &metadata);
/** Acquire backoff meta-data
* Get hold of backoff time after which the transmission will take place.
* @param backoff A reference to the inbound integer which will be
* filled with any backoff meta-data if available.
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK if successful,
lorawan_status_t acquire_backoff_metadata(int &backoff);
/** Stops sending
* Stop sending any outstanding messages if they are not yet queued for
* transmission, i.e., if the backoff timer is nhot elapsed yet.
* @return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK if the transmission is cancelled.
lorawan_status_t stop_sending(void);
void lock(void)
void unlock(void)
typedef mbed::ScopedLock<LoRaWANStack> Lock;
* Checks if the user provided port is valid or not
bool is_port_valid(uint8_t port, bool allow_port_0 = false);
* State machine for stack controller layer.
lorawan_status_t state_controller(device_states_t new_state);
* Helpers for state controller
void process_uninitialized_state(lorawan_status_t &op_status);
void process_idle_state(lorawan_status_t &op_status);
void process_connected_state();
void process_connecting_state(lorawan_status_t &op_status);
void process_joining_state(lorawan_status_t &op_status);
void process_scheduling_state(lorawan_status_t &op_status);
void process_status_check_state();
void process_shutdown_state(lorawan_status_t &op_status);
void state_machine_run_to_completion(void);
* Handles MLME indications
void mlme_indication_handler(void);
* Handles an MLME confirmation
void mlme_confirm_handler(void);
* Handles an MCPS confirmation
void mcps_confirm_handler(void);
* Handles an MCPS indication
void mcps_indication_handler(void);
* Sets up user application port
lorawan_status_t set_application_port(uint8_t port, bool allow_port_0 = false);
* Handles connection internally
lorawan_status_t handle_connect(bool is_otaa);
/** Send event to application.
* @param event The event to be sent.
void send_event_to_application(const lorawan_event_t event) const;
/** Send empty uplink message to network.
* Sends an empty confirmed message to gateway.
* @param port The event to be sent.
void send_automatic_uplink_message(uint8_t port);
* TX interrupt handlers and corresponding processors
void tx_interrupt_handler(void);
void tx_timeout_interrupt_handler(void);
void process_transmission(void);
void process_transmission_timeout(void);
* RX interrupt handlers and corresponding processors
void rx_interrupt_handler(const uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi,
int8_t snr);
void rx_timeout_interrupt_handler(void);
void rx_error_interrupt_handler(void);
void process_reception(const uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi,
int8_t snr);
void process_reception_timeout(bool is_timeout);
int convert_to_msg_flag(const mcps_type_t type);
void make_tx_metadata_available(void);
void make_rx_metadata_available(void);
void handle_ack_expiry_for_class_c(void);
LoRaMac _loramac;
radio_events_t radio_events;
device_states_t _device_current_state;
lorawan_app_callbacks_t _callbacks;
lorawan_session_t _lw_session;
loramac_tx_message_t _tx_msg;
loramac_rx_message_t _rx_msg;
lorawan_tx_metadata _tx_metadata;
lorawan_rx_metadata _rx_metadata;
uint8_t _num_retry;
uint32_t _ctrl_flags;
uint8_t _app_port;
bool _link_check_requested;
bool _automatic_uplink_ongoing;
volatile bool _ready_for_rx;
uint8_t _rx_payload[LORAMAC_PHY_MAXPAYLOAD];
events::EventQueue *_queue;
lorawan_time_t _tx_timestamp;
* Used only for compliance testing
void compliance_test_handler(loramac_mcps_indication_t *mcps_indication);
* Used only for compliance testing
lorawan_status_t send_compliance_test_frame_to_mac();
compliance_test_t _compliance_test;
#endif /* LORAWANSTACK_H_ */